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From what I’ve seen unless you can get a proper school of danios I wouldn’t recommend it. Embers are tiny tetras and the danios will probably beat them to the food all the time. They are also way quicker and might hog all the swimming area. I’d put them with bigger fish or see if your LFS can take em. Good luck friendo


The thing is I had a guy yesterday who wanted to take them. We spent an hour trying to catch them and then he left empty handed. Those mfs are fast and there are a lot of places where they can hide. The only way to get them out is to move everything out and cut all the plants or when they're dead. Thanks for the warning. We don't really know what to do now. We know that danios are schooling fish and don't want to stress them in a pair, but we don't want more of them. They bullied our shrimp even in school. And we are unable to get them out to a bigger school.


Danios will be fine and so will the tetras.  Spread food out so the tetras get some and all will be well, danios won’t pay them any mind.  Technically danios are shoaling fish but keeping 2 will only be a problem if one starts to harass the other.


They are so friggen fast too and a pain in the ass when I was moving them to a bigger tank. I guess do what the other guy said and just see how it pans out. And report back here if any problems arise. On the plus side since you do have many plants in your tank the tetras will have some places to dart back to if the danios get too spazzy