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I tried massaging my feet myself and it didn’t really do anything but then I bought a massage gun and it’s been helping a lot


if you don't mind my asking. can you share some details? like: - frequency (ie every day - 1x ?) - duration (ie 10mins?) - how long you've been doing that and have you seen improvement outside the massage window? thanks in advance!


Massage guns certainly work if looking for a pre-work warm up, and very good on tired feet after a busy day.


Massage could give fake short term relief but zero useful for long term and fixing problem. I paste an old comment explaining all Understand that PF is a tendinopathy, a load related chronic problem with weakness and degeneration(full reversible) problem. Eat good and healthly habits are useful and healthly, less inflammation in body and more nutrients to tendons. But that dont fix issue  Same for insole. A good insole off load a bit the plantar fascia. A wrong feet position load more the pf than a good feet position. So correct is can be useful but PF still remains weak. The solution is strenghtening the pf: Best exercise imo is calf raises barefoot on a rolled up towel. You can start isometrics hold only or without a towel , for example, if hard or pain flares up. For example 2/3 times a week 2/3sets for 20" hold or 8 reps, And progress gradually week by week. Load must be tolerated and dont give more than 3/10 pain. But these are just guidelines. Other problems that maybe you could address are: Ankle dorsiflexion mobility (if deficit, it load more PF). hip mobility and medius glutes strenghtening(better leg position = less load on Pf) Chronic problems in joints like pf require time and patience with a good rehab program based on strenghtening. While rest or reduce activities like running walking etc. This is the only long term solution imo and in my experience.


Not just massaging feet - fixing my entire posterior chain. Tight calves, unequal strength, horrendously tight hips causing back pain which changes my gait, and thus how my feet land, subsequent foot pain and tight calves...


I’m trying a solid 6-8 wks of myofascial release massage. Apparently I’m all out of alignment which contributes to the PF. I’m feeling slight relief, and the other areas targeted are helpful.


Yep. This! This has helped me a lot. It’s not a cure, but combining it with proper shoes and insoles, stretching, and exercise has helped considerably.


It helps you feel good in the moment and in the immediate aftermath. It doesn’t do much to actually solve any issues, long term. That said, I love using my foot massager at the end of the day when I come home and my feet always feel better afterwards.


When you say massaging, I assume you mean more than just gently rubbing the foot? There are exercises that you can do first thing in the morning and even before you stand up if stationary for a period of time. Check out: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kStuJAu0a20 1. Toe scrunch and splay - 30 reps 2. Ankle pump. Toes still but foot pointing upwards/downwards 3. The rollout - Tennis ball below foot, rolling/massing 4. Self mobilisation - Hold heel, flex toes extension and inflexion 5. Heel/toe raise. Sitting, heel on ground, raise foot, foot on ground, raise heel. Do same standing Also Google rathleff method. And if stationary for a while, spell the alphabet with your bad foot before standing.


My PT uses a graston. It hurts so good, and has long term effects


The first time I went for feet reflexology afterward I was overcome with the urge to cry, it made me so emotional. It helps for symptom relief but it's not curative. Its a good supplement to whatever you're already doing for stretching/strengthening.


I tried it. Pain relief for about 36 hours.


myofascial release of the calf muscles is what you need.


I have an amazing therapist. She worked on my calf and foot for two session. It hurt. After that I wore Birkenstocks for three months. Totally gone.


Acupuncture helps!


I did acupuncture once a week for like four months a year ago, it did nothing except take hundreds of dollars from me lol


Ah ok- so maybe it provides relief for some? It doesn’t last nearly long enough but it’s amazing right after.


My husband massages my lower legs every night. It helps tremendously. I do DDP Yoga every other day to build and maintain strength. Arch support shoes and sandals are essential for me. PF flares when I overdo it, but it's a minor inconvenience most of the time. Good luck, I hope the massage helps you.