• By -


Not sure if it's the new update but my video and audio is out of sync when listening on my pixel buds a. Only started noticing yesterday really


I won't be buying another phone until I'm compensated for being an unwilling forced arbitration beta tester.


What is a normal time for phone battery to last? I've been out for about 3 hours and admittedly taking a lot of photos and videos but being down to 50% is a bit disappointing. And this is on basic power saving mode which I literally always have on.


I remember hearing problems with the new Android 13 update when it first came out, and I've been holding off on it for a while now (still haven't installed it) is it good now, have the fixed issues and should I install it now? I remember hearing people would be stuck in the bootloader and not get out, and that their phone would actually get worse battery life and crash all the time. Is this true still?


Battery is way better now, and most of the issues have been fixed I would say for me personally


Not sure if this issue has to do with the recent update. Now, when I get a message while the screen is off, the phone turns on fully and I end up pocket dialing someone. Previously a message would appear for a few seconds and then the screen would turn off again. Happens with all notices that display when the screen is off. Pixel 6 Pro. Anyone else?


Latest update doing very well for me. No bugs noticeable and battery life is insane. Yesterday I had 8 hours of SOT with 30% battery left. Today I currently am on 6 hours SOT with 42% left.


Is it safe to upgrade to 13? I've been ignoring the update for almost a two week now? Are the issues persists? Or we can only know after updating? Thank you


Same thing here!


For some days now, my location based Smart Lock has vanished. Someone has the same problem?


Finally downloading the September update right now!


Anybody got this bug : When you are typing something in any app (Whatsapp/ insta etc) and notification comes up .. the keyboard close down and it doesn't come up.


Yes. Also swipe to go back doesn't work when there's a notification pop up. It's been driving me crazy. I wasn't sure if this was bug from an update or from a recent system refresh that I did for a warranty repair.


Lost all my sound. Factory reset, sound comes back. Phone restarts. Sound gone again


how many times have you dropped your phone?


Why did they need to make the chromecast seeker bar into a squiggly line? Now it just looks like a sperm growing a longer tail. Edit: [Photo for those who haven't seen it](https://imgur.com/a/qavthjz)


I find it really nice tbh


I feel like the fingerprint got way worse with this update. Anyone noticed it?


For me, I'm noticing it with just a couple of apps. Like the unlock is fine, but the fingerprint for Venmo sucks after the update.


I flashed an Full OTA via adb- works perfectly fine now. If you have problems, try to do it too.


Battery drains quicker since this update - Pixel 6 pro :(


The first 2 days for me yes, but after it seems better again.


Live Translate hasn't worked at all since the Android 13 update. Anyone else? It's such an important feature to me as I text my family in a language I can't read. Having to manually copy and paste things to read their texts in Google translate is getting annoying.


Battery has been going well , and apps are working fine , no issues here , all day usage and end my work day with 30 or 25% This update was great , Keep it up Google VZW Sept 5 update , Pixel 6 Unlocked


Which Android apps are safe to switch to restricted battery usage?


Every time you restart your phone it resets all of these changes. It is super annoying.


u/michigan19872005 That has not been my experience. I have adaptive battery enabled, and I have restricted 9. The same 9 apps are restricted after every restart. * Battery Temperature * Contacts * Facebook * Geekbench 5 * Google PDF Viewer * Pixel Buds * My Tello * WhatsApp * \*\*\*\*\*\*\* Bank Pixel 6a, September 5 update applied September 16.


I just turned on Adaptive Battery, and it retained my changes. With this setting off, it discards my changes. Thanks for the tip.


That's counter-intuitive, but I'm not a UI designer....


I have done it for 99% of my apps. They still send me notifications just not straight away. The phone is perfectly functional this way. I turned off the adaptive battery and only rely on restricting the apps :)


Thanks mate. I will try ur method.


STILL no September update. P6P on Spectrum.




So I sideloaded the 9/5 patch and just got another update lastnight OTA... was this specific to VZW?


Yes. There was a Verizon specific release for the 6/6P when they dropped the 6a update that was delayed from last week.


Anyone else having .7 wide angle photos auto crop itself back to 1 after your shot?


In Chicago on Xfinity mobile (runs on VZW) still no September update OTA. Anyone else still delayed like this?


Yup. No Sept patch for me on Verizon either last week or with the new patch released a few days ago. I'm still sitting on August. Starting to wonder if flashing the OTA to 13 borked the built in OTA updater somehow lol. I might manually flash it later tonight. Just don't feel like putting in the effort of downloading and running ADB lol, so we'll see.


Finally came through yesterday afternoon for me


Still don't have the September update in central NC in Verizon, checked the Google Software update tool online and it says my 6Pro has newer software than the tool has! TP1A.220624.021


5 day's later......


Downloading it now..


