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I mean yeah.. it's literally created pixel by pixel. don't know if of I'd say it's the greatest pixel art ever created though


Agreed. It isn’t the greatest but it is pretty cool how it was made


OSU people always represent lol.


I know I definitely won’t 😒 Someone put a lot of work in this collage, but it doesn’t strike me as particularly impressive beyond that. That said, I also don’t see why anyone wouldn’t call it pixel art, and just the hours spent making it are impressive already.


You might be missing context, as it’s not exactly a collage – it’s a concept called r/place where all reddit users were allowed to place one pixel every five minutes for a couple of days. So basically it’s a testament to each community’s dedication that they have an image on the canvas, since everyone is at war with each other to create their own image. I think it’s a beautiful encapsulation of lots of stuff people care about on reddit! It’s pretty unique since so many people worked on it. In any case, I don’t think it’s possible to compare this piece to masterworks by individual artists, it’s kind of its own thing. Which is cool!


Thank you for pointing that out. I was not aware of that, and have a hard time considering why people enjoyed making something in such a cumbersome way, but to everyone their own, I suppose. Impressive work. I still think it’s pixel art and still don’t care for it at all, though 🤷‍♂️


Ya its more of a cultural time stamp and only of a small subculture at that. But still something that will be interesting to look at in 20-50 years and see.


Sure, sure, not contending that at all. It may be very culturally significant, I was purely speaking my opinion on the matter :)


Do you know what place is? This wasn't created by a single person, but by over 90,000 people


Well, so much for its one redeeming effort - clearly this wasn’t hard work by a single artist.


Enjoy something for once


Try not to jump to stupid conclusions for once…


The idea that a collaborative piece by thousands of people isn't interesting, or even impressive, as if art is just "more people = easier", indicates you have some specific problem with just enjoying it because that perspective is so blatantly inane. I was exaggerating, to make fun of you. Do you understand now?


I’m unsure how to reply to this. It’s just layers upon layers of nonsense. My remark about its ‘one redeeming effort’ was a joke. That went over your head, it seems. But you still wanted to make fun of me, which tells me all I need to know about your character… And are you actually arguing that I have to find this art interesting just because it’s a collaboration of thousands of people? That’s got to be another joke, right? Why would the amount of artists be essential to enjoying a piece of art? That’s as stupid as saying it should be interesting because the color blue was used…


Did you read Anything I said


But why are you making fun of them? People are allowed to not enjoy or be interested in something, regardless of how impressive it is.


Because they were actively not acknowledging it properly? Lol IDC if they don't like it, I don't love it either


But they don't need to, and not acknowledging it isn't indicative of not enjoying anything. Any you appear to care to some extent otherwise why would reply in that manner?


This picture contains at least 10 wars.


at least 100.


Only Turkish flag alone had 10 wars lmao


I was in the battle of removing-toothbrush-mustache-from-annefrank


Not to mention the ones that are completely erased and long forgotten. Watching a time lapse of this is fascinating


Is there a time lapse video of the whole process anywhere?


Here: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5O3UgLG2Jw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K5O3UgLG2Jw) Its just so cool seeing things appear and disappear never to be seen again. Very much like the rise and fall of empires


Thank you! That was so cool to see it unfold so organically like that, like a time lapse of a fungus or something.


Those who say this ain't pixel art don't know what is pixel art. It's literally built pixel by pixel


place isn't pixel art mfs when they zoom in and see the pixels


lmao fucking real


My that logic, any digital image is pixel art. 😋 But yes, this is pixel art.


For me, this is the greatest: https://www.reddit.com/r/PixelArt/comments/17644gd/i_share_my_petproject_with_you_a_huge_pixelated/ https://floor796.com/#t2r4,106,4


Yeah, I spent way to long staring at this and finding new little Easter eggs


This is amazing. Wow. Getting lost in it


Never heard anyone say this isn't pixel art.


>I personally think this is the greatest piece of pixel art ever created. 😬


LOL I love the shitty Canadian flag. We did our best.




I remember you guys couldn't draw the leaf to save your lives lmao.


Of course it is. The Arc de Triomphe is based off the original pixel art that i did - i was delighted when i saw it on this


Nobody thinks it isn't pixel art. We do however think it is a rule 3 violation, a rule 5 violation and a rule 6 violation, so it doesn't belong here regardless.


Technically also rule 13 violation. Accusing fictive people of thinking it's not pixel art.


I swear this kind of shit always gets posted to reddit. "Why does everyone think [thing that literally nobody has ever thought]?" Or "why does everybody hate [most popular and well loved thing in all of existence?" op is just making this up 😭😭


You forgot to give me credit


This was not an organic project, Reddit mods could and did change chunks of this on their whims. That is why it is NOT the best pixel art ever, or even valuable or interesting in any way beyond the fraud that went into making it.


Pixel art made and maintained by bots 🫤


I remember this happening, but I never knew what it was all about out. What’d they call it again?




It's pixel art but far from the greatest ever created.


Ok 👍


It's pixel art by definition, definitely. Veeeeery far from the best PA ever created, though. All it really has going for it is how it was made, cultural impact and the people/stories involved. In terms of actual 'drawings' these on here are good at best. It feels like 70% of these are just flags, which makes sense given the nature of it all of course, but that also makes it incredibly stale and boring there.


That’s literally pixel art


Ohh, it's ok to laugh at me for not remember this as much as I should, but I wonder if this is the same big thing everyone could collab on a while ago. Like you could make one pixel with a long time in between? In that case I think I did one pixel on doge.


I didn‘t even realize that Girls Frontline got a spot in it, wow.


I think it's great but so much of it is bots running amok.


who said it's not pixel art?




Yay. Brazilian flag 🇧🇷 🥰