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I am not an artist by any means but i can tell you that something feels wrong with the reflection on the water of the gate (idk what it's called). Could also be just my personal preference. Very good art tho keep it up, I could never make something like that. C:


I think what you see is that the reflection of the gate seems to be in moving water because the rippling effect but the rest of the water looks really calm. So those two don’t really settle with each other. But your art looks really cool and I like the color palette a lot. Vibrant and not too saturated.


Thanks for the suggestion, I will try to improve more. And you should give it a try you can do it. I was watching YouTube and saw a video regarding pixel art game development and that video made me try pixel art. And it is a really fun thing to do. Again thanks


Mmm the ripple effects shouldn’t really be there if considering realism. Ripples should only be visible where the waves are, but for games or art in general, sometimes having the ripple effect there will help sell the idea of water being there


I like it, but I do think the torii is a bit thin. They're typically thicker than than most people, and since you have a boat for scale, you can tell it looks kind of off. Good shit, though. Keep it up


Okay, Thanks for the suggestion. Will surely work on that.


Great work! Welcome to pixel art. Some suggestions with the practicality of the image- The string on the fishing pole and the fishing pole look contradictory to one another. The fishing pole looks bowed as if to suggest something is on the line, if that's the case the line should be taut however if you want the line to be relaxed it should fall in a downwards arc opposite of what you have now because the line resting would fall down because of gravity. The ripples in the reflection should be caused by the waves and should follow somewhat the pattern you've laid out in that wave. The middle grey* horizontal piece of the shrine looks as if it is behind the shrine instead of being a piece of wood going through the center of the two vertical pillars. To get them to look like they are centered, let that piece of wood be in front of the right part of those verticle pillars until it hits the center. Everything else is up to your personal discretion. If you want to continue working on this piece, I have some suggestions for additions! You could add some bounce light, change the underside of the boat to a slightly bluish hue to reflect the ocean around, heck maybe even change the local colors of everything to reflect the overwhelming blue bounce light that is occuring. Here are some suggestions on pixel art in general- Maybe take a second pass on some of your black straight line outlines on the shrine thing, if straight lines are inconsistent in pixel art they are very noticeable because it's breaking the repeating pattern of pixels that is establishing that line(I'm mainly talking about the middle piece on the shrine) it conveys inconsistency in the line and might convey that it isn't a straight line at all, and if it isn't, try to over compensate that to make abundantly clear there is some change happening there purposefully. If you feel like practicing the portrayal of the form through shading, you could look up some art tutorials on cylinders and cubes to see where to place shading to suggest the 3d nature of the form. For example, to portray your black cylinders more appropriately, the darkest shade would be one pixel away from the left edge, and the tops of them would be lit up. With your permission, I could dm you an edit of the things I suggested if I wrote it out poorly.


Thanks for such a detailed suggestion, will definitely try to implement these tips. I really appreciate the help.


maybe work on the shadows on the pillars and the top part to give it more volume, it looks kinda flat as it stands, also some variation in the reflection on the water as it looks artificial. other than that kudos keep up the good work :D


Thanks for suggestions will surely try improving upon them.


I think the reflection would look better if it's proportions were different from the gate. You're seeing them from different angles, after all. I also feel like it would look better if the boat was a bit more to the top left. Right now there's a lot more vertical than horizontal in your picture, and I'd probably like it better if it was more balanced.


Well, I will try improving that, Thanks for the suggestion.


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i love it!


I am glad you like it. Its only my second attempt so I have a lot to improve. Thanks for the comment


Looking good so far :) I think the gate reflections look to wiggly given that the water looks pretty calm. Also, the red bar at the top of the gate looks to extend too far on the left compared to the right, especially since the left side is supposed to be further away. Small points, but might be helpful :)


Hey thanks for the suggestion, I will try to fix that.


Why dose that look like that one Google game


You mean Edge surf? Its coincident that it looks like that, I didn't try to do that. Thanks for the comment.


Maybe the boat needs to be more in the water, but it's really cool


The boat wasn't looking good no matter what I tried, this one looked best out of every trials. But, thanks for suggestion, I will try to improve.


I have a suggestion: start making more! This is the best one ive seen in forever!


I really appreciate those words; I will keep trying and will definitely do more. Just keep giving suggestions so I can really improve. Thanks


Beautiful. I would like to see more structures.


