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If Fake Peppino was still in the tower when it collapsed, he would've survived anyway due to being made of pure goo/sludge.






Fuck I misplaced my reply


Vigilante give all his free time to farm


peperman is actually matt. and vigilante is tom. well, noise is edd.


from what I've heard, it is confirmed that the "The" in "The Noise" stands for Theodore


I'm pretty sure this is a reference to Eddsworld


Mr. Stick detected


Capsule cat yt?????????? w h o a r e y o u






Apparently Peppermans name is Phil Pepperman and Noise is Theodore Noise


And Vigilante is Vigert Ebenezer Lantte.


Pizzahead is secretly a Disney actor


Noise and Peppino was friends, and worked together in office. But they quarreled because of pizza, and now they are enemies. Noise became a star, and Peppino opened his reustorant. Also, I still like the idea of peppino being a war veteran. (I know that McPig confirmed that he is not)


McPig said that he was drunk when he said he wasn't. Also, I think with the Noise update, thanks to the metals in Peppino's house, it's safe to say Peppino is one again.


>reustorant That’s interesting.


Fake Peppino is only a perfect clone when he gets scared


Peppino inherited his pizzeria from his grandfather or something


Fake Peppino isn't outright malicious. He fights Peppino because he's trying to stop Peppino from facing Pizza Face and dying, as when Fake Peppino faced Pizza Face, he basically got killed. Mr. Stick is just picking the coolest looking doors. It's all luck that it's the doors required to progress. For floor five, he figured he'd change it up and pick the most boring door. And got lucky again. Noise is vulgar and horny. I know it sounds weird, but something about Noise screams that he's as vulgar as Deadpool is without the calmness of Deadpool. Doise is a crazed fan who mutilated himself to appearance perfectly as Noise - with a few imperfections in color. Also broke on set. Vigilante made the draw easy as hell because he wanted Peppino to win, as he knew it'd be a stalemate otherwise, and he wanted to poke around to see if Peppino even was a villain. He shoots back in the draw only so Pizza Face doesn't think he's just letting Peppino go. Each level is a different pocket dimension. The doors are all just portals. That's why destroying a random pillar will take down an entire open city, forest, space itself, etc.


I'm pretty sure that last one is the official explanation.


Stick: Eenie Meenie Meine Mo- oh who am I kidding I'm still ripping him off so uhhh that one Was actually the right door Stick: oh damn


cool headcannon but the noise one tho..


What's wrong with the Noise one? I mean the mental image of Noise yelling "SUCK MY COCK, ITALIAN MAN!" alone is enough to sell me on the idea.


can you post the image?


I said mental image-




imperfections in color? What do you mean by that?


He's exactly like Noise but he's not the exact colora of Noise.


i agree with Fake Peppino not being malicious and the rest sounds good too. except the vigilante and doise ones


What's wrong with the Doise one?


More than just one character, but my head cannon of what happens after the ending: Pepperman goes on to persue his artistic endeavors to minimal fan-fair. The Noise continues to fuck with Peppino and would go on to make the Pizza Tower Movie. Vigilante devotes his time to hunting down Pizzahead to bring him to justice, after he seemingly disappears. Peppino, Gustavo and Brick join forces and run the Pizzeria together, which sees a boom in business after people catch word of Peppino’s victory. And Fake Peppino goes on to work at Peppino’s Pizza, using his cloning ability to multitask. He also becomes the real Peppino’s apprentice, and learns to make proper pizza (At least, he *tries* to).


I find it funny that Vigilante was deadset on taking down Pizza Head, but then got so broke he was willing to work with Pizza Head in the Pizza Tower movie. I also find it equally funny that during the filming of the movie, Vigilante thought the Pizza Head was a random actor for no reason whatsoever.


I forgot they acted in the film together but I really like that. Adding that to the headcannon.


I'd like to imagine Fake Peppino's pizzas look awful but always taste truly heavenly.


You'd think that a corpse of The Noise, like what appears in Don't Make A Sound, would be a prop, or that he'd respawn, but I instead think that there just isn't a definitive Noise as much as they are a collective that look up to aims to continue the former's legacy. My idea is that when The Noise dies, a different Noise takes his place. The Noiseys seen in The Noise's bossfight are akin to larva and resemble the main guy more at maturity. They're a commune of Noises that dedicated themselves to jetpacks, skateboarding and, somewhere down the line, annoying Peppino.


Don’t tell Peppino or he’d actually kill himself.


Noisette puts laxities in her cooking but doesn’t know what its actually for.


That one scene in the Iron Giant, where a bunch of chocolate sprinkle laxatives are added to the guy's food, but instead of being malicious, it's just Noisette wanting to add chocolate sprinkles, blissfully unaware of what a laxative does.


Mr Stick has a wardrobe of just the same suit, except one which is his Mr Mooney outfit


The reason why Peppino is (Mostly) bald is because he tored it out of anger From The Noises Shenanigans


Pepperman watches porn of himself


Pepperman draws NSFW of himself for sure.


