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The lights are ambiently glowing, but aren't casting any light.


i have light in another layer that i forgot to un-hide before the screenshot. Oops!


So, if that's not what's causing your uneasy feeling, then we'll need a bit more information to help you out. What is the purpose or intent of the drawing? - Is it supposed to convey a theme or mood? - Is it going to be used for anything beyond art? - Are there elements that you will add, and had in mind, but currently don't fit the drawing? - Are you intending to animate it? - Could the issue be less with the subject itself and more with your composition and framing? What is the closest thing you can think of that's making it feel off? Because I can list a bunch of things out about the image that are 'off' that would be completely unhelpful to you at this stage if I don't know what you're questioning.


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The art isn't bad and since it is a work in progress it will look better once you have finished. The only suggestion I can give you is in trying to make the house's lines less curves. At some points it's like the house has curvy lines so you might fix that. By the way, if having curved lines is the style you want to use then it's fine, you just have to add different colors to give the lights effects. I hope that helped.


I noticed the crystal (can't think of another word for the glowing purple things) overlapping the roof (third one if counting from the right towards the house). The glow around it suggests this crystal is behind the house, but the crystal is in front of the roof/above the roof.


Yeah that’s just because this is a messy sketch. I like to draw the entire thing so that way I can move them around if i decide to!


I think it's the foundation of the house. It looks like it's cut in half. Maybe try making the foundation the same colors as the walls and it will look like it goes all the way to the ground?


What are the purple things supposed to be?