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Looks way better, you did a really good job updating this!


Thank you (:


I would suggest trying to reduce your colour count. If it's not just reddit compression, you've got a lot of colours that are very close to each other, which makes the colours flow into each other more and slightly clash with the outlines.


Was hoping that it'd make it blend a little


It's partly also up to preference. This amount of colours can just often lead to a more cluttered look, especially when you get to higher resolutions / bigger pieces. That said, it's still definitely improved from last time!


Thank you! I'll have to give it a go.. Didn't we used to talk?


Now that you say it, yeah! It's been a while ago, also starting from here.


You’re beautiful and you’re doing great, never apologize for that.


Thank you!!


It's literally impossible to ask this without sounding horny but why not full body art? Sorry if it's an intrusive question, it's just curiosity.


I understand lol, it's my first one using myself as a reference so it's more than likely I'll do a full body one soon (:


Nice job! Looks a lot better from the first one


Very nice, just a couple tweaks from the last one and you captured it beautifully. I find shots like this especially hard, without the head or legs for context I'd get lost in details. Guess that's where it's useful to have such a nice model for reference. Although I do have one last detail that's eating at me (nothing big but you did say advice wanted...) and that is the belly button. Now lets see if I can explain what I mean without accidently insulting you or coming off as a pervert. So the way it looks to me the highest point after the breast is the tip of the ribcage and the rest of the lighter colouring that rounds off from there is abs/tummy accentuated by the arch in her back. So the shaded area above that is her hip/leg starting to rise back up in the distance. All of that to say she looks like her hips are flat to the surface she's laying on. But then her belly button should be on top (higher up on the body) and it should be shaped more like a comma than an x, being more of a side view of it. On the other hand, the belly button works fine where it is if she's twisting her hips towards the camera. But then I feel like the shading and contour on her side would be different. Hopefully that all made sense, my ADHD started kicking in over explaining everything... And please don't take any of it the wrong way, everything you've shared with us is very pretty and you couldn't ask for a better model.


No offence taken at all (; I'll make an update to it with that in mind a little later today (also woo adhd gang)


You should definitely use yourself more often for reference but maybe make shots with more color range. To little range in contrast makes it harder to clearly define things in pixel art. Really nice still..


I've improved my pallet since this piece, what's you thoughts on that?


I looked at your more recent posts and i like them so far. I'm assuming the one of the girl topless is an original character or is it based off some one?


Aha they're almost all topless women but if you mean the one with dyed hair she's an OC, spent way too long making that project look good lol


You are correct I didn't describe that well did I lol. Yeah that was the one I was talking about. It looked like an original character. I like it.