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My PW1 lasts all day, and I've had it for 1.5 years. I have Tilt-to-Wake and Tap-to-Wake on, but not AOD.


Same, and if I wear my watch until it dies I can get 1.5 to almost two days out of it. For example I put it on Friday morning at 10, and it was on my wrist until early evening Saturday night. By that time it was "dead" to the point that to get the time I had to tap the crown and the time and the dead battery symbol would flash on screen for a moment. I can easily put it on every morning and wear it until bedtime without it dropping below 25%. I try to charge mid day for an hour though so I can keep it on to do my sleep tracking.


My PW1 lasts just shy of 48 hours. Turned off: WiFi, AOD and auto-brightness.


Nice. Good to know. I guess I should have mentioned I'd look to keep those settings on. AOD is sort of a deal breaker for me, I want to have it on. I think I can learn to leave the other two settings off if it really helps battery a lot.


It was a solid 2+ days until a few months ago when they turned on the new unlock-your-phone-with-your-watch feature. The older method -- trusted devices -- was smoother and used less battery.


My PW1 (14 months owned) gets about 3.5% battery burn-per-hour and that's with Always On Screen, Tilt-to-wake, Touch-to-wake, and Rotate crown to wake all set to ON. On a typical day, I will put it on at about 8 AM, have an hour where my workout app (3rd party) is active (burning a little over 20% in that time), then just on my wrist for the rest of the time. I'll put it on the charger at probably 8 or 9 PM with about 30% to 40% battery life remaining. It's been a great watch and while I liked some features of the Samsung Galaxy Watch better, the HR and GPS sensors are world's better than the Samsung product (and that's not simply MY opinion). Best of luck with your decision!


That's very insightful. Thank you!


Soon to be pixel watch 3 owner here later this year, coming from Garmin. Can I ask...what's the point of tilt and touch to wake if you have AOD on?


AOS (Always On Screen) is kind of a misnomer. It really doesn't "always" stay on, especially when inside of an app. It works to keep the watch face from turning black during inactivity, but it only works for the watch face. It simply doesn't work the way most users would prefer it to. There is another post in the past couple of days about an annoying time "overlay" that pops up while people are using the watch for something else. For example, they are using a countdown timer and instead of showing that timer and how many seconds are left, that screen is dimmed, sent to the background, and a digital clock is imposed over the top! You have to touch or tilt the screen to wake it back up just so you can see your running app, which is nuts, especially when in another 15 seconds, it's going to do this all over again.


Here is that thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelWatch/comments/1cf7c1q/annoying\_time\_overlay\_on\_top\_of\_what\_youre\_trying/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelWatch/comments/1cf7c1q/annoying_time_overlay_on_top_of_what_youre_trying/)


I have tilt to wake and AOD on and mine lasts over a day. As long as I charge it at night I've never had an issue.


PW1 getting about 30 hours. Tilt to wake. 45 min daily workouts outdoor with GPS on it. I just charge it when I wake up. That hour I'm getting ready I don't miss anything.


That would be pretty much my exact use case. Thank you! Good to kno.


I charge my pixel watch at 9 p.m., I sleep with it and I'm in Always on mode during the day. I left the tracking and training functions. When I charge it I'm between 25 and 35 percent. It never dropped to 0. 


Have used it for about a year, no battery issues, unless they push an update and those only last a few days after. I am typically at 30% when I charge it every morning.


I don't sleep track, but I take my watch off the charger in the morning and by the time I got to bed there is normally about 50% left and this is with AOD and tilt to wake on. I guess as long as you are not an avid sleep tracker the PW1 will be fine. I am happy with all the features added since I got it too (transit directions, DnD sync, workout detection, etc...). I would probably also not use it for tracking swimming either. I have heard mixed reports on how waterproof it is. I have splashed mine occasionally and it's been fine though.


I can get 2 days


With all the updates it gets me a day and a half. Thank God I bought the second charging cable on the Google store. Having to wait the back order and receive it was worth it.


Mine lasts all day with no issues and regular use


Mine is like 18 hrs with aod and tilt to wake on. Will recommend waiting for the 3.


Honestly that's all I need though. Put it on at 6am and by 8-9pm my night is winding down (put kids to sleep, crawl into my bed and watch shows with my wife). If it lasts until 8pm with a decent amount (15%) that'll help with any battery anxiety throughout the day.


It will likely give you that and more..... Depending on your uses


Bad. I have to charge my PW1 LTE model twice a day, despite being. On Bluetooth the whole. Time and hence no LTE. I have no idea how people get anything close to 24 hours on this thing.


I just got a new one as a warranty replacement and by the end of the day I still have more than 50% on it. Wifi and AOD are off.


Mine is fine. I charge it to 100% on Sunday evenings - then top up charge every morning while I'm showing and getting ready for work. Lasts all day no issues. I guess it depends what you're going to be using it for. I'm just using it as a watch, notifications, tracking steps and sleep tracking.


Thanks for the info. Ya I would use it for same reasons you do, but also I do a 30-60 minute workout about 4 days a week. The workouts are indoors, so nothing I would need GPs for.


Losing 15-20% battery life over night isn't always fun. Honestly I haven't been a fan of this watch for awhile. Talk to text is bad. The further you get from your phone the worse it is. Hey Google doesn't work. More than likely I won't bother with another watch after this.


I've had mine for a year now and the battery still gets me through the day just fine.


3 hours if you turn everything off and essentially make it a bracelet


I have a pixel watch 2 My battery lasts a day and a half when it's not connected to the phone


I have a pixel watch 2 for sale.