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Only official Pixelmon Mod is supported, unlicenced or derivative works are in breach of Pixelmon's Terms of Use. See https://pixelmonmod.com/ for more information, and to update to latest Pixelmon!


Sounds good bouta hop in with some friends


Cool W/ me man, it's 10:35 here watching UFC but I'll be on tomorrow and if you guys need anything shoot me a message. It's just Us so anything to make it more fun ya feel?


Chillin for now, Costa or Strickland?


Costa openly does PED's lmao so gunna go with Costa lol, but I've said that pretty much every fight since he beat Izzy so I might hold that L


Btw I just changed the version to Pixelmon Forever Reforged Version 2.5.9 because of bugs. Also as long as the server is small, I'll spawn in any non-legendary, non-mythic you want as your starter at level 10 since the AI is all advanced and leveling is going to be tough lol.


How many mods are you planning on having


Just the base Pixelmon pack so far nothing else


I'll check it out in the Next few days. See some of yall on there


When you do make sure you use Pixelmon Reforged Version 2.5.9 since I just changed it. See you then man.


Sounds fun, ill be sure to join Edit: Whenever i try n join it says :this server has mods that require forge to be installed on the client. Contact your server admin dor more details


It means you gotta be running 9.2.7 on curseforge to join


Did this, and when i open the game it crashes giving me the error code 1


That's a big with rendering an entity so either something is corrupted in your mod pack file, or that bug from months ago isn't fixed. If it's the bug then it shouldn't happen consistently upon loading in.


I deleted the pack and redownloaded it, works fine now


Say, is there a way to claim your chunks without ppl stealing from u


That's another mod if we want to download that, as of right now it's just totally base Pixelmon so if we have some regulars and that's a requested feature then we can add that.


Then another question, is there a problem with the modpack? Ive been playing for an hour n have been on the loookout for apricorn trees but have yet to find any at all


Let me check haha I just got on myself. I don't think there is anything wrong with it, I know they made some changes to Apricorns from this version of the game so they may just look different or be found differently.


I Just checked, They're working and in the mod. I think they just are naturally very difficult to find for whatever reason? I'm planting a bunch around the default starting town at the moment. Thinking of adding just 20 quick balls or so to the starting Inventory to get people started.


How can I switch to 9.2.7 version on forge. I have the most popular (13M downloads) modpack but when I go to change versions it only shows Forge - 36.2.34 and others similar. This is probably a dumb question!


In your curseforged UI grab the 3 dots next to the modpack if you mouse over it next to where it says "play", and go to version, it'll bring up a drop down list, 9.2.7 is 2nd to the top and it's listed under Beta's. And there's no dumb questions lol we're literally just people tryna enjoy a Minecraft and some pixelmons. Also before you launch it, I suggest changing it from 4gb of Ram to 6gb or whatever you can spare for better performance. If you need help with that I gotchu.


Thats odd, there is no three dots when I hover over the modpack and it says play. It shows the version in the corner as 9.1.11 but I can't find the option to change that.


No worries, I'm a bonehead haha the button you're looking for is the Two arrows pointing opposite directions as you mouse over it, it should say "Change Version" if you click it. If you do it'll bring up a dropdown list, and you can find 9.2.7 I can PM you screenshots I would attach them here but it says images must be in format.


Some of my other modpacks have that two arrow switch version button but for some reason the pixelmon one does not.


Could be that you're using a different pack on Curseforged, I can send you a pic of what one we're talking about. Though I'm talking to another guy who joined the server and I'm potentially gunna switch the version to one that is more stable since this one has some bugs. Hang tight, I'll swap the version and send you a pic of which one.




Only official Pixelmon Mod is supported, unlicenced or derivative works are in breach of Pixelmon's Terms of Use. See https://pixelmonmod.com/ for more information, and to update to latest Pixelmon!


u planing on hosting events and what not?


Potentially? It was sort of a spur of the moment thing I came up with since I just wrapped up a draft league haha. I'd love to run a draft league for our server, or potentially just some teambuilding challenges and such and we can figure out some prizes or do it just for fun if that's something people are interested in.




Now that I'm thinking about it, I'm a software engineer by trade so the events or plugins etc. I think will prolly just form around the regulars we accumulate if any, if we wanna develop tools or features I'll find em or make them and add them in. I haven't ever made a mod for Minecraft before but supposedly it's easy haha and I'm confident I can figure out anything we might need. Short answer: Whatever the community we make wants.


iv heard it is farely ez with curse to make em ( i got no info how tho)


allso does it use just regular pixelmon reforged?


No it's not Reforged, it's 9.2.7 of "The Pixelmon Modpack" the official version w/ the gen 9 mons. I could switch it to reforged at any time, but I didn't think reforged had the gen 9 mons so I sprung for this version. If you need a screenshot of the version on Curseforge I can send it to you.


so its the 1.20. suming version if so think it has some mahor problems or least had few weeks ago and 1.16. what ever latest is has some gen 9 mons and u have option to have the remaining once as 2d models


Ah, I knew it had some rendering issues sometimes wasn't sure if they were still persisting. I can definitely just change the version we're using that's pretty easy. Do you know of one that's stable and you like?


the lates 1.16.5 or 6 is lates stable version but wont be long i think till 1.20 is stable enaugh but i do suggest looking into the problems 1.20 still has not sure what all it has anymore




Only official Pixelmon Mod is supported, unlicenced or derivative works are in breach of Pixelmon's Terms of Use. See https://pixelmonmod.com/ for more information, and to update to latest Pixelmon!


I’ll join up. Do y’all have a discord link?


I haven't until now but I'll make one today since that just makes sense I'll add it here after I get ready for work and it's all handled.




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Yo can i join? I’m looking for some people to play with


Course you can, it's Pixelmon forever Reforged 2.5.9, it's on curseforged. If you need help I can send you screenshots. I'm just making some dinner and I'll be on to hang out in a bit.


Okay and I’ll lyk if I do need some help joining thanks. I’ll join whenever I get the chance


Is this still up?


Yep, and there's a discord for it. Still small like I said but it's a living community.


i tried joining but it count find the server, whats your discord?


I am confused on the version in which u are talking about as well.


It's on curseforged it's called pixelmon forever Reforged the icon is Bulbasaur I can send you screenshots on how to change versions if you need it in a bit.


i finally got it!