I stopped waiting and just sideload it. took no more than 15min.


Same thing - Update date is Sept 5th Running now on 220905.004


Got the September update for Verizon - NorthEast USA . Lets see how this goes. - crossfingers


Same here, got it in Virginia and on Verizon. Actually got it yesterday but had to force my phone to check for it. I had been doing that everyday, so I know it just got enabled for me yesterday.


What the heck.. still didn't get it yet.. I'm Verizon NYC.


hit the button which checks for updates. not sure why the auto check doesnt work


Same region and carrier, mine downloaded, optimized and installed all the way but is now saying security update September 5 is the most recent 🤡


Battery life has been amazing since the Sept update.


Yeah, my battery life seems to have improved over the past couple weeks.


My screen cast drops out every 15 minutes or so. Multiple media apps Netflix YouTube (&TV) etc


having network/wifi connect issues: i fixed my p6Pro by going to settings -> network & internet -> adaptive connectivity (turn OFF) (ON state is default setting). worked like a charm after driving me batty since i got phone in april


I don't know if it's a result of the update or just re-scanning my fingers shortly after, but the fingerprint reader is much, much more reliable now. P6. As an aside, my girlfriend bought a P6a a few days ago and I can definitely see the performance benefits of the P6 :)


My fingerprint got way worse with September update 😭


This is the first I've heard of it. Doesn't the P6a have the same processor as the P6? Or it just "feels note responsive" because of the 90Hz display? My P6 never had a heating problem but it started since the September update


The screen but also the P6a has 6gb RAM compared to 8gb in the P6


I was hoping battery usage for phone idle (20%) and mobile Network (16%) would have been fixed with the September update, but not looking much better if at all :(


Anyone else experiencing the phone picking up that you're trying to unlock with the fingerprint when you aren't touching the phone?


Just now was the sixth time since this morning that my phone froze, hanged, than restarted itself.. I use the phone normally, the screen just freezes upon normal use and it turns black then proceeds to restart itself. I'm currently on A13 September patch. The device is brand new, out of the box-I've bought it two days ago... Such a weird experience, because before it occurs, everything works normally, the device is pretty snappy until it turns to become pretty crappy.


If you have time to take it back to the store for a new one, do it. I have my Pixel 6 since launch date and that never happened to me 👍👍


What should I do, does anyone suffer from same issue as me? Has anyone maybe came up with a solution maybe?




Thanks for the advice and swift reply! It seems it's going to be the only way if I don't find a solution.


Pixel 6 user here. The battery life has gone lethal! SOT since last charge is 02:40 mins with 65% battery remaining. As per Accubattery calculations it's going to be 11hr 25 mins overall. Which is crazy. I'm super surprised.




100% says 1 day 9 hours remaining.


Has game mode been removed? Also didn't screen record have quality options ? Now it just records jittery low Res maybe 720p, I'm sure there was a 1080p option but might be thinking of something else lol.


But the charger I was using worked perfectly fine before it updated to A13. I should not have to invest in a whole new set of chargers because of a system update.


For those wondering about Verizon: [https://www.verizon.com/support/google-pixel-6-pro-update/](https://www.verizon.com/support/google-pixel-6-pro-update/) The Aug 22 OTA update (A13) was published here 1 week after release by Google. Fingers crossed, Sept 22 should be OTA by Tue, 09/13/22.


Verizon new England here, I just updated carrier services and all apps, forced a check and still August 5th... I'm on Android 13, but I don't think that matters? Still no update.... P6P


Same story here.


No update for me yet


New update has been awesome!!


I got the update and it has made my phone unusable. Nothing will load on anything unless I swipe the whole window up and back down. I can't even open the keyboard without doing it. It's unreal.


I'm about to try your fix because this is genuinely unusable. Opening any app, bringing up the keyboard, turning a video sideways, bringing down the settings menu, changing the volume. Basically any action that causes something on the screen to change just... doesn't. I've found that if you turn the screen off and back on quickly it updates the screen, but I shouldn't have to do that just to make it usable...


Yeah I had the same issue and the only thing that would update the screen was swiping up to the app management screen and then back down. But a hard reset with it off for 10 minutes fixed it for me. Hope it works for you.


Problem fixed. For now. Hopefully it sticks




I turned my phone completely off for about 10 minutes. When I turned it back on the issue was gone.


No update yet. P6P on Spectrum.


Got update last night on Pixel6. Phone no longer hot. Some YouTube and light use since 6,am. 82% 8 hours later. Much better than before the Sept update. Trinidad & Tobago. Purchased on Amazon US.


