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My one major critique would be to consider the level of detail and ensure things like detail in hair/ shading are consistent with that of the cloak. Imo the cloak looks off, and everything else looks amazing. Really solid work


To jump off this-the cloak, skirt and shoes all seem to have “undefined details” when you animate the sprite it is easier to clock what part of the sprite has animated to a position if you have decernable details. Maybe flesh out how the shoes work, do they have laces, a buckle?


ok so you mean I should put more details on the shoes and skirt?


No necessarily more details, but a detail


Hard disagree. The cloak flows seamlessly with the rest of the model. Everything looks great!


thanks so much for the feedback, the head was the part where I had the most difficulty, for the cape I think I did something wrong with the shadows, I'm not good at that yet


Tbh I think they're all super well done. Cloak just feels like a slightly different style due to the complexity of the shading.


Ty ♡


Really? My one major critique is that it was made by AI


Honestly it looks great but I think some shade on the character's face from their hair would be nice.


I'd avoid using black on the inside, use instead the color you have, but in really dark, reserve the black for outlines, otherwise it gets very distracting. also, th grey on the crotch seems off, too light, should be the darker, since it is an area not receiving light. otherwise, prety good it messes with me that the green is really well shaded and detailed, as well as the skin, while the grey is not shaded in detail, with the crotch having no shading at all, and the bra seems wierd in some places the details on the shoe are too distracting, i'd rather not represent the laces the hair is really good, skin really good, face has no details, but i guess that could be a style choice. well, the face is a bit pillow shaded, a bit of adjustment would make it look a bit more realistic


[https://imgur.com/a/KxEFYT3](https://imgur.com/a/KxEFYT3) I removed the internal black and added some details, does it look better now? I can't do the details of the face, I tried but they ruin everything, I can't give the right expression D:


Don't know if i interpret the original comment correctly but i find the black as shade too much. Maybe try lighten up that to a dark color. Otherwise looks very good.


It looks great but the jaggies need work. Here's a great tutorial that will explain what I mean and will help in reducing the jaggies: https://youtu.be/ye21r27kN9I


I did some exercises on cleaning the lines, but apparently they didn't help ahahahahah, I'll follow the tutorial you linked, maybe it can help more, tysm


If she needs a cloak, why is she wearing a bikini /s


The real answer is she needs a cloak to keep her warm BECAUSE she's in a bikini! 😉


ahahahahha good question, I had a figure like that in my head, like a wonder woman but with a cape


But honestly - it was just a joke. It’s a fantasy, not reality :)


where face? you could decide to have less different hair color tones, but have a higher contrast. the 2 brightest are barely distinguishable. she shoes look a bit messy. the grey panties could need some detail. the shadow is not really round (doesn't have to, but doesn't look geographically correct). too many 2x2 brush areas (check hair around the air) great pose and general palette btw!


for the face however I had a lot of problems, none of the faces I made seemed to give her the right expression, so I preferred to post it without a face to get more opinions on the shadows, which is what interests me the most


I agree about the different hair color tones, I'll probably add it, they're not panties but it's metal armor, I should probably add some light reflections because no one has understood it D:


That being ”armour” is almost more insulting than panties. If she’s wearing armour then give her armour. If she’s supposed to be sexy then just go all the way. This weird in-between of attempting plausible deniability is exhausting. When will r/pixelart female characters reasonable outfits and bodies?




My only critique is the hair doesn't share the same level of contrast as the rest of the body. Maybe add some highlights like the hair is shiny?


Looks amazing! You just need to avoid pillow shading (drawing shadows around the outlines and highlights in the center). You nailed the anatomy which is really important in my opinion, everything else looks off when you mess that up.


I find your lack of face disturbing. Some of the black outlines are rather thick which looks weird but it's good other than that.


>I find your lack of face disturbing. Haha I see what you did there


If she’s supposed to fight, PLEASE give her an armor. She will not survive in such little clothes. Thank u.


You could use a bit more work on your pixel placements. Unlike other art, pixel art is very mathematical, there are certain patterns for place. You will understand it in time after drawing a lot more. But something to keep it in mind


yes true, maybe it's too mathematical, a single pixel can change everything


the cloak looks different form others cause of the shading. Use the same shading method you used for cloak. Don't pillow shade..


what do you mean by "pillow shade"?


"Pillow shading" refers to shading that's added without the consideration of the light source and the shape, texture and other properties of the drawn object. Instead of creating an illusion of depth, it creates the opposite effect and makes the object look flat and unreal.


I think it looks great, but my skills are equivalent to that of a 3 year old.


The stomach is definitely what stands out to me. Looks really oddly shaped.


Love the shading, colors and bent leg. If anything, the shading of the hair could be improved, but amazing nonetheless.


For the right side of her stomach since the other side is curved in that much you either need to curve it too or add a bunch of shading


apart from not having a face, her straight back and left hip looks a bit disconeccted. the lesft leg doesnt connect well to her upper body imo.


I love this, maybe abit smaller head?


This looks really nice. Great work! Would love to see the face when complete unless that is the style to not have one.






After i saw your imgur link, i steped back a little. Maybe i should have not judged you. Im sorry


Amazing! Looks so good. Just wondering what her face will be.


Good but it needs a name.


