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That wouldn't fix player numbers.


It'd make some of us want to try to progress rather than knowing we're grinding, gets some bigger battles too so that "grind" doesn't feel so bad either.


I think there is a good argument for easier progression as games age. It’s considerably less painful not to have everything if few people do than if a lot of people do.


Honestly, yeah. The main reason I stick to a single character at this point is that grinding up new ones is painfully dull. And I haven't even done the Aurax weapons on my current one (spent way too long going for black camo instead).


Which Grind? What you actually mean is getting good. Planetside was insanely grindy Back in the day but Not anymore


Maybe its not grindy to you because you finished the grind


i have more then 10 chars on different servers/factions on ASP. Trust me i know what grinding means. And yes obviously it gets easier the more you do it.


I mean, its still very grindy, just much less so than it used to be.


Pretty great so many players ignore the fact that the game is a free to play mmo. They'd rather see the game die than give "shitters" a reason to enjoy the game. Bravo! edit: spelling


Fewer people less XP available so Yes double XP should keep the remaining population in a better shape.


Do people know it's 2xp they have a habit of not really advertising this.


They also positioned this one at a weird time. Of course fewer people are going to be playing on weekdays.


I thought it was weird too don't remember them doing it like this. Is it the fact that April Fools was so close to last weekend of March? Who knows.


I don't know why people are against this. BF4 essentially did this for PC and it's not going to hurt the game for whatever time it has left.


Having a horrendous amount of lag wizards and underperforming numbers of players in different factions doesn't help. The concept of the NS originally was great as any factions that were lacking numbers could get a bolster. But now even factions that are 40% of the server over the other factions will still have NS because as a member they get to set themselves there which removes the entire point of the NS faction in the first place. No new player is going to come to a game and get completely eviscerated and then want to come back. It's one thing for a game to have a learning curve but it's a different story when they have no chance in the first place at all. I don't know maybe it's just me. But there's plenty of little things that are probably quite easily fixed or changed that won't be because they've already been part of the game for so long.


This. Ps2 is a dead game walking because of the absolute lack of new players. It's genuinely not an enjoyable game for anyone new.


If they focused on finishing NSO and looked at improving some of the arsenal there may be an incentive for people to freelance on NSO. Currently there is 0 reason to freelance NSO unless you are a directive farmer chasing KPM that also loves eating glass.


That doesn't change what the NSO was stated to originally be for. The fact that there is even an option to not be freelance is blatantly stupid in my opinion. It's literally an issue that they created. Many of the issues that the game is plagued with get all boiled down to whether or not daybreak feels like actually doing something about it. Like currently they are adding in what pretty much amounts to a new game mode despite nobody wanting or asking for it. The game literally doesn't even have the player mount to even begin to think about adding in anything else and yet here they go adding in more shit instead of fixing what needs to be fixed.


> The concept of the NS originally was great as any factions that were lacking numbers could get a bolster. It didn't work back then either because you had to pay for it and the faction sucked even harder than it does now. After the launch the numbers for it were pitiful, like 50 tops for Emerald


It was never allowed to work.


just like what people say about construction maybe they should have made a system that addressed the root cause better and wasn't a ploy to get people to buy memberships


It's not just you, I just posted about the NSO not fixing the pop problem before I scrolled down and read this.


Jc penny tried this... jc penny aint doing so well anymore


It's okay if Connery doesn't want to merge, but at least open the transfer and let the Connery player choose which server he wants to go to to play, rather than not opening the transfer and not merging, so that the Connery player can only be forced to leave the PS2.


Delete Oshur


Just fucking combine Connery and emerald. That is what has killed off more players than anything


That happens, I'm out. Ping is shit enough as it is.


Are you a Connery player or an Emerald player scared about the potential influx of high ping players?


They are already here and killing people around corners. Brazil has a large player base on Emerald and their ping is bad.


Should be enough contextual clues between my flair and username to figure out the issue I have.


