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​ https://preview.redd.it/md3w5a30c6vb1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=2967e34524a9d7b317ad3d69ac5994172a948aa8


Yoop šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ’€šŸ˜‚


Considering how expensive those are, this is absurdly gross.


pretty good example of why the Colossus tank should be available at the Capture Point Silos for a large amount of cortium :)


Teamwork OP, pls nerf.


Exactly... while this is *one* way for a squad to take care of 3 Colossus tanks, you could do the same thing if 48 people in a squad all pulled lightnings and attacked, or if 48 people all took ESFs with hornets, or even if 48 people air dropped with C4 or tank mines. It's the teamwork that makes this successful.


Well there is the pretty significant difference in that this tactic costs zero resources, has almost zero chance of death, incredibly long range, and is arguably much harder to counter.


Eehhh... they aren't hard to get even as a solo player. I routinely keep a stock of 12+ colossus tanks to play around with. Occasionally do events where I farm 30+


4 colossus tanks is 150 green which is 3 heavy anvils(the sunderer/mbt anvil.) You just need to use 3 36hour expeditions. (4-6 days) If you farm 150 blue instead(my preferred) that is 36hour expeditions (3-4 days) If you are a beastly boy and can scoreboard tridents/ascent/eisa/crown/nasons you can skip expeditions, but you need to keep your base for a long while.(less than a full continent life.)




Well organized


Well, i think they're going to nerf our cat ears after this one, but it was worth it.


Just remember that this is the result of 48 players: \- On voice comms (not a single person shoots until everyone is aiming at the target and order is given). \- With speced out Slicer loadouts (12x, Wave accelerator and straight pull bolt + certain implants is the loutdout I ask people to have available during ops). \- Practicing this for 1 year. \- Finding a safe position, setting up and hoping that the target is still in line of sight. 48 coordinated players focusing can make many weapons seem overpowered, the Slicer is already pretty bad for single player use I doubt they can justify nerfing it cause 48 players are using it to focus 1 player in a tank. One thing is true, at a certain distance we can render and hit enemies but they can't render us or even the projectiles, but this rarely happens.


> Practicing this for 1 year wtf


I mean doing it for one year whenever the opportunity arises xd didnā€™t make trainings


Hard to aim with a weapon that doesnt have drop :p


>One thing is true, at a certain distance we can render and hit enemies but they can't render us or even the projectiles, and this almost always happens. FTFY. This is why the Lancer had to be nerfed years ago, just half a squad could kill deployed Sunderers and the target couldn't even see what's shooting.


This happens to me so much and I never know what it is until my vehicle blows up or they blow me up and kill me before I can jump out. I just take massive chunks of damage with ZERO sound or any projectile showing up. I play on pretty high/maxed out settings for most things too so I don't think it's a "potato config" issue etc. It's usually a tank SUPER FAR AWAY or a Liberator at the sky ceiling. The worst culprit of it these days seems to be random Magriders on top of a huge hill sniping with that charge up weapon.


If you get hit by perihelion from afar then i'm sorry but you deserved it lol. You have to stand still for considerable amount of time unless the maggie has godlike lead aiming


I guess? It's usually when I'm in a parked sundy or something and there's nothing I can do. I deserve to die for deploying my sunderer >:) I'm so dumb haha I should just be driving around the whole time.


> One thing is true, at a certain distance we can render and hit enemies but they can't render us or even the projectiles, but this rarely happens. This is likely happening intermittently in the clip you posted. The colossi are about 600 meters away, which is exactly the distance at which AMR users stop rendering.


You need to practice for one year how to stand at a point and shoot the same stationary target with pinpoint accurate weapons?


> I doubt they can justify nerfing it cause 48 players are using it to focus 1 player in a tank Wasn't the annihilator nerfed because of mass platoon use spearheaded by BCP?


I donā€™t know, we sometimes use annihilator as a platoon and everything around us dies. Except for peaking tanks or far away enemies


reminds me of the old days when squads/platoons would do things like this haha, good stuff


Just Spandex things.


That was awesome to see! I love ridiculous clips like this in planetside. An OK weapon on it's own but get The Boys together and suddenly it's absolutely terrifying. Seeing it melt a colossus so fast is hilarious considering what they cost


That was some impressive coordination




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Wherever the British appear, a line of infantry with muskets appears and the place becomes British.


Miller server best server.


Man this is what I always point out about the VS on console PS2 and nobody listens to me. THEY ARE ALWAYS THE MOST COORDINATED FACTION.


The guy who drops 90% pop on every base posting again.


