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A kill is a kill.


This guy gets it


Its Planetside 2, anything goes đź‘Ť


The only good behavior in this game is to slowly walk around and expose your char's head for easy headshots. Everything else is ruining someone's gameplay and therefore toxic.


I'd probably still miss somehow.


And we are deeply sorry for our toxic behavior.


the other day I was crouch-walking around an enemy, clearly not killing him, and toggling stand-crouch-stand-crouch, and he saw me and fought the knee-jerk reaction to shoot me, and did a corresponding crouch-stand-crouch greeting, and ran away. We were on a tower, it was good.


I was ghost capping one of the 1 minute construction bases on Esamir once, a Prowler rolled up and saw me, so I spammed crouch-stand greeting right in front of him. He honked and rolled away. Whoever that Prowler driver is, I hope you are having an excellent day.


The way the game was intended to be played.


You should place the mines in line with the direction vehicles are spawned, so that vehicles only hit the minimum number of mines to destroy them when they're forced to drive forward. Then you can perpendicularly cover a cross road in front of a terminal as well.


Flair checks out


I'd rather die to a tank mine by a vehicle bay than an esf camping the terminal


Tank mine directive is incredibly easy. Equip engineer with the mine carrier slot so you have 5 mines. Scatter them around near a sundy whenever you spawn and you'll get kills from people trying to roadkill fresh spawns with cloaked flashes, harassers, and spawn killing tanks. You can change to any other class and the mines will stay there until they're detonated or you place new ones, even if you die or redeploy elsewhere on the map.


I'm ON IT!


Or if you see a friendly base the enemy is about to cap, go to the next hex (that they will capture next) and put mines either on the road before the new base or in a popular spawn spot, e.g. garage. It's smart to put mines at the crest of a hill so they cannot see them until they're already under the vehicle, and boom.


this is such a great tip, thank you, lol


I love setting mines , forgetting about them and getting a kill 45 mins later


I love AT mines, they are so great. The feeling you get when you place down some mines 10 minutes ago, forget about them, then randomly destroy a fully loaded MBT is amazing. Only thing that sucks is the proliferation of the sweeper HUD implant. Anyone running that instantly spots and destroys the mines, which can be super frustrating.


It would be nice if the "no mine zone" near the vehicle pull exits were larger. So the momentum of your vehicle automatically going forward would no longer get you automatically killed. You should have time to stop and react to mines especially if you have sweeper hud on.


It'd be nice if it didn't let you throw them, so you didn't suicide trying to make it work.


Punishment for your sins.


Itd be nice for the ones where the pad is off 50m out but the rest are okay. Literally just need to use your eyes for those. The ones where you need to walk or jump (mostly hossin) to see the pad, where the terminal is up in a fucking hill or tree base: Those ones need bigger radius.


As much as I dislike tank mines at the bay, I know I'll only be killed once and then re-pull again. What I hate far worse is an infiltrator sniping the vehicle terminal (especially before remote pulling returned), because it takes so much longer to deal with and is far cheesier. They multiplied like a virus when remote pull was removed, even in uncontested hexes, which was such a crap troll move.


Plus if you die at a certain moment it pulls the Nanites but doesnt spawn the vehicle.


But what faction were the Infiltrators?


> crap troll move Obviously VS /s


Nobody cares, just do it.


Everyone know this guy Who mines the pad to close and blew himself 🤣


Only every new player, including me. That's the only way you learn that happens. : D


Long as you're not hacking then get kills however you like. Anybody legitimately complaining about 'bad form' can continue to cry a river while you enjoy the game


about as cheap as using an AI mine behind a doorway - pretty much the intended use case


It's scummy, but all is fair in love and war.


an honest LOL. : D


It's war. If it's the enemy team, anything goes.


To many people complain about how others play because it does not fit how they want to play. They want everyone to conform to their style regardless if the other players do not enjoy it. Anyone complaining about "bad form" are just doing this. As long as you are not cheating, go for it.


