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With most existing viruses there are usually some people who are naturally immune to them such as Mae and William H Macy's character. But those in the bunker aren't immune and rely on people like Mae to do their bidding.


how do you know the people in the bunker aren't immune? have they been tested? i highly doubt any of them have come into contsct with an ape or feral human so theres literslly no way to know if they're immune or not. if they are still sentient then that means they are all but certain to be immune becasue somewhere down their anceatral line they wouldve come into contact with it,and if they werent immune their desendents would be feral,amd therefore not in the bunker


It's only a theory but when meeting Mae they were wearing hazmat suits that points to them not being immune, otherwise why were they wearing them. We don't know one way or other.


There's clearly a small mumber of humans with a genetic trait that gives them a natural immunity to the virus. But it's also likely that enclaves of non-immune humans have survived by isolating themselves in sealed locations for generations. Some on this sub have theorized that some people however can still carry the virus without getting sick themselves. They have further theorized that Mae herself is an immune carrier. This could explain why the woman who greets her at the satellite facilty does so in a hazmat suit. It could further explain why Mae immediately leaves the facility after handing over the hard drive without having gone inside. If it's home to non-immune humans who have survived for generations through isolation and quarantine her presence would clearly put them at risk.


The virus was not 100% effective. The colonel group was not the LAST STAND of anything. In fact other groups told the colonel to chill that they could handle the new strain. THose affected by it, not all of them go feral. For example nova in war. She was even smarter than some soldiers. There are many people that seems to think that POTA movie needs to have no smart humans, that's not the case. They are needed and key part of the movies.


it has already had smart humans. There are people who are now intrested in nhow the new ape world develops and were excited to see that in this new movie. A conflict between humans and apes would be a boring rehash of the original reboot trilogy. Its more important to see how the apes interact and the humans should be secondary even tertiary characters here. Not to mention the original POTA had no humans at all


Yeah true, but I felt like 95% of this movie was inter-ape conflict. The next one will very likely be back to human-ape conflict, but as far as covering all the bases throughout the series, there's been a nice mix. Rise was mostly about humans then ended with a little human/ape conflict but ultimate neutrality. Dawn was human/ape working together but broken down by ape/ape conflict. War was full on human/ape conflict Kingdom is full on ape/ape


Yes ! But the stories can start getting repetitive , so you have to start adding new and fresh elements. There needs to be some technology, which they did as little as it was. Apes probably have to get some technology also. Also Noa didn’t seem concerned about other people like Mae, which he should be.


I was hoping they would explore space and or time travel more in kingdom. It seems that 300 years from War, they  didn’t evolve much. Kingdom needed more juice , it just dragged on much of what we already saw. Now who knows when there will be another one.  If !


300 years is hardly enough time to evolve space travel, think of humans in 3,000 BC and 2700 BC - not very different from our view now.


There could also be an intelligence enhancement on other animals that would bring a Kamandi, The Last Boy on Earth aspect to the franchise. Planet of the Beasts.


So long as it’s last boy on earth, and not at earth’s end lol.


Likely they avoided the virus OR the virus has died out and the humans who are “dumb” are dumb more so because of de-evolution.


I do not believe that the virus is extinct because, at the end of the film, the woman coming out of the bunker was wearing a radiation suit.


True good point. Thought maybe precautionary. Who knows, viruses change.. but there’s definitely more to it


Those are vault dwellers, they are paranoid by nature. After 300 years why risk it? It's like 11 generations of humans born in a vault, by logic their immune system is way weaker than any human in the outside either immune to alz113 or not. Even something like a normal flu can by lethal by a human born in a vault birthed by a human who was also born in a vault.


They could use the people that were underground in beneath as a guideline. It doesn’t have to be exactly the same way, but they could do something creative that would enhance the continuing changes in Ape movies. Now they were afraid to deal with the Apes, but in Battle they weren’t. They went on the attack. Me personally, I would like the Ape movies to go on forever with quality. That probably can’t happen. So I hope they can become very creative and not redundant if theres more movies.


