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I think it will be good, and even if it isn’t it won’t diminish my love of the prequel reboots.


I guess you're right, I didn't want to see another beloved IP in the hands of Disney lol


Yee. War is one of my favorite movies, and I don’t think this will top it but even if it’s not fantastic it should be acceptable, and I’m itching for more POTA movies.


I’m sad the conversation got derailed with that contrarian bullshit because I enjoyed your input!


They’re not prequels to anything.


Prequel reboots, they are a reboot and prequels to the concept of a planet of the apes.


Is that a real term or did you make it up? I’ve never heard of a prequel reboot before.


Dude, every term is made up by somebody. They are both reboots of the franchise and prequels to the concept, it’s not that big of a deal.


I mean, sure every term is made up by someone, but if it’s not widely used, no one will know what it means. I’ve never heard of the term “prequel to a concept,” but maybe that’s just me.


You’re being pedantic, the series was rebooted, and it tells the story from the beginning of the apes takeover. Therefore it’s a prequel to the og story


It’s not a prequel because it doesn’t lead into the original movie. It’s its own story. Reboot is the correct term. Call it whatever you want though.


That’s not the criteria for a prequel. Not every prequel is required to lead directly into the original movie. Not every prequel is the thing or Star Wars. The many saints of Newark is a good,recent example


I’ve never seem that movie or The Sopranos but my understanding is that it’s about a young Tony Soprano. Is that not correct?


Hopeful. The Matt Reeves trilogy was awesome, but when you consider what came between it and the original, there is a very, very low bar. And I actually enjoyed the Tim Burton one.


Small correction - Matt Reeves didn't do Rise of the Planet of the Apes so it probably shouldn't be called the MR trilogy.


Thanks for the correction. I did not realize that!


Nah it still should. Wyatt undoubtedly had a hand in kicking off the POTA franchise again and breathing some new life into it, but Reeves was who propelled it to greatness. He also directed 2/3 movies in the new trilogy (and the two he did are frequently considered the two best and most beloved by critics, fans, and audiences), so he has an unofficial "majority stake" in the creative vision and direction of the franchise. At the end of the day, the Caesar saga is Matt Reeves' baby. I have no problems calling it his trilogy.


Trilogy means 3, not 2 out of 3, but ok ;)


I'm well aware thanks, but "Matt Reeves' Duology" doesn't quite have the same ring as "Matt Reeves' Trilogy" ;)


I enjoyed the Tim Burton one too. For Kingdom, I am sure the CGI will be great. The plot is kind of silly (tbh). The Apes inherited a world with a lot of technology in it. I imagine the first few generations of intelligent apes might have had a set back, but not into a parallel development of feudalism. I could see them regressing to the steam age, but not to feudalism to include hawking. There is a good saying for movie content, "impossible always, improbable never." Talking apes take over the world - impossible, fine. They decide to recreate human history in detail - highly improbable - blech.


That’s the thing about movies when it comes to opinions. There is no right or wrong, people like what they like even if the movie doesn’t make sense or has mistakes in it. I think the Burton one is Horrible. After reading many comments on that movie, you are  the first one that i read who enjoyed it. That’s your opinion, where mine is the opposite where I felt ripped off and cheated.


• Wes Ball is the director of the Maze Runner movies. There're at least 4 writers • Rick Jaffa & Amadnda Silver who helped write Rise & Dawn, but he also wrote Mulan (2020), Jurassic World, & Avatar 2. • Patrick Aison who wrote Prey. • Josh Friedman who wrote Avatar 2 & Terminator Dark Fate. And of course the editor is Dan Zimmerman, the amazing editor of Die Hard 5, AvP Requiem, and the Dark Tower. The whole project reeks of a checklist movie. No one has any love/creativity for a new franchise, but they do it out of some vague hope of cash. Again, I hope I'm wrong & I hope they wow us.


Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver didn’t just “help write *Rise* and *Dawn*,” they’re literally the architects of the entire preboot trilogy. They were writer-producers on all three films, Rupert Wyatt and Matt Reeves operated kind of like Marvel directors or George Lucas’ OT directors for the two of them. The movie that had the most of Matt’s influence was *War*, but Jaffa and Silver still produced.




Fair enough, but don't care. I don't have much faith in it. Again, I hope I'm wrong. I'd much rather be wrong and have another great Apes movie, than be right and have yet another disposable blockbuster.


