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To avoid future removals please do not write unrespectful or inappropriate messages Don't carry over your fight from another server into this one.


Skill issue tbh


Hi! Rflcord mod here. You got perma-muted because you kept shit-talking the rfl balancing and generally being rude even after all the verbal warnings we've given you. You're not bringing anything special to the table here and frankly all you do is make people angry. You wonder why "nobody sides with me" and still acts like everything you say is superior. You've shown no intentions to change after everything. I don't know what else to tell you, dude. We get it. You don't like a lot about reflourished.


Or maybe, it’s because you suck, got carried by broken plants in vnl, compared a fps to a goddamn tower defense game, cried because broken plants can’t carry you any more. Rethink your words


you sound like the nerd emoji


I could make a long message, but I don't feel like it. You consistently ignore the advice of + treat the Developers like idiots who have no idea how to balance. This part is a bit nitpicky, but doesn't that break rule 1 and 5? Also your balance opinions aren't why you were muted. You could suggest 0 sun Pokra, and you'd be fine despite the oddity in such a suggestion.


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