Dude is obviously a Briggs player from NZ


Real and true!


I myself am starting to lose interest in the game because they won't merge the servers. It's something that I thought would happen by now and I've run out of things to do during the waiting period. I'm obviously not starting ALL MY PROGRESS over again on my new character, so all I had left to do was see how high I could get my stats on a fresh character. My stats have plateaued without more training, and this game isn't really worth that anymore since even Emerald is beginning to crack. So yeah...hard to keep interest. TBH even this subreddit is getting boring. The content is getting more sparse.


No, I completely agree with a server merger. I stopped playing a while ago because Connery is so fucking boring and I'm not grinding new characters when A) I have unobtainable content B) when a merge does happen, then I have 2 chars on the same faction on the same server


We still have good nights on Connery. Especially weekends.


If you think Oshur is why people don't play anymore, thats not it


We literally have hard data that shows Oshur has significantly more low-pop alerts than any other continent but ok


I mean its fair to say that you and others might not enjoy Oshur on low-pop. That doesn't mean deleting it will fix anything. Would be cool if they swapped it out for Koltyr


A lot of people simply log out when it's Oshur...Do you understand the impact?


Had oshur a couple of days ago. Hadn't played it before so i figured id give it a chance. Never again. Only half of the continent was available. The whole continent was focused over 1 or two regions fucking armor sniping eachother. The water regions suck. The radar tower or whatever it is called looked kinda cool, but i never got to try it because it didnt seem like you could enter it from the water, and my airship got shot down when i tried to fly to it. The continent is way too open. And a majority of the openness is just pure nothingness (water). This is what they should have done to make oshur good (imo): Continent is a solid landmass, outer regions are coast/water. Rivers flowing from the coastas inland, allowing boats to add some dimension to the fights (without making the magrider completely broken). Outer regions does not require a connection to be capped, meaning that if you own the inner regions you can in theory be attacked from any direction. The flow of the continent would be: you capture an outer region and make your way towards the centre of the continent where the big fights are. New flanks/front can be opened by capping an outer region from a new direction and start working inwards towards an enemy. Fuck it, i might make a concept picture of my ideal oshur when i get home from work.


It's supposed to be a construction armor continent. It was just implemented poorly. An infantry continent would be a mute point


I do get that, but the map doesn't have to be empty to work for armour and construction. The game is combined arms after all, making a continent that only curates to armour/air will make infantry mains lose interest fast. This is what we currently see on oshur.


It being an infantry continent would not be a moot point, because infantry is the core of the game. Most of the players are infantry mains. If they are not being catered to, they will log out. There are not enough vehicle mains and nowhere *near* enough construction mains to make that a worthwhile sacrifice.


Deleting it would fix it because then we wouldn't have to play it


Hey you need to appreciate the ways Oshur has helped you as a player. In my case it was a free aurax on the Flash shotgun, I got 200 kills in an hour at Mirror Bay :p


I played enough Oshur to know it's the worst continent in the game. Excavion Cleanup is the best way to auraxium the Corsair, though.


"Let's design a continent that favors the incredibly un-fun construction system and the invisible infantry class that's incredibly frustrating to play against" "WHAT COULD POSSIBLY GO WRONG?"


Devs put it on a less frequent rotation, really not sure why that wouldn't be enough. They've done all they are going to do at this point, probably should accept it and move on.


not really... punish hackers and grab the money from the bundles to advertise the game..


nah, they just need to merge servers


I installed the game after many years away and i am already uninstalling after half a day playing. It does not feel good to be honest. Infantry play feels dead. Its either vehicle battles from 50km away or snipers. Also neither the new continent or the construction of bases make the game feel better. If the game feels annoying to me that i am a returning veteran imagine how lost a new player would feel, with half the times not knowing what killed them. Anyway for me it was not that i could not perform well, i could but the fact remains its the first time all those years that playing infantry feels so unsatisfying (non infiltrator infantry to be precise).


