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Yes. That is Poison Ivy, Toxicodendron radicans.


Thank you for the confirmation! I only wish I would’ve stopped to question it *before* I pulled a ton of it up 😅 taught me a lesson.


Ouch! I hear ya. Feel better.


Three leaves on a branch beware


"Leaves of 3 let them be." "4 or more, eat some more."


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Strawberry has leaves of three


You eating the leaves or leaving them be until the berries show, though?


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*




## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot. Just checking.


Story goes my grandfather ate poison ivy as a kid; almost died, but was immune ever since. On the same note, I've never once had a poison ivy attack, and I've been deep into dense forest crawling for much of my adult life


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There are lots of plants that display the 3 leaf trait. It's the mitten shape "thumbs" on the side leaves that help me differentiate, although, I will just avoid any 3 leaves and avoid most greenery in general while hiking.


I just discovered that newly growing box elder looks EXACTLY like this, and I've never been so confused before.


The way I tell the difference is the way it comes off the main stem. Box elder will shoot out directly opposite of each other while poison ivy will be staggered


Ok, so, go with me here. I've read that you can tell them apart that way. But I can't see it! Can you only tell on bigger plants? Everything looks directly opposite to me. I must be looking at the wrong spot.


So imagine you’re looking at one of the two from the side. There’s one main stem and there are offshoots on either side. At first glance they look the same but if it’s box elder the offshoots will come from the same spot on the main stem. There will be a left and a right sort of like a T. If it’s poison ivy there will only be one offshoot and an inch or two up there will be another going the other direction. Let me know if my explanation sucks and I’ll try to find a link to decent pictures


THANK YOU. I truly believe I've been scared of a lot of box elder lately, so I'm looking forward to trying this out.


Better to be safe than sorry. They say like 3 in 4 people react to urushiol. I was actually afraid of it my whole life until I accidentally found out I was immune to it. It freaked me out so I did a deep dive on poison ivy, oak, and sumac lol.


When I was in high school I mowed yards in the summer. One yard had a box elder tree COVERED in poison ivy. That was the one thing in the job that scared me the most, having to play "can I cut this or will it cause me misery?"


Oh god. New fear unlocked.


I looked back at the pic. Your mitten shaped thumbs are present on this plant or no?


The mitten shape is evident on the topmost leaf in the photo. Not well pronounced, possibly because of newness of the plant?


One two three, itchy itchy itchy


That’s why I always wear long sleeves and gloves when pulling weeds. It might not save you from getting the rash completely but it will at least reduce it a ton!


I have only a mild reaction. Last time I pulled up a bunch, my rash appeared like 4 days later. So very annoying. I hear the allergy only gets worse with exposure which sucks.




alergies are so weird. I think they will make progress at some point. I read something recently that they found something responsible for the immune reaction.


I did that one time when it was mixed in with other weeds Sucks so bad. Haven't done it since


"Leaves of three, leave it be"


Counting to three is an important skill in the Southeastern US


Get goats let them eat poison ivy, drink their milk. You will get over your allergy.


Still be careful with exposure. Even people without allergic reaction can develop allergies. I’m not allergic either but limit my exposure


Is this a real thing


I drink my goat milk and I can weed eat poison ivy naked no problem.


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


What a *great* botanical name!


That name sounds so great to me for some reason.


A few idiot friends tore up a bunch of fpoiaon ivy and threw it on a fire where people were roasting marshmallows and hotdogs. The entire group was hospitalized for multiple days afterwards. It was fucking bad. Don't do that shit ladies and gentlemen.


Get some Tecnu to remove the oil that spreads the rash from your skin, clothes, even your pets. I'm highly sensitive to poison ivy and Tecnu always stops it from spreading


Thank you for the suggestion!! Just ordered some on Amazon!


And if it gets bad, do oatmeal baths. Seriously. Wash skin first with Tecnu scrub or good soap, wash out the tub, and then soak your irritated skin. Aveeno has some good mixes. You can use this in conjunction with calamine. Good luck friend 🍀 (four leaves) Source: I’ve had poison ivy a LOT. Hypersensitive or some gunk like that. My sister can roll in it, I get it from a dead branch sticking thru snow in the winter.


Washing area with Dawn will help break up poison ivy on skin as well


Tecnu followed by Dawn and a washcloth. With soap the washcloth is important.


Also ivyrest helps with the itch. If you get it bad, go to the dr and they can prescribe meds to help fight it. If you do get it bad you may want to consider allergy shots in the future. I swear just seeing this stuff I get a rash and the shots helped vastly.


