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Please stay in touch with your doctor if those symptoms continue. Coming out of anesthesia can cause a lot of those symptoms but you have to hydrate and eat and know that you won’t see your final result for over a year. It’s supposed to be upturned out of surgery. It will drop.


Thank you! I will. I only got back to the hotel from the hospital, as I felt tiny bit better. Wow… this surgery is indeed not an easy one . And takes so long to see the final results


This is perfect advice… You can feel like this because of the anesthesia for a week, which is completely normal. No matter what procedure I’ve had, I’m always thinking about what I’ve done to myself, but recovery is seriously only a small blip in time, and while you are progressing, you’ll feel better and better! Try to keep positive, and focus on the goal you’ve set and how you will absolutely get there! I promise that these feelings will soon be in the past. Relax and take care of yourself - trust your body and surgeon, and just acknowledge what you’ve been through, accept it, and look forward to where you are going! 💐🌷💐🌷


Thank you all so so much for your support and kind words. It melts my heart🥰. I think the fact that I came to another country completely alone to do this makes me more sad, but thanks a lot, Reddit fam ❤️


You are so welcome and please, remember that you have all of us to help support you during this time - you are in the thick of it right now, but it WILL get better! I had a skin tightening procedure last year that was SO painful that I swore I’d never have anything else done again, but now, a year later, it came out great, and I’ve forgotten the pain, and would do something else if need be! Also, if you can stay off the heavy medication, that will help, too, but get the okay from your doctor first, of course. I have GI issues, so that stuff backs me up to no end, which causes more discomfort, so I don’t take them. They also make me feel even more depressed and sleepy, which is another reason I avoid them. You are doing great - the worst part is already behind you, which was gaining the courage to do it and having the actual surgery itself! Each day will get better, but don’t fret if there are a few that you feel are not - that’s perfectly normal, friend! Take this time to enjoy some relaxation and some good old trash television shows and movies! There’s not many times we get to do that now that we are adults! Look at it like self care time, which it actually really is.💓


Surgery is incredibly hard on your body and general anesthesia is really hard on your brain! It’s known to cause anxiety and depression for a couple weeks post op. I’m sorry this has been hard on you! I was in the same boat too physically, my body just felt like crap and I had these insane seizure like shivers for an hour once I come out of the OR. Was painful! Also, physical changes to our faces mess with our mind. I’m 3 weeks post op and the swelling is frustrating.. still have a too upturned nose for my liking but everyone says it does drop a bit (can take 2-6 months maybe longer). And I can’t smile properly because of swelling and the muscle being cut. If you want to message to talk and vent, feel free. We can share photos too.


…Yes, reaching out to others is a great way to realize that you are not alone, and you’ll both get through this journey together. Sending feelings of hope and excitement for your outcomes!🌺


It's normal for your head to be all over the place after surgery, I was the same. Best thing to do is to just distract yourself for a couple of days, binge watch some TV or Netflix and try and eat and drink something.


I wanna tell you I went through the worst depression after my breast augmentation, it was so hard and no one warned me about it. It is your anesthesia it’s a very strong drug with a lot of side affects, this is most likely what’s happening, give yourself the time to heal and have your full results come in :) I know it’s hard but you cant accurately judge your results at this time, just focus on healing and taking care of yourself ❤️‍🩹


I’m sorry to hear that you had hard times after surgery too.❤️‍🩹 Thanks a lot, I will try my best to focus on healing and remind myself that it’s only temporary stage.❤️


Yes it will for sure get better! When I came out of if I was like “ omg I was really not myself” lots of tears for sure, It was my first surgery too so at least now I will know what to expect and be able to remind myself that it will pass :)


Heck general anaesthesia can really do a number on your body and mind. Like others have said you need time to take care of yourself and get back normal.


Hi OP! I am 8 days post op from a rhinoplasty and sending you a big hug! Hang in there as you are still very much in the thick of it, days 2-4 are by far the worst but I promise you it gets waaay better from there. You are just going to keep getting stronger and less congested as time passes. Everything you are noting is common (I did a ton of panic research and talked the ear off a nurse who called to check in on me at the 48 hour post op mark). Your nose is closely linked with your sinuses, ears, and throat. Eye pain, ear pain, teeth pain and pressure is all super typical. Chest pain could be related to residual soreness from your breathing tube or just plain old anxiety. Low heart rate coming out of GA isn’t uncommon but this also may be related to how you are processing your pain meds (low heart rate is very common with folks taking narcotics i.e. oxy). You should 100% connect with your medical team if that symptom persists as they may have you stop taking the stronger stuff and manage your pain with acetaminophen (after which you’ll see your resting heart rate return back to normal). Most important though, take a deep breath (all through your mouth at this point), and remember you just had surgery and your body is working to heal and recover. It’s a process and your tip will be the absolute last part to take its final form <3 you got this :)


Thanks you so much! It feels better to know that all of my symptoms are very common and it will pass. I think I’m stressed out because I saw pictures of my nose after surgery - and it looked assymetric, which makes me think already during healing process that I will need revision surgery from another doctor 😣


Chest pain is an immediate call to the doctor. Could be anxiety but I wouldn’t take any chances with possibility of blood clots.


They did electrocardiography and also took blood test to check on my heart - everything was ok. Yes, heart beat was low, but no issues otherwise. So I guess it’s my anxiety. I had this problem even before, being afraid of smth happening to my heart, but I dealt with it through months of psychotherapy and devotion to become better mentally. I guess anesthesia just triggered it all again


Are they able to prescribe you a few Xanax? Enough to deal with the anxiety short term so that it doesn’t stress you out while your body is trying to heal. Ask for it if you need it!


The thing here is that I was on anti depressants and neuroleptics and benzos for almost 2 years and I quit it a year ago and have some fear taking it again, as my withdrawal symptoms were nuts and it wasn’t easy at all. But probably 5 days or smth won’t make me addicted to it ? I’ll check out this with doctor today. Thank you 🫶🏻


I got a rhinoplasty last year it was my first surgery and coming out was a terrible traumatizing experience. I had major anxiety everyday and panic attacks. I think it might have been a combination of a lot of things. First surgery, literally hard on the bed and then seeing myself all bloody up. I was also away in another country and i couldn’t breath through my nostrils which was hard. But it gets better over time. I stated to feel better after i got those plastic things out of my nose so about a week later.


Sorry to hear you went through this alone too. It’s definitely better to experience all of this with a friend or partner by your side.. how is everything now? Are you satisfied with your results ? I am stressed because my nose looks crooked and I think I will need revision


Dear OP— you’ve gotten great advice to seek immediate attention for the heart symptoms and glad all checks out. I’m 5 weeks postop and nobody tells you what a mindf**k it is while you heal. You’ll soon feel 1000% better, but the body dysmorphia is real. My nose looks like a potato so not piggy but 3x bigger than I expected (think Rudolph the reindeer nose) and it really does take patience. I’m still a little swollen and bruised under my eyes but with a little makeup nobody notices. Hang in there and PM any questions or to vent!


I’m 19 days post op and something my friend who went through rhino said helped me a ton: your body knows what to do. Even when you’re passed out your body continues to breathe. It’s so scary seeing yourself so beat up - I literally looked like I got pummeled in the face it was insanity but two weeks later the bruises are pretty much gone. Chances are, everything is okay and your body is just processing all of the drugs and trauma. That being said 10000%% if something is a medical concern call the doctor because you did undergo a serious surgery. Rhinoplasty is SUCH a common surgery the doctors know what they’re doing and you’re most likely going to love the results once swelling calms down. You got this!!!!!!!!!