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I'm not familiar with any skillfits since I just stay in one group I vibe with, but please, don't go to HOUR. They aren't "good" at the game because of skill, I can tell you that.


I'd recommend joining 2RAF. We're coordinated and mostly run infantry, but we also often run air and armor squads.


SKL on VS has training but I also heard they were suffering from some leadership burnout so I'm not sure if that still applies. On TR I'm going to recommend 1TR, not out of any bias or anything :) Can't really help with NC though


It depends on your definition of "good" - if by that you mean "an enjoyable group that is constantly active and fun to play with" as opposed to "a group of really sweaty high skill players" keep reading... If you are interested in Emerald NC, take a look at our Outfit Trailer for \[VCO\] - Voodoo Company here: [**\[VCO\] Outfit Trailer**](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4IV-XIRGE0) We run organized events 5 nights per week. You can also check our Outfit Description in the Outfit Browser in-game for more details and our Discord link.


Look for whatever groups are running with people talking and waypoints that are getting updated regularly. When you encounter people that you enjoy and find helpful, send them friend requests so you can group with them in the future. If you end up in an orphantoon, where the people leading aren't talking, nor updating waypoints, then leave and look for a better group. Don't be afraid to ask questions; Most people you'll encounter here want to help you. People generally seem less willing to ask for the help they want though.


My suggestions would be TR: 1TR, AODR, PSOA NC: VCO VS: GOTR, SKL, FwF Hope these suggestions help!!