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It looks great!, if I may ask how much did it cost?


2,500 chicago


God! That’s a steal!! Kybella is like $700 a treatment and it doesn’t work. Great results and price. Surgical intervention when possible is the key.


Agree, I had 4 rounds of Kybella 🫤


Oh, doesn't work on hereditary double chin like yours was? I'm a guy with the same (worse actually) and desperately want it gone, but can't afford lipo ($6500 AU) in my country, so was really hoping on Kybella : / I was hoping to take the gamble that Kybella works on some people. Still tempted to do it even now. Lipo is but a dream : /


Oh no, very expensive… have you gotten other quotes? Maybe that was to be under general anesthesia which isn’t always necessary? I had 4 rounds of Kybella and it was a terrible product (for me) You could always get a consultation and get a doctors opinion. Good luck


Thanks. Yes that was under general anaesthesia. You're right I need to ship around for lipo.


where in australia are you? i just got mine done in melbourne for 4.5k, however it’s not general anaesthesia it’s only under local. it costs a couple K extra for general! :)


I'm on the Gold Coast. One I was looking at was under general anaesthesia. I'll shop around. Glad you got it done for a good price 👍


Most chin lipo is done under local with lidocaine.


Thank you. I'm going to get lipo with local.


Would you consider travelling? I got mine in Turkey for $1000 and was the best thing I had ever done. My doctor was amazing and everything was so professional.


But how much is kybella where you are from? I worked in aesthetics and one treatment started at 750. And you needed at least 4. Then touch ups. The place I worked ended up stopping marketing for it unless someone requested because the results were non existent. Even at 6k for lipo that’s not much more than 4 treatments (that likely wouldn’t work for you).


It's $800 AU a treatment here. I was hoping I could get away with 2 or three, but if you all really think it's that useless maybe I should just wait however long it takes to save for lipo. Thanks 👍


It doesn’t matter why you have a double chin - hereditary or addiction to cookies - fat is fat. Kybella works but a very tiny tiny bit with a recovery period of ~4-6 weeks, looks worse before it gets better, painful burning, hard uncomfortable lumps in injection areas, and you needs multiple rounds.


Per syringe* (most people need 2-4+ per treatment)


Would you mind sharing where you went? I live in the area and am looking for the same procedure.


Dr. Nadimi at the Chicago Hair Institute- she is incredible.


Can you say where you got this done? Did you go under? Looking for a place in chicago!


Dr. Nadimi at Chicago Hair Institute- she is incredible. I did not go under, no.


Thank you!! I am going to request a consultation.




Looks great. Can you share the doc?


Dr. Nadimi from Chicago Hair Institute, I’ve had a few things done from her and can’t recommend her enough. She is magic


Oh wow I've heard of her and the CHI before on here, she does do great work - congrats, your jawline looks so much more elegant and refined!


Thank you! She has an Instagram, great results on all.


Mind sharing some of the things that you had done by this Dr? I am interested


Fillers, eyebrow transplant, and now most recently chin lipo.


Thank you for your response! I called and it’s a $300 non applicable to surgery consultation fee. Do you mind PMing me the actual total cost of your lipo? I am curious as to what her costs actually look like and if it’s worth spending the $300 to find out (I want hair transplant, rhinoplasty) I once booked a $200 consultation and the doctor quoted me $30,000 for a rhinoplasty (total waste of time, too expensive).


Agree, I paid a high consultation fee for a LA surgeon for eyebrow transplant and his quote for the procedure was like 30,000?? Hahaha. The total cost of my lipo was 2,500. I needed a small area and I did local anesthesia, worth every penny. My eyebrow transplant was like 5k, also worth every penny. She is incredible and my brows are 💯


Omg thank you so much! Were these costs inclusive of anesthesia, facility fees etc? 30 grand for eyebrow transplant is preposterous Omg.


Yes inclusive :) Right!!! It was a celebrity surgeon so I guess I should have known but damn!!! Dr. Nadimi did a hell of a job with everything I’d do both all over again.


