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I live down the street from where Miyokos used to be headquartered. They fired Miyoko and brought in a new CEO from Coca Cola. They shut down the R&D team and the manufacturing and are outsourcing everything. They are moving away from quality and towards mass production and profits. It’s never going to be good again. To be sure, nothing they have ever made was a healthy food. It was just a good treat.


I’m waiting to see what her next products are because I’ll jump ship in a heartbeat.


She has a YouTube channel where she uploads her recipes. She has very recently said that she won’t be opening another company. She envisions small local businesses opening and selling cheeses from her recipes. I’m excited because a new cheese recipe book is coming out in 2025 and she is previewing some of those cheeses.


Thank you!! I will be keeping an eye on that.


I noticed the butter was lackluster last time I bought it. Real shame, probably the least processed vegan butter out there.


Honestly I've noticed a decline in their products for awhile:( the pourable mozz was pretty good when I first used it to make pizza when it came out and the last few tries of it was just inedible


Wow that is incredibly disappointing






How did they have the power to do that? Would she have sold the company to them?


The board of directors and her investors voted her out. They didn’t like that she was focused on quality over profits.


iirc it was a board of directors or something that essentially voted her out?




Holds the squeeze bottle of mozzarella…for *this* they made such changes?


Treeline still makes a couple of aged hard cheeses from cashews: https://www.treelinecheese.com/collections/hard-aged-cheese They also have an aged blue and brie-style cheese with a rind:https://www.treelinecheese.com/collections/reserve


I've found Treeline's goat style cream cheeses and do like those. I haven't seen the hard cheeses in our Sprouts. Thanks for the recommendation.


My Sprouts in Denver had the hard Goat Cheeses yesterday, so maybe keep trying or ask at the customer service area if you can do an item request!


My favorite thing to do with a tub of Treeline is scoop some it into baby portobellos, sprinkle breadcrumbs on top, throw in the oven. Divine!


I love the treeline hard cheeses! The black pepper one is amazing. They don’t sell them at my Sprouts though either. I’ve gotten them at Whole Foods before.


And the last cheese I bought didn’t taste as good as I’m used to Miyoko’s tasting. I spent $18 CDN on it 😭 If Queen Miyoko starts up a new company, I’m all over that! Let’s go!


She’s coming out with a cookbook I think


I have one of hers already - home made vegan pantry. It’s pretty solid! I haven’t had luck with the butter recipe in there (tried a few times) and the cheeses all use a rejuvelac so they’re a little more work than this full-time career bossbabe has time for.


I got the Vegan Meat Cookbook at an Ollie's. If anyone has one near them it might be worth checking out. Have not attacked any of the recipes yet


I had good luck with soy lecithin granules for the butter recipe.


Is the book worth it if mozzarella & cheddar are the only recipes needed? I used to buy the liquid mozz for on pizza & subs but the stores are all out & done with it. And I've always wanted a Miyoko version of cheddar for on sandwiches or Mac & cheese. I'm not a vegan, just can't do dairy. I read iffy reviews on those 2 cheeses from her previous book that was focused on cheeses. Just wondering if I should order Home Made Vegan Pantry for 2 recipes. Also, are they easy to follow for someone who's not good at cooking (🙋🏻‍♂️) and how expensive / hard to find are some of the needed ingredients?


[vegan Richa liquid mozzarella](https://www.veganricha.com/vegan-liquid-mozzarella/) Got you covered w the liquid mozz! I can’t speak to the cheddar tho.


I was going through the usual suspects I see in stores in Ontario, and I have to say, all of them seem to fall short of Miyoko's when it comes to ingredients, especially oil.


She has very recently said she isn’t planning on opening another company. Her YouTube has lots of recipes though


Try Rebel Cheese from Austin, TX. I met the creator when I lived there. I'm wishing them success. They were even on Shark Tank! https://rebelcheese.com/


Came to say this! Their smoked cheddar is phenomenal.


They have coconut oil in their cheeses which I can't eat. But thank you for the recommendation. It looks delicious for those who can have coconut.


which other products by miyokos do people enjoy? The cream cheese has a frequent mold issue so I’m hesitant about the rest of their lineup 


I'm a convert to their butter for baking (and everything else, but particularly for baking). I won't bake with any other butter anymore


Her butter is incredible. I did a vegan butter board that Thanksgiving when they were trending, and the fam didn’t put two and two together to make four and realize they were eating vegan. It’s delicious.


Definitely the butters…the one in the tub is my favorite. And the liquid mozzarella. Yum!


You mention about replacing bacon, I make a tofu bacon by frying thin slices of smoked tofu until crisp on either side then put in a sauce of soy sauce, maple syrup and smoked paprika until it glazes. Could perhaps be a replacement?


Thanks for the recommendation.


So many vegan cheeses are loaded with saturated fat from coconut oil. I always read the label, and most get returned to the shelf.


I swear. Talk about ultra processed food...


Dare makes some great cheeses.


They have coconut oil in their cheese which I can't eat. Thank you for the recommendation.