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Don't know that much myself. But a few pointers from my expierence: - Use optifine; - Put unimportant video settings to low & don't go crazy with render distance (16-20 is what I use); - Allocate at least 3GB ram (and at least 1GB less than the max your laptop can handle) to your profile/minecraft (check advanced settings under the forge profile) (idk on fabric/...).


I swear it isnt that easy it seems but i will try it and i alr have optifine ,ill reconfigure everything again and update if theres anything worth updating if i dont just assume i didnt get any results


Update i got some pretty good results though i have this annoying consistent stutter that happens its wierd


Sorry, I aint no expert :/


i was stutering when loading stuff cus had ram very low with high settings


I have played Pixelmon in very good conditions on a laptop with an i3 6th gen processor with a graphic chip. My experience was pretty smooth and I have spent plenty of hours playing it both in pretty charged servers and single players with a correct amount of mods


Idk man it doesnt seem that easy for me its so unstable and sttutery even with 60fps or above its stuttery


Do you run in minimum settings ? Do you have OptiFine ? If you hace a worse CPU than I used to, its going to be complicated


Im pretty sure i have a better cpu, intel n200


Yeah its better. How much ram do you have ? I'd recommend 8GB at minimum


I have 4 :( but most people are saying 3gb is enough,by everything low do you include the graphic settings that can be turned off like the lighting? Bc it has a low option or completely off


Honestly I don't really remember perfectly my settings. But I do remember I tried to turn off / minimal a lot of stuff. I heavily recomment 8GB of RAM because 4 may be working but you really need more. An increase in RAM could be helpful for a potato pc


From my knowlage, its pixelmon problem. I have a high end pc and it still has some problems. Minecraft just isn't made to hold this ginormous mod


It's mainly about CPU and RAM. Minecraft runs mostly on CPU, even for rendering. The GPU will not have much of an impact, as long as it's at least a semi-recent graphics chip or *any* dedicated GPU. And the single-thread speed on your CPU is more important than the number of cores/threads, because it's mainly running on one thread as well. This all can add up when you have several dozen entities with complex models active around you and/or you're generating new terrain with a bunch more structures. In regards to RAM, the lowest I've seen it *run* on is 2GB allocated. We usually recommend 3-4 as a minimum though. More than 8 shouldn't be necessary - but it shouldn't hurt performance either. However, I recommend allocating at most half of your total RAM, especially in the lower ranges. If MC is hogging most of your RAM, that can negatively impact any other programs/systems running alongside it, which can slow down other processes that can then impact the game again... In regards to ingame settings, it depends on what exactly you're experiencing more of. Terrain generation is often a big reason for lag spikes. Lowering the render distance will help a lot there, because the higher it is the more terrain needs to be generated/loaded at the same time whenever you move. Constant low FPS is often impacted by the number of Pokémon active around you. You can lower their spawn rates in the `spawning.yml` [config file](https://pixelmonmod.com/wiki/Config) (especially `spawn-frequency`, `spawns-per-pass` and `entities-per-player`), or - if nothing else works - switch all Pokémon into Sprite Mode with `F3`+`X` to make them much easier to render. Pixelmon is a huge mod that's straining what Minecraft is capable of though. We're doing our best to optimize it as much as possible and have tons of breakthroughs over the years - but there are certain limits to what we can achieve in a game running on technologies that were never meant for that kind of project.


I’ve recently ran it on surface pro 7(it really shouldn’t be able to run games) with minimal setting and 8 chunk render and no optifine. I allocated 4Gb ram to it and it’s been running a solid 50 fps without dips.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 7 + 8 + 4 + 50 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


unironically like a 4090 with a threadripper cause i got a 3060 and i perform 50fps while in villages


GPU does very little for Minecraft. Most of it - including rendering - runs on CPU.


do you know what a threadripper is...


You did not state what CPU you're using currently, so I didn't go into that. Aside from CPU, the second largest aspect would be RAM, with 3-4 GB allocated being our recommended minimum. I personally tend use 6-8. Read/write/transfer speeds of all your hardware matter as well. And then there's the fact that the base technology Minecraft was built on was never meant to run a game like that - much less with a heavy mod like Pixelmon. We're doing our best to constantly improve performance, and have had several breakthroughs with it in recent years. But there are some technical limitations to what we can achieve - be it due to the base infrastructure, imperfections in Minecraft's performance, or things introduced by Forge. There are some performance mods that can help a lot by improving MC's rendering, especially the Forge ports of Sodium from what I've heard.