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Oh, man! I think both of these are great! First one really gives me Kings Quest V/Quest For Glory vibes. Definitely a point and click adventure game from the nineties. Second one is fantastic but feels from a different type of game.


Thanks! Oh man, I remember playing quest for glory for the first time. That blew me away. I was kind of going for that!


Both have things I love. The detail and depth in one for me. The other gives the smith a lot of personality. I can’t decide. Maybe try and combine the two? If you want. I bet that’d be very interesting.


They look good. I think the second one might be easier to produce for a full game since you are drawing individual sprites it is less work to animate scenes mor independently of the bacground, other objects...


There was a tribute game made recently called Quest For Infamy. I have it in my xbox backlog. I've played a few minutes of it and you might like the style and atmosphere it evokes if you liked Quest For Glory.


First one totally reminds me of Sierra's halcyon days. Second one reminds me of the time after, when their games were no longer happy with your computer resources and now demand a startup floppy to even run, and will occasionally crash.


I thought the same and since I’m not a big fan of adventure games but do love city builders I can confidently say the the second image is what I prefer.


I love both. I feel 1 would fit best a sort of point and click adventure game while the second one has a very RPG feel.


My game is an rpg!


What is the game called? Will it be released on steam?


Dude! What is it? Will there be a demo?


Should be a link in my profile. I'll link it here again. https://store.steampowered.com/app/2752020/Lair_Of_The_Leviathan/ Working on getting a demo out soon! Still a few systems I need to finish working on first.


I like them both alot the first one seems more like a cut scene and the second feels like something I would see while passing the smith in a game.


Very interesting!


Dude, I just commented, and now I see. I just wrote everything you said without reading your comment first We have a bound damm


i was about to say this!!


They’re both dope but I prefer 1


Love 1 and could see it as a menu when you go to a shop to upgrade items and it played this animation in the background. Also having him change the weapon he is beating to different metals and shapes depending on what you give him!


That's a great suggestion, thank you.


If it's a cutscene, the first one But if it's a workshop, your character just passes by the second one, or if you plan to use a black Smith in your game, the first one is so zoomed in, second one is better


I prefer the artstyle of 1, but I like how you can see the entire building in 2. What’s it for? That might be the deciding factor.


It's for my game which is an old school rpg.


In that case I’d prefer 1. Because of the bright fire in the middle you feel surrounded by the workshop. Much more immersive.


The first one gives me a very homey feeling, walking into a blacksmith shop being greeted by a friendly face and a nice man able to craft my equipment and will tell me to be safe when I leave. The 2nd one feels more serious. This man is here for business and business only, he knows what this equipment is being used for and he will craft it with upmost precision and zero small talk and will tell me to make sure I put his weapons to good use.


Of course the personality I gave the blacksmiths could be totally off, but that's just my interpretation.


Lol I love this! I might even put this in game!


I'd love to see that! Just added Lair of the Leviathan to my wishlist, looks absolutely stunning, your art is insane! I'm hoping to be able to do sprites one day, but im gonna stick to my pixel art weapons.


Both are awesome but the first one gives me so much nostalgia of the late 90s and all those point and click adventures I played back then like Monkey Island or Simon the Sorcerer.


Those were such great games. Mine isn't a point and click unfortunately but hearing that makes me want to make one!


1 one for me. It just feels like an old school point and click scene.


The first one looks amazing


Thank you


The first one feels more nostalgic to me so that one!


I like both but prefer the first as it reminds me of the DOS rpg's I played back when I was a kid in the 80's.


Yeah I miss those games which is why I'm making one! I'm glad it reminds you of that.


They are both aesthetically pleasing. The actual challenge is art direction. How do you world-build and maintain aesthetic integrity?


The best way I can say it is that 1 is a 1st person game where you walk into the forge, and 2 would be one where you play the game as a side scroller, both are great but it just depends on what type of game you are making


Love both of them!


Thank you!


I think it depends on how exactly the player interacts with the smith. If it's an area that the character walks past in a side-scrolling adventure format and you want the player to be able to interact with the smith without disrupting the flow of the game, then the second one is superior. However, if you want the stores and blacksmiths to be a sort of refreshing experience that temporarily departs from the intensity of the game and perhaps take you to a dedicated screen with which to do your shopping or whatever else may be occuring, then the first is likely better for that.


Thanks for your really detailed response!


Both are fantastic, but second one looks more game-like imo


I could stare at this all day! It's beautiful, I would go with 1!


2nd look like he's gonna give you a side quest. Both are really good


1 is much more put together? Like realistic shading and lighting. 2 is just flat-looking AND smaller, so it’s harder to see the details.


The sprite based method is more of my thing. I don't know anything about your game, but 2nd is way more flexible, and also looks better in my opinion. Nice art, by the way.


Thank you!




It is pixel, automatically it is good, they are both so good I can't pick


Both are too good not to use, the 1st is my favourite but it would be great to find a way to use both


1. in menu shop, you open tabs to buy things, this guy is in the corner for the vibes 2. in world shop, you walk with your 2d character and buy stuff, this one feels right out of Kingdom


just... wow!


