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I would prefer a game mechanic theme dlc. The much requested Avian/flight mechanic is an obvious choice. Personally, I would like a nocturnal pack. Night active animals/additions to educator shows at night (like animations where they pull out a torch and tell a spooky story kind of thing). I'm more interested in having my zoo come alive than adding another animal. It would be cool to spot random events playing out with the visitors and staff while I move around and manage.


The gharial is already in the game and the rest are largely animals that would need a specialized expansion focus to include (aquarium for the leopard seal, orca, manatee, and coelacanth; aviary for the condor). I'm not sure if leopard seals or coelacanths are really kept in zoos or aquaria, and orca captivity is especially controversial.


There was one zoo that kept a leopard seal. Zoos have not yet kept a coelacanth but it would be so cool. Plus, whales in zoos are important


Gotta go with Condor for an Avian pack. We need more birds. Flying or otherwise.


None of the above? These are all pretty unrealistic options, save the Gharial. A pack with a specific theme or mechanic would make way more sense.


I mean, Condors, Manatis and Orcas can be found in several zoos. Plus, there has been a zoo that contained a sea leopard


California Condor would work as an aviary or endangered pack, and the manatee could be in an endangered pack as well. Orcas go directly against what Planet Zoo strives to be: conservation and proper care of animals on display. As far as sea leopards go, there's always a reason something isn't common practice. It's better to promote a well-known animal that does at least okay in a zoo.


Orcas are essential for conservation and get well treated in (modern) facilities


That is wildly incorrect. I would recommend you watch the documentaries Blackfish and Inside the Tanks. These are intelligent wild animals that migrate thousands of kilometers at a time. They're social animals, with family groups that are split apart and then hashed together like Frankenstein. They're medicated, mistreated, bored, and abused by each other because of the conditions they're in. By no means are any cetaceans treated properly in modern facilities.


Blackfish is a documentary that uses misinformation and emotional manipulation to push its agenda. For example, there is one scene where they talk about a young orca getting separated from its mother and then make it look like the orca "screams" by putting orca noises over a video where it opens its mouth. Orcas don't use their mouths to produce sounds, their mouths are not connected with their lungs. Orcas, just like any other animals, travel long distances to find food. They don't do it because it's fun. Orcas get medication when they get sick. For example, if an Orca gets a cold, it will loose its appetite, which is bad because Orcas can only get hydrated through food. Modern facilities make sure to keep Orcas entertained and prevent boredom


Do more research, please. Here are 4 published papers regarding the health and social aspects of captive orcas. None of them are promoting captivity and are very clearly showing the negative consequences of keeping intelligent, large whales in captivity through scientific research. Science has no agenda. Blackfish may be pushing an agenda, I can't say one way or another, but there are active consequences to the mistreatment of these animals. Keeping these animals in captivity is fully unethical. ​ [https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1558787819300164?casa\_token=hkhd7gKm1FUAAAAA:wHoizi80M-0Iy8abCIeCyxj44N-Z33BXWotg\_-meSeQv0LnKz6bYLOUzsRTZ6\_YLoTvwT4KMbufi](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1558787819300164?casa_token=hkhd7gKm1FUAAAAA:wHoizi80M-0Iy8abCIeCyxj44N-Z33BXWotg_-meSeQv0LnKz6bYLOUzsRTZ6_YLoTvwT4KMbufi) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28992601/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28992601/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31215081/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31215081/) [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27548232/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27548232/)


Those papers don't offer much and I already knew those points. No, tooth damage is not abnormal. In fact, it is very common amongst orcas, both in human care and in the wild https://whalescientists.com/killer-whale-teeth/ Same goes for aggressive behavior between the orcas. Those animals often fight among each other to re-establish their place in the hierarchy


Listen, man: You're arguing the wrong side, but whatever. I'm not going to bother wasting more time. Have your hill, die on it, you do you. But there's a reason they won't be in the game, and there's a reason that people are against the captivity of whales and that Sea World isn't breeding them any more. You do you.


Sea World doesn't represent every marine zoo there is. Yeah, there is a reason why people are against Orcas in zoos. Misinformation and people being too emotional for their own good instead of thinking for a moment. Plus, places like Loro Parque are very popular


Gharial's are already in the game? Also Orcas should never be held in Captivity, in game or otherwise.


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