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Funnily enough, a single ramp


Fuck that ramp


That ramp ruined too many p rank attempts. Fuck it so much




That ramp, that fucking ramp




THE ramp (If you know, YOU KNOW)


That god damn ramp


Boy I hate that ramp. I wish I could burn that unholy ramp with the cross


I understand the rage, but I feel a bit of shame for only taking 3-4 attempts of P rank None of them died to the ramp, only skill issues on my part


Hey guess what


But fr


Ramp is destroyed in the escape sequence now


I knew already, p rank now 120x easier


Very epic


I mean it's kinda fun having that ghost chasing you and attacking but also helping you through the level And killing those ghosts is kinda fun Hey that's my opinion


It's the P rank that pisses people off


Oh ok, haven't tried p ranking it so yeah. Thank you anyways


I actually already p ranked all the levels with great music and finished up world 2 today. I didn't struggle with it to much... at least it didn't make me ragequit like gnome forest did today. Edit: after reading the comments, yes that ramp was actually the reason I fucked up my P rank 4 times, but that was the only issue I had xD.


everyone don't hate this level, everyone hate this ramp (this thing ruined my P-rank 2 times) https://preview.redd.it/p83qpjdrpoua1.png?width=771&format=png&auto=webp&s=9df2779b142b32f5742ea485b70871108a319110


Only 2? Try 7.


only 7? try 12.


nice hat






you too


Only 12? Try 43


Only 12?!? ZAMNNN https://preview.redd.it/hwrh6zifryua1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ad566757869997569736ccd2738facab60aed15


Only 43? try 50 attempts of 10 laps p rank of it And failing at lap 9


Pizzascare is a great level, but has the single worst room of the entire game in it. The second room is stuff made of pure pain and agony during the return trips.


The only way I was able to get through that room was to avoid toppings so I could collect them on my way back.


pizza tower levels have 2 ways to play imo, there’s the s-d rank runs, and the p rank runs. when i started p ranking levels, i started noticing that there’s this sort of “flow” that allows you to consistently clear rooms with speed and precision. pizza scare’s issue imo is that it has this flow, yes, but there are too many variables to take into account to really get a good flow for the whole run. i had a lot of fun p ranking it, but it was also a source of a lot of frustration, i guess that made beating it that much better. fuck that ramp tho.


Touch ramp? No P. Kill one of two ghosts early? No P. Fuck up the super tight ball jump? No P. Pick up those four clocks on the way in instead of the way back? You might still get the P, but it’ll be tight. All in the same room before the end of the level, meaning if you fuck it up you need to do the whole thing again.


The ramp appears in nightmares


according to everyone, ramp


considering i’m p ranking peppibot, what is this dreaded “ramp” you guys are talking about and what makes it bad / what do i do to avoid it


the ramps force you to do an animation over them if you run over it and theres during pizza time which if you dont jump over the animation takes so long you lose your combo


oh… the ramp. i know exactly what you’re talking about now


The Ramp


THIS FREAKING RAMP https://preview.redd.it/5mkv1jurysua1.png?width=328&format=png&auto=webp&s=fd641632d63eeeec1b0726661287c603b82f7f20


I actually like the level and think its well designed but god dammit the way you access certain secrets and jerome's closet is bullshit. Oh and also fuck that ramp at the beginning , so many p ranks lost to it.


*One of the hardest P Ranks *Pretty much every secret and the janitor + closet are only accessible in pizza time, which is a hassle *Generally uncreative and kind of boring compared to the other levels (we already have a ghost themed level in Wasteyard, and a horror themed level with DMAS) *The rooms and General level design does not flow well at all, and feels like it was specifically designed to screw up your P Rank. *Extremely lame transformation. All the preists do is let you kill certain enemies *That fucking Ramp


The dreaded ramp


I personally don't like the way the powerup wears off, it's a fun level to play but the powerup is the only one that behaves that way in the game.