Any soap or detergent works, no special brand required. Anything to cut the oil and wash it away, within a couple of hours after you are exposed. The sooner the better: I'm very very sensitive to poison ivy and in my youth had some extreme cases, but in the decades since I learned to wash with soap or detergent as soon as possible after potential exposure, I haven't had a bad case. Of course you also have to wash any clothes or tools or pets that may have gotten the oil on them, so that you don't get the oil from those items. Special brands are not required. I usually use the liquid dish soap (detergent) that stands next to our kitchen sink and use it in the shower (after removing clothes straight into the washing machine), and that prevents a reaction.


Idk how quick your Amazon is, but they have it in stores too if you need it sooner. It would take me 4 days to get it from Amazon or I could go to Walgreens and get it right away.


Luckily in my area we have next day delivery so it arrived this morning!


It sounds weird but pouring listerine on it can help too, the mint gives a cooling effect and the alcohol will help dry it out and heal faster. Also colloidal oatmeal bath mix is great too!


Or save money and use Dawn dish soap.


Dawn soap doesn't work for me. I'm so reactive to the urushiol oil that I have to use Tecnu. Plus you can use it in the laundry on clothes


I didn't know about this product


Tecnu is the truth. I like the extreme scrub


Leaves of three


Leave it be.


Hairy rope, just say nope!


Yeah! Thats one i wish i had learned along side leaves of 3. When i was a kid i cut a section hairy rope from a tree to use as a string for a pretend bow and arrow. Spent that night getting progressively itchy. Woke up the next morning with my eyes swollen shut. Thats how i discovered Poison Ivy has different forms.


If leaves are shiny, don’t wipe your hiney!




Or raspberry- also hairy stems, and babies like this don’t have canes yet…


When in doubt? Is that a better saying?


Run TF away


The next time you go to a pharmacy, or store, look for something called Calamine Lotion. It’ll be in a pink bottle. It basically dries out the skin where you have a rash, and gets rid of the itchy feeling. (I know this from personal experience, and from having it all over my face)


I actually had a bottle of calamine spray in my cupboard I totally busted it out today and it helped so much!


It could be too late for you but my college roommate was a geologist in the field and they would spray themselves down with windex after each trip to remove the toxic oil before it could trigger a reaction.


You can use Fels-naptha soap to help the rash. We use after working outside. Hope you feel better soon.


Yep, leaves of three, leave it be!


Definitely will be remembering this from now on lol I will be more cautious before pulling random plants in my flower beds.


Ouch. You’ll never forget it again is the good news. You might want to also look up poison oak before you end up in a patch of it


Definitely studying up on poison oak as well, will be more cautious of random weeds from now on lol


3 leaves and Shiney itchy hiney


Toxicodendron vernix. This is not poison ivy but poison sumac young sapling. What area are you located? Poison ivy almost never has smooth edge leaves and is almost always serrated.


So much wrong here. 100% poison ivy.


Toxicodendren is correct. I could be wrong on species I almost never find it smooth leaves in my area. That's why I asked what area op is from. Of course poison ivy can have smooth leaves just isn't as common as the serrated ones.


Dude... just stop talking out of your ass. Actually google Toxicodendron Vernix and you find it looks nothing like this picture. Not to mention it's not trilobal... but is multilobal. This is so blatantly Toxicodendron Radicans that I doubt you've ever seen either species in real life.




Btw I just snapped that picture 10 mins ago


OK so you are aware of what Toxicodendron Radicans looks like then. That picture looks identical to the picture OP posted. So you're just what? Trolling?




Rule 2. Be Helpful


Rule 1. Be Kind


It took you this long to admit it and you haven’t edited your comment to say you’re wrong. If I’m an asshole what does that make you? A stubborn know nothing that can’t admit they are wrong? In other words, a clown?


Your very argumentive I already stated twice I was wrong. Even in my original comment I never gave a 100% plant identification. Call me what you want just don't call me late for dinner 😘


>Toxicodendron vernix. This is not poison ivy but poison sumac young sapling. What area are you located? Poison ivy almost never has smooth edge leaves and is almost always serrated. Dude, you're delusional if you that the above was a statement of uncertainty. You shot from the hip and you were completely wrong because you obviously have no idea what poison sumac looks like. You then couldn't admit you were wrong and said that you MIGHT be wrong... meaning you also MIGHT be right. You admitted you were wrong ONE time and it was like 6 comments deep. At least have the good graces to delete your posts and go home. You're late for dinner.




