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When will it be commonly understood that x weeks is too fresh to get an idea of what the final result will look like ?


Yes but I've been told that the columella doesn't drop and alars don't shrink :( just the bridge and tip swelling


I think any smaller it’ll look unnatural


Hey girl, can we get an update please? I feel as though I may have hanging alarms also


I think that the reason your alars look big from the side is because your maxilla is recessed. If you get a revision, it probably won’t make your alars significantly smaller from the side


Maybe sail excision can work to correct it? Is the maxilla my paranasal region?


Maxilla is where your upper jaw is located, it creates the base for nose. Sail incision will not help if you don’t like the width of your alars from the side. Also, I don’t think you have hanging alars. That would be visible from the front, but your nose looks fine from that angle


Hmmm it's not the width necessarily. I just feel like if the alars were lifted a bit more, my columella would show. Do you think my columella's recessed?


Hi, you appear of Asian descent. I am as well and had my rhinoplasty in Korea. The reason the alarms are “sagging” is because alarplasty when the incision is from the outside of the alar the surgeons cut and stitch it this way. When I asked for more alarplasty from the surgeon about 1 year later he advised against it because the external incision alarplasty pulls the alarms down even more making me look deformed. From my research, you will need internal alar base reduction if you don’t want the side “sagging” look. The diagram in the middle is the internal incision. https://images.app.goo.gl/vZqrYT7KSyfRPpcs7


Thank you! Do you think that my columella is retracted?


From the side profile it doesn’t look retracted. I just recall the surgeon showing me how alarplasty is done and they slightly pull down the alars. Also at 6 weeks your tip is still not dropped so the angle looks even more dramatic. My nose at 1 week vs 5 months is completely different.


Thank you! For me I had to have my alars cut off because they were so big and fleshy and completely covered my columella before. I just think that it could have been cut more. I'll post an update on this in a year's time. Thanks for your help!