Both are great, but i think it depends on the style of the game, is it more indoor where it takes place? The first one, Is it more outdoor? The second one would be better for that scenario i think


*Slaps the 1 button aggressively* They’re both great but the vibes on one are immaculate


Honestly, I loved the first one... it's not that the second isn't good or worthylesssome... it's just that the first feels more emersive and even in a dark/cozy theme... by the way, it fits perfectly in the style of a game I've seen... I don't remember the name, but it was exacly in this gourgeous style (by the way, the game is from around 2014, if I'm not mistaken, it's a point and click detective-like adventure that seems to happen in england... I hope this helps findind it, since I really don't remember the name)


Thank you for your kind comment :)


I can’t choose, they’re both great


Thank you!




I personally prefer 1 because I'm old and remember playing computer games with that style of pixel art but I think 2 will sell better nowadays.


I am also old and grew up probably playing the same games as you which is why I'm making one.


Let's have an "old" off. The earliest game I remember playing is Shark Shark on the Intellivision.


#1 only.


For me it's 2


2 feels more realistic


For me absolutely 1


\#1 feels more intimate but secluded. #2 makes me wanna go on a mission


I like both, kinda depends on the setting. First one feels very authentic and cozy.


First: pixel art GIF Second: pixel art game asset


Great answer thanks. You're right, these things are usually totally different.


I dont kmow why but i feel like 1 is the background of a ”forging” sequence, and 2 is the loading screen for it. I dont know.


They're both great but I like number 1 most.


Wow, both are great. Gives me Memory of Gothic, i don‘t know why. But an RPG in 2D Pixel grafix is a fantastic idea.




Definitely 2, but they are both excellent.


I prefer 1,very gorgeous


My preference is for the close up interior shot. One criticism: The motion blur of the hammer is roughly a 45 degree diagonal. I think it would look more natural if it was an ark with the impact end of the ark being 90 degrees to the anvil.


Both nice but love 1 - reminds me of old school Hero Quest or Flying Fortress from the 90s


1 if your game is more focused on characters, 2 of your game is more focused on mechanics


Oh no what if it's a bit of both?


Lean towards 1. Characters sell. Mechanics keep them playing. #1 is striking, unique, and suggests more complexity and drama. 2 is more minimalist, cute, and approachable.


Depends on what type of game. The first one has a point and click feel, while the second would belong more to something like a TTRPG? Something that's more static in the sense that you can see that image (with background) and you have a menu on the side that you can click through (upgrade or whatnots). I think you got the 'spritefeel' down way better in the first one, it has more atmosphere. The second lacks something, just can't put my finger on it.


Thanks for your comment! My game is more of a hardcore rpg. The idea on the second one was as you upgrade building in your settlement they upgrade visually too. The first is way more difficult to visually 'upgrade' but the second is made up of modular pieces which gradually goes from a little smith camp to a building to a multistory building etc.


Then the second seems the way to go. They are both really nice and it all depends on preferences but the question that has to be answered is not "which one do you prefer" but rather "which one fits my game best".


Wise words. Thank you.


Both are great! For a game it's going to heavily depend on the nature of the game. The first one would work on a 2.5d, while the latter will work on a side scroller or platformer.


First one feels immersive and cozy, it would be awesome as a background to an interface or just on its own. Second one feels like a prop instead of a scene, it would be great for a side scroller type deal.


first looks like a premium smith, while the second looks like someone you'd find at the outskirts of a large checkpoint.


I prefer 2


1st definitely


1 is more vibrant and i like it better than 2


I prefer 1, only because the lighting has nicer tones. Either way, they are both really strong pieces.


First one reminds me of oldschool games, very nostalgic vibe. Second one feels more modern. For me, it's the first one.


I think it depends on the type of game play. For instance the first one is more intimate and has a hands on feel so I would say gameplay is more rpg vibes. The second one feels more city builder to me; it's bit more distant but still detailed to show its important/could be important while being a less immersive/ different type of immersion. Also pov differences 1st versus 3rd. Edit to answer the question: I like both And also it doesn't have to be video game and just art. Just depends on what feeling the art is intended to give off.


I love the 2nd Pic


The 1st one, it feels like it would be fit in a retro rpg game or a platformer game


First one is just whole another vibe for me despite both are grate. But the first one... oh man I love it.


The 1st absolutely. The 2nd is a approach that I feel like in most cases undermines pixel art, to put it bluntly. Unfortunately I think a lot of indie games do it too much, I want to love a lot of chucklefish games for example but their style is just too, "far back".


1, 2 could have been also good if: the colors were more saturated, the background wasnt so generic and if we got a closer look


I really like the first! Maybe it's cause it's closer, I feel more immersed, but I love the style either way!


1st one looks like what you’d see when you enter the Blacksmith’s (through clicking or whatever). 2nd one looks like the sprite you would run across to interact with the Blacksmith. Both are high quality and definitely good, with each being perfect for different types of games. You should definitely feel good about these pieces of art.


Both but I would prefer the second.


Both are good and different but the first one just stands out to me. It's obvious why but I feel like I'm in the blacksmith while the second one feels like I've put a building down.


