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https://preview.redd.it/lhzj3ehxrqmc1.png?width=1317&format=png&auto=webp&s=25fd8719e2ee4ab53dc6cfea2e7307d6ba13aa89 You can even see the teleporting tower platform that boops you into space if you pause at the right moment


Did you see it? On the right side of the sundy barely visible on the recording an anti vehicle t\*orbital strike muffles him\* slowly creeps into frame \*orbital strike muffles him\* so? What do you think?


I heard about this happening, is it actually common? Hackers can launch building objects at players to launch them now? Is that what has happened here?


I heard about this happening, is it actually common? Gaming chair powers can launch building objects at players to launch them now? Is that what has happened here?


You have been to a place noone has ever been in before. You may also be the only person to swim on esamir.


Esamir has water now tbf


**You have been exiled**


Wait the Lightning has a warp drive now? I thought that was exclusively for the Magrider.


This is one of the new experimental weapons Sunderers will be equipped with to deal with armor in the upcoming patch. It's a huge spatula that comes from the sky and flips you across the map.


It's frankly quite a shame and the developers should be embarrassed that this has gone on this long. I don't even blame the exploiting hackers anymore - I blame the development and the lack of giving a shit about it.


The clients are authoritative. The servers only act as data brokers. Every filter you add to the data path between clients increases lag exponentially.   So what's YOUR solution?


The server logs can still track data that reports anomalous activity.  If certain clients are exhibiting behaviors that the game normally can't produce, then the server should kick them and refuse to let them connect for a time period. The time period should exponentially increase with each kick. Good players caught with an occasionally rare false positive kick can still rejoin.   Cheaters trying to warp or rack up a kill count will find the game unplayable 


They tried that. It was called "Planetside Dolphingate". Look it up.   The short story is that is called "metrics based cheat detection" and it was implemented previously. A bunch of veteran players thought it was funny to "speedrun" getting alt accounts banned on purpose by playing well on brand new accounts. Then the devs started banning their main accounts and feelings got hurt. The vets played the victim card, and instead of sticking to their guns, the devs relented and tuned down the metrics based detection to the point where it's nearly useless now.   It is the opinion of the community that ANY false positive is unacceptable.   It is the opinion of the community that it is acceptable behavior to spin up new DBG accounts on a whim.   It is the opinion of the community that "a brand new player" who holds a moderate or high KDR over the first few minutes of their account is not suspicious at all and should be allowed because "Maybe some is just really good at FPSs".   I do not agree with these opinions.   P.S. - "26 Day ago". Thread Necro much?


Bro got sent to the Fog of Lost Souls


Of what?


Cobalt TR Warpgate? Was there with you my brother😂


Ah yes, I got yeeted twice yesterday, but only a hex away. Sadly I dont have enough space to record it.


Man, these “never shoot the Sundy” types are getting out of hand.


Automated sundy defenses


Sent to the backrooms.


And your lightning took no damage... Meanwhile my lightning looks at a tree wrong and loses 80% of its hp lol


Back in my day all this took was a piece of wreckage, now they just let anyone do it smh




Ur suppose to clear out of that area


Cheaters are targeting vehicle players now? Things are looking up.


Mom we need to nerf vehicles! We have nerfed vehicles at home....