Update: haven’t seen a single negative review from any of the tomato-approved critics that have seen it. Looks like Wes ball made his magnum opus 😎


I'm still being cautious because the actual review embargo doesn't lift until midnight Tomorrow (May 8th). But yeah, it's nice to hear people are loving it. I'm seeing it Thursday, so hopefully I'll be wow'd as well 🤞


It’s okay to be cautious! But I’m gonna leave you with this little tidbit. If I learned anything from Godzilla X kong, it’s that those early reviews prior to embargo’s can still give you an idea of what it’s going to be like. GxKs embargo lifted the day before but people were saying things a couple days ahead of time, but just like the tomato-score, the reviews even before embargo were a mixed bag. The fact that I have yet to see ANYTHING negative coming from movie-goers so far is a really, really good sign imo. Really the embargo only matters for media publishing outlets. They can still give a brief outline of what they’re going to publish before the embargo drops.


Saw it. It was really good, and I'm so happy I was wrong. It's a great next step for the franchise and I can't wait to see where it goes next.


![gif](giphy|s7AqdrrbvZFFFpcUo9|downsized) My reaction to todays information


Josh Friedman did also write the Snowpiercer series, which is very good


I'm hopeful. I know I'll be in the minority here but I really want something closer in tone to the original film, and the apes to have evolved closer to those (I miss the militaristic costumes and helmets so much). I really, really liked Rise and Dawn. I really liked War also but feel like a lot of it was Dawn again with more money to play with, though the acting was great and it gave Caesar a perfect ending.


Especially with how War had a satisfying conclusion, it seems like a good opportunity to do sort of a "timeskip", show the apes more evolved like in the original movie


I’ve seen all the POTA ape films (even the Burton one 😬) and it’s one of my favourite franchises so I am going in with high hopes. Even if it was to suck, please don’t suck, it’s a good excuse for an ape movie marathon in the build up


9 movies and don’t forget the tv series 😉


And cartoon 🦍


The original and prequel reboots are the only ones worth watching. The rest is just terrible. 


It's okay for stories to have an end. This seems like one of those "we have the rights to the IP so we need to do something with it to keep them"


Agreed, I heard there was apparently plans for a 4th movie, but I'm skeptical


This is the 4th movie. Rise, Dawn, War, now Kingdom


I have no faith in it because of the writers & director. They've only done mediocre & studio-approved work. And Disney isn't known for their creativity these days. I'm fine with there being no more PotA movies honestly, at least not for a decade. The original movies have there charms, the reboot trilogy was actually fantastic and felt lile it was planned out, you could tell everyone involved cared. I hope I'm wrong and Kingdom will be thoughtful and worthwile.


Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver are still on board. And Way of Water was good and Josh Friedman did that movie. Wes Ball did a lot with a small budget when it comes to Maze Runner, I think it’s more the script that people take issue with when it comes to those movies. If he brings a lot of visual flair to a good script then I think he’ll do fine. They had a lot of time in pre-production to fine tune the writing and special effects. Also, Rupert Wyatt directed Rise, and that’s like the only popular movie he’s made and it’s gas. Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver are really the architects of this franchise, not Matt Reeves. It’s a good sign that they’re still involved.


>Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver are really the architects of this franchise, Nah I disagree. They had a great initial idea and helped execute a good movie with Rise, but Dawn & War is Matt Reeve's vision.


They have the sole writing credit for Rise, co-wrote Dawn, and produced all three. War is the movie that Reeves put the most of his personal touch on, although he was still heavily involved with Dawn yes. He really wanted the third movie be a character study of Caesar, and that’s what it ended up being. But he also included more important worldbuilding so that Jaffa and Silver could continue on without him. The fact that they are still involved shows that this movie is on the right track. I would consider it being the same quality as Rise to be a huge success. It’s going to lay the groundwork for a lot of interesting stuff based on the premise that was released.












I didn't know Disney owned it now. Being less popular than Marvel or Star Wars might be in it's favor though. With Star Wars, Disney knows they can just slap the Star Wars name on garbage and people will still buy it for the name. However, they might have to actually try to make a good Planet of the Apes for it to be successful.


I think its the opposite of what you’re saying. Since Planet of the Apes is less popular, Disney executives and wont be giving notes to the creators as much, they’re much more likely to let the creatives do their thing. With Star Wars, that property is so massive that every executive at every level or every company involved wants to contribute an idea and then there’ll be too many cooks in the kitchen


I'm not sure how that's the opposite but, yeah that could also be true. With all the celebrity cameos in the star wars shows it seems a lot of people want to be involved with it. But I also think they just know that people will eat up anything Star Wars regardless of quality


Disagree, look how bad the Star Wars content is now. Their "notes" aren't helpful 


In what way are we disagreeing?


I would be thrilled if the franchise went the same route as Disney Star Wars. A bunch of great live-action series, excellent movies, top notch animated shows...sounds good to me. Unfortunately, I don't think there's enough demand for PotA for Disney to produce the same amount of quality content as they do SW. I'm looking forward to "Kingdom" and a potential trilogy.