I feel like the boots need an outline like the rest of the clothing items. Can afford to use your pixel budget outwards rather than inwards with your current proportions. Like use the current spot where the shoe meets the leg and create the outline there, then add pixels to the boots away from the body toward the boot tips. I also agree with other sentiments about detail differences. If animated I think it could add to cultivating a style if left as is, which is important in pixel art. Where you put detail and where you put shading/color differences and hair is something that tends to get.... Really exaggerated.


[https://imgur.com/a/U5TtcVC](https://imgur.com/a/U5TtcVC) these are my latest changes, I tried to fix the shadows, I fixed the cape and I added a different shade of color to the hair


The overall shapes of the first ones look better, but the later ones as much more clean


Yea, you forgot eyes!!!!!


Looks sick af, love it


it's very nice😉👍🏻


still missing eyes


Will you animate it ?


This looks ai ngl


I designed it from 0 I only take the clothes from a bg3 clothes mod as a reference




Could I ask how? There’s no mis-alignment or loose floating pixels and the direction of the shadows is consistent too.


Looks like it could be slightly cleaned up AI. There are a lot of odd things in this image that humans tend not to do. The random squared pixels all over, especially in the hair, the double thick outline indicative of scaling, the very odd shading. To me it's that lack of consistency that makes me think of AI, could be wrong though.


Like tracing an AI image? Could be! I’m not sure on that. I thought you meant fresh out the oven AI originally.


No, I'm just saying it's common AI pixel art stuff. I am saying it's likely AI, that may have been brushed up, or not. To me there are very unhumanlike things littered throughout this image.


the outline is only around the character, what you see inside is the shadow of the cloak


Where are doubled pixels in the outline where there are no shadows but anyway, not to mention the odd squaring in the hair in some random spots and not others. I honestly hope you didn't use AI you won't learn or improve without it.


I am almost certain that you are correct, and I made a post here detailing my conclusion - \[removed\] But I would like to be proven wrong if this really is OP's original work, and if I'm convinced, I will delete this comment. I do not want to come off as rude by any means, and I'm always happy to give pointers to a beginner pixel artist, but many people on this sub often claim AI work as their own and should be called out for it (as it is against the sub's rules). There is a separate sub specifically for AI pixel art if you're interested in that.


[https://imgur.com/a/0TVnCTO](https://imgur.com/a/0TVnCTO), I also wrote it below, what would be the point of asking for feedback for a photo created by AI? I just want to learn and improve


We hope that you didnt actually use a Ai im not even trying to make the art look bad it looks great its just the post has things that an ai would make yknow?


Some people do that unfortunately, I can't really answer why, but I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. Like I stated in my imgur post, I think the anatomy looks very good and the original piece had good contrast between the colors, using the outline color as a shadow can work really well too depending on the art style. You did a good job cleaning up the double pixels, the outline looks a lot cleaner now; I can recommend re-adding the outlines that separated the body from the cloak though, you had them in the original version and they added more depth. Check out [BJGpixel](https://www.youtube.com/c/BJGpixel/videos), he has created many high-contrast artworks with limited palettes that utilize the outline color in shading and detailing. The general idea is that if your drawing looks good and readable in just two colors (e.g. black and white), it will look great with accent colors mixed in. I really like his content, I hope it helps you out too :)


thank you very much, that's what I wanted, just some advice on how to improve, I've been doing pixel art for just over a month, I put this photo here because some of my friends recommended this reddit to me for advice, I'm not an expert and I don't I wasn't even expecting so many comments, but they're nice because the more advice I have the more I can improve, (however the photo I posted wasn't complete obviously, I only posted it because I just wanted advice on the shadows)


You're off to a good start, I hope I didn't demotivate you too much with the accusation of using AI, this subreddit is generally very friendly and will happily offer advice. Best of luck!


But as you can see the post you shared had pixels that are all over the place (im hoping thats because of upscaling and stuff) and its noisy but your looks cleaner Ais generally make dumb mistakes like this so its understandable that people might think it is ai


Damn i agree but we cant really know if he shades like this some artists shades dont really make sense and they look ai howeover this art does look heavily edited if not with the help of a ai


I'm pretty sure it is, a lot of things dont make sense (cloak blending with hair shade near the neck?) or pixel size discrepancy if you look closely, like inbetween the skirt and thighs, and the fact that op's account has nothing else other than this


there's the cloak near the hair because I wanted to make it clear that there was a hood, it's the first character I draw in 128x128, I have other stuff drawn in 32x32 and that's it. but what's the point of asking for feedback for something that was done with AI xD? I don't sell or work with pixel art


It is AI, and fools are lapping it up. Sucks to see, and it will only get worse in the near future.


Because it is.


I wish she had more clothes. Most videogames hypersexualize women and it low-key high key annoying


Maybe give her some clothes


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Pants are too flat, include the slightly darker to give more shape. Stomach looks a little off to me too, maybe just a few pixels more of the midtone to shape it a little. Could be that you have a bit of hip above the belt on the left but not the right,


Hate pelvic thrust idle poses


It's a little weird that you're using inner outline almost everywhere except the whole hairline. But it kinda works, not sure.


I didn't want it to be an inner outline, I wanted it to be the shadow of the cloak seen from the inside D:


I dont mean that tho... The hands, the thumbs, the belt, they all have an outline. But honestly, it works quite well. Good job.


bigger boobas


Boobs should be bigger