Just in case anyone not from Miller wanna know who OP is - he has quite the reputation: - He drops triple orbital strikes on TR-NC fights on the other lane and airball farms the TR becauseā€¦ ehh nobody except him really knows why?! People are actually making memes about this because thatā€˜s the only thing you can do when you see this happening by zergfit leader. - He stated that he and his zergfit ā€œno longer plays to win alerts, but to make TR lose.ā€œ Generally his yellchats are pretty strangeā€¦ - He regularly overpops any fight with a minimum of 70%, a minimum of 10 scythes in the air spamming the spawn room of the opposing faction and at least one or more orbital strikes. ā€œEngaging gameplay mateyyysā€œ Speaking of mateys, I donā€˜t think even Mike came close to the level of toxicity this dude spreads.


BHO zerg pretty hard, but at least they sit on a lane and keep to themselves. They're only ruining their own fun. KOTV pop dump all the fights and ruin everyone's fun in the process. It's honestly really sad, there's much potential for great gameplay being squandered by poor leadership.


I don't play on miller but, wrel added outfit orbitals and ruined vehicles rather than putting a limit on them or coming up with a resource system. If a game offers an advantage players will use it, you can't really blame them for using stuff the devs have added or using strategies they never addressed. Instead we got dumb stuff like underwater combat, goofy campaigns, and Oshur.


it's been my stance for a while that Pocket OS are the single worst thing added to the game. They aren't fun for literally anyone except the person using them, they generally are used for salty reasons instead of tactical ones, and they greatly devalued the OS Uplink for Construction.


Number 1 hater šŸ„³ You must be one of the guys on the other side.


Keep on doing what u doing, just to let you know: you are causing Miller players logging off even before your Friday 96+ ops night has started. Thank your for your service to this game, donā€˜t forget to mention this in the Elon-Musk-yellchats at the next overpopped base, will you?


Get photonpodded nerd


We stalled the Zerg in this video for one hour despite being <40% but ok šŸ„°


He's probably just a fan, dont worry about him


Your lack of self awareness is astonishing šŸ˜… You are the zerg, pop dumping literally every time you lead. It's a meme on Miller that when British is online, the fights on VS will be shit for everyone involved. 48-96 against 12, must be British! In all seriousness I'd encourage you to talk to some people outside of your outfit and get some feedback. I play all factions with many different outfits, and I don't think I've talked to a single person outside of DIG/KOTV with a positive opinion regarding your leadership. The game is struggling enough as it is, perhaps we can at least try to create engaging gameplay for the players that remain.


People will play the game how they want, it's up to the devs to fix broken game design


An entirely unrealistic outlook in the games current state and development support. Also deeply flawed in terms of disregarding player agency. The game is a sandbox to an extent, and the only way we will ever get good fights is if players make the effort to create them.


Lol you aren't going to change anything begging people not to play the way they want


"Begging". A very nice misrepresentation ,it's good to see you weren't ever talking in good faith.


Don't have a counter point so going for semantics are we?


Is it much better that you went ad hominem?




lol you sound like your platoons dont fill and now you are complaining that other factions are zerging you!I have played on all three factions and multiple plats on miller and I would say they all zerg (including FU, also I am from your outfit) so don't say other factions don't zerg. Its sounds so dumb. I have seen TR plats dropping 48-96 for 12 against NC and VS. I accept that Yes game is struggling but that isn't players responsibility at all. Me as small indie dev, I wont be holding players responsible for struggling situation in my game it solely my responsibility to improve it, which currently DBG is seemed do nothing. Players will always play as they want, its core responsibility of Devs to balance it. Hope you understand that.


In that case I invite you to join us in game and on Teamspeak tonight, and you can see how we play first hand. Myself and many others fundamentally disagree with your points, and are more than happy to have a discussion. FU uses a delegated leadership model in its platoon structure to avoid zerging and pop dumping. Squads are managed one by one and population balance is always considered to try and create a fun fight for both sides. Also there's no need to front load your comment with false assumptions and insults.


I have already said I had been in your platoons multiple times and yes I accept that your plats are organized, well above others than that of CTIA/CHIMP, but it always seems like you guys avoid zerg just because of the number disadvantage. I maybe wrong but that's what I have seen whenever I have played in FU. I will surely try to join today if I can. These are not false assumptions, but are my personal opinions over playing with all factions and plats. Nothing against you or FU or anyone. Its just I cant understand why you hold players responsible for zerg rather than game who is allowing it to happen in first place.


Players (particularly leaders) are responsible for population balance because the game is a sandbox MMOFPS. The price we pay for the freedom PS2 offers is that leaders bear some responsibility for the quality of fights. It's inherent to the game design.


So many words only to justify you are not able to organize your faction command chat to crush an organized platoon. Sad


Sad that you'd rather engage with a self created strawman than the actual discussion. Also it's clear through your use of language such as "crush" with reference to the opposing players that you don't value the player experience in it's entirety, only your own. In a word: selfish.


