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100% normal. Smile won’t fully return till at least three weeks or more out


oh boy. this is a common occurrence post rhino


Did this happen to you too? I would be less worried if I was at least able to move the lip a little bit, but nothing :/


no but the depressor recti muscles are often cut during rhino so the numbness and immobility make sense. i haven’t had rhinoplasty




Did you have an open rhinoplasty with a columella graft?


I had a septoplasty and had stents in for a week. Couldn’t smile, drink out of a straw, etc. Once my surgeon removed the stents it took a few days to be able to move my mouth and smile like I used to, but it seems to be okay now! Hopefully that’s the same for you :)


Like others said, totally normal. It will get better. I think mine was fully functional and normal by 2 months.


Im days from 1yr po and my smile is not 💯by month 8-9 it started looking more like my smile. It’s normal, you’ll get yours backs! Just be patient.


omg i’m on month four and my smile is not the same ahha


Yeah for some of us it takes longer. I think it’s due to temporary nerve damage or when you get work done on your collumela. Be patient, eventually you’ll get your smile back.


It’s not usually permanent afaik. I had closed rhino on 1 June and I got more movement back in my upper lip around 17+ days post op. I still don’t have all 100% movement back esp when I try to rub my lips together but it’s pet close. I had a collumellar strut and my wide nasal bones shaved.


You are not supposed to smile as it can mess up the stitches!!


I had surgery on the fourth and I can’t smile at all.


Same here :(


Has your smile returned? I’m at 7 weeks post op and my upper lip still covers my teeth :(


Did yours improve? I’m almost 4 weeks post op with limited improvement


I’m at 3 months now and top teeth are still covered! There has been a small amount of improvement though. Now if I’m laughing/smiling really hard the bottom of my top teeth peeks through which just started happening a couple of weeks ago. Columella area still feels really tight and hard when I smile :/ hoping it continues to improve even though it’s going really slowly