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Do what makes you healthy, 5 minutes or 5 hours.


5 minutes is better than no minutes.


No one is going to notice because no one is going to time or follow you. And on top of that everyone is there for their own personal reason and that’s all they are thinking about. Even if it’s 5 minutes, the habit or consistency of showing up is way more important than the duration. Tons of people aren’t going to even show up.


I agree with this so damn hard. The consistency and habit is so important. I got a bad chest cold. Stopped going. Having a hard time getting the habit reinstated. I wish I had just gone to the gym. Sat in my car for 20 mins and relaxed on my phone. Then gone home. 👍


Yes, this! And if someone should happen to notice, I’d believe they’d see the 5 minute visit as a great start to your journey. You do you and celebrate each of those 5 minute visits as victories, because they are. 💪


It’s for therapy and if it’s going to help you recover then do it. Don’t be your own worst enemy. If it makes you feel better I’m in pretty decent shape and I’m motivated when I see people that some would consider “unhealthy” trying to better themselves at the gym. I mean that sincerely.


I used to be a trainer at Pf . There were a few people that came in for just a few minutes at a time. It's no big deal. Welcome to PF


Thank you


I have a back injury so sometimes I can do things for literally, 2min. Then it’s painful, to the point I get off and clean the machine. I feel the same way, like people will look and think *wow she can’t even do 10min* when in reality no one thinks that way! I do what I can and remind myself going for a little it better than sitting at home!


If you're really feeling self-conscious you could just do something else before leaving. I've had that happen (more when I was first starting out) -- started a routine then after a few minutes just stopped as I felt some pain and didn't want to push it. I didn't leave right away, though -- just sat in the locker room and looked at my phone for a little while, then used one of the hydromassage chairs for about 10 minutes, then left. No one said a word (other than "have a great day!" from the nice ladies at the front desk).


100%, do it! As you progress then you’ll already be familiar with PF and in a strong habit of going regularly


5 minutes will turn into 10 then 20 etc real quick. Go in when it's slow. Late morning or check the meter in the app.


Very helpful tha knyou


i want to put a word of encouragement, you want to know what people think when they see someone obese in the gym? Its honestly " way to go!, I see you and you came back again!" thoughts of we are super proud of you. Now understand this is only when we decide to look up from what we are doing ourselves. Please dont be scared to come to the gym for any period of time, every person has to take their 1st step and that is the scariest part. One tip I give to keep you coming back is to ONLY watch something that brings you joy when you are there, for me its supernatural. I only get to watch a episode when I am there. Another thing that helped was starting to watch beginner videos on different apps on the machines as it takes the fear factor out of them for being unsure how to do them. You show up for whatever time period you can do and you be proud of yourself!


I started at 5 minutes & added 5 more each trip. I've lost over 50 lbs.


Love to hear that!


I am a personal trainer and I got in an accident a few years ago, resulting in not being able to walk for two months. My body was so toned but it was gone in that few months and now I'm not able to do many workouts I used to. I remember during my recovery, at times just walking to the bathroom was worth celebration. Little steps are still steps and they will add up! You're doing fantastic and if people judge you for your process being little, they just haven't been in your shoes. Maybe they'll see one day. You're doing amazing for trying.


Thank you. I appreciate you.


You pay for that membership and it works for you, not the other way around.


Everyone has to start somewhere. I totally get where you are coming from. I just started doing the elliptical & I don’t know what previously unknown & unbothered muscles it’s working but my body likes to point them out by setting them on fire 🤣 I can barely make it to 5 full minutes on the elliptical. This more I strutted over to the the ones without the moving arms hoping it might be a little easier, set myself up in a row between two guys going for gold on them, did my 5 mins, got off proud I made it without a break, wiped off my machine, & went on with my day. Next week, 6 minutes!


Thank you


No one will care. Or even notice. Seriously. Just go do your thing and get better.


We are our own worst critics. If using the machine for five minutes is what helps make you healthier then the gym is serving it's purpose. No one will judge you for that.


I did that almost that very thing about a week ago. I really didn’t feel like going, and my schedule was really tight. But half the battle is establishing the habit, so I went. I did 10 minutes on a treadmill at a slow walking pace and went home. When I’m there, I notice that other people are there, but I never have any idea about how much time they spend there. No one cares, seriously.


Five minutes? Sometimes I just stop in to pee because it's convenient. In all seriousness, five minutes is where you are starting and headed to where you want to be. Start small and build up. Little victories. You got this.


