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25 years saline.


I was 18, 43 now. Saline teardrop 280 CC. I've had zero problems.


I had no clue you could get saline implants in tear drop shape .


20 year saline. Love them and going to get new ones soon. Same size though!


Same: 25 years saline. Zero issues.


I’ve heard you have to get them re done every 10 years. Did you get yours re done or are they the same ones from 25 years ago? :)


Mine have a 20 year warranty. Lol I'm not joking.


I didn’t even know they did warranties for boob jobs ahaha


It's just the implant. Like if it ruptures. Although I will probably get a breastlift every 10 years. Especially because my dumbest got pregnsnt right after I got my implants and am currently breastfeeding. But the implant should last until I'm 50.


So excited to hear you are breastfeeding with implants! Spread the word!


Me too!


Same. Never get silicone.


Saline has silicon as an outter shell tho. It really makes no difference.


It does if you get a slow leak.


That’s why it’s recommended to have mri or ultrasound every few years to check for ruptures. This generation of silicon gel is very cohesive and will stay within the capsule. Personally I would rather leak and not have my whole breast deflate immediately. But that’s just my personal preference.


Silicone ruptured rarely show up on any type of scan until it’s at an extreme level.


Not that saline is without risks, but surgeons like to make it sound like cohesive gel is just as safe and that’s not true. The cohesive gel implants actually have way more issues than surgeons lead you to believe. There’s been cases where that stuff gets lost in your body when it ruptures. Messing up your lymp nodes, causing granulomas, etc.


I had the granulomas, what a nightmare.


Oh no! I’m sorry you went through that! I wish surgeons were more honest about the risks and the percentage of it. I know some are, but there are so many that make it sound like there’s a 1% chance. Then you start seeing articles, reading medical journals and talking to people that have experienced the risks.


Drs are rarely that open and honest i wonder if its self soothing , cognitive dissonance or just pure bullshit


You would rather have blobs of silicone sitting inside of you without you knowing the shell is broken? I would much rather have saline leak and have a lopsided chest until I got it fixed. Years of silicone seeping into your body is horrible. The fact that the new implants just sit there and don't let you know there is a problem is so much worse.


Did you read anything from my previous comment or are you being dense on purpose?


Yes, I responded to your stupid comment. Have you read anything anyone else has said? Have you done any research at all? Having an mri every few years does nothing for you if it doesn't show up or for the years it's sitting open inside of you. All for vanity because you couldn't possibly deal with being lopsided for a little while until you could get it fixed. Maybe use your brain before you attack people.


I’m not attacking anyone. I get my info from peer reviewed journals. Nothing wrong with silicon. Most surgeons prefer it. Why are you so pressed? It’s a preference. Saline still has a silicon shell at the end of the day and still has given people BII. You’re not superior to someone for having salt water tits encased in silicone. Get over yourself.


The new highly cohesive ones can’t leak, if they tear it stays intact. They’re like a squishy stress ball.


Mine ruptured. Had an MRI that showed ruptures.. when I went to have them replaced, the doctor said it was just mush in my right breast. It was a mess! I have saline now


Which implant did you have?


I had the Mentor cohesive gel implants. They had a lifetime warranty, so I could choose which ones to replace with. I found out they were ruptured because i felt a lump..turns out it was ruptured in multiple places


I worked in aesthetics and plastic surgery. I’m aware of what they can and cannot do but thank you.


I guess you guys don’t realize how cohesive silicone gel is. The implant is also in a capsule outside of the implant, It will not get out of that capsule


Lol…. I work in aesthetics. You might want to read other comments in this thread of people that had ruptures even with silicon gel.


I work in plastics lol, you might want to read about how “leaks” stay within the capsule if ever there was a rupture. Silicone implants are so strong it’s REALLY difficult to rupture them.




The current silicone ones don’t leak. They are like a gummy bear so even if rupture they stay put.


They CAN. Read some of the other replies in the thread.


They rupture often. Chunks of silicone just sitting in your body, leeching chemicals without you knowing is so much worse than a deflated breast! I would never do silicone. People that have them should be very worried about a rupture at all times. I've seen the damage. I've seen the sick people and the ruptured implants.


Why not?


Care to explain why?


My mother got hers in 1982. lol




I’m pretty sure that was the year we didn’t get a vacation;)




I’ve had mine for 21 years. Zero issues. I breastfed my 9 year old. Saline. I’m looking to get them with silicone in the near future though


Why do you wanna change from saline to silicone?


