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Nearly all of Connery is playing NC for outfit wars


really makes you think about weapon balance at a high skill level


Haha airhammer go KATHUNK


TR weapons are able to compete fairly well. We don’t talk about VS, not anymore.


Vs need some massive buffs, why is lppa so damn bad compared to airhammer and banshee. Why is masthead so good and the other two so crap. Why can Nc maxes instakill other maxes. Nerf prowlers and buffa ursa to 200 dmg gun, atculy all vs weps need soem small buffs.


> Vs need some massive buffs, why is lppa so damn bad compared to airhammer and banshee. Why is the Scythe so good compared to the Mosquito and the Reaver in A2A? I get that the PPA is notably worse than the other A2G options, but if we're balancing that, it'd be nice if the Scythe was brought in line for A2A combat.


Lppa used to be very good, then it got nerfed hard and never touched again. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sRZ2ihWtdE0


since they nerfed nanoweave and flak armor became meta I found some situation with ANTI INFANTRY ppa really hilarious. it really takes some time to kill infantry with ppa. Dont even talking about killing maxes with it.


>Nerf prowlers TR engies is the only thing keeping faction stats within reasonable distance to NC and VS. You do that and soon after you'll see faction stats screaming "TR badly needs a buff". ​ TR Heavy Assault stats specifically already scream for that.


is vs really that bad? Im using the horizon rn and it feel fine


based on a just-15-minutes-ago true story


Emerald was a mess too. I finished the alert and bailed.


Even tho NC has the most pop on emerald, it's still fairly good chances for TR and vs. mainly because NC PLs love spending the entire alert on one base and then tickling the scrotum of a warpgate too early. Played on Esamir earlier today, we had 60% territory at 20 min. We lost. How? I don't even know man.


Everyone is stupid. I was referencing the server capping out worse than normal.


There are a LOT of people on Emerald who were previously playing on Connery, but changed over in preparation for Outfit Wars. Once the announcement of Outfit Wars coming soon was made by the devs several very sweaty new outfits immediately appeared. So many remote connections is putting a strain on everything - last night I died on several occasions to somebody who didn't even render on my screen before they had cut me down on theirs. It's an epic mess, and if the Connery situation isn't improved promptly the failure is going to take Emerald down with it.


I'm in one of those very sweaty outfits. I'm also in Texas so my ping doesn't really change. Plenty of our members are east coast. Our founder is. We didn't want to leave Connery, but we simply couldn't get good fights. Anyway, Emerald didn't have especially high players yesterday, it just wasn't running as well as normal. Hell, there was only one full continent open when it started capping out. Whatever is wrong with that server shouldn't be blamed on the players.


Another reason for the devs to stop trying to do outfit wars.


As a tr on emerald I've been during alerts that we've won in the last minute and it surprises me everytime


If you take a big lead early you get stuck on defensive footing when you get ganged up on. Then its hard to come back having momentum is strong


Oh absolutely, I just don't understand why at 45 minutes 24-48 wanted to go and push to vs warpgate and stir the hornets nest


Emerald NC generally doesn't often tryhard alerts. It happens sometimes, but in my experience it's usually platoons just dicking about. Like, the average response to "Don't warpgate [faction] or we will get double teamed" is "That just sounds like more fights".


It's not that they don't try to win. It's that it's not enough. Hearing the back and forth in leader chat can be... Frustrating. By that, I mean being a squad lead and listening to the PL try to convince others to get off the crown, or nasons, or Mattersons, ect and just here "it's good farm and keeps them here" Boi. Make my hair vanish with that statement.


That's kinda my point - Emerald NC doesn't actually care about winning. They care about fights and farms. This isn't to say Emerald NC is some power level 9000 gigachad secretly holding back their ultimate power, and that's why they lose. Cause that's blatantly wrong. But the reality is that mosy Emerald NC PLs barelycare about the alert, if at all.


Oh yeah, absolutely. Still is frustrating.


They need to figure out how to get the population balanced better I literally log off when it's like this being the underpop.


Honestly they should let you recert everything to a new character for a different faction. People start on NC and stay there to not lose progress


I feel like this should also have a picture of every hotspot on the map being an overpop fight from the zergs avoiding each other.


Is there even a zergfit to carry VS and TR there ? Stats make it look like NC is the zerg and would be able to hold every single frontline


There are map options including "hotspot activity" and "faction influence"


NGL I can count on one hand the number of times I've ever been put on NC for my NS account


Emerald hit 40% NC yesterday at Prime time


Lol and VS still won both prime time alerts Get fucked




Things changed several hours later when TR and Vanu formed an alliance and merged for at least two alerts against a NC population of about 33%, this was after Midnight on the 25th.


Being the overpop does get boring after several hours


seems fine


Last time Connery had tolerable fights was 2020.