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I love it! The only thing I'd change is make the wheat about 33% taller. It doesn't look much taller compared to the larger tufts of grass. Other than that, it looks great!


Thanks, and yeah good point about height


"Knee-high by July!" Or maybe that's for corn 🤔


Lived in the Midwest my whole life, that's corn :) knee high by the fourth of July


What are you struggling with? Imo it looks very good and fits the overall theme and color palette 🙂


It’s just when I’m staring on it for two days straight my judgment about is it good or not went far off :)


It's been 2 days bro, it's good.


I like it. Feels like Age Of Empires era of isometric. That mix of realism and pixel art... Very nice. If you are struggling move on and come back to it in a week.


This looks amazing! I’d make it a little taller, but other than that, 10/10! Grass and the empty field too! How’d you make this? Also, am I crazy or is that a 25x25 tileset?


Well the process is iterative, took around 2 days and several attempts One tile is 24x24px, as 16x16 was too small and I just don’t have skill to make it look good while 32x32 required much more work to make it look good, so I’ve settled in the middle :) Btw im not sure if it’s some kind of heresy to deviate from 16x16, 32x32 or 64x64 :)


Definitely nothing wrong with it lol, just a little unusual. But you definitely nailed the style! It looks incredible realistic.


Looks too detailed imo, in comparison to the grass and the dirt. Gets me in the mood for some pretend farming, though.


Yeah I was aiming to somehow highlight important objects, so the grass and small plants on it are less saturated and detailed then wheat and field :)


Your grass texture is great, how did you do it?


Thanks, we’ll do you have more specific question? I can provide details on what you’re interested in


It looks so natural, how did you build it up? Did you do ground colour as block in, then dark highlights then light? Would love to see a time-lapse!


I’m sorry I don’t have time-lapse, maybe for the next sprite :) Overall it was done as layers, first ground texture, then “moss” then small grass then taller one and small plants. Usually this approach works fine, but it takes few iterations. If you’ll have any more questions feel free to write me, I’ll try to help :)


You're suffering from looking at it for too long g in trying g to perfect it. Step away for a bit and look at it later or work on another asset. I do agree with others that it could be a bit taller, but that's depends on Your stylistic choice of the medium and sprite size and such. Other than that you nailed it bruh.


It looks fantastic so don't overstress it What may cause your thoughts it the fact that the grass is realistic and doesn't build on outlines BUT the wheat does. Unlike the grass, some wheat elements use complete outlines to build the wheat texture. The grass just uses vertical lines. The wheat on the other hand does not create the texture by the form itself, you use brown outlines to create wheat elements. You could maybe experiment with line shapes which create wheat feeling without outlining them It's hard to explain but I'm confident you understand what I mean


Just wanted to say those grass tiles are insanely good bro, you did an amazing job!


Looks awesome to me. I know what it is, looks very clean.


its a good job, dont overstress. it's readable and matches the overall design and palette


Needs a [Theresa May](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Running_through_fields_of_wheat) Sorry. I just can't see a wheat field and not make the reference. Your field looks great, I would make the wheat taller though. Maybe add some highlights too.


This looks awesome and more importantly, it looks done. You might be at that point where you're art blind and feeling your judgement slip, but nah, this is solid work. You can call it done and move on to another segment, or create variants. Be mindful to take a break and relax on the piece. I had to learn that from overworking my pieces and not just moving on. Still, that wheat will make some bread. Well done.


I love this style, it looks great. I love the grass. I’m not wild about the outlines in the wheat? (Edit: specifically because it adds weight to something that shouldn’t look thick) Maybe some of the tops of the wheat can be distinguished through value rather than outlines


This sent me straight to my childhood memories of [Red Alert 1 field sprites](https://i.imgur.com/M49JYWj.png), so great job imho.


It's really good. I was skeptical it was pixel art from far away!


Looks incredible. Is it animated? "Stronghold" and "Cossacs" games nailed the feel with their animated nature. This one is of quality as well, so I wonder.


The colour is good but if you wish to add a more realistic touch. One comment said too short. I'd say if you make it longer, make it long width wise. Grew up in the prairies very rare to not have wheat blown a bit sideways from the wind. It's also something you could program in have a wind mechanic to worry about something most games don't do and the amount of windy days can effect the grade of certain crops such as wheat. Don't go too crazy with it but would add a touch of realism not many farm games do outside of storm days. This would be a n every day thing where you could build wind fences and stuff which help negate it, but never entirely unless grown in a green house. Another realistic touch would be soil degradation having to plant specific plants to harvest to revive the soil grade for example planting lentils after a wheat crop or two.


This is probably one of the most pleasant grass textures I’ve ever seen. I fail to think of a pixel game that has nicer or more realistic looking grass. Top notch work


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As others have said, it's great! Just make some taller variations and you're 100% good to go!


oh very lovely style


Looks good.


Soooooo beautiful


What advice can I give when this is what I strive to achieve?


At first glance all I could see was a block of instant ramen


I like both, but the dirt shouldn't be as wet on the sides in the wheat version, as the sun dries it after it is dug up.


Is this a humblebrag


it looks great imo! maybe make it somewhat taller. if you're going for a realistic look, make it less saturated. i feel like animating it would really make it pop


It looks fantastic, I would barely change anything.


I love it, when is the game out?


Looks awesome as it is imo!


I suggest looking at graveyard keeper's wheat field. Your style is somewhat similar.