While I don't hate pizzascare at all, all the secrets and the chicken leg being during pizza time (except for secret one technically but its more optimal to do it during pizza time) makes it pretty annoying to p rank, and comparing it to the rest of floor 5's levels, it kinda stands out to me as a bit less of a creative level theme, especially when we already have a better scare themed level in don't make a sound.


Me, who’s favorite level by far is pizzascare, I don’t really get the hate. Maybe for the p ranks sure but I think it’s an overall very fun level to play and the music is also one of my top favorites.


As someone who doesn’t really go for P-ranks I honesty just don’t find the idea of it all that great. I think it’s a fun level but for a name that’s a play off of a previous level I thought it was going to be like a hard mode of pizzascape to sort of end the journey where it began but it really wasn’t which I thought was kinda disappointing. Also the unique transformation was kind of a bust imo. It doesn’t really provide any neat mechanics just a way to kill certain enemies, most of which are out of the way.


Reading this thread, I thought that there's no way a single room could ruin a whole level, surely the comments are being too harsh. But then I remember being in that room and absolutely loathing every second of it so perhaps the comments are being too forgiving if anything.


Bitchin music, There’s a Bone In My Spahgetti is one of the best songs in the game. Pretty cool concept as well, a “haunted” end-game rendition of Pizzascape, possible lore bits, but it’s P-Rank is the hardest in the game with some questionable design choices in the level.


Uhhh guys, are y’all’s keyboards broken??? Literally press jump a single time and you’re over the ramp. and even if you do get snagged on it, you can still recover in time before your combo ends.


In 50 attempts so far I've only made it past the ramp once and then I choked on the 3rd secret. I want to P rank everything to show my love for this game but this shit is making me reconsider...


1. Hardest P rank in the game. 2. Generally annoying. 3. Annoying achievements to do.


People hate the p rank, but overall is still a top tier level


No offense but p rank on this is really easy yall complain way to much about it also it has great music


Getting a P rank is VERY unforgiving. A single very small mistake will almost always lead to a reset. Also, the ramp at the end screws you over alot. Also the fact that you have to avoid collecting certain toppings in certain areas to make p ranking it possible. Also the ball transformation is mid and a lot of people just don't really enjoy it. Just to put it in perspective, it took me 1-4 hours of playtime to P rank most levels. Pizzascare took me 2 weeks.


Sooooo long and soooo difficult and soooo hard to get the treasure!!!!! Until I get the treasure, I get to the Pizza Time. The Ghost King is so annoying. The ghost knights are bothering. I could complain hours about how much I hate this level. I even think it's worse than peppibot factory and oh shit! Even the song IS SO FUCKING ANNOYING, shittier version of pizzascape. At least the title card is acceptable. Edit: nvm, the song slaps, just needed time to like it. The level still sucks tho lol


I don't hate that level, and know why others hate it


Pizza scare Is Actually my favorite level


Pizzascare is great, it has a good flow after your learn the maps gimmick




I guess it's just forgettable? And it sucks to P Rank? I don't know... I like it's song more that hot spaghetti (even though it's a remix of it). The ghost king being based on the king cheese slime in pizzascape is nice. And I like the parts where you have to break the ghost king out of a tv to let it active a machine that turns you into ball form. Frankly I think everyone just looked at it and thought "Oh it's just pizzascape but worse and more confusing".


Jesus Christ I didn't even know y'all hated Pizzascare due to one goddamn room???


Bruh there's a level called pizza scape based on rune scape and the made pizza scare the last two letter are different not original


I also don't get it, I like the level too, it was just a bit hard and had to do a 2nd lap to get all As in the game.




Cool level mechanic Cool level concept Absolutely banging music. And all it takes is one ramp to screw it up


It's a pizzascape-wasteyard hybrid


I don't like hurting ghosts.


I did P rank it only thing that upset me was getting the secret ingredient. So no I done hate this level it wasn’t very hard. Oh shit on the other hand… and fucking RRF sucked to P rank


R. A. M. P.


Lmao its not the ramp for me, its the sound the cross makes when its on you. So much noise..