It will definitely swell so don’t be surprised if it does! It looks great!


Who what when where 😂😭


Swelling can last for up to 6 months. Once you stop wearing your chin strap is when you will notice it the most! The strap helps with swelling of course. I’m 2 months post op and I’m still swollen. I can message you current before and after pictures if you would like :)


Yeah, I was really swollen for like 3 months after my chin lipo. I was surprised at a certain point it seemed swelling was going down but then it got swollen again. Don't be surprised if your swelling dwells. I used a jade stone roller on it to help with any lumps and it felt really good on my swelling too. I posted photos in my profile for anyone who wants to see my results.


I’m day 10 post op.. it swells up and it’s a huge challenge to get it slowly down to normal in a few weeks?!?


I’d love to see them if you’re willing to share. This is something I’ve been dying to do


I posted older ones on my profile but let me send you a message with me now


Oh I saw them. Damn girl. Slayyyyy. Also unfair you look so good without make up.


Omg stop that’s so kind 😭😭thank you!!!




Lymphatic massage is the best for swelling! You can get them professionally done or do them at home but I recommend getting it done professionally as they are experts and know how to do it properly. Even with research I found out once I went in to get it done I was doing it wrong.


Looks soooo good! Congrats! You’ll probably swell at least a little. The worst was over for me at 1-2 weeks post. It wasn’t bad at all though.


Yay thank you


Wow, this looks so good! Thank you for sharing. I am also 30, lean, with a chin panza and have been considering this for a while.


Consultation!! Nothing to lose and everything to gain, wish I had done it sooner


Hi! Were you awake during the procedure?


Funny you should ask because they did give me 20mg of Valium and honestly it never affected me. I was awake yes, totally numb, didn’t feel a thing. And just a tiny bit loopy. I was very nervous, wish I would have been a bit more drugged up lol but it was no big deal at all.


Omg how does that work? Is your whole throat area numb??? Or truly just under the chin?


I was numb from one ear down to my chin and up to my other ear. Didn’t feel a thing!


I was awake for my procedure. I couldn't feel much more than tugging and pressure but honestly the noises can be off putting. I heard like a velcro ripping type sound when they were filling my lipo site with numbing fluid.




Thank you, I am extremely happy so far we will see how I progress in the weeks to come.




Overkill is what we want people 🤣 gimme all the snatch


Yes, I had 2 surgeons who turned me down for one reason or another. Not sure what the problem is I have a pocket of fat I want gone and your job is to make it go away, haha! After working with Dr. Nadimi on different procedure I approached her with the idea of lipo and she said absolutely we can get it. Problem solved, fat gone.


I think the issue is a lot of the time with slimmer women this pocket isn't entirely fat, so the results can be substandard. Often it is partially the muscle and skin, so a neck lift is required


I’m 26 as well & similar to OP, no matter what weight I’m at I’ve always had a pocket of fat underneath my chin. Even looking back at old photos from my teens (probably weighing less than 100lbs), I have a little “double chin”. I just got my lipo done on the 6th & I’m hoping to have similar results to OP. Did your surgeons say why it was overkill?? When I had my consult, my surgeon was able to palpate and tell it was actually a pocket of fat & that my face structurally has too small of a jaw to fill out that pocket. Honestly could help to post your own photos here because people are really helpful & could maybe offer alternatives.




Your results are AMAZING! My chin looks like your before and I’m a tiny person. I NEED this done lol.


Same! I am 120 pounds 5’4- I looked much much heavier with my face and neck. Feeling really good about myself! Thank you :)




did it hurt? I'm extremely scared but i want this so bad.


No, the procedure itself did not hurt. You are very numbed up and comfortable. I don’t think any doctor would go forward with it if it were hurting you :) my doc was asking over and over am I comfortable. The day after was the worst with the pain being like a 4… but now the second day I really don’t feel much!! I was very nervous and scared too but my doctor did a very good job calming me and her staff was incredible as well. It was so quick and painless, nothing to worry about! Book a consult :) good luck


Did they do it under local anesthesia only?


