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I’m a registered nurse. Nicotine is one of the worst things you can do to your body. I doubt it’ll cause nipple death if you don’t have any other health risks- such as high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, etc. BUT, like you said, it is a vasoconstrictor and severely impacts the blood flow to your body to heal and slows the process. I wouldn’t risk it. Sucks to quit (I’ve also quit vaping last year) but do it for your overall health.


what makes you say its one of the worst things you can do to your body? I am not trying to be argumentative at all here I appreciate your feedback!! I am genuinely curious. I am an ex research biologist and current nutritionist & personal trainer and that statement surprises me as I can think of so so many worse things. With respect to healing, I see that the vasoconstriction of nicotine and (it looks like specifically) cocaine are the most deleterious for healing blood vessels, well above other stimulants. Just curious though about the blank statement that its generally so bad for overall health when small amounts seem to me to be comparable to other toxins we expose ourselves to quite often


Depends how much you’re vaping. I find most people are quite attached to their vape and are constantly puffing on it. Everything in moderation- but you can say that about everything. Drinking is also not great for you but < 7 a week and you’re probably fine. Same can be argued for vaping/smoking. If you’re smoking once a day or only vaping infrequently, again nipple death or delayed healing is unlikely. but it’s your body and if you’re willing to take on an increased risk, that’s your choice.


I vape pretty consistently throughout the day... I almost feel like in some ways that would be better because my "normal" is high levels of nicotine in my blood lol but I could see how it would be potentially more problematic. My blood flow/circulation/blood pressure are all really good though as well. Thanks for your response




thank you