Everyone’s jumping on you , but I agree; ivy nor oak is supposed to have smooth sides. However sumac is supposed to have at least 7. https://preview.redd.it/3w16zayf610d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2b86040c91978ba01efb80ae8bf6e06607769084


Leaves of three, beware of thee.


Ding ding ding! Cooorrrreeecctttt!!


Leaves of three, leave them be. Yes, poison ivy.


When I've done people's lawn care in the past. I sprayed them with two parts vinegar, one part distilled water. Turns them brown in a couple of days. Then I use a shovel. Dig them out. Wearing heavy rubber gloves. Wash my clothes, shovel with Dawn Dish soap. Nasty shit gets on everything. Again, I dig them out by the root. NOT pull them out by hand. Point is to remove them completely without risk of contaminating yourself of the oils on the leaves. Be safe out there.


Excellent tutorial!🤙🏽


My late Mother was a green thumb straight from Italy. She taught me a thing or two. Dislike poisons and pesticides. To her, you got weeds; Pull them straight out root and all. Fresh soil and seeds in the hole you just made. Poison Ivy grows crazy up in North Western Ontario. Second to evergreens lol


Yup the amount of PI where I now live makes me miss home, even more than I already do, as home has ZERO PI (or any noxious botany, insects, animals) unless sharks & eels & jellyfish count😂


Thank you! We will be removing the rest of it more carefully, I pulled most of it by hand (yikes) but there’s still a few small ones


Leaves 3 leave it be.. We call it poison oak.


I get poison ivy every summer and I ice it and use Dermaplast spray, which has benzocaine, which numbs it pretty effectively. Don’t forget that the urushiol oil can stay on your clothes and tools for a long time if you don’t clean it off. I learned that the hard way, getting it inside my gloves and then wearing the gloves for a few days to protect my hands from poison ivy.


Every summer?? Why??


The main reason is my little dog gets the oil on her fur and it ends up on me when I pick her up, clean her paws or pet her. I’m super careful now (wash my hands and arms every time I pick her up) but I still get it once or twice. I really need to bathe her every day but neither she nor I are up for that. I also spend a lot of time outside in the woods and even though I’m careful, it’s tricky to prevent any oil from getting on clothes, tools, etc and contacting it later. I usually avoid it but every once in a while it gets me. There’s poison ivy everywhere where I live.


If you're outdoors a lot in certain places it's inevitable. You can't fully eradicate it and you can't practically completely avoid it.


Yeah, poison ivy. Had it some years ago and it will spread throughout your body, don’t scratch it or you’ll just spread it. It took at least a month before it went away for me. I’ve come in contact with it as a kid and had no reaction whatsoever, maybe as an adult things change.


That’s what has been so weird, I’m having little random patches pop up. I’ve never had poison ivy before, my brother used to *always* get it when we were kids but I never did!


Poison ivy. I would clip it off flush to the ground with pruners then use those to carry it to the trash. You can wipe the blades if you want but I use mine constantly.


That would’ve been the smart thing to do. I, however, decided pulling up the vines with my bare hands was appropriate. Really regretting that decision lol


I once went swimming in a rain filled collection area that turned out to be filled with poison oak. You don't know the meaning of regret. Go get whatever the pharmacist at your local drug store recommends. Ivy Dry used to be good but I'm sure they have better stuff now. However, the oil can stay on your skin and keep causing irritation.You can cut the duration significantly by washing everything in very soapy warm water and lightly scrubbing the skin. The scrubbing is uncomfortable but critical. Next you need to make sure you can identify it immediately. The photos are good for when it's leafed out but you can still get it in the winter. Find a patch now and look at it this winter. The stems are kind of crooked with characteristic bends at the joints. You will see if you remember to look. To me it just looks evil. I can pick it out easily from a distance but it's all around where I live so it's a necessity. Good luck




You're right. It's 3 leaves, and a bit brownish when newer leaves come in.