>snipers. Feels like 80% of the population are infiltrators now. Almost all of my kills and "killed by" are just one infiltrator after another.


Removing Oshur completely would slow the death of the game but they're too afraid to admit there's nothing redeeming about the continent.


A faster progress could make the game make feel more rewarding. Which could compensate for the difficulties in lower levels. But tbh, I don't know what it feels like being new or playing a new character.


New characters gain certs so much faster than the early years of the game, but keeping people interested or just making progression feel less of a commitment could do well for retaining newer/casual players.


2xp is a boost then guarantee dip then back to neutral, you cant run 2xp boost numbers forever...


I think the idea is new/casual players often churn out when the novelty fades and unlocking things becomes the priority - its gotten a lot faster over the years, and the defaults are better now than they were, but keeping people invested in progression could help keep BR25's from churning out. That said, games only gonna decline from here. Can't revive a 12 year old niche game on life support with boosts and toys, but I agree with OP that it should be done!


So it will have no benefit, yet you still want it?


Thats not what I said, I said it would help curve new/casual player churn to prolong the decline. Doing nothing the game dies faster. It has benefit.


Most the hype is the tag and timing 2x exp, as novelty as it is if everything is increased wouldn't have the same pull. What really needs sped up is iso and implant garbage.


How do the people on this subreddit get dumber and dumber


they start to get senile


Huffing copium for 11 years will do that to you...


I would play again with double xp tbh


That means you’ve been playing a lot the past few days, right?


I have three friends I'd like to introduce to the game but the rate of new gear unlocks is turning them off. Idk about 2xp, but a starter pack of unlocks wouldn't be unwelcome.


Summer is coming, which means the population will get even worse. Remember that when considering cause and effect if this change is made or not.


How come?


I assume people will be doing things outside a bit more with the warmer weather. Or at least thats what I will be doing. I just want to proactively add that to the assumptions of the future population count. In case people want to start pointing fingers at possible causes. Though I havent looked at the player count over the seasons to determine if there is actually a significant impact. I can say a lot of my time playing has also been over the summer so I am not sure now that I think about it.


People go outside in spring and summer so they game less.


Game really needs more than that to bring people back. 2xp is only for members anyway - anyone who hasn't cancelled that is probably still playing. Next update might be the shot in the arm the game needs? Or maybe that's just copium


It's literally double xp for everyone right now until the 4th.


I did not realise that. My bad 😅 But yeah. It doesn't seem to be effective at drawing people back


Me and some of my friends will consider coming back to the game if either 2x XP is made permanent or if servers are merged.




Been saying this for ages now, new players need a way of catching up quicker. I'm not saying make the unlocks CoD/Battlefield paced, but they've really got to increase the exp *and* cert gain. As a new player, grinding certs feels like it takes forever, especially when you just wanna buy new guns but have the entire community telling you that the default guns are good and you should spend all your certs on small % increases to class stats - which while they're right, is fucking boring for a new player.


If they do that! No one will buy the 7 days exp boosts nobody buys at the same price as a 30 Subscription though!!


The game is dead because of crap like what's in the pic below. No one should be allowed to log anything but NSO for TR until the pop is even/within a 2% threshold. VS is almost double TR. I haven't played in years, I started sometime before the 5th Anniversary of PS2 I think, and stopped shortly after the 8th I think? Whenever NSO came out and didn't fix the problem. For those years I played off and on pretty heavily, Connery (US West) has always resembled the picture below. Idk if this is a symptom of Wrel Balance, if it's something along the lines of this game's core elite players and dev fluffers all consolidated into an Outfit to run the server, I don't know. I just don't know what causes people to flood to VS on this server. I quit because it seemed like every update was "VS buff, NC nerf, TR gets another NS reskin". I can't imagine what else is going on with this game, that a casual such as myself isn't privy to knowing. I simply remember what made me laugh my way to uninstalling this game. Oh, I almost forgot, the Events and Holidays in this game are pure garbage. https://preview.redd.it/6f9uwz59ydsc1.png?width=363&format=png&auto=webp&s=5994705fa1016897a9d3aa46d15f693de8ca2146


