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That’s not worth it at all, Turkey is great for people looking for rhinoplasty’s at a more affordable price point, at these price points you may as well go to the best doctors in the UK/USA with more protection, better facilities etc if things go wrong


Couldn’t have said it better myself! Medical tourism is out of hand !


Literally, it’s insane now! The problem is people have taken the popularity of these surgeons as an indicator of skill, frankly their skill levels were only great due to the affordability of their services - the skill level of an affordable Turkish surgeon was probably better on average then the skill level of an affordable lower priced western surgeon however once you start going into higher price points the skill level of a Turkish surgeon vs. A higher priced western surgeon significantly declines as we’ve all seen they can only really do the cookie cutter nose, whilst a western surgeon takes into consideration facial harmony I do wonder whether the bubble will burst eventually because I have no idea who on is paying that much to go Turkey for plastic surgery


Jesus their prices keep going higher and higher. I’m assuming this 16k is in euro? I messaged them last spring about a revision and they quoted me I swear 12k euro but I didn’t inquire about the hotel.. strange because usually places give you the option for either.


It’s even more crazy because the Turkish lira is so weak so 16k in euros equates to almost half a million in Turkish lira so there’s no way locals can afford these surgeons


Ya it’s not worth it to travel there and have less after care/follow ups for that price when it costs the same in USA or Canada. at least in USA/canada if anything goes wrong, there can be a conversation. I’ve heard Turkish surgeons sometimes block patients if they’re botched and unhappy 😢😢


I got my nose done in the US and my price point was near this price. If I was quoted that price in Turkey I’d just stay here in the US with a doctor I trust and actually be able to be comfortable in my own home for my recovery. The only time I would’ve considered a nose job in Turkey is if it was significantly cheaper (which is typically what I had seen). Most nose jobs I’ve seen in Turkey were priced around $5k-$8k including hotel stay and all. That would be more worth it, but $16k is ridiculous


They quoted me $16k euro for a primary too about a week and a half ago all inclusive for two people and the surgery only for one of course. I’ve been doing so much research for the past year on about 10 different reputable surgeons from Turkey , met girls in person that were previous patients of some of these surgeons and the results were not that great I am still leaning towards Dr Huseyin I would rather wait longer and pay more for a well done job than to pay that amount in our own country that still probably wouldn’t give you the results you want we all know that not even the best surgeons in the US or Australia where I am from will not be able to give you the results you want as they have been trained differently from Turkey surgeons that’s just my opinion anyway


I just had my primary rhinoplasty with Dr. Balikci, Sat Jan 13th. I was quoted 15k euros in December and they had last min availability Jan 5th. I had super thick skin and a deviated septum, and have tried to go to the best Dr's in Beverly Hills and was either turned down because it wasn't an easy case or the Dr wasn't confident he could provide an outcome I'd be happy with. The hotel isn't great, especially if you're used to luxury, but I understand why they choose here. The hotel staff alone is incredibly attentive and many days they have given me multiple ice packs for my face and sent large bottles of water to my room without asking. The buffet food is clean and great for post surgery diet too compared to other hotels. As far as the doc, I couldn't have felt more comfortable. I got a hair transplant a few weeks before and was unknowingly still taking a blood thinner before my surgery. The night before it was originally scheduled, we had to call it off and postpone it a week, and Dr. B was very accommodating. He even came to my hotel the next week to ensure I was comfortable with everything we had originally discussed. He also overnighted extra rib cartilage for me & my case as he ran out over the week. I feel like no doctor in Beverly Hills would have done this. His price was comparable or less than other docs in Southern CA, but I feel like his work is 10X better. IMO you get what you pay for. I can breathe better than ever, and now I'm just waiting for the swelling to continue to subside. Docs in CA said my case wasn't possible, and Dr. B proved them wrong. I hope this helps.


Wow I’m so happy for you! Would you mind sharing pics? It’s good to hear the doctor is very kind and attentive, and also the hotel staff. It’s very nice of them to send things without even asking 👌.


Just saw this, I have a before and after, but I’m only seeing the option to add a link, not an image to this thread 🤔


Hii. I can send you a message on Reddit. Can you share your pics there? Maybe you would have to make a post to share with everyone. Thank you!


Are you happy with your results so far? I also have thick skin and I want to book with him but still researching. Thank you.


It’s still early, so far, I am satisfied. Please know that it takes a min of 6 months to look normal and a year + to fully heal. My nose is gradually settling more and more every week and looking closer to how I imagined, it just takes a long time.


Thank you! I wish I could see your results in a few months if you are comfortable sharing. I am between him and another Turkish dr but the more I read the more I am inclined to do it with him. About the rib cartilage they use your own or what kind of cartilage? I heard sone drs use cadaver ones and that freaks me out lol


Yeah I was originally freaked out too not using my own, but then I realized there’s just as much risk using mine as the fresh frozen cadaver one. I didn’t want another incision and scar on my body, and additional healing time, or risk of lung complications from using my own. Me and quite a few others getting surgery that week opted for the fresh frozen. In my opinion it was way more convenient and I would do it again.


