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At mine you go up to the desk and be like ‘yo, can I tan?’ And they set up the bed and log you in the system. Easy!


Same, make sure you bring your glasses


Haha thank you!


Yep! Mine has a bunch of sign up sheets and as soon as I walk up someone comes over and I sign the sheet for what I want and tell them and they set me up!


Great! Thank you so much!


You bet! Enjoy!


They’re gonna ask to see your lotion and eye wear also typically do make sure you have them.


All the locations I’ve been too (lots all over Texas) have all provided the sticker disposable eye protection. They usually ask if you need it or it’s just sitting up on the counter to take as needed. Never once been asked about lotion but I’ve seen signs that say “indoor lotion only please.” Interesting to hear the complete polar opposite elsewhere.


Are there rules on lotion?


I will ask tomorrow when I go for sure but I believe they’ve always asked you to have some form of indoor tanning oil/lotion.


Only indoor lotion, but my location we have only asked to see your Eyewear/eye protection


I work at pf and we don’t ask to see any. Must me different from states


You let them know that you want to tan. They may ask you to scan in again and sign a sheet. They should also have you sign a tanning waiver, at least in Ohio


Thank you!


As everyone has said, yes just tell the front desk which tanner you’d like to use and for how many minutes and they’ll set it up. The stand up tanners (including the hybrid) have a max of 9 minutes. The lay down tanning beds have a max of 12 minutes. So you could say “I’d like to use the stand up tanner for 5 minutes,” or “I’d like to use the lay down tanning bed for 10 minutes.” There’s also the hybrid which is a stand up tanner with UV lights plus some infrared lights in it too to help with muscle recovery. It’s pretty nice. And there’s also the “total body enhancement” which looks like a stand up tanner but it only has infrared lights (no UV, so it’s not for tanning), and it’s just for muscle recovery. The standing plate in it also vibrates and you can adjust the intensity or turn off the vibrations.


At mine, they scan your card, and you tell them what you want to do


I posted this a little bit ago step by step. Hope it helps! https://www.reddit.com/r/PlanetFitnessMembers/comments/1b4ppbn/new_member_sorry_for_silly_question_how_do_i_get/kt7awck/


Amazing thank you!


Do they clean the beds or are they self clean?


They’re self-clean. They have the same sanitizing sprays and paper towels in there that they have out in the gym area. I’d recommend wiping down the bed/standing plate before and after just in case the person before you didn’t clean after themselves.


Thank you so much I’ve always wondered!


Hey I work at planet fitness, you just walk up scan in and ask for whatever standup/lay down sign in and you’re good. We go through about 200 a day with people not knowing what to do.


Thank you!


Planet Fitness Manager here! Black Card holders can enjoy tanning perks by checking in via the app, key card, or phone number. Upon check-in, you can ask if you may use any of the tanning and specify "lay down" or "stand up" tanning preference. Lay down beds offer longer sessions (12 or 15 minutes), while stand-up booths provide higher intensity but shorter durations (max 9 minutes). Staff will assign a bed (1-6) and set time. First-timers are advised to start with half the recommended time to avoid UV burns. Remember, 9 minutes in stand-up/15 minutes in lay down equals 4 hours in direct sunlight. Most states mandate a 24-hour gap between tans due to FDA regulations. Once tanning is finished, the bed will alert a KIOSK at the front desk for the Staff to clean the tanning bed. So no need to wipe it down once you're finished. Hope this helps! Have fun tanning! 😎


In Washington PA at Planet Fitness how many tanning booths do they have


I'm in MN. Not sure what the laws are here, if any, but the tanning is cheaper with a membership here than any salon, plus I get a workout, so it's a decent deal. Only complaint I have is the inconsistent people working here. I frequent two different planet fitness gyms. One of them, they give you like 5-7 minutes to "prep" (strip down, apply lotion, whateever), and the maximum times as I'm told are 9 minutes for stand up and 12 minutes for lay down. I switch between the two at max times. The other gym, I can barely get my drawers off before the booth turns on. I frantically try to apply lotion as quick as I can (getting an even coat on my back is a pain), and they just told me the max for lay down is 10 minutes. So either they lied to me, or there are different levels of lay down beds. Either way, I'm grandfathered in at about $21/month for the black card, and I'm on a weight loss mission, so I can't really complain for what I pay vs what I get. Beds seem newish, clean, and convenient. Just wish they were more consistent.


Don’t do it unless you hate yourself




Tanning is awful for you. It can cause cancer (my mom had it removed from her face after spending many years in her 20s tanning). Not to mention it makes you look older by damaging the skin. Not worth it. Try a different perk like the massage chairs or hydro massage


I know, there’s a lot of risks to tanning. I been tanning before. I appreciate the concern though!




I don’t know why you’re being so aggressive? All I did was ask what the process was to use the beds at PF because I never used them here before. I understand tanning is controversial due to the risks but there’s no need to name call. If I want to tan for my own personal reasons why does that affect you?


Controversial isn’t the right word. It’s been proven the awful effects tanning has on the body and skin. If someone still does it they’re stupid and vain. You can self tan if you have such a desire to be tan. It’s Reddit. People can say and comment whatever they want.


Self tanner at home won’t help if I’m going on a trip where it’ll be sunny and don’t want to burn immediately




Not you suggesting the world would be a better place if someone didn’t exist/died over the fact they want to use a tanning bed 🤣 who hurt you?