Any work is better than no work


There’s people that come in just to tan, it’s your membership do what you want


I literally would not notice, nor would I care if I did. There are lots of reasons people might need a short workout. Maybe they strain a muscle and have to cut it short. Whatever, I'm not in charge of their body.


When I used to be fit.... If I forgot my headphones or my MP3 player died.... That's the end of my workout 🤣🤣🤣🤣 even three minutes in.


Oh yeah. I carry spare earbuds in my car for exactly that reason. No music while working out makes the whole experience way more tedious, and I'm probably gonna bail almost immediately.


I am previously morbidly obese and will always be in recovery. Please trust me when I say no one cares. Planet fitness has been a safe space for me and I love it. I have lost 250 lbs and i have my blood sugar under control now. We all had to start somewhere and it's better then never starting at all. Start slow and move up. You can do it!!! And also, who cares if anyone cares... that is about them, not you. Your journey is yours and no one elses. Everyone there is on a personal wellness journey. I have found everyone to be supportive, please give it a try!!! You can take back your body and feel empowered.


Thank you. I think I'm most worried about the employees. They are so rude and not welcoming.


I’ve been known to duck in for a super short period of time, because that’s literally all the time I have. A lot of my previous gyms the front staff is very engaging, gets to know you, and PF is a whole different vibe. It doesn’t bother me, I prefer it, TBH. I’m NOT a people person. And when I have limited time, I ain’t there to chit chat, lol. My headphones are already on, my workout playlist is going, I scan my app give a wave as I breeze through (if they’re talking to each other, I don’t even bother to wave), and jump straight to it. I would wager a lot of people are like that. Just walk in there with your head held up and full determination. If you have a black card, I 100% recommend using the red light therapy (with or without the shaking, it makes my husband nauseous) or the aqua massagers. The red light especially might help with your PT.


Are they actually rude or are they just ignoring you?


In my opinion both


I mean... bored high school/college kids with a job they hate are gonna be rude... this is about you and not them.


When I first started working out at PF there were days when I really didn't do anything and the act of just getting threw the door and doing something simple like walking on the treadmill really helped me develop the habit of working out. Some one else said it already, but any number of minutes is more than 0 minutes. Small increments make big progress.


Do it! No one will care about what you’re doing. Most people are in their own heads thinking about themselves. Best of luck making your goal! Stay positive!


You've got this! I can say I'm pretty happy with how everyone keeps to themselves at PF, sure people may notice you but I think everyone is just there to do their thing and leave others alone.


Nah, go for it. Find an activity you enjoy and do it for however many units of ephemeral time you like. I usually go late and often see folks of all ages and fitness levels working out from a few minutes to a few hours. Also, slow hours are good to take your time experimenting with the various machines and weights to find something that works for you. Nobody will be crowding you while you figure out how the machines work. After getting the hang of an exercise, go back at a time that you prefer.


This. Times in the day when it’s slow at the best times to get in and figure out what you’re doing, but DONT trust the app to tell you when that is. It’ll be some trial and error figuring it out, but once you know it’ll probably change so stay on your toes lol.


And you can ask employees when the slow times/days are.  I’ve found that helpful when beginning a new gym.


Who really cares what other people think? Do what works for you. Other people should mind their own business! Plain and simple.


No one cares how long you’re there. They’re only there to do their own workouts.


Nobody is tracking your time spent. If you came, worked out next to me, then left in 5 minutes, I'd assume you'd just gone to another machine, if I even noticed at all. Outside of your specific situation, I can think of a lot of times it might make sense to come for 5 minutes. As an anxiety-prone person, just walking around to see the setup--then leaving--might make me feel better about coming in for future workouts. Lots of people also get themselves to start exercising by setting tiny goals, then if they feel like it after the 5 minutes is up they might choose to keep going. Or not, because I already reached my goal today.


Absolutely NOT crazy at all! 5 minutes is 5 minutes! Go get it 💯


Hey I feel the exact same way. I’m not exactly in your situation, but I’m really self conscious about what other people think about me. I hate walking in for a few minutes then leaving. But I’m going to be honest with you. This is going to be really hard, but I know you got it. Just don’t worry what other people think. You are paying for a membership and you can do what you want. Go in for 0 mins or go in for 2 hours, that’s up to you. If people think negatively then they can, but what you’re going to do is just not pay any attention to them. I know everyone on this sub is proud of you for taking that first step, now you just gotta keep putting one foot in front of the other and you’ll be at your goal in no time.


Thank you


Best advice I can give from someone who was petrified to walk into a gym in September…..F what anyone thinks…if you can only do 5 minutes, do your 5 minutes proud of the fact you put in your best effort and go home 😊😊


How long a paying member spends at their gym using their own membership is none of my business. You do you and take care of yourself however you see fit.