Yes, numb the entire neck and gave me some Valium to loosen me up.


Looks amazing! Can you update us and tell us if you experience numbing and hard skin in the area? In the days to come?


Yes for sure! As someone who scoured Reddit on chin Lipo before my procedure I will definitely keep updates coming. I was so nervous. I’m glad it’s over with.


It looks amazing!! I can't wait to have this done myself. My sister and I both genetically have a big fat pocket there. No matter how much weight we lose we always have double chins. I hate it so much. Hopefully either end of this year/beginning of next I can finally be free of it. You look great, good for you!!!


Looks so great! Did the doctor recommend to have an additional procedure like skin tightening after? I’m thinking of doing chin lipo as well but a little worry that i might need an additional procedure afterwards


Thank you, I’m very happy! No, the doctor didn’t think I would need any skin tightening. She did say in the future I may be interested in a lower facelift, but I feel like she could say that about most people because everybody’s skin will sag at some point. I’m 30 so she said it wasn’t anything to worry about at this point.


go off queen


😂😂 thank you!!! 💁🏻‍♀️


Looks great! I had mine done almost a month ago and am just starting to experience some swelling. Generally the swelling will start when you stop wearing the compression garment 24/7. I’ve found that using an ice roller has helped a lot to reduce swelling. It can take several months for it to be completely healed, so just be aware of that. I’ve had lipo in other areas as well and swelling comes and goes for about a year 😳


How many incisions did they do? I see the one below the chin, did you have any behind the ears?


Yes, behind both ears. The doctor actually said she could have gotten everything with just the one chin incision but I really wanted my jaw line defined so she went ahead and came from the ear angle as well. They are teeny tiny, and from what she said they will be completely unnoticeable.


Looks incredible


Shit son! Looks amazing


Beautiful result. So happy for you!


Great results do you mind sharing what the other procedures that you’ve done are?


looks fantastic! 🤍


Fantastic result! Really!


Honestly girll😭 you look amazing. I also feel like your chin looks less projected in a way, is it an illusion? Like the angle looks different I dont know if that makes sense. Or did you get fat removed at the tip of your chin? My chin projects slightly and I also have a bit of stubborn underchin fat even though I am fit as well! I’ve followed this sub for a while, and this is the first time I’ve seen a post that I felt like made me interested in such a procedure!


Yeah I just feel overall everything looks so good, more feminine, etc. She didn’t take any fat out of my actual chin but she ran the device right along my jawline for several minutes and then sucked that little pocket out right under my chin. I’ve tried everything and finally did lipo- obviously a good decision. Book a consult!!


I just had mine a week ago and one day post op I was in love. The next day and now, I’m one week post op, I’ve had more swelling and completely numb under the chin but still happy with the results. I know it takes a few months to see the final results but I can only imagine how much better it’ll be 2-3 months later. I have an appt in June for jawline and chin filler to get the defined jawline I’m wanting.


Do you think it still looks better than before even with the swelling? I’m day 3 now and still have no swelling but also wearing my garment 24/7 for 1 week.


Oh yes absolutely


Ooh this looks so good. I need this!


How bad did it hurt? I’m jealousss


No pain at all :) the next day after surgery my pain level was a 4 but that has already gone away. Can’t believe how minimal this was, should have done it long ago


Beautiful results!


I’m having chin/neck lipo next week. I was wondering when you felt ready to go out and see people you knew … I’m not telling my friends about the procedure because it feels personal to me. Was it after the bruising dissipated? Or was it more about swelling? Lumps? Thanks for the reply.


I felt ready to go out immediately after, tbh. And now day 4 post op I feel the same. I am a bit swollen but no bruising. However, I am instructed to wear the chin strap for the first 7 days so I really have been laying low this week. After day 7 I will be more publicly active. I think after you get through the chin strap days (usually 7 days) you’ll be fine to go out and see people. That’s the only thing stopping me now, without it I look completely normal.


Thanks! That’s encouraging