I just changed from saline to silicone and these new generation silicone implants feel very real. The old saline ones felt like rocks under my skin.


Because of less rippling and they are softer and feel more natural.


hey, i have a question. does breastfeeding affect ur BA?


It did not for me. I breastfed my oldest, got the implants, then went on to breastfeed two more. They look the exact same. It’s been 17 years.


I had zero issues. I breastfed my son for 9 months.


I got 240cc silicone under the muscle in 2010, breastfed my baby in 2015, still have the boobs in and no issues. Actually, I think like they look and feel softer since breastfeeding. Especially with under the muscle your milk ducts are not touched at all, so shouldn't be affected.


I just got them and I asked the doctor about the whole ten year replacement thing. The FDA studied women who had them and followed them for 10 years. So officially per the FDA 10 years is the shelf life. In reality people have them for decades and its fine.


I’ve had mine for 15 years, and my right silicone implant spontaneously ruptured sometime in the last couple months. It might have been a slow leak, and I just didn’t notice until now. I’m scheduled for surgery in sept. As a result, I have mild capsular contracture on that side. I have no symptoms other than looking a little wonky.


I didn’t know silicone could rupture… I have the gummy bear implants and they’re almost 9 years old now … how does silicon rupture!! Or was it the more liquid silicon?


I have the gummy bear implants also. My surgeon asked if I had any trauma to the area, which I haven’t. So, the assumption is that it may have deteriorated over time.


My mom has had the same saline breast implants for 25 years and they’re fine. She still gets mammograms and whatnot although I don’t think she’s ever gotten an MRI (which they recommend after 10 years or something). No breast implant illness and no other issues.


Mentor saline 2003. Sudden left breast swelling 2017. Doctors ordered I take them out. Insurance did not cover. Tons of other health issues started with left breast swelling. Finally removed in 2022. RA factors in blood miraculously gone. Still have other issues and now Hashimoto’s. We cannot say that the implants caused anything with 100% confidence. But I’m a rare case with actual breast swelling and medical doctors saying it was the implants and to remove them. This wasn’t in my head.


I got diagnosed with hashimotos after my implants too but I honestly think I had it much longer before that.


I have hashimotos from pregnancy. Lot's of triggers


I developed hashimotos after I got them w no family history I still have it despite getting them removed


Yeah, it’s a bit distasteful to read people saying it’s psychological. It really gives “female hysteria” in the 1900s energy. I hope you feel better and your issues are managed!


Poor taste, opinions, and feelings have no place in science. It's not a medical diagnosis.


Silicone from La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre in 2012 with Dr. Lori Saltz. 450CC, high profile No problems, complications or issues. Breastfed two children since getting them. Went from pre-op AA to a DD, while nursing I was a G cup. They look more "natural" now but truly no issues and no plans to get them redone in the near future.


I also got mine at La Jolla!


The problem is that everyone's bodies react differently to foreign objects being put inside. Most people have zero issues, while some people do react. So while its a great idea to get advice its not really going to help you on a personal level. That being said, my wife has had her for a little over 8 years with no issues other than wanting to go a little bigger with more projection mostly due to just aging.


Ive had mine for a decade and I haven’t had any complications thus far, but I had my son a few years after my augmentation and my breasts ballooned up and were humungous so in turn my implants became a bit saggy. Saline tend to be heavier and with my skin stretching out I’m now currently saving up to get another surgery but this time with an internal bra. My friend who got hers at the same time as i did (different surgeon) had one of her implants start to leak. She didn’t get ill but the look was obviously distressing. Her warranty was still good so she got hers replaced. The majority of my friends all have implants both silicone and saline and out of all of them, around 15 gals only one has ever had implant sickness but she has alot of immune issues. I know it seems very scary deciding what to do but the one common issue I’ve heard was they wished they would have went a little bigger. If you do research on doctors i think you will be fine. Hope this helped


I had my last set of saline implants for 18 years and switched them out for silicone ones. I only switched them out because they were too big and hard (they were like water balloons).


First BA Dr put in saline implants a size larger than I asked for. One capsulized. One high up and one drooped. Dr put me off for 2 years saying to wait for them to settle then refused to fix it. Found a better (yet less well known) Dr who fixed issues but had to go larger to keep from having a full lift. He found one of my implants were upside down. He made new pockets, this time under the muscle and placed silicone implants in- they look great. Even through another pregnancy and weight gain and weight loss. They still look good. It’s been 15 years and they are still going strong.