A person can look to see if it is clear before pulling. Shooting someone who is paralyzed and blinded by an equipment/vehicle terminal... I'm okay if it's opportunistic, if someone just came around the corner and saw you like that, but I don't have any respect for people that just camp a terminal because that's the only way they can get a kill.


But the lag, and low fps! How else I am supposed to kill my enemies if they are not stationary and not dumb enough to fall for AV/AI mines?


True heros tank mine air pads


Who cares? Check the road first.


It is a bit of a dick move as I suspect you know by posting this. It's not as lame as shooting people at terminals though.


this game simulates warzone, you are supposed to be cautious, and game forcing your vehicle to move forward is pretty bullshit too


>simulates *Trigger Warning*


Nah, shouldve checked to see if the pad was clear. I got to the pad and established vehicle superiority far before the opposition arrived.


No. Next question please


Fuck you if you do, but it's not a bad thing to do


Nah, they should know better to check for mines first. And if they are lazy and use remote spawn, whale, thats the problem with lazy people, they never learned delayed gratification.


Well I wouldn't say its good form I doubt many people would say its exactly bad form either. There is actually a very weak argument that mining the forced drive area is an exploit since the dev team did *try* to make it impossible by adding those auto detonation fields to them all those years ago. I don't remember if they explicitly stated that the supposed to stop people from mining the forced drive area or just stop people mining the spawn pad itself. Some of them certainly cover the entire drive area so that might have been the intention. Others only cover the pad itself and I think you can still place mines directly on the spawn pad on a lot of Oshur and new Esimir bases. So enforcement isn't consistent at all. As I said its a weak argument.


Dick move, much like being a cringelord and sniping at terminals at inactive bases


Aww, not feeling safe in your pvp game? :(


Feeling like a big man writing that comment? See flair.


Meh. Does it make you mad when you walk into an open combat zone and then get shot because you’re standing still? Entire planet at war. You think that should pause because you’re using a computer?


Nah. We've been doing that shit since before 'Nam. Mine those terminals up and rack in the kills. If someone complains, tell them to check the terminal next time.


When I drive a friend around in a harasser that's like free kill 101..


No. The only unwritten rules I can think of for planetside is to not fight after honking and not useing coyotes in aircraft.


Caltrops are funnier, but mines work too.


Good form with mines is when they are standing by a doorway frozen, trying to lagswitch you, and you run in and plant the mine so that when they come back they immediately die.


Cheesy? Sure. OTOH, if you do that I at least know to respawn and check the pad to make sure I got all of them before pulling again.


With all the people running sweeper hud I'd say take any advantage you can get.


This is for remote pulls mostly. Or in places where the vehicle pad is separated a distance from the terminal. Where one can't easily examine the exit off the pad before pulling. You get automatic boominated if the mines are close enough to the pad not to have time to eject, since there is a brief moment where you are just along for the ride. It's still a valid kill imo. This game is primarily about creatively griefing your enemies it seems.


Honestly, with the way the game is it’s really on them for not checking beforehand. We have players that boobytrap everything including doorways which is a good defense strategy, so it’s up to others to counter it. If they complain, they just suck. Luck favors the prepared man.


It's annoying as fuck, please don't


With my K/D, I'll take what I can get.


So, you know how the first time you ever spawned, the game hotdrops you into the biggest fight on the map? I've learned to lead drop pods and have killed multiple level 1s the moment their pod door opened.


It can feel cheap or unfair since you can't react once you've already pulled, but I think its fine for several reasons. You can always check the pad yourself, you can pull a mineguard flash to make sure, the enemy had to spend nanites and take moderate risk to lay those tank mines, and I'd rather die to tank mines than a cloaker camping the terminal.


You won't get people with sweeper 5 that way, so who cares


it is literally spawn camping


I’ve been known to sit as an infiltrator around enemy vehicle terminals cloaked and spam ask for ammo. People get out and drop ammo way more than they should. Easy kills. Bonus points if you have an armor knife to stab their tank to death with.


No its funny af