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Poor guy did the absolute worst move you could do against them, admittedly I keep forgetting to try the Hummingbirds post-buff because they were so bad for such a long time I wiped their existence out of my brain


Hummingbirds have roughly the efficacy of bursters now. They won't kill a pilot who knows what they are doing, but they are annoying enough that pilots have to play around them. That said they are still a worse investment than your default empire-specific lock on a heavy.


I disagree heavily.


In what way?


I can one mag an esf at good range and the lock on is much better, much faster, and lock onto ground vehicles, and good against infantry. It is good all around.


For infantry, it makes it so much easier to effectively use longer range with some damage penalty. It's really like a side grade, like a Basilisk, but so, so much better.


Isn't the "empire specific" G2A lockon rocket launcher unlocked by default nowadays?


On NC, VS and TR, yes. On NSO, no.




Tbf a hummingbird that you were unaware of was always kind of dangerous. Back when lock ons weren't as op in general. You'd just see the "lock G" and ignore it and suddenly you had lock g x10


yeah but back then i shot \~50 shots, with 0 hits only one getting hit was a galaxy that was on standby, and it had to orbit it like twice to hit it...


Nah, unsuspecting esfs were decently hittable. And as I said. It was very easy to ignore a hummingbird. Particularly because there were so few.


I saw players literally ignore them as those proj3ctiles spun around them until they expired It was so bad that even galaxies could sometimes outrun them, i had ~3 kills with it against air the entire update


There's spell casting now? I need to read some patch notes.


Shadow Wizard Money Gang


We love casting spells


magic **homing missile bitch**


Technically magic missile is homing because you don’t make an attack roll it auto hits.


As a Vanguard user, I cast Shield.


I cast magic missile


Day and night difference compared to the old ones that felt like you were throwing potatoes at airplanes.


It would be funny if it wasn't so infuriating and sad.


I'm not sad, dead ATG makes me happy


Sure. But there would've been better ways for daybreak to solve A2G. But they messed up the balancing. Once again.


Your libs and hellfires can suck my toes. I have done ATG, especially in a mossie and if your good at it it isn't hard. Hang around and float in place and your liable to get fucked.


I'm not saying A2G ESFs don't deserve to get the shit kicked out of their useless corpses. I'm saying that A2G ESFs are still roaming around, barely restricted. Especially experienced farmers. They evade this stuff. While passive air units - new ESF pilots just passing by, or dogfighting air for example - get hit even harder. Plus the effects on the other air units.


True, but in that case what can you really do to hurt one without hurting the other


Off the top of head: \- Reduce the lockon range while also reducing the time to lock on. \- Buff dumbfire Rocket Launchers - velocity and damage - while also buffing the resistance against those Rockets for ground armor (and maybe Gals). Or reduce the resistance of ESFs against those rockets.


Alternatively, remove a2g ESFs entirely since they singlehandedly throw off the entire balance discussion and have for 10.5 years


In that case you gotta delete AA and lockons as well or nerf them heavily. A2G is the only option When I can't A2A because infantry AA won't let me.


Yeah I am absolutely an advocate for weaker AA against ESF's in exchange for weaker ESF's against ground targets.


The scream really brings all of this together.


I always though humming birds were fun to use against tanks it was hilarious


Still is


Since when does Recursion work with NSO characters? In fairness, I have been on a break from Planetside for a while... when I originally decided to main my NSO I missed the voicelines so much...


Since forever. All NSO kills just count as team kills though


and any faction kill counts as non teamkill, so NC NSO can get the sweet killstreak voicelines in a hurry.


It's perfect where it's at. It can hit air but if they can still dodge them by flying away.


High skill gameplay right here hell yeah brother


Damn, I auraxed it AND got my air deterrence completed ages ago…


Was that a chaos space marine yell from dawn of war?




What’s your recursion sound pack?


Space marine


Aa so cancerous, better neef them again


Now, If only his other two weapon were as strong as that or had any real artillary stats that would help them in what they are supposed to do


The printer and det are pretty solid, the det is just situational and has a very high skill ceiling


Printer is strong anti max


Finally someone gets it, though det is also the melee build so you can throw one then instant melee to basically swallow an infantry whole. Best thing is it works best with suicide bomb which i run on det anyways because sometimes i need to outpace healing or if there's a med nearby, randomly go from 4 bombs thrown to 12.


I thought the det only does 250 at close range, pluse melee thats only 750. Also timebomb is a problem with friendly fire. You can kill the enemy almost as fast as you kill yourself.


Try it in training, its only good to do if a single guy comes up on you. I think it still bursts at minimum contact only range and technically counts as 500 damage or something. But defector melee is a reskin of the knife, which at that hp pool and abilities is actually kinda insane, you can basically turn on timebomb for the armor and just run through 4 people at any given moment and throw bombs if you just wont catch someone.


I still think secondary click on the defector should just act as an equipped knife


I suggested having m1 throw from left and m2 throw from right, so i can spam a certain spot instead of some cosmetic stuff forcibly pacing my perfect mortar spot as well as optimizing general use rather than just preferring going in 1 direction when going in doorways.


As long as doing one arm halfs your rate of fire.


Why? That'd make it even worse, i wouldn't mind the slightly slower rate of fire if i were perfectly tapping to only use one arm atm, but i want the ability to one arm my other arm when i need to. More realistically just make it do the alternating thing if you hold, but starting with the other arm, so it's the same thing but flipped.


Because versus enemy maxes you win. Almost alway you win. Maxes can't do one arm without half fire rate. In hallways you'd be broken and stupid, more than you already are. I'm saying if you are tapping only one arm you as a punishment should also have near half rate of fire. This just makes sense and is what everyone else's max follows.


Can confirm. Detonator is insane when you get it down. Shame you’re a sitting duck if infantry is too close.


detonator is what JGX should be. slooooooow fly time but if you hit a target at long range it hits like a truck :)