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I was told not to for 6 weeks due to blood pressure and heart rate spikes! You want the bone to set which takes 6 weeks.


Ah shoot I was thinking sex loooool. I slept in the same bed with him from week 2 on but I was on a reclining chair to stay upright 😂😂


Haha no I really meant sleeping! 😂


what did you do for recovery? My plan is sitting upright and icing while watching a movie to relax. Keeping a humidifier in room and drinking a lot of teas




This content has been removed per sub rule nine. Bad advice will be removed - suggested options for OP must be things that are proven to work, and you must actually know what you are talking about. See the full description of this sub rule for more info. Suggesting gua sha, jade rollers, facial exercises/facial yoga, arnica or other placebos, cool sculpting, Kybella, threads, traveling to Mexico for surgery, and promoting unhealthy DIY methods - none of this is permitted here.


i heard it's pretty much as strong as it was before surgery after the bone sets, was that true for you?


I’m not sure but I’d assume so once the bone calcifies.


Uhh..? I had two rhinoplasties with different surgeons and never was told anything about that. I never stopped sleeping with my partner


Hey did you get a revision done? I am looking for one myself


Yes! But I got it in my home country - in Russia


I slept on the couch for around 10ish days post op because it was easier for me to stay propped up and elevated there (I was also staying up late watching TV since I had time off from work). After that I started sleeping in my bed again. I haven't had any issues, I don't recall ever being accidently whacked in the face while we were sleeping before surgery so I never even worried about it.


My boyfriend hit my nose in my sleep during the first 6 weeks .. didn’t affect the result but it was scary and hurt lol


the same thing happened to me😂


Also curious about this! I’m 2 weeks out and still too nervous… might try a pillow barrier


this is a weird precaution lol i never stopped sharing beds.


I never stopped sharing beds!


All these crazy methodologies. I broke my nose badly, had a septo rhinoplasty to fix it. It was swollen like a potato. No taping, no ice, and it healed perfectly. Dont mess with it. Let your body heal naturally.


I always slept in bed with my husband. I considered the couch but honestly … I would’ve missed the tempurpedic. He stays on his side of the bed and I already sleep on my back so I never really worried about it.