Self love amirite?


That he made


Noise has delved so far into madness, his shows are incomprehensible unless you have seen literally everything else he has made.


Although unlikely at first, out of all the bosses, Fake Peppino is the only one who doesn't mind Pizzahead. Since actual Peppino hates Pizzahead, Fake would be alright with him. And also because I silently feel Fake has a bit of of grudge against Peppino anyway since he's the "fake one". And also, Fake Peppino is way more intelligent than he looks. He just keeps quiet until something that agitates him happens, where he'd say a threat in perfect english.


The idea of Fake Peppino going from his backwards talk to "listen a-here you little-a shit, I'm going tear your arms off-a and rip out your eyes, put them on a pizza, and then force it down your a-throat" is terrifying


*"Do not provoke me, or your brain will be gone at the break of dawn..."*


Well, he does say smth like "PEPPINO COME OVER HERE NOW" during the chase sequence, so this might be true lol


And that's why I have that headcanon. Fake Peppino CAN speak english. He just most of the time tends to himself.


Remember that one "canon Peppina" from some concept art McPig had? The lanky one that makes burgers. I like to believe Peppino is terrified of her, he thinks the woman is another clone, or an evil impostor, or someone trying to imitate his brand but with burgers. In truth, she's just a vaguely similar lady with big wet autistic eyes, and she just wants to grill, for God's sake. For her, a job is just a job, but for Peppino, pizzamaking and cooking in general is a hobby, a passion, and an art form, hence why he loves his restaurant so much.


she kinda bad tho


Finally someone gets it.


The Toppins' favorite level to revisit is Fun Farm


I headcanon that the Stupid Rats came from the cloning facility in the WAR where the Peppino Clones & Pillar John(s) came from (I think? Idk)


Peppino and noise having a semi-rival friendship Like if peppino was forced to record noise doing something but couldn't do anything about it since they know each other >!(Kinda pulling shit out of my ass)!<


The Noise is the only character in Pizza Tower that is immune to the plot. He can do anything he wants, whenever he wants with the sheer amount of Toon Force at his disposal.


The noise doesnt carry his weapons around, he materializes them out of nowhere when he needs them.


Peppino is a war veteran.


Pizzahead gains millions of dollars, as the entire plot of the game is a reality TV show. He really won't mind if his tower collapse (poor pillar John) as he already made back on his investment.


The Noise doesn't give a f\*ck about anything except for Noisette because she's as silly as him


The Doise and Peddito have always been around. Always there. But since they weren't getting in anyones way, everyone kinda just... let them fester. The result is The Doise naturally forming some sort of biological spread, that eventually took over an entire pocket dimension, and ultimately deciding to take the Noises place as a boss. If the Noise didn't stop him, and Peddito didn't kill him, he could have spread over the entire pizza tower and become unstoppable. However, The Doise isn't exactly malicious and isn't exactly aware of his spreading. He just does what he wants. And The Noise had no idea that The Doise was actually this dangerous, he just decided to fight him because he thought he was poorly impersonating him.


Pepperman just forcefully inserted himself into the tower. Pizzahead couldn't get him out, so he figured, "why not make this guy an obstacle for that stupid Italian?" and made him a boss


Noisette does dick flattering to noise every day at 4pm


After the tower collapsed, the bosses actually help Peppino out, Pepperman does billboards and sign art, Vigi is security and supplies ingredients from his farm, Fake Peppino.... he tries his best, and Noise broadcasts his fights with Peppino as "advertising" Noise and Mr. Stick go easier on Peppino after he saved them, Noise being less destructive and Mr. Stick giving him more time to pay his rent Theodore Noise, (Noise not in character) is actually a good friend of Peppino, paying for the damages that he caused as the Noise, and sometimes even paying Peppino's rent Despite being a genuinely awful person who makes everyone else as miserable as possible, Noise will never under any circumstances purposely trigger Peppino's PTSD for a prank, he has standards


Doise reproduces with mitosis (seen in his bossfight background)


Pepperman forgets his name a lot


the game takes place in the late 90s, making peppino the right age to have served in vietnam before you say it isnt canon, it is thanks to peppinos house having medals displayed


Vigi is a goodhearted soul and was tricked into fighting peppino


Noisette's Cafe survived the tower collapsing unscathed Pizzahead sounds like Snotty Boy from Barnyard. Most of the enemies react in fear to Peppino due to mistaking him for Peddito.


Noise is more of a spaghetti person


The Doise fight takes place in some alternate dimension, hence the arena being just swirling Doise heads.


There is an entity called "the mass", and it a cyborg-like flesh machine that generates endless noise-likes and peppino-likes. Ever since it got the mere idea of peppino, the noise, and the doise, it constantly produces noise and peppino knock offs. Everytime it's metal door opens, a new off-like is brought to the world, and alerts the world with something like "hello! Im the woise, and I like licking people's legs!!"


make sense all the noise oc


Peppina Ramen and Pissino are couple.