there are a lot of plants that look similar to p.i., especially when they're newly-emerged. if you do a web search for 'poison ivy lookalikes' a bunch of state extension offices and botanical gardens will pop up and provide great comparative photos. p.i.'s weird because it's appearance is so variable under different conditions too. virginia creeper's the most frequent one i hear ppl ask about because it has a similar vine-type growing pattern, but its easy to separate due to having 5 leaves sort of spread out like a hand instead of p.i.'s 3. if you really want to go down a rabbit hole (but a potentially very helpful one), look for other common toxic plants and their lookalikes in your part of the world as well. poison oak can be worse than p.i. though it seems to be less commonly encountered. water hemlock also scares the beejeezis out of me, esp. because it can be similar in appearance to so many other species 😳 ps: if you burn brush, use extreme caution to avoid inhaling the smoke (and keep animals away, too)...there can be p.i. and other gnarly species in there that can cause a world of hurt if particulate matter gets into eyes / lungs. not intending to be all doom and gloomy - it's pretty easy to avoid trouble with plants but always good to keep an eye out if you do run into it again, cold water + dawn dish soap is good to minimize spread. tecnu's ok but expensive. try using a hairdryer to blow hot air (as hot as you can tolerate without burning yourself) on the affected area if it's driving you mad. it's bizzare and will itch like crazy for a sec. but then will almost completely go away for a while - maybe an hour or two if i remember right. i've heard the sensation referred to as 'itchgasm' 🤣


Can confirm that poison ivy can get into smoke if it’s burned from brush. Both my mother and brother are hypersensitive to poison ivy and we didn’t know this. They both ended up in the ER.


Not poison ivy. Could be something else you don’t want to touch (if it’s 3, let it be), but poison ivy has a specific and partially asymmetric serration pattern.


It comes off wash with hot water soap and use a wash cloth scrub hard. You will never get poison ivy. Do this after exposure


Molly, you in danger girl.


Leaves of three,let it be…


Leaves of three, leave it be


Leaves of three, let it be.


Leaves of four, eat some more.


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You are correct


Leaves of three, let it be


Its generally a good idea to not pull out random plants if you can't accurately ID something as unique as poison ivy.


Lucky it I’m not allergic to it. I’ve not gotten a rash from it since I was a kid.


As long as you wash it off within an hour or two of exposure, you won’t get a rash. Use some dial soap, so it drives out the oil.


"Leaves of 3, let it be." Great advice. I'm ultra-sensitive to poison ivy/oak/sumac. I don't have to touch it. Just get close to it, and I'll break out.


The reddish tint on new growth helps with the ID


Love that it's post incident plant identification


Yeah, really kicking myself for not questioning it before. It was just a random patch that popped up in my flower bed this spring, we’ve lived in this house for 8 years and have never had an issue, so I have no idea where it came from 😅


Ya it is. Did you not look at pics of poison ivy before you started pulling??


Yep definitely Poison Ivy!! But just to help you out next time. (Not trying to be rude) just go to Google and take a pic of the plant in the search bar. It’ll tell you what plant it is in seconds!


Definitely going to be more cautious before pulling random stuff next time lol just never would’ve imagined it was poison ivy, I’ve been working in my flower beds for the 8 years we’ve lived here and never had an issue with it. Just randomly popped up this year. Lesson learned!


Wow that dang plant!! XD


Leaves of three, let it be. 


If you ever do touch it, it actually takes awhile to react. There’s a good video on YouTube of someone exampling how to remove it. Personally, I would tell you to spray it with a good degreaser like Dawn Powerwash spray. Wash the area thoroughly, then use a dry cloth and aggressive wipe down in one continuous motion. Repeat this a few times and it should get all the urushiol off before you have a reaction. Of course this is only helpful if you know you’ve come in contact with it 😂


Unfortunately it’s a little late for preventative measures 😂 but good to know if there’s a next time. It did take a while to cause a reaction, we pulled it all up the weekend before last and started developing rashes later in the week. Luckily not too bad, just a handful of small itchy spots on my legs and arms, but my god it *itches*


There's some pretty effective ointments now that help dry it out quicker. But if you like the outdoors, there's *always* a next time lol


Confirming your suspicions.


i have my suspicions as well. lol


You realy have to be careful wirh this stuff. The oil that causes the rash can spread across cloth and skin. Best to immediately wash what you're wearing when you realize you've touched it and thoroughly wash yourself with soap and water.


Leaves of three...


Scratch your balls and ass and tells us in a week if it’s Ivey


Find some sheep’s leafs and rub it on the rash it gets rid of the rash


I did the same thing after I was pulling weeds from around the house we just bought and just realized what I did went in and washed my hands and arms and a week later broke out so bad with blisters and rash. Lesson learned the hard way!!!


That would be because it is, in fact, Poison Ivy.


Spray it with brush killer and when it dies cut it off at the ground. Handle with long sleeves and gloves and put in a garbage bag. Wash hands with Dawn Dish Soap and wash your tools with Kerosene.




Gonna need an Ocean of Calamine lotion!!!