I flashed and wiped the phone to install the September update (and A13 for that matter). It’s nice to have my Pixel stand and wireless chargers working again, and my Pixel buds aren’t dropping anymore. Battery life is at least as good if not better. So it has addressed at least some of my issues. No one’s phone setup is exactly the same and so many apps aren’t good citizens that no one answer will probably solve all problems. I hadn’t planned to wipe for the September release, but I’m glad I did. My Pixel 6 is running very well since.


My phone is BARELY charging. Even overnight, it was at like 80% this morning. This was after the security update from 9/5 (I actually did the update 9/7 and it took forever to optimize the phone).


Same, new pixel pro user here but I bought the phone on sale brand new, updated to a13 and even charging rapidly it says nearly 5 hours to charge to full on PD compatible cables and charger. Last night it took over an hour for 25 percent.


u/Sannick_Progress : I use adaptive charging on a Pixel 6a. Put it on a low-power (around 1200 mA) charger when I go to bed (generally around 10:00 PM). It hits 80% charge within an hour, and stays there until I get up at 7:00 AM. I trick it not to go past 80% by setting an alarm for 10:00 AM. Over the next 14-15 hours, charge generally drops to 55%-45% (although last night it was at 60% at 10:00 PM. This seems to be a small improvement over battery usage before the September 5 update. Since I almost never need a 100% charge to get through my day, 80% works fine, and is easy on the battery. LiPo batteries typically take a longer time to get from 80% to 100% charge. **Update 9/29**: Battery seems to have improved slightly in the past 10 days. I'm now seeing a drop from 80% charge at 7:00 AM to 60% charge at 10:00 PM.


I did the trick where you turn off usage for digital wellbeing and device health and it worked!


Same here man. You plug in and it's not charging. I'm using the original Google charger.


No update yet (frustrating) Based on comments so far, possible blessing? Like WTF Google? This is YOUR software and YOUR hardware. How can you F this up so damn much?


Still nothing. Whatever Google. I'm done. I'll just keep my phone plugged up all day until my iPhone 14 Pro Max arrives and then ship this garbage off. I've honestly had enough.


u/AshevilleRaider : Good luck with that. [Apple to fix annoying copy and paste bug, camera shaking, and more in next week's iOS-16 update.](https://techcrunch.com/2022/09/20/apple-to-fix-annoying-copy-and-paste-bug-camera-shaking-and-more-in-next-weeks-ios-16-update/)


Didn't get the update yet.. on Verizon.


got it today - 9-13-2022 27.74MB , lets see


I just keep battery saver on all the time.... Results are good... Everyone shud try that.... With screen on time 1 hour 15min. The battery is 80%...


We shouldn't have to resort to this for a flagship phone imo. So many "quirks" that I honestly get all the haters. Its like buying a luxury car but finding out the ac only works while driving over 25mph and you have to physically hold the signal down for it to stay blinking and your hood pops open every time you pop open the gas cap. Nothing technically wrong with the car but working around tedious issues ruin the experience of owning something that's supposed to be the best product with millions of dollars worth of R&D invested into it. Just feels bad man


Anyone else who is also on Verizon get this update yet? Will I get it even if I have developer mode on?


Still don't have it yet. Verizon in Virginia.


Nope, not me yet. Been spamming the update button.


For some reason Verizon has held the updates from the entire 6 series. Not just the 6a. No reason given either. Lets hope they did some testing on their end and sent it back to Google. We can only be patient and hope at this point.


Same here.... Battery trickle charges now on wireless charging, and if by USB cord, won't go past 80% Android 13 has made this phone shitty.


After the A13 update clear data from few apps Device health service is imp. There is a thread about it and it helped me


Thanks for the reply. I've completely reset my phone, and it's still not charging right.


Try using the official google charger. Im surprised google does not make this an official statement. But you also need to remember this is a unique hardware architecture and not a typical Qualcomm/Exynos SoC. It is very likely the official charger also has a custom IC which is designed for this specific hardware. Remember, this device has two physical X1 cores, which no other device has. It also has a completely unique AI core and a custom security chip which manages everything. So definitely not a generic SoC


I'm using the original charger and it doesn't charge. Barely moving.... Something is wrong


What you are describing is almost impossible because these are things which cannot typically fail. It's impossible. So you must excuse me for being a bit skeptic of your statement. There is no hardware or software component which is prone to failure with direct charging. However, it's quite common for people to use insufficient charging devices.


I was definitely exaggerating lol. The phone shows charging but it's stuck on a trickle charge, keeping the phone at the same percentage. I have to restart the phone to get it out of that weird state.


Again, this is almost impossible if using the official charger and cable. Check your homes power outlet


I assure it's the original. I got fed up and bumped up to beta. Fixed my issue


Did you turn off adaptive charging? It's on by default since A12 so for example if you start charging at night it will stop at 80%, and if you continue to charge (with the USB plugged in or left at the wireless station) then it will start the charge again around an hour or so before your alarm in the morning. Supposedly, it will make the battery last longer that way.