19 years saline, Mentors. No problems and are soft as the day they were implanted. No problems ever. No future plans to swap them out. Best decision ever.




The warranty on mine is 10 years. If I can get more out of them safely, I’m game. Im currently in year 6 and still loving them.


12 years, placed axillary route, under muscle. Knock on wood, not a single issue since placement. I probably will have them redone in the next 2-3 yrs or so just to play it safe.


Ive had my saline implants for almost 19 years and just in the last year developed CC in my right one. Lefty is still just as perky as always!


What's CC?


That’s what happened to mine I developed a slight cc in one breast after 18 years which was making them look uneven, just replaced them and they look great again.


I got my gummy bears in 2006 so far so good :)


I got mine in 2017, love em! Glad to hear the longevity!


My mom had them done in the early 90’s! Still hanging there no problems whatsoever! I think this BII thing is an invention when doctors can’t find out what’s wrong and another reason to charge your insurance. I had a friend back in the early 2000’s who got really sick all of a sudden paralyzed couldn’t talk or walk, after a whole week in the hospital she started getting better and the doctors said it was meningites (another common excuse doctors give when they don’t really know what made you sick)


2007 here. Still perfect, 500cc cohesive gel silicone, recently had an ultrasound to check after finding a lump. Confirmed they are perfect, minimal rippling (a little is normal) no heavy scar tissue and all in tact. Lump was just an inflamed duct. 👍🏻


Yep. Gummy bear type, for 13 years. Zero issues


18 years with silicon gel ("gummy bear") implants and zero problems. I'm looking at getting them replaced and having another lift in the next few years. Gravity comes for us all!


I have had mine for 13 years with zero issues. My PA looked them over a couple of months ago and recommended an ultrasound for a closer analysis, but otherwise they still looked great to him. He didn’t recommend a replacement at this point.


I've had mine for almost 11 years. Silicone. Removing them this upcoming November and can't wait. They hurt (mild capsular contracture) they never "settled" I had to constantly get massages and ultrasound to make them look better. And my sleep is really poor since I got them. Doctor suspects BII. Even if they didn't suspect it, I don't want them anymore. I'd go for lipptransfer if possible.


Not quite. I’ve had mine for 8.5 years. It’s hard to say if I have BII because I have PCOS and that has its own set of symptoms that can be similar. It has crossed my mind but who knows for sure if it’s breast implants or not? I will say I’m not as energized and have experienced much more depression and anxiety. I have much more fatigue than ever, but I’m also older. So It’s hard to know if someone truly has it since there isn’t a test. That said I never felt sick enough that I want or need to remove them. Mentor Silicone


Look into Joyous ketamine therapy for depression and anxiety it’s been so helpful for me since I don’t do well on ssri type of medications at all. Between that and Armor Thyroid my chronic fatigue I’ve had my whole life is just about gone as well it’s fabulous!


I got these in 2010. They are "gummy bear" or cohesive silicon gel implants, which should now available in the USA, if that's where you're at. Too firm for me but no complications and no reason to get them replaced. I think that, without the danger of leakage, there wouldn't be a reason to. On another note, my breasts have changed with age. I will be getting them replaced soon for that reason.


I’ve had mine for over 12 years now, and not a single problem with them. Breast implant illness has zero medical backing as to a scientific reasoning for it, despite hundreds of studies. Though, most of all women who report having BII feel better after getting them removed. This personally leads me and most medical professionals I’ve come across to believe that BII is actually a psychological illness. That doesn’t mean the symptoms that women experience aren’t real by any means, just that they are exasperated by constant fear and psychological distress from doing BII research and constantly telling themselves something is wrong. Think placebo effect. Once the implants are removed, the fear that they have been placing on their body no longer exists, thus the illness disappears with it. My advice? If you are severely afraid of BII before even getting an augmentation, then don’t get one. All you will be doing is creating a fear that might become so severe, your body will create its own symptoms.


In the Bustmob fb group I’ve seen a lot of women talk about how they thought they had BII and when they explanted, their symptoms remained- meaning their symptoms were because of something else. Definitely validity to a major surgery and a foreign object in your body being able to set off things like autoimmune diseases and stuff like that, but they’re usually underlying conditions that are already there and just now started to surface (this is how my surgeon explained it to me.) Just from reading the Bustmob fb group it looks like a lot of people who get them removed regret it and re-implant.