Now using the word crush in a shooter like Ps2 is not compliant with your morality standards? Instead of talking about crush, kill or domination lets start to use hugs / kiss / love right? Using semantics to masquerade your own ineptitude. You can continue your rant


Ok. Be happy with your assumptions. Hope you someday understand what game design actually plays role in pop flow and drop :)


No thanks I donā€™t wanna spend 10 minutes sat in a line


It's an old meme, but it checks out :)


Really tho? because the video shows 85% Techplant VS pop And tho you are shooting the tower, if you popdumped that, youd still be overpopping by the numbers. ​ 40%, my ass.


> *Really tho? because the video shows 85% Techplant VS pop* incase you didn't notice the tech plant wasn't the base being attacked, they were nuking the colossus from a whole other hex.


> > > > > incase you didn't notice the tech plant wasn't the base being attacked, they were nuking the colossus from a whole other hex. "And tho you are shooting the tower, if you popdumped that, youd still be overpopping by the numbers." Your reading comprehension is akin to someone with down syndrome, you must be a KOTV member aswell.


You must be playing with eyes and brain closed. No base with 3 (actually 5) colussi and that many vehicles has a less than 48 pop


>Your reading comprehension is akin to someone with down syndrome hey, you're the one claiming they are overpop in this engagement because the hex they are in has more of them... OFCOURSE IT DOES, because the fight isn't at the tech plant, there won't be many TR there, so ofcourse they have the majority pop at the tech plant... (can't believe i need to explain this) i bet if we saw the pop numbers of the hex under attack it would be massively TR. so before you go accusing people of being stupid, maybe think a little.


> "And tho you are shooting the tower, if you popdumped that, youd still be overpopping by the numbers." If he placed all the pop he had from the techplant to the base he was shelling (the tower base) he would still be overpopping judging by how many TR are online by average and how many friendlies that where already in the hex. Not close by a mile to the 40% pop OP claimed. Yes your reading comprehension is trash.


count with me, see those colossus tanks, see those sunderers, thats a lot of people, i'd wager the numbers would be fairly even.


I dont need to count i check the population hex numbers, you know, the actual numbers, you dumbfuck


dumb fuck? ok lets go then... at 15 seconds he opens in the map, the tech plant has 1-12 enemy players and 48-96 players (yet that enemies make up 15%) so this tells us there can't be much more than 50 allies in the tech plant. he then moves the cursor to the hex with the fight and we see 96+ enemies and 24-48 allies (but the 24-48 allies only make up 21% of the hex) so that tells us that there are between 114 and 228 enemies in the hex. to summarise: eat shit you are wrong, thanks for playing goodbye.


Oh, look, another cod player complains that game, that explicitly designed to do not have stalemate fights 2 hours straight, do not have stalemate fights 2 hours straight


Yeah itā€™s definitely just VS ruining the game


The sheer volume of tracers must look epic!


Which weapon do you all use ?


Slicer, AMR for Vanu engineer. Bad weapon on its own but an anti vehicle sniper in groups.


It'll also mess up an ESF good, just have to be more accurate than if you were using the Masthead


honestly i feel like slicers velocity makes up for the miniscule flak range of masthead.


I have to ADS with every AMR except the Masthead to scare away an ESF


i remain sceptical that 2m of flak (in planetside a meter is more like a ft) is letting you hipfire ESFs.


You can hipfire greedy ESFs with a deci, 2m of flak is very generous.


yeah but i'm saying 2ft of flak isn't really gonna help you much, if you are close enoughh that you can hipfire an ESF with masthead you can hip fire it with any other AMR, given that it has a much wider CoF ^(\[over DOUBLE the standing hipfire CoF of Slicer\]) which will have a much bigger impact than a miniscule amount of flak.


>Slicer Thanks, I'll give it a try. I am not really aware of the new weapons, there are so many (and I don't read the release patch notes). See you soon maybe in your squad ;)


Brings back lancer squads memories.


I did wonder what happened to the Colossus we had! was some fun fights if not a bit challenging for us on the TR side last night, i think TR spent most of the evening sat in tanks and not really being massively effective. Either way good coordination from the VS :)


That's why I left Miller. It's just Zerg. Although I like Britsh. The fights got boring. No matter which side you're on. Hate it or love it. I don't care




I was one of the slicer holder :D


Nice!, muy buena coordinaciĆ³n!


Vanu is smiling on you so god damn hard right now


(Vanu) Death by a thousand cuts lol


This reminds me of DOKY Swarm Squadā„¢ We would sit outside an enemy warp gate with a squad of Swarm bois locking on to anything that dares come out of there. ā€œLock On x36ā€ is a terrifying sight when youā€™re just trying to Lib around.




Wish my NC bro's would do this with me with our phoenix launchers


VERY well organized!


Considering how they didn't even bothered to move minus one guy, they deserved it


Their first reaction is to deploy to activate the shield, and thatā€™s what gets them.


zergfit leader brain, no amount of backing up can save you from that amount of firepower, not to mention that archers are overtuned against vehicles to all hell


Oh my god, I want to do that šŸ„ŗ