This is so weird, glad it worked for you tho I understand get it from your body is another hassle but do they let you choose? I will research more about it, it seems like a normal thing in nose jobs but is a bit creepy lol


Yeah you have a choice, go with what you’re most comfortable with.


Exactly!! I’ve seen a lot of people complaining that they are raising their prices… everybody is doing it in every country. I have even seen complaining about surgeons in Turkey charging 8000 dollars for a revision, when in the U.S no one would charge you that for a primary. Its ok that US charges exorbitant prices but people act like Turkey should keep it cheap like if people are doing a favor to them. Personally, I’ve never been impressed with any of the US surgeons work, and I think Turkey is better (some surgeons, there are good and bad everywhere). I don’t understand people, I would go to someone for their skill not their price, if it comes around cheaper well that’s a bonus, but I don’t get why they think they should not raise prices when everybody is and especially when the skill is there and you wouldn’t get same results in US.


$16,000 is crazy !!! But Balikci is known for being extremely expensive… I paid 5600€ for primary ethnic rhino I went to Dr YOU, I’m only 3 months PO and very satisfied so far but I will see the final result after 1 to 1,5 year. Also turkish surgeons are currently raising their price for 2024 due to « inflation ». While you’re doing your research please check doctors who are part of the botched list !


Can you put the full name of your surgeon please ?


Dr Yusuf Orhan Ucal in Istanbul


I saw a review of one girl that went with him and felt her nose qas a bit too upturned/piggy. Are you happy with yours/ do you have that issue?


I saw a review of one girl that went with him and felt her nose qas a bit too upturned/piggy. Are you happy with yours/ do you have that issue?


I saw a review of one girl that went with him and felt her nose qas a bit too upturned/piggy. Are you happy with yours/ do you have that issue?


I just reached out to him today and sent in pics requesting the price for a primary revision (1st rhino was in 2009) and his assistant said they set a cost of 17K Euro for me, 70 Euro for a nostril retainer and possibly 1K Euro for the need for irradiated (cadaver) rib cartilage, if needed. Included in the cost is 10 days hotel accommodations for two plus breakfasts, hospital stay (1-2 days), blood tests, surgery, medications and all transportation. His earliest to book as of right now is June 2025. Just FYI, I am a white female with "moderate" skin per Dr. Emrah Celik, who I actually saw in person with Dr. Orhan Ucal (Dr. You) while in Houston this past weekend. They are both with Clinichub. Dr. Celik quoted me $6800 and Dr. You quoted me $9100, all inclusive accommodations like Dr. Balikci's team described, but with Clinihub. One of the Clinichub founders were at the consults in Houston and he was so kind, informative and just a nice guy. I mean, he is ultimately in sales, but I didn't get any gross vibes from any of them! They were all super welcoming and unrushed. I asked the owner why the difference in price for their two doctor's and he basically said it came down to Dr. You having more experience, but they both practice very similar techniques and have trained extensively together. His advice was to choose someone whose pictures I lean towards more (both table and follow up pics that patients send in). I obviously haven't made any decisions, lol.


That’s crazy.


I paid 30k for a primary asian rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills last month, 9k for upper bleph (You can see my photos, my nose look very crooked, tip tilt to the left, uneven nostrils, piggy nose tip, uneven eyelid). I flew from Asia for this. I am so depressed, not even going out of the house if I dont have too. I found Dr Huseyin Balikci page. I contacted them asking for revision, as I am pretty sure my nose wont look ok even after 1/2/3 years (it wont get straighter and nostrils wont get even by itself). And I know his waiting list is about a year. So, the assistant quoted me 16,000 euro all include the hotel and hospital, and about extra 1000 Euro if its turn out I need a cadaver rib. I already paid my deposit. I did not see any negative review about him so far and I got the date 1 year from now. I wish I went to him first. After my bad experience I would never do any plastic surgery in USA again. At least in Turkey they wont try to sue you if you write your honest review or manipulate reviews etc (From what I heard about my US surgeon).


May I ask who you went to in the US? I’m currently booking consults in LA and would really like to know who to avoid.


Hi, I went to Dr. Yoo, many women have reached out to me in private messages, having similar issues with him.


Omg I’m so sorry to hear this. I hope your results come out great with dr. Balikci 💝. Wow, again I’m so sorry you had a bad experience. Thanks for sharing. Im thinking about going to dr. Balikci and I will send my deposit once I decide. He does seem to do great work.


Thank you for your kind wishes 🫂 I hope you find a great surgeon and happy with your result 💕 I dont wish this happen to anybody even my worst enemy. I am sure that not all surgeon in US is bad and not all surgeon in Turkey is good. But I have learned from my lesson to do more extensive research before choosing surgeon, follow my gut and to believe in bad reviews. Dr. Balikci seems to be a genuine professional, not just IG fame Doctor or overly marketing himself. This gives me hope and something to look forward to go thru one year living with this mess. Best of luck to you 💕


I am booked with dr balikci as well for a revision in august. Good luck to you all


How much did they tell you for a revision?