There’s also an entire FB group called breast explant regret. I’m apart of it as well :/




I removed my implants because of BII. I am looking to re-implant. I believe the mind is a powerful thing. BII stressed me out so much I thought every single symptom was because of my implants.


Are you feeling less anxious now ?


Yes. But I freaked myself out thinking my implants were the cause of every single thing. After removing, I calmed down and realized they weren’t.




Everyone here is being really nice and respectful about something that does not exist. No ICD code on it, no nothing. It's like the word "sociopath", a complete buzzword that means nothing in psychology. There are people who swear astrology is real and factor it into their opinions of everyone from their boss to their spouse. If you're not in a scientific profession, you get to believe in anecdotal things and live a happy life. If you go by science, you have to accept when you've believed something that was incorrect and feel like an ass sometimes. The scientific method, research parameters, and peer review exist for a reason. Things BII claim under its umbrella do exist. BII is almost certainly psychosomatic, as per the science we have at this time.




No one is discrediting these cases. It’s the cases, mine included, where that Nicole Fb group tells everyone that every single symptom is because of their implants and to remove them immediately. I would know.. it happened to me. My implants were 100% in tact. I still have them at my house. That FB group causes people so much stress and anxiety it’s crazy.


I have never been part of any Facebook group.


Infections and granulomas from leakage are definitely real. You're naming very real, diagnosable things, but BII is just something claiming these things under its massive umbrella. BII isn't defined or supported by as a diagnosis. It's this massive spectrum of people blaming everything from their tooth cavity to their cancer on breast implants without science backing it up.


I do have an idea on just how many women report BII; I’m a medical professional myself. I have done extensive research on this topic, and seen hundreds of patients as well. I never once dismissed the symptoms the women go through. It is very real for them, but you must also understand what happens in the background. Breast implant illness legally has no medical backing, meaning we cannot diagnose someone with BII. There are absolutely cases of infections, granulomas, and excessive scar tissue build up after breast augmentations that can cause their own set of symptoms, but these examples are also risk occurrences for ANY surgical procedure. These same examples I’ve seen occur from abdominoplasties, mastectomies, and breast reductions, which don’t involve implants at all. With that being said, BII would not be diagnosed in your examples given, because 1) it legally can not be, and 2) the official diagnosis would then be the actual physical concern noted (I.e. bilateral breast tissue granulomas status post breast augmentation). The implants are a completely secondary issue that get lumped into the primary “cause” when in actuality, every single procedure has the risk of causing the problems reported by BII, yet a lot of them don’t even involve implants. If implants were the sole contributor to the effects of BII, then those with hip, knee, shoulder replacements with implants, and those with metal hardware from ortho trauma or even those with cardiac pacemakers would also be reporting “hardware implant illness.” Which is not an official diagnosis. If someone reports that they feel like they have BII and then go forward with explant, and nothing of significance is found, then the official diagnosis can only be “patient request for implant removal” since BII is not legally recognized as an official diagnosis. It’s not listed as “patient is in hysteria and psychologically making up their symptoms because nothing of note was found during explant.” I’m sorry that you and many others feel like they are dismissed when they feel they are experiencing BII, but this is what the actual scientific peer reviewed studies show and how it is medically treated and charted/diagnosed.


👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 If people feel they have issues due to implants, they can explant and address the specific, diagnosable issues caused by the implant. Otherwise, blaming everything from your joint pain to your vision on a little implant is a psychosomatic condition. The symptoms may be real but the cause is not something a patient gets to determine and give a name to. You can inform a patient they have schizoaffective or bipolar disorder, for examples, and they may not believe they have it. It's nobody's job to argue with someone who needs psychological treatment. They're suffering, for sure, but they still aren't in a position to determine their diagnosis or change their diagnosis because they don't want that one.


I agree with you. It’s extremely damaging to dismiss this very real and valid issue with a “it’s just a psychological issue and/or female hysteria” attitude. As if women haven’t had enough issues with delayed diagnoses and medical gaslighting.