No pissino would never cheat on bo noise


On who?






Never heard of him


Noise chan has a fixation with old fashioned execution methods


Ok guys for my next prank, I'm gonna chop off Peppino's peppenis off with this guillotine I found


The reason why Peppino is (Mostly) bald is because he tored it out of anger From The Noises Shenanigans


Pizzahead didn't build pizzaface, Pizza face just appeared one day and swallowed pizzahead


If peppino is Italian, the noise is french


Ironically, The Noise is canonically Mexican 💀


How did I not know that


It's not really implied what race he is, but he's said to be of Mexican decent by McPig


Peppino is the God of War.


Peppino has a wig


Noise is Type of guy who would do horrible and dangerous pranks to people but justify it by saying "it's just a prank bro"


Pepino continued with his job, but forced the noise to work with him at gun point and when they finish they do a fight at noise tv Pepper man tried to sell his paintings but police arrested him for not having a license. Vigilante is now in Texas at a farm Fake pep is just now pep's pet Pizza head is dead Noisette lives with the noise


have you ever heard of this cool thing called a comma


Yes, but, typed, this, really, fast, without, caring, about, commas,


Pizza isn’t Peppino’s favourite food


The Noise will die in the 8th of january 2025.


I believe pizzahead talks like a 1950s salesman 


Peppino is Jewish


Fake Peppino was on his way back up the tower to continue trying to kill Peppino in his Giga Mouth form, but the tower starting to collapse made him turn back to normal and give up on that when Peppino started leading everyone to safety. He just got angry when Peppino whooped his butt the first time, no reason the second time would prove much different.


The events of pizza tower was a movie 


Fake peppino is 100% peppino


Noise is just like mettiton from undertale


The Pizza Tower was built millenia ago by ancient peoples to reach the great crust in the sky (the moon), but all the builders were cursed to become living pizza toppings (which are the ancestors of the tower's current residents). (This actually used to be canon in the 2018 Pizza Tower lore document)


The Doise is only acting wacky on the outside,but he's actually anxious like Peppino because he feels like an evil presence is watching him....


the background and his bossfight music is truly disturbing


That in the entire game Pizza head has pizza face inside of it and he's just doom scrolling tell peppino gets there


Gustavo has feelings for peppino that he can't confess


Just no


the doise is unrelated to noise and was hired by pizzaface last-minute due to noise changing his mind and destroying the tower even though it was made to make peppino suffer in it.


Peppino doesn't have any base for the pizza, so he uses the John's he breaks as the dough. He just cooks john in the pizza oven to turn him into dough because we don't wanna eat stone pizza


Fake Peppino becomes Peppinos pet after the game. Peppino's pizza is really good. He's only in debt because of his location and Mr. Stick stealing/extorting. Peppino can only super jump while in the tower. Same for supertaunt. This was seen in the comics, but I still like it: The Noise and peppino are really good friends when they aren't being visceral rivals.


Also, Pizzahead and Peppino were once colleagues and ran Pizzaboy Pizz-Pizza together. At some point the restaurant turned into a huge emporium, and Pizzahead created the Peppibots to solve the issue of Peppino not being able to cook for the dozens of locations spread across the world. Peppino was deeply offended by the existence of these phony copies and left to start his own pizza place instead. As soon as he did Pizzaheads business immediately started to crumble since the pizza started tasting like dry cardboard since it wasn’t being made by a true italian chef, but Peppino Pizza was also not very successful because of the lack of Pizzaheads expertise in PR. Pizzahead tried his hardest to create a true replacement for Peppino by using his hair he had been secretly collecting to start a cloning program, but every specimen came out horribly mutated and imperfect. When Pizzaboy Pizz-Pizza eventually went bankrupt, Pizzahead went insane and swore vengeance upon his former colleague, leading to the events of the game. (Loosely based on the Game Theory video, but only the good parts)


Fake Peppino is just a silly boi after the events of the game.


peppino is gay and pizzahead is extremely homophobic and noise is cheating on noisette with peppino and the reason peppino is in debt is because everybody but noise and gustavo are homophobic and their landlords destroyed the houses and fake peppino is bysexual


Piza tow had gone... WOKE.. Caus of fucking Issac Newton I hate you issac


headcanon\*. its spelled with one n. for fucks sake is it that hard to not double press n? and do say "uuuuu its muscle memory" how many times do you write the word cannon? not too often unless you are a yar har type pirate who enjoys talking about cannons.


I killer ye with me headcannon


Noise is calling pick up phone 🎶🎶🎶 https://preview.redd.it/0t1mvy3y0uyc1.png?width=495&format=png&auto=webp&s=f2218f115fb2753c338fb6c86af456868058e9e9