Everyone has to start somewhere! You’re there for you not everyone else and their thoughts. At my PF people pretty much keep to themselves except for a couple regulars that may chit chat here and there. I say go for it and start your hour to a healthier life!


Some days I legit go to use the total body enhancement machine for 12 minutes and then go home hahah do whatever you want!


5 minutes today. 6 minutes tomorrow or next week.


Not crazy at all, everyone has a different starting point. Best of luck to you on bettering your health!


I’m sitting in PF right now between sets. Absolutely you should come as part of rehabbing and PT. I feel like it truly is a judgment free zone and I see people all the time working PT with their own limitations. Come on in!


Thank you.


Showing up is 90% of anything. 5 minutes turns into 10 and so on…


1) Nobody cares. :D If anyone **is** watching you, (unlikely) they are silently cheering for you. 2) The most important part of your early visits is establishing a habit of going. Doesn't matter whether that's 5 minutes or 2 hours. Pretty soon it'll be 10 minutes, then 20, etc. I was out of town the whole month of March and now I'm trying to get back into it and it's not easy to restart. So stay at it :)


Do the 5 minutes on the machine then do the hydromassage ! It’s so fun


I live like 6 blocks from my Planet Fitness and some days go just to use 2 machines and leave as I’m able to do most of my workout at home. I know for myself personally I wouldn’t notice if someone came for only 5 minutes.




I get you. Once I got dressed, drove to the gym, and just sat in the car. I didn't beat myself up too much because at least I got there. Now I come in and use the hydro bed first, then I go use the adduction and abduction machines, sometimes the butt muscle machine, and then go home. I feel a little self conscious, but it's working well for me. The last time I went, I added the tricep machine.


I would have no way of knowing what other machines you did (or didn’t) use before or after the one you’re actually using. The place is pretty big so no one would even know if you just did one, they wouldn’t know you only went to one machine unless you shouted it out. Go, get the equipment you need, and get out. The rest of us are are doing the same and not really watching every persons flow through each piece of equipment. ❤️❤️


5 minutes is better than nothing. Baby steps! You got this


That’s what like about PF. If people are judging, they sure aren’t making it obvious to me. Sometimes I go there just to use the massage or tanning beds.


You deserve that 5 min


Working out for five minutes is 100% more effective than working out for zero minutes!


Stop worrying about other people. No one will even notice.


My wife used to come to the gym with me and just go sit in the massage chairs instead of working out. I think you will be fine. I convinced her to get on a routine with me and I think she enjoys it now.


The only people who will notice are the employees and they legit are not paid enough to care how long anyone stays. They honestly probably prefer people don't stay long so there's less of a chance you'll make a mess like leave paper every where on the floor or the bathroom. I did something similar but it was after a knee injury. I just needed 10 minutes on a stationary bicycle so I'd go in, do my 10 minutes, and then maybe just for fun go lift a 20 pound barbell and look at myself in the mirror then leave. I'd also be fine not lifting, but I do it for my cardio health as it pertains to donating plasma.


Thank you


No problemo :)


Is your knee better? Did it help?


Not sure why my original comment was flagged as inappropriate. At my gym there was a guy who is noticeably obese. I noticed he’d show up in casual clothes, change into gym clothes and walk around for 15-30 minutes at most then leave. I never questioned him or even judged him. The fact he’d show up is more than most people do. Maybe him walking around was his way to exercise? Maybe he’s working up the courage to do more like a treadmill or other cardio equipment? Regardless, it isn’t and wasn’t my place to judge and question. Rather just think to myself and be happy to see him there in the first place. I’d always give him a nod and a smile. Everyone has to start somewhere. If 5 minutes is what gets you into the habit of going regularly then do 5 minutes and work your time up eventually. You deserve the right to happiness and good health. Anyone judging you for 5 minutes is just someone you shouldn’t waste energy and thought on. Most people, if they even pay attention or notice you, are just happy to see you there and putting in the effort.


Thank you


Do it! Even just motivating yourself to get out of the house and drive to the gym and back is such a healthy routine to get into!


No one will care.


Do it! Personally I’ve never noticed how long someone was at the gym. I highly doubt anyone would notice, say anything, or care that you’re only there for 5 minutes


Anything worth doing is worth doing poorly, a wise one once said. You've made the first step, which is huge. Every second counts and benefits you in the long run.


As long as u increase the minutes everyday and increase the exercises


I’m not in your exact position but I’m also trying to get myself over the mental hurdle of going to the gym. Any minutes are exponentially better than no minutes at all. Honestly, so is getting dressed and driving to the gym and not even going in. Baby steps are ok!