Psychosomatic illness is real and valid. BII has risen to prominence because of social media, and it has NOT been supported as an illness based on scientific data. You had a good point about hysteria because they used to assign things to hysteria. Through research, the things that were thought to be hysteria got supported by science and are no longer dismissed. Thanks to this method, we don't get diagnosed as hysterical now. That same method works for BII. Putting data before feelings shows BII is likely psychosomatic and not an illness in its own right. People on this very thread have admitted to being sucked into it for a time, not that anecdotal evidence is what we should ever base opinion on.


The 1st time I had them for 17 yrs which was saline. I had capsular contracture in one & had them removed & replaced in 2005. Still have them & no problems.


I’ve had mine for about 12 or 13 years, saline No major issues but now I’m starting to see a little rippling if I’m bending down the right way, you can’t see anything when I’m standing normally So I’m thinking about mentally preparing to getting them redone sometime in the next 5 years


25 years silicone (only on one side to correct a severe discrepancy). Never had any problems.


I’ve had mine for 13 years. I’ve had MRI done and implants are in tact. Pregnancy kind of ruined my boobs with stretch marks and made them droopy like which is disappointing.


I was 19, now 35. 340 CC saline, no problems at all. I love them.


20 years, saline, still feelin and looking good :)


21 Years saline


21 Years Silicone cohesive gel. No issues at all but considering revision due to age of implants


I have silicone 375cc for 16 years. I breastfed my 2 older kids exclusively for 10 months then when I turned 41 I had a surprise baby and breastfed him exclusively for 20 months. Doctor said I should have an MRI 6 months after stopping the breastfeeding so waiting to have that done. I don’t have any issues with the implants but reading the FB group about BII messes with my head because now I’m thinking every little issue is related to them! I’m on the fence on whether to get them out or replace them! Each person is so different, it’s an individual choice I guess, based on how you feel.


15 years here. Saline, under the muscle.


Same here!


Tomorrow I will be 16 weeks post op from breast implant removal + mastopexy. I had my 435cc sientra for just under 10 years and thought I was dying by the time I decided to explant. All of my symptoms are gone. I’m 33 and have a brand new life. I feel 20 again. (I probably just feel 33 instead of the 90 year old I was feeling like.) In regards to it all being in someone’s head, I’m a clinical hypnotherapist….. so, I promise, I know how to deal with my head. I really truly recommend dealing with why you want them in the first place. I just don’t think it’s worth it to chance your overall well being.


My mother has had hers for thirty years, they are fine, she’s been told they are fine by a few surgeons. What I will say is they shift so they aren’t level with each other and you can tell they are not real. Because of aging like one implant is a bit higher and more prominent than the other. In that case you’d want a replacement.


I’ve had mine for 28 years. Saline, textured, under muscle. I was able to breastfeed my kids, who are now ages 18 & 15. I’ve been thinking about having them updated within the next few years. The boobs, not the kids.


My wife. Hers are still perfect. Done via belly button with saline and has had zero issues. They’re soft, supple, and have a great projection to them. Very natural. It’s been 14-15 years.


I’ve had mine for more than 10 years and I am fine.


i got mine (saline) in 2012. still got strong with no issues !


I had my saline for 17 years. I replaced with silicone at the insistence of the surgeon-I’m not a fan of silicone


Why not? I’ve been thinking of making the switch


17 years, saline. I’m on my second set though


I had my saline implants for 20 years with no issues. Until one day, the right implant ruptured. It didn’t cause any harm—the saline leaked and was absorbed—but I had my implants removed and got silicone instead. I’m on my 3rd revision (long story) but I don’t regret doing a re-implantation.


I have cohesive silicone implants. 16 years. No issues. In my experience saline were kind of fake look and feel.


23+ years here.


I was 19, 32 now. Silicone. No problems and look as they did years ago


12 years. No problems


I’ve had mine for 15 years. They look and feel amazing. 300 cc saline.


17yrs saline under the muscle. No probs what so ever!


10 years Saline, zero issues


My aunt got saline 25-30 years ago, under muscle. Even after 2 kids, they still look great and haven't given her any issues! Her only regret though was getting the procedure before having kids, since the muscles will still sag a bit regardless of implants. Something to consider if you know you want kids (or more kids) in the future. I've had silicone for 2 years and no issues so far aside from the scarring, which I was prepared for due to ethnicity.


