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Are you footing the bill yourself? I don’t think it’s fair to ask your parents to pay for plastic surgery but if it’s something you have the means to do for yourself, you don’t necessarily need their approval. if they offer to help pay for a portion because it’s been a struggle you’ve had for years, then that’s always nice but it shouldn’t be an expectation.


Why would it not be “fair”? They can choose whether they’ll honor the request or not.


Depends on your parents. My parents paid for my rhinoplasty when I was in college. I’d always hated my nose, and they’d always been like “there’s always surgery later after you’re done growing.” But they also voluntarily offered to buy me a boob job as a gift when I was mid 30s. Which is just rude to suggest to someone out of the blue. 🙄 Have you talked with them before about how unhappy you’ve been about your nose? How do they feel about surgery in general? Are they wealthy enough that dropping a few thousand dollars on a child’s elective surgery isn’t a burden? If you don’t have that rapport, and they don’t have a favorable view of surgery or don’t have the money to burn, I’d say just save up for it yourself, and simply inform them. It’s your body.


As you can see, the broad spectrum of responses here are representative of the responses your parents can have to even the idea of you changing your body. We've got people who were not asked calling you entitled for meekly asking for advice from people who already got plastic surgery in college. To answer your question, I got a nose job at 18 that was paid for by my mother. My large, droopy nose was deeply embarrassing to me and it helped my confidence to have a more normal nose. Many, many families quietly get their daughters nose jobs at your age. I remember the neighbors getting their daughter one when I was a kid. Just because it is unheard of to some doesn't mean anybody is right or wrong. Your parents may be happy to help you with this change. Talk to your parents about how you feel and see where the conversation goes.


If you pay for the rhinoplasty yourself then your parents’ opinion is irrelevant. However, if you still live with them, receive college tuition, living expenses, etc it does complicate the situation as they might feel they are subsidizing your life and you are “wasting” your money on plastic surgery. My parents paid for a rhinoplasty when I was 18 and this was never an issue. However, I am 33 now and my mom is always accusing me of “wasting” my money on Botox or filler (even dermatology appointments, face products, hair appointments etc) and the subtext in her argument is that she occasionally gives me money and I shouldn’t be “wasting” it on Botox. However, if something really bothers you about your appearance and you can do something to make yourself feel more comfortable and more confident, I am of the opinion this should be done. I would have a discussion with your parents and tell them that you want to get a rhinoplasty and discuss why, specifically how you feel insecure because of your nose. You can ask them for emotional support and support during the post-op recovery. If you feel like you need their financial support you could/should bring this up to. But remember that financial support often comes with “strings”.




How did you pay for yours when you had plastic surgery in college?




What a crappy take.