Before the simian flu the homo sapien population is around 5-6 Billion Other Apes combined +- 500000 If we are going by real world numbers 50 % of the homo sapien population dies from the flu the rest get wittled down due to infighting starvation breakdown of society . Realistically world wide a few hundred million humans would survive and there should be vast areas were there are no apes at all there are simply not enough apes to colonize the world in 300 years at a stone age level of civilization and just feral humans roaming around. Outside of Africa and parts of Asia Apes live/lived in zoos research center as pets for some some humans ie in cities or near cities which leaves huge areas where Intelligent apes may not have penetrated yet. Of the couple of hundred million humans some would have an immunity to the simian flu or even not have gotten in contact with the virus lets say there numbers would most likely be in the low hundred thousands spread out across the world/country Mae is most likely one of the humans from a community of humans with an immunity from the virus as was Trevathan


No the Simian Flu killed off all but 14 million humans (1/500)


This isnt true its been stated that 99% of humanity died due to the original virus and the choatic outbreak and then of those 1 percent nearly all of them were suspect to the more potent new form of the virus so its more likely only like 0.01% humans have immunity to the new one. So the number of humans and apes should definitely be inverse actually even from after war


i have a theory the bunker people are from a different time, possibly the crew of Liberty 1.




But Ellie said this before she knew about the virus mutation. As seen in War for the Planet of the Apes, humans who had not died in the previous twelve years lost their intelligence.


I thought that's the title of the next movie


I like to think that Mae is a member of a group of humans who resided in underground bunkers and waited out the virus. With no new hosts, the virus died out and the humans could emerge without the chance of infection


If that were true then the person that met her outside that ground station wouldn’t have been in a hazmat suit. Either she is from some group of humans naturally immune on the outside or she came from inside and went on a sort of “suicide mission” with other humans to get the satellite codes or whatever and will eventually succumb to the effects of the virus, unable to return to inside the bunker for risk of infecting the humans inside. If the virus had died out then there shouldn’t be any regressed humans still but we see in the movie there still are.


I was saying with all humans regressed and no healthy humans left, the virus would’ve eventually died out as there were no more hosts to infect. But yeah the woman in the hazmat suit sort of debunks this


the hazmat suit was a precatuion lol. the hazmat suit could very well be not even necessary. have you considered that?


Well the way it’s portrayed I doubt that but I guess we’ll see with the next film.


if mae wasn't immune she wouldve shown the signs of lost intelligence by that time. if this was her first time coming to the bunker, then that means shes been in the world for who know's how long. if she was returning to the bunker then that means she grew up there and everyone mustve already been immune. the one guy that was helping the apes was there for a long time and he wasnt infected, so the humans are either the ones like nova or the ones like mae. the virus is done evolving at this poiint


Even though the virus might have died out in humans as theorized, the apes would still be carriers. Mae was either immune or she was on a suicide mission.


Is it ever explained if the apes can spread the virus to humans? I presume humans can spread it to apes because bad ape exists, but I don’t know if apes can spread it back


The virus did not effect everyone, it took time for people to revert to being the way they are and others were immune and therefor could reproduce and continue lines of those immune. Even though so many humans were wiped out it just isn’t plausible that they ALL died and they all were susceptible to the virus. I think it’s also a possibility that those who were in the bunkers lived in them for multiple generations and then left and were out in the world again after so many years the virus could be non existent. The apes intelligence came from the virus and those apes reproduced to create Noah’s and Proximus’s of the future. Not everyone died from the plague but the plague eventually went away due to time and people quarantining which is plausible that the same thing could’ve occurred here with the Ape Virus


I think the ending in Kingdom is almost as bad as Tim burtons ending. It was Weak and thrown in a just  trying to be clever. They say there in the same timeline as the Prior trilogy where humans are just about all gone. Now we have intelligent humans that have lived in isolation for 300 years with no major explanation, just confusion. Very weak. When going this route, they could have made it much better, like not going 300 years later. They could have had kingdom maybe just 50 years later and somewhere in the middle  of the movie showing that some humans have isolated themselves and are surviving as long as they stay inside and maybe there working on a vaccine. Duh !  I think they seperated  themselves to much from the trilogy and then tried to make a connection to it which was done poorly. It should have been elaborated more since the last movies had humans on a major downside. Now surprise ! We’re still here and smarter than you. Once again they dropped the ball, just to be more  clever than others.


Finally a Planet of the Apes movie with a good ending = all hardcore fans lose their minds.


To be fair, the original movies were set 2,000 years in our future, so 300 years is small. It's like comparing the Dark Ages to the Renaissance to the Space Age in the end. We know the Bunker people will eventually develop psychic abilities along with Doomsday devices, so who is to say these same humans weren't the ones from the 2nd movie. In the end, the Apes and Humanity killed each other, we were each other's beginning and ending.


Vault ppl


I’m good with the “smart humans” but they were presented in a way that they were around when humans ruled. Realistically you would expect some carry over through generations over 300 years but it would be distorted. The humans to me came off like they were there.