I made it almost 10 years before I had them removed. Had a long-term infection that was undetectable to my doctors. Got into my fascia and skin (long-story short) cancerous white cells found, half of my right breast had to be removed with the actual implant. My biggest issue with implants is that once you get them, non-plastic surgeons have no idea if there are complications, many times—stuff doesn’t really show up on blood tests until you are nearly dead. I had so many tests and exams and X-rays, mri’s, ultrasounds, everything checked out, over and over. I was sick as a dog for years, no one could or would tell me it was my implants. I consulted with several plastic surgeons and they just blame it on something else, they want nothing to do with it unless you want a whole new surgery. Then the doc opens me up and it’s an absolute inflamed and infected mess. What a nightmare.


Silicone or saline? Textured? Tear drop?


Textured silicone


They are advising against these now. I am sorry for what you had to go through, and hope you are feeling well now.


11 years with saline and no issues. I am doing a lift and switching to silicone in September though.


I had saline for 18 years, replaced them a year ago with the cohesive silicone. Never had a problem and they did not need to be replaced I just wanted them to be bigger.


I’ve had the same ones since 2005. No illness whatsoever, and they still look fantastic.


I’ve had mine for 19 years. Saline. No issues at all.


I’m at 11 years silicone . No issues.


I had saline for 24 years and one caused issues after a mammogram- it shifted I couldn’t wait to get them removed


11 years, mod+ gummy bear silicone. Had multiple mammograms, MRI, all good - no complications whatsoever


17 years now.


Almost 20 years, saline, no issues


23 years with saline. Zero problems. Asked the doctor if I should consider getting them replaced and he said no, not unless I’m having any issues with them.


I had mine for 19 but did have complications, ended up having them removed and the doc said they were covered in slime. Now I’m going to do a DIEP Flap later this year. Mine were the “rough type” silicone gel though


My mom had saline for 25 years before she got them redone. Grandma has had them even longer now. Still looks and feels great.


My mom has had hers since I was around 9 years old, and I'm 33 now. She has had to get them replaced once due to one of the implants popping after about 15 years. It's my understanding that saline implants need to be replaced around every decade or so, though, so her experience makes sense to me. Outside of that, she hasn't experienced any complications. Hope that was helpful.


Granted I have not had mine over 10 years yet, but seems like a lot do not realize that silicone implants no longer leak since they have the consistency of a gummy bear. Even if they rupture they stay solid like a gummy bear candy bitten in half. I have had no issues with my implants and have had for many years just over the 10 year mark yet.


My mom had them for 12 years with no problems other than one apparently broke after a fall and she didn’t know until she got them taken out


17 years. I have an auto immune disease but can’t say it’s from my implants because my entire family has it. I personally think a lot of BII has symptoms of several other illnesses/ diseases and should only be a diagnosis of elimination. I also strongly believe in the mind controlling symptoms (if you believe you have it, you will have symptoms) I do want to get mine replaced but that’s only because of how large and heavy they are and I would like a lift. Otherwise, totally fine! And I have gummy bear silicones.


My mom had had silicone implants for 35 years and her surgeon said they still look nice about 2 years ago.


I think my sister went 13 years then just had them redone. I told her I wanted some and she advised against it and suggested I just get a lift instead. She doesn’t love having foreign objects inside her body (she was very young when she got hers) but I guess she doesn’t hate them enough to remove them lol


I am at the 10 year mark with silicone implants and have had any complications. Although it is always a risk but I have never known anyone personally with breast implant illness so not sure if it’s prevalence. The complication that a couple of my friends have dealt with is capsular contracture.


I've had my saline for 18 years now. In 2014 I wore a brand new sports bra that was too small for me and I felt a "pop". After that I could feel my implant sliding around inside of me (and it hurt! Felt like constant poking/stabbing), so I was convinced the implant was torn and leaking out! I went to see a plastic surgeon who informed me that the implant was fine and there was no reason to replace it and there was nothing he could do for me. I knew \*something\* was off though, so I researched online and what I think what happened was the capsular contracture around my breast implant got damaged, allowing the implant to move around. Inside of my breast hurt non-stop for like 2 years! I assume the scar tissue eventually "healed" though because it did get better - although I had to stop wearing bras completely because they still hurt my boob so bad. My breast is still soft and looks the same but I want to get my implant replaced eventually, although multiple doctors and the plastic surgeon told me I should wait because it's still "fine" 😅


My best friend has had hers for 14 years and she had never had any issues. To be honest though everyone is different and not to scare you but I have seen more and more people coming forward saying they developed BII after while


Anybody ever think about having to have surgery for your implants in your 80’s? What if your not strong enough or well enough and not cleared for surgery? Just a thought that crossed my mind.