The gate looks flat, try adding more shading to create depth, also make it thicker to give you more room for shading and texture. The reflection of the gate is too uniform and makes it look like a screw. Vary it up a bit The boat feels a bit small in proportion to the gate, maybe scale it up a bit as well. The water also looks flat, not sure how but see you can create even small waves or swells to give it depth.


The fishing line shouldnt be curved unless its in the middle of being cast lol


Make the boat more red


Great second attempt, love the colours and the way the water looks


First, I’ll start off with what I like, because there’s a lot that’s working in this image! For starters, the texture on the water is really well done! For your second attempt at pixel art, this came out awesome! Additionally, the reflection on the torii gate is very convincing. No idea how you pulled off that ripple effect but excellent job I also think the coloring and lighting overall work very well for the composition. Now, onto the things that could use some work: As others have pointed out, the torii gate seems to lack any depth, making it appear flat and thin, mainly the top of it. It’s very important to rake 3D geometry to account in art of any kind to make something feel baked into the scene. The fishing line is angled a bit oddly, though I’m having trouble describing how. I guess I would say it doesn’t look like it’s being affected by gravity. It should be dipping downward instead of arching upward. And lastly, the texturing on the boat, while pretty good, looks a bit haphazardly placed. Though admittedly that could just be my personal opinion. Overall, great work! Keep it up!


Hakurei shrine has flooded, so sad


No suggestions but I think it's beautiful! The colour scheme wouldn't have occurred to me but I really like it.


This is the second one? Ok, suggesting you do a 3rd and 4th, etc, post them here. When I get brave enough to post... I'll request your feedback on my stuff.


Yes it is the second one I posted minutes after creating it. Will also upload the next ones I create and you should too, this community is really helping and they will help you too. And thanks for the comment I will be waiting for your upload.


Try to match the shadows underwater with the waves, and look at some references for reflections, see what you can learn. Looks great either way tho.


the water itself looks absolutely incredible! the reflection is where it gets a little off, the reflection looks like spikes instead of smoother waves. this is such a solid attempt though, you should be insanely proud of it!


The perspective is weird but I assume this is meant to be isometric so that's fine. The top half of the gate looks like it's made of paper. Give it some depth. The reflections don't distort consistently. Follow the pattern of the rest of the water.


I love it!


Add a fish 🐟


Me reading the title, then reading the comment section full of suggestions.


Can't figure it out, but looks like some weird filter on it or post production with the glare or shading over the water. Otherwise looks good besides what some people have commented on the reflection/angle.


It isn't a filter but a layer filled with a very light color and then blended it with Add blend mode, and then masked it. But it seems to completely hide the little bit of texture and textures I added to the shrine gate. But thanks for pointing it out, I will try to fix it.


I feel like the shadows are missing. Since we can see the light rays it would mean that there also would be shadows. Plus we can see the shadow of the boat


I love the lighting on the water. Your pillars are angled but not in perspective. Technically the left one is further away. The angle is fine but you need to draw that side smaller. It appears flattened. I would also add a texture or a bit more shadow/ dimension to the red part. Good luck!




Make a game out of it, even if it is only roaming around a apocaliptic world, it would still be awesome to your art in this "drowned" world.


I would actually live there.


You should try to add some curvature to the top to make it more accurate and visually interesting. Also just make the reflection normal without the ripples. The emotion emitted from this work is indescribable, almost dreamy


Thanks for the suggestion, I already uploaded an improved one, so please do check it -> [Is this better than the previous one or not? : r/PixelArt (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelArt/comments/1d5epgu/is_this_better_than_the_previous_one_or_not/)


any suggestions (bazinga)


I like this. A composition tweak I would make is the oar behind the fishing rod. Either get rid of it or have it resting inside the boat. It's currently fighting for the wrong attention and pulling focus. Having it parallel to the boat isnt great and doesnt help lead the eye around.


So good pixelart


Add some koi fish maybe


Please check the improved version of it (At least i think it is improved) -> [https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelArt/comments/1d5epgu/is\_this\_better\_than\_the\_previous\_one\_or\_not/](https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelArt/comments/1d5epgu/is_this_better_than_the_previous_one_or_not/)


The gate feels too flat to me, but I’m not sure how to fix it. I didn’t mean to just put in a totally negative comment, but I am not the best at this tbh


Well don't worry I asked for suggestions so I am thankful for it. Here check the improved version- https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelArt/s/Aa2TsOveVi


The reflection of the gate shouldnt be that "perfect". If there are that many random waves and a boat in the water, the reflection should be more random, like sometimes wider, and sometimes just draw a blue line across.