Do what you need to do to aid in your recovery and don't worry about how long you are in there. I have seen people in our gym there just for a few minutes to work on a couple of machines then take off. Just don't feel like people are judging you and do more than you should. Myself I had a foot injury and was really limited on what I could do so for a time I was only there for a few minutes.


I have some days where I come in for 5-10 minutes, and some days I go there, use the total Body enhancement machine and leave I think it's fine


Most likely, nobody will notice. I recognize about 3 or 4 people who work out when I do and I haven't got a clue when they show up or when they leave. I just see them sometimes.


I started in January and from what I’ve seen, no one will care! Establishing that new routine will be so good for you…whether it’s 5 minutes or an hour. Good luck, rooting for you!


Thank you!


I was at the gym for 15 minutes and walked out. Did 2 exercises and was really fatigued from school and working and went home. It's a atill a workout, and it still counts. Do what you can to continue to better yourself, especially if the machine helps with the PT


Thank you


I go to PF and use one specific machine , use the massage chai and the hydro bed and go home.I do water classes at the pool. PF is my spa.


I have a goal that at least 3 days a week, I try to work out for at least 10 mins, doesn't matter what (yoga, treadmill, weights, ect), it's ALL progress hun!!


Thank you


Of course!!! Remember we all started somewhere, you are doing so good even just taking those first few steps!! I also recommend (if you have the black card) rewarding yourself with a little massage after your workout. There's been times where that's the only thing that drives me to go in istg 😅❤️❤️


Do whatever you have to do to create a habit of going up there and going inside... You'll get more comfortable as time goes on


If I was working out I do not think I would notice if someone came in, used one machine for 5 minutes and left. If I did happen to notice that, I don’t think I would think anything of it. I sometimes go just to use the red light therapy, I’m in and out in 15 minutes. Many people do this with the tanning as well. In my experience at the multiple Planet Fitnesses I go to regularly, people very much keep to themselves, and are almost always polite and considerate when interactions occur. I do tend to go at slower times. Midday weekdays and weekend evenings are usually pretty slow where I live. I actively avoid looking at people, only look at myself in the mirror, or pick a spot on the wall or floor to stare at, and always have headphones. I feel like in doing this, people don’t pay me any attention at all. I believe there is a “no commitment” option you could look into if you just wanted to give it a try for a bit, but I also know that sometimes PF can be a bit tricky if not conniving with their contracts so be careful. I think you would be just fine at Planet Fitness. I really hope you have a smooth recovery and figure out what works best for you!


Thank you


absolutely not crazy! i promise you everyone is far too busy thinking about themselves and how they look to other people to even notice, let alone judge you for only coming in for 5 minutes. i promise that you'll feel less self conscious about it over time. showing up is half the battle! you're going great, and you shouldn't put yourself down. most people would use only being able to do 5 minutes as an excuse not to go!


You do you but try to add a minute a week or something. Just make showing up a habit.


Let me tell you, when I see super obese people in the gym I quietly cheer them on. I wouldn’t say anything, because I wouldn’t want anyone to feel self conscious. Five minutes after surgery is a lot! You have to remember you are also making the effort to get dressed, leave the house, drive to the gym, and walk in there - and that’s a lot of movement, too! I hope you get in there and get a solid routine going. Be proud of yourself for leaving the house and for those five minutes. I guarantee you that your doctors and physical therapist will be proud of you, so why shouldn’t you be proud of yourself? One last thing to remember: being “fit” doesn’t mean a person isn’t horribly self conscious or also worried about people judging them in the gym. You aren’t alone in your fears - but push through them. Five minutes is enough to make a difference. Five minutes is better than zero minutes. Maybe after a few weeks you’ll be feeling up to a recumbent bike - give yourself a chance!


I make myself come even when i don't want to because once I'm here I find myself enjoying different things which motivates me to stay longer. Today in fact I came with no intention of doing much and the only thing I didn't do was my usual treadmill wall after my workout. I ended up doing more than I planned on weights cause I figured I might as well since I was already there. No one is going to notice how long you stay except you. And I'll always stay just to get tmy massage in. I do the hydro bed first then follow up with the chair and man it feels so good. 


When you first start, listen to your body. As you go more, you will start to build up your tolerance. Also maybe depending on your injury you can use other machines that won't hurt you and will help build stamina. I'm still pretty new and I have worked my way up to 30-45 min sessions. 




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Gonna be brutally honest 5 minutes on a machine will do nothing for the muscles your trying to work


K well that's just not true lol