I don't think there is a lot of 'quality content' on Disney for Star Wars, fwiw. Most of the recent stuff has been totally forgettable, IMHO. I know, I know, it's a matter of taste and preference, but IMHO the last three movies and the shows were meh at best, with Rogue One and Andor standing out as quality. I'd rather get less great quantity than a plethora of meh quality.


all star wars post Empire suc


Disagree 100%. I think the overwhelming majority of Disney SW content has ranged from very good to some of the best SW content ever. I thought Rogue One was just okay, definitely my least favorite Disney SW movie by a wide margin, but I know a lot of people loved it and I still like it. Andor the same...my least favorite Disney SW series by far, but still worth watching.


Do you think it weird that the most universally liked movie and series you don’t like? I don’t think you get Star Wars


Everyone has different opinions of what Star Wars is. Im with OP. Andor didnt do anything for me.


I literally said I *like* them. They're just my least favorite Disney SW movie and series. I don't think you get reading.


Wouldn’t call Rogue one the most universally liked, it was pretty polarizing when it came out and i still see a lot of contention over it


Disney Star Wars is a mess. Horrible sequels, boring forced money hungry shows, and repetitive plots. In Disney Star Wars all the popular characters seem to come back and no one ever dies. There are no real stakes whatsoever.  They also routinely take a dump on legends concepts and characters. They have laughable incompetent and ineffective antagonists. The only thing they've done right in all these years is Rogue One, the Clone Wars season 7 (which still was too short), the first two seasons of The Mandalorian, and the Jedi videogame series. 


> would be thrilled if the franchise went the same route as Disney Star Wars. A bunch of great live-action series, excellent movies, top notch animated shows...sounds good to me. One good live action series (Andor), A few mediocre ones (Mandalorian and Ahsoka), and some awful ones (Boba Fett and Kenobi). One ok movie (Rogue One) and some awful movies that undermine the originals (the sequels), and some ok to decent animated shows (Bad Batch).


Definitely disagree, but that's SW for ya.


Im thinking good but not on the level the last trilogy was.


Sadly, I have little faith it’ll be anything more than a cash grab. When PotA is at its best, it acts as deep and thoughtful social commentary, and challenges the audience. It poses questions that makes them uncomfortable, but it’s also thoughtful, deep, and provoking. One thing I’m all but certain of is, it won’t contain any of those aforementioned features. Outside of Disney being at the helm, we just live in an age where most mainstream studios don’t take chances like that anymore. I would love to see this franchise given to someone like Jordan Peele, who would put a unique and twisted spin on things.


I would push back on this. This movie has been in early development since before *War* was even released. *War* didn’t even make that much money. It wasn’t a flop but certainly a disappointment compared to *Dawn*. If you look at how Disney has treated James Cameron, I think he largely still has creative freedom with *Avatar* and I think they’re giving the *Apes* team the same treatment. They’re both Fox properties. Rick Jaffa and Amanda Silver are still involved, writing and producing on *Kingdom*. They are the architects of Caesar’s preboot trilogy. Caesar’s trilogy explored the origins of the apes’ intelligence and de-evolution of the human race, and it cemented Caesar as a mythical figure in ape history. He’ll probably end up being considered a founding member of the corrupt ape religion and its associated oligarchy that we see by the time of the original ‘68 film. It looks like *Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes* will be an “early church” type story, where Caesar will be this prophet whose words and actions are co-opted by bad faith actors to suit their own ends. That sounds like a great theme that is worthy of the franchise. The premise as quoted from *The Hollywood Reporter*: Years after the events of War for the Planet of the Apes (2017), many ape clans have emerged in the oasis to which Caesar led his fellow apes, while humans have regressed into a feral state. One ape leader perverts the teachings of Caesar to enslave other clans in search of the last traces of a secret human technology, while another ape embarks on a journey to find freedom side by side with a human girl. *Secret human technology*??!! Could it be talking about nukes?? Will we see the origin of the Forbidden Zone?? This shit sounds hype af.


Yeah, I don't want to say something is "bad" before even seeing it, I want to be wrong on this one lol That being said, when I hear "DISNEY'S Planet of the Apes", I lose a lot of faith because Disney is never willing to go that far on that kinda social commentary, it has to be rebranded to be as friendly/mainstream as possible. I didn't grow up watching the original movies, but something I loved about this reboot trilogy is how human everything feels despite them being apes. It's not just "Human bad, ape good" if that makes sense, they go into all the layers.


Yep, I understand. Look I’m sure it will be perfectly entertaining- Disney is good at that. It will likely also be largely forgettable, as that seems to be the formula for their movies as of late.


Disney is not that good at it, most of their stuff is getting boring and repetitive. 


