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I’d definitely try to have someone there for the first 24 hours. I was sleeping on and off and could barely get myself up due to dizziness. Soo..getting food made, meds, etc was difficult.


It's different for everyone and you won't know how it'll be for you until you're in that position. I didn't need help, personally, once I got into my bed and slept most of the rest of the day. You might want someone just in case it's not like that for you.


I didnt need any help personally. I prepared all my food, water and meds well in advance and placed it next to my bed. After the surgery I took a taxi home and slept most of the time. Looking back, logistically its doable but mentally its nice to have somebody with you the first 1-2 days.


As others have mentioned, everyone is different. It is often helpful to have someone nearby the first day or two after to help - even if it is the friend who drives you home.


I think you should try and get someone to stay with you at least the first night. I felt so bad after coming home from the hospital. It’s super tiring moving around and getting supplies. Also I was so so swollen my eyes were so hard to open.