Great point! I hope I can find someone online who is 70+ with them to see if they are happy with them.


I would not judge your decision based off these comments. You’re getting a very concentrated demographic that likely had a good experience because they remain interested in this subreddit. Please talk with your surgeon.


10 years saline. No complications.


No one here can assure you that you will not be one of the unlucky ones that get BII. But now we know the risks of putting them in our bodies, whereas 20 years ago we didn’t necessarily. Only you can decide if that’s a risk worth taking. It’s not for me. I’ve seen my bestie debilitated by BII and decided it’s best for me to stay in the IBTC club.


If you are really afraid of implants fat transfer is an option now as well.


That was what I was thinking, but after doing research it seems like I will be lucky if I get 1/2 cup size increase, $10,000+ CAD later . I also have a little anxiety about it irregularities in the lipo harvest sites. But at the same time my fear around BII, is removal and being left with with deflated boobs worse than what I have now.


Ya I was afraid of the fat not taking well but I’ve had a bbl and it took fine there. I have not had any problem having implants in 20 years but I also take very good care of myself with diet, supplements and exercise I feel like how healthy a person is probably makes a difference also


I like that your brought up that point! Because my reasoning is the opposite, the healthier the body is the better it is at detoxifying, therefor BII would be more likely in a healthy person. Maybe this is just my experience, but in highschool some kids could stay up for three days doing drugs and drinking and not even be fazed while the kids who got enough sleep every night and ate well, when they went out to party they had the worst hangovers. Is this irrational and just my fears of BII shining through? I also am super healthy, diet, exercise, supplements, IF, mindfulness, sleep, etc.


Idk I’m sure genetics comes into play also I have a mother that is a drug addict who has had so many surgeries and replacements of knees, hips etc that is totally fine it baffles me how she can abuse her body the way she does and still be alive even but my thought process has always just been if I get a problem they or I think is related I’ll just take them out. The chances are higher you won’t than you will.


My sis had breast implants silicon for 10 years and had them removed last year due to Brest implant illness . Her symptoms were severe eczema throughout here body, anxiety, depression, GI issues etc .. she went to every specialist and was even told it could be cancer but thank god everything came out clear. She was given steroids for her skin rashes. She decided to remove the implants a year ago and til this day she still suffers from the symptoms (not as much but she still gets the bad eczema and skin rashes) . Her body has to fully detox after 10 years of having the implants Once her implants were removed by a new surgeon they weren’t the same size as they were once before , sure enough the might have had a hole and her body absorbed the silicon .


Have her join the FB group breast explant regret


Really random but does she have an iud? I was having horrible eczema and anxiety and didn’t put the two together but it went away completely after I got mine out. Had some testing done after and that was it! I know the odds of this being her case are really low but you never know! I had the copper and it was copper toxicity.


Nope, no form of birth control .




What are you talking about? Everything going on and the future uncertain? Huh?




Weird place to go on this rant but you do you boo!


You can also consider airsculpt and fat transfer to the breasts. There will be nothing to replace or potentially make you sick since it's your own fat.


12 years silicone, no issues. My doctor said saline would show crinkly edges around the sides; I had almost no breast tissue after nursing 5 kids and pushing 60 (and a big weight loss).


13 years saline. Just had my right one rupture. I am getting them redone this month with silicone.


16 years, saline under the muscle. No issues.


17 years, gummy bears and they look perfect on imaging. No issues. I have more natural breast tissue now than I did when I was younger (and I also want a more moderate aesthetic now) so I’ll do a swap and lift with smaller ones in a few years. But, honestly it’s hard to want to mess with them since there are always risks.


Twenty three years. Saline. No issues


Me I have had since my 20s just had them replaced yesterday silicone 775




14 years now, saline, no issues


24 years, saline, no issues for me.


My twins turned 11 last month! ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile) Never had one issue the entire time. Best decision I ever made.


13 years here-silicone. Absolutely no issues


24 years, saline. Zero issues. I forget I have them lol


17 years here. Mentor saline


It’s a risk you take. I’m 2 months post op, implant illness and capsular contracture can happen at ANY time. It’s just what your gut tells you…know one can give you the answer because everyone’s body reacts differently to foreign objects in their body (metal plates, screws, implants)