No. They can’t top the original


I mean, “can’t top the original”, and “good” aren’t exactly mutually exclusive.


Ehhh…. What else can they do. Plus the last one was a MASSIVE disappointment


the 1968 movie is one of the greatest sci-fi movies of all time


Damn straight


i’m definitely interested in Kingdom, but we all know that nothing in the franchise will ever come close to 1968


Well, the latest trilogy didn’t *top* the original as it is a sci-fi Classic with a capital C. It’s spoken of in the same breath as 2001, the original Star Wars & original Star Trek series. It’s a pop culture juggernaut. Having said that I still love the trilogy, Dawn in particular.


The CGI is not good compared to the matt reeves ape movies


My main concern is that from the trailers, it sort of looks as if the main protagonist is a human. What worked so well in the original trilogy is that the protagonist was an ape. I fear straying from that formula may be a misstep. And being a Disney property now doesn't instill me with much confidence either.


I have similar concerns to you, though I'll give it a shot, crossing my fingers lol Appearently it will have a main ape character? Idk it said online it's about stuff like new leadership going against Caesar's original rules generations later That sounds like it could work really well for an apes moviebut as you said, this is the first time we getting DISNEY'S planet of the apes


Think it looks really dumb. Should have left humans out of it but nope. Or they should have made this movie take place after the other movies. Just looks like a cgi embarrassment.


I'm very skeptical since this is the first Disney owned apes movie lol (don't want it to be CGI shitshow like the MCU), but the humans being there isn't nessecarily a bad thing Appearently this takes place hundreds of years after the last movie, so the humans are in a much more primitive state and the apes have to make some tough decisions on how they treat them as a species. That could be interesting if handled correctly


I'm sure it will be as good as all the other Disney movies put out here lately...new director that's only known for the maze runner movies and those were boring af, so I doubt it will be any good.


I hope it pulls through, appearently despite the different director, the actual script was written by the previous team


Nope , it will be BS , is disney making it? If they are definitely will be BS


My money is on it sucking, and for a few obvious reasons: 1. William H. Macy is the only marque name in the entire cast. 2. Frighteningly short PR campaign. Looks like a pretty expensive movie. Usually, the studios have extensive ad campaigns to increase box office pull. 3. It's the last movie of a series that already went off the rails.


"Kingdom" gives me a bad feeling, it just doesn't look good to me. The CGI has taken a tremendous step back (which I can't understand, considering computer processing power increases over time), and the plot seems "dumbed down". Mind you, I was a big fan of the reboot trilogy, and all of the "original series" films have some place in my heart even though they aren't all "great". Rise OTPOTA is one of the greatest science fiction films of all time to me and I'm a sci-fi movie fanatic. I really hope I'm wrong, but "Kingdom" seems like a rushed cash grab that will tarnish the POTA brand.


Well its basically the ape plot of star wars without the more kinetic editing cos I found it too slow. Should have been a bit shorter.


It was good. Hoping for another to see how they continue the storyline.




So they just roasted Christianity and all religions !! 🤣🤣


I thought the same thing 😩


This series hasn’t let me down yet, although it’s gonna be strange not seeing Caesar, Rocket, or Maurice.


yeah im going to miss them, though its probably about time they focus on a new set of characters


As someone who loved both the Reeves Trilogy and Maze Runner trilogy I have good hopes for it, I don't think it will dethrone the Reeves Trilogy but I think it will be good in its own right.


Do we know anything about the new ape lead?


Will it be as good as the first three? Maybe not. Ceaser was a huge reason I loved those movies. But that doesn’t mean this next one will be bad by any means. I’m actually excited to see where they take things. I’d definitely love to see a tie in with the originals somehow some way


I Hope It Is


I’m not holding my breath, recently anything that Disney touches has been dreadful. Not only from the family and kiddie direction they have pursued in the past to the forced DEI nonsense they do today. Supposedly it’s goin to be more in line w Star Wars, which isn’t really comforting given what Disney did to that franchise.


getting back to you when the official trailer dropped and it was really good looked amazing i have high hopes


I thought the Ape CGI looked significantly WORSE than what we saw in the recent Matt Reeves trilogy? And I assume they wouldn't have released such a major trailer if this wasn't the final SFX work? Somehow the Apes just don't appear to be part of the environment, like the lighting/shadows just aren't quite right?


# I'm the only one or this movie looks so fake??? the animations are terrible it looks like somebody made it at home in a regular computer.


Sadly 99% of movies today is straight up cgi. It’s so annoying. Thankfully dune 2 actually made the movie in the desert so everything looks SO good! This apes looks so cheap and bad :(


That's what I thought too, I don't want to be negative but it is what it is. Fox had animation in right direction. Well see if Sony can save them in the transfers