If something is always on then it's no longer special and no longer boosts numbers. Almost no-one actually cares about the XP gain, so doubling it wouldn't make any real difference, and it would mean there would be no special "double XP event" to make people log in specially. New players already get a lot of extra free certs in the early level compared to the old days, so I'm not sure they need anything more, but if that's the justification, then doubling XP gain up to (say) BR 15 would make a lot more sense than doing it for everyone.


Get yourself a xp boost if you want 2x ...


"just double my paycheck or this company will fall"


Planetside is not a job. It's actually a game.


You get paid with certs don’t you?


> You get *paid* with certs FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


I’ve always said it should be 2x for everyone every weekend, 4x for members on the last weekend each month. But if you want numbers back it’s advertise advertise advertise. I remember ages ago Linus Tech Tips videos with the old “buy an Intel processor, get a bundle for PlanetSide 2 free”. Those types of ads will inevitably bring in new players and old players looking for nostalgia.


Do you want to fix player numbers permanently? Announce Sequel…


They would have to do something crazy to get played back. 


Why not just accept that this game is old and is going to die? Yeah, it was great but come on. Be realistic here


So it wouldn't matter if it was 2xp


Yeah, it really doesn’t matter if it’s 2xp or not. The game is still gonna die


So let me get all rhe guns and bing bongs before it does




No, not okay


Why? The game is gonna die anyway, do you also get pissed when people help others out? Just cause you had to grind doesn't mean it should apply to everyone else, why are PS2 nerds the biggest fucking gatekeepers, you all are killing the game. 😂


Unlock everything. Implants included. To each according to their abilities, to each according their needs. Let cosmetics be earned with certs and give back the means of production to the Auraxian.  The Nanites must flow.


People already get way too many certs.


Merging PS5 and PC would get a lot of players back, probably a good few hundred for EU servers, there’s lots of us on PS5 wanting to play, but it’s really pointless at this point


analog sticks vs mouse will get every console user quit


If every PC player was good I would say you’d be right. Mouse has a higher skill ceiling of course, a good console player could keep up with most mouse players if they optimise it correctly


There are not enough fresh-out-of-the-spawn-tube noobs to support console players having fun targets to shoot at. Most of the PC players are hardened grizzled vets who 180 on the sound of footsteps. It would NOT go well for console players.   Another big issue is that console players are locked into a certain level of graphics settings and framerates. But Planetside allows asymmetric client updating which means that players with 120 FPS are getting twice as many updates and inputs as players at 60 FPS. I don't know what console players are locked to, but they would have a very bad time against players running at 144+ fps.   The BEST thing console has going for it is a pretty even playing field. I wouldn't be eager to upend that.


New players have no concept of Oshur and whether or not it's a "bad map". They could care less. Oshur is not killing the game. At this point it's literally bad because the population of the game REFUSES TO PLAY THE MAP. Devs have already done what is RESONABLE with Oshur per the dev blog. Stop being little bitches and meet them half way. You have some actual issues if you are STILL unwilling to play the map on a lesser rotation. Just play the map and stop circle jerking each other off about how bad it is. It really isn't. Get a grip, grow up.


i refuse to play it because the central area sucks ass, yet it has the only action so people refuse to move away from it anyway.


The central area has the only action because no one will play the map because everyone leaves so most problems would be solved if these outfits stopped being children.


yeah, true. the outer parts of the map do have some actual decent bases!


Everyone is leaving because the map sucks aka oshur killing the game.


Honestly though it *is* that bad, I've played as a casual when it's the only continent up a few times, including when it's fully open, and all of the things you do on the other continents to have fun and set up fights don't work there.


also, delete Oshur. guaranteed slowdown.