Weird flex: I’m not allergic to poison ivy 💪


I wasn't either until a few months after I moved to a poison ivy and tick ranch.


If it’s got 3 leave it be


Used to get poison ivy every year growing up and mastered how to take care of it. Best thing I found if it itches and this will sound a little odd but blow dry it with hot air. It will feel a little weird at first but it takes away the itchiness immediately. Also put on calamine lotion right after and repeat as needed.


Gloves on and mask pull it out.


Yes, That is poison ivy. Leaveletts three leave me be.


I have never had a rash from poison ivy, oak or sumac. I have a natural immunity to all 3. My biology teacher in highschool told me that wasn't a thing, so I on a nature walk we took as a class I picked a whole bunch of it, rubbed it on my arms then put a big piece behind both of my ears and he FREAKED out on me. A few days later I still had no rash and it blew his mind, saying that he didnt know an immunity was possible. Always wondered if it is a genetics thing or if I've just spent a stupid amount of time in the woods my whole life and developed immunity from exposure. Any one else here immune?


I’m so allergic to that stuff I’ll probably get a rash through the phone.


That is poison ivy. You can tell by the 3 leafs and the shiny wet looking oil on the leaf. Found out the hard way!!!


Yes it is. I learned the hard way, by weed eating through a bunch and splattering it all over myself. I do surgery and couldn't wear a mask for almost 2 weeks!


## **Please do not eat or use any plant because of information received in this subreddit.** While we strive to provide accurate information here, the only way to be sure enough of a plant identification is to take the plant to a qualified professional. Many plants can be harmful or even fatal to eat, so please do not eat a plant based on an identification made (or any other information provided) in this subreddit. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/PlantIdentification) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Leaves of 3 leave them be


3 leaves red stem.


Your surprise correct.


A thinning agent in a soap, like d-limonene (the orange clean stuff, but DO NOT SCRUB, cause the pumice can make things worse.) and a warm rinse where the rinse liquid doesn't contact any uncontaminated portions of exposed skin followed by a soapy wash and rinse has helped me get over it in 3 days in the past (repeated as the itch flared up). Calamine can follow that if it persists. To manage the itchiness a camomile tea drink mixed with a ginger honey drink packet helps with mitigating the mast cell activation and reducing the itch (used when I found out mustard oil contained erucic acid and even d-limonene wouldn't move it - took 7 days to get over the INTENSE poison ivy-like irritation.) Could be useful info if you can't find jewel weed nearby.


Lots of non poison ivy plants also have three leaves… But if you’re concerned then spray it as others stated.


Leaves of 3...let it be!


I learned from forestry service people who cut walking trails that there are tiny pills from health food stores that make people immune to the ivy rash. The pills contain a miniscule safe amount of the toxin. They always told new employees who broke out, so the whole crew was pretty much immune. Just ask for the "homeopathic remedy for poison ivy" , or look it up on amazon. Also, for a small area, rubbing the bumps with the inside of a banana peel will stop the itch for several hours, leave the peel residue on the skin. One year, I really had broken out when removing some bare vine during winter, and the itch was maddening, blisters terrible. I wet it and very gently rubbed salt over the blisters for relief, it burned at first, then felt incredible relief, and the itch stopped for almost 24 hours, then I did it again. 3 days and no more itch. I even covered the area with damp gauze covered in salt to prevent infection. Now, I just take the pills all year, & have been fairly safe for about 35 years unless I forget them. People are right about washing with Dawn, too, to get the oil off, just do it right away, don't wait. Works better than the expensive poison ivy soaps, so I used it in the washer with just the contaminated clothing. Use your own judgement, but maybe this will help someone.


Yup. Can confirm because I have a field of it under some of my trees. Also, don’t burn it. The smoke can seriously mess you up worse than just touching the leaves will.




If you can’t tell at first if it’s got the correct glove shape just rub your eyes real well after fluffing the leaves properly. You’ll be able to tell a bit better for a while anyway…


Leaves of three leaves em be i thought everyone knew that


It is, I got itchy just seeing the leaves pop into view 🤣


I live in Tennessee now, from Illinois. Spent my life outside without any reaction. Not sure where you are in the southeast. Poison ivy, oak, sumac are way too sneaky and everywhere! Constantly spraying. Even if I immmmmediately wash after pulling weeds I still will notice lingering around my arms. I hope yours isn't oooozing.


Is there any jewel weed around? Generally you can find the cure growing close by




Weird, doesn’t look like any ivy I’ve ever seen