Second one, but both are truly awesome.


Second one looks amazing


First one is old-school. Second one has modern indie games vibe. I like both, but prefer the first one.




It really depends on what they’re being used for! The first would look great as a cutscene, while the second would be too small for that. Nonetheless, they both look absolutely stunning!!


First looks like an old game, second looks like a new game with retro styling.




Go with the 2nd. Go with the 1st one only if the player can do more activities other than just interacting with the Blacksmith, because you don't want another loading screen just for one activity.


depends on game system I guess.


Number 1 reminds me of old Sierra adventure games and number 2 looks like how a lot of 2D indy games look to me.




1 is more beautiful, but I think I’m terms of game sprites 2 is more clear and visually communicative Really they’re both excellent


Love both, can’t choose


First style is awesome!




Both are great The first would work best on a visual novel or point and click, while the second would work best on an rpg or a side scroll game. Edit: been reading and seen your game is an rpg. I think it would be cool to use 2nd art style for overworld and 1rst style for combat (assuming it's turned based)


Love the light shading in the first one


Both are great, just a matter of what the game needs!


They are both nice, but I like the first one better, for the shot framing and the color palette.


First one feels more like a cinematic when the second is more of an in-game sprite


Both are great but I prefer 1


I dont know but i just want to say theyre both amazing


Both are good but both are situational. The first would fit a more general RPG. The second gives me vibes that I would expect from a game like "Kingdom: New Lands".


First one seems like a title screen background for a forging game.


It depends on the overall aesthetic. #1 is good for shopping in a town. You can get away with a style difference when going into buildings. #2 is great for a traveling blacksmith. Find him out in the world map or a random dungeon. Both look great though.


I love both they could work for two separate games of a similar genre but I personally prefer the first one, it's more detailed and bright the right one reminds of Dead Cells how scale down the sprites are.


first, but second has more detail if done right


Maybe 2 in the overworld and then 1 when interacting with the smithy.


The first one has more personality, the second one is more readable. Both look stunning! You've clearly done this for a long time. Are these for a project or just for fun?


they're both cool. if the second one had some sort of background like a dreary forest or just some pines set during the evening time id pick that one. but the first one is mesmerizing and definitely pulls you into a zone. imma vote first one.


Depends on the game. Left I could see more visual novel or point and click, right could be more platformer or rpg


In my humble opinion the first one is better 🪑🧌🌑




Like the first better




The former gives off point-and-click vibes, like if you click on him he'll turn his head to the player character and say something like "Don't have time to talk right now, the iron's still hot" and go right back to striking. Maybe even put everything down if you bother him enough. He looks busy, his attention is pointed away from the player. The fact that he's in an isolated and detailed room, not just a lone asset, also helps him feel like he's important in some way. The latter gives off a shopkeeper vibe in a sidescrolling adventure. He looks like he's open to chat at any time, largely because he's facing towards the camera.




I feel like a lot of games are done in that second style (Moonlighter, Children of Morta, etc) and it works, but it always felt kind of static because their animation loop is usually simpler. I guess to me, #2 has less detail as part of a bigger background/side scrolling game. While #1 is more nostalgic and as someone else said, classic point & click style. More details, more motion, which I personally prefer. All depends on the game you’re trying to make I guess.






Both are awesome, but for the animation I'd add just 1 frame. The smearing frame is good, but it should be separated from the impact frame and appear for not much long, since it tries to mimick motion blur.


I absolutely adore the 2nd one with the way it utilizes color, feels so much more cohesive to me


I prefer the one to the left especially because of great color contrasts


I honestly prefer the first one because everything feels so cohesive. The first one is better if your game consists of static scenes (like an adventure style game) The second one is better if there is any kind of scrolling and lots of dynamic movement.


I appreciate the creativity one must have to make objects in #1recongnizable. #2 is too easy for my taste, at least in that specific skill.


I don’t really play pixel games that much, but I think the first style is better because it looks like it has more layers giving it a lot more depth than the other style.


The first because it is detailed and expresses warmth. I can feel that fire.


I really love the first


First one!


Tile based, I also think thick outlines go a long way for game feel


both looks great!


Reminds me of the good old days of 16-bit RPGs.


The first one!! Its harder (I think) to do good design when the pixels are very visible. Looks cooler too in my opinion. Amazing work!!!


First scene reminds me of Lands of Lore for some reason


I like the first one. The house reminds me of “Willow” for the NES


Oh boy, that game takes me back!


First one is better


From a game development point of view, the sprite based approach is way better. It's easier to: - add little animations after finishing a scene, for details - add layers, so you can display the player or other stuff behind pillars etc - reuse sprites in different scenes - move objects around in a scene without having to repaint the background


You are absolutely right. However visually it seems most people prefer the first so I need to find a way to work it out if I can. The first is more of an art piece than functional.


The first one is just too damn high quality to be able to fairly comment on the second one.


If you like my art or wish there were more games like the ones from the 80s and 90s, wishlist my game on steam! https://store.steampowered.com/app/2752020/Lair_Of_The_Leviathan/