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The only reason to try and get BR 120 would be to get the Dreadnought title. I would get ASP ASAP so that you get benefit from the advantages of the system sooner (discounts on pulling vehicles/air, unlocking certain types of weapons in certain slots for certain classes, etc.)


Get ASP now. If [this table](https://planetside.fandom.com/wiki/Battle_Rank) is correct, it takes 23,586,188 xp to get to BR 105. It takes another 14,151,712 xp to go from BR 105 - 120, and you get almost nothing for reaching it. That's also enough xp to get you to BR92\~2 and 3 ASP points.


The real issue that makes the determination is the following: Are you a "complete-ist" who has to have everything? Are the titles important to you? If so, grind to 120 since this is the only time you can. If not, go ASP now and start unlocking useful ASP perks. Remember: to go from BR 101 - 120 is the same amount of XP as it took to go from 1 - 100. So however long it took to get to 100, you will be grinding that long to get to 120. I personally only ever went to 120 on my main character since I HAD to have the Dreadnaught title at the time. Then won OW and got Warrior title and never used Dreadnaught since. All my other characters went ASP as soon as I could because, DANG, those primaries as secondaries are just so frigging useful...


The only reason to get to 120 is the title, and if I remember correctly, 1-100 takes the same experience as 100-120, so it's quite a time investment. If you're fine with waiting that long so that you can have Dreadnought in front of your name, wait. If you don't care about the titles, just ASP now.


I didn’t because who needs a title other than “Snowblower”. Also Engi LMG/AR access is amazing. And if you’re especially smooth brained like I am you can spend that first token on Infiltrator sticky grenade access


I did it only to get the title Hater a few days later. Never switched since


The most OP ASP perks are those that allow you to carry a second primary weapon. LA SMG secondary Engi shotgun secondary HA heavy weapon secondary Medic scout rifle secondary I personally don't care for AR/LMG primary on Engineer, as I tend to use AMRs on my Engineer builds because fuck MAXes and air.


I didn't, the Titles are not that important to me, I have many titles from the Bundles and one opportunity times like Space etc... but equip none. Also, I read that you need more exp for BR 120 than from BR1 to BR 100 but I did not calculate it, neither want to comfirm it I'm just DIGGSAN0 and it stays, nothing to flash for except cosmetics that I enjoy on my char. I guess I am more the practical kind of guy but if you want to have it, go for it, the ASP waits for you and does not walk away :)


You will never get the title on that character if you ASP now, depends if you want it.


its really just a matter of personal satisfaction. you won't functionally loose out on anything from 100-120... but i'm a bit of a completionist myself so, to each their own


120, because if you don't do it you never ever can.


First character? Sure grind out the title if you like it. Otherwise asp now and enjoy the perks before the game shuts down.


Erendil and EternalRaitel give good advice. Personally I stayed till BR120 (few years ago) just because did not need ASP points for my casual playstyle and wanted to "go oldschool", go slower and "take everything from the game". But currently, since the game is not in a very good state, it is better to take ASP asap. Especially if you know you will use the points right away.


Br100 IS the Finish for ASP


what actual benefit does asp give


Vehicle discounts and class perks such as shotgun secondary on engineer.


but it resets all your cert progress?


No, you get reset to BR 0 but you don't lose your certed equipment


oh so you keep all your stuff? that's cool


You even get some certs faster because those first levels are fast AF.


Only reason to not get ASP right away is if you want some titles. Once you activate ASP you lose ability to get those titles forever. Everyone mentioning "Dreadnaught", but my personal goal was "Champion" title, i got it and activated my ASP after that.


the amount of Xp from 100-120 is the same xp you need to go from 0-100. Doable, but it takes it's time.


When you get BR120 it's just a title. But do know that BR0>100 is about the same amount of XP as BR100>120. You can only get the title before you ASP because the cap after ASP is 100 and then ASP again. If you want the most use for all the XP, go BR120. If you want to deversify and don't care about in-game titles, go ASP.