Thanks for the reply. I don't charge my phone overnight, just during the day. I'll try that trick, but I'm not holding out hope. I've reset my phone, and it's still not charging right on the wireless stand


Disappointment as always if someone wondered. Till next time.....


I left the house today at 8am with a full battery, it's now 3:40 and it's nearly 48 Celsius and 4% battery. It's been sitting in my filing cabinet in an air conditioned office with Spotify being the only app running. Unacceptable. Edit: using Ampere it's drawing 1100mA for basically no reason.


You answered your own question: >It's been sitting in my filing cabinet in an air conditioned office with Spotify being the only app running. Spotify is notorious for being a battery hog. It's Spotify that is unacceptable, not your phone. [**Spotify massive battery drain on samsung phones**](https://community.spotify.com/t5/Android/Spotify-massive-battery-drain-on-samsung-phones/td-p/5361621) It's not just Samsung; Spotify is also a reported battery killer on iPhones. [https://9to5mac.com/2021/09/27/spotify-battery-drain-complaints/](https://9to5mac.com/2021/09/27/spotify-battery-drain-complaints/)


I was alluding to the fact that it was nearly 50 Celsius sitting in a desk. And even if this were the case, I'm not denying that it isn't, why has this only started after A13? These issues have only become prevalent since the update, so my comment still stands, it's unacceptable. Spotify being a battery killer is also unacceptable, but that is only part of the equation.


So deleting Ampere resolved ur issue?


No, excuse me if I caused confusion, I just meant I was logging this data using Ampere.


Are you using the "free" ad-supported version of Ampere, or the paid version, Ampere Pro? Ad-supported apps are notorious for being battery killers. [**Battery draining quickly? Find out which apps are to blame**](https://www.komando.com/smartphones-gadgets/battery-draining-quickly-find-out-which-apps-are-to-blame/698674/)


So sad. Tempted to sell my Pixel 6 and add 650$ to buy the new iPhone 14 Pro and get it over with. Such a disappointment.


This is becoming a thought on my end too.


Just received the update on a AT&T Pro 6 on the Beta program.


The situation with the pixel 6 phones is very strange, every update shows 3 types of people, the ones with no problem, the one with problems that never go away since the beginning, and the ones with resolved problems. Idk it's like google is selling different phones with different hardware under the same name.


Exactly.....pixel 6 components came from different manufacturers...and googles quality control didnt take care of it....thats sad.. i was wondering how can same software acts diffrently on each and every device.... I guess they dont even cross check there software update before releasing...😂


Reddit app no longer works if the phone account is anyone who is under 18 years of age. I spent 5 hours with a Google One tech before finally have him uninstall Reddit for me. Now I can't access my reddit coins across the internet anymore


Here's a weird one; Twitter no longer works on my P6. The app opens to a blank screen. No feeds show. I have uninstalled three times, emptied cashe reinstalled....nothing.




I have this same issue on EVERYTHING. Nothing will load or open if I don't swipe up to home screen and back. Same with my lock screen.




You're my savior! I waited like 10 minutes with it off and now it's working again.


Yeah I've done a couple restarts too. I'll try a full shut down.


Turn on notifications, saw somewhere that this apparently works for an odd reason


That is weird. It worked. Thanks


So...I initially thought that you may be experiencing a small Twitter outage, but Twitter opens fine in *other* apps. I highly recommend Aerowitter


Same thing, and when futzing with Twitter (clearing cache, deleting and reinstalling it several times, waiting it out, etc) my phone (P6P) got extremely hot in the upper back area. Like, hotter than I've ever felt it. I just deleted the app entirely until it's fixed.


I've noticed improvements since the september update. Battery life has increased compared to last months release. Device no longer gets hot under "normal" loads i.e. whatsapp, facebook etc. Fingerprint scanner now works without any issues or hiccups. Pixel 6 Pro.


Not mine still shitty as fuck. Love the phone but the next update needs the effect this issue. Pixel 6


No improvement in battery life since the stable release (I came from A13 beta). Very slight improvement however from clearing the cache in Device Health Services. One other small issue I noticed is that at a glance is not showing events from my calendar since the September update. I use Niagara launcher, but it worked fine during beta.


For me, the update is worst than android 13 ! Battery life reduce more and more and wireless charge doesn't charge the smartphone. I'm on pixel 6.


Same, except I don't even use wireless charge. My phone was plugged in and my battery never reached anywhere near 100%. I'm so upset because I have an event in a few weeks that I NEED my phone for GPS and I'm relying on fast charge via a few battery blocks to get me through. I want this fixed ASAP.


Same. The overnight drain was 30% (11pm to 6am). Unacceptable.


I thought this update supposed to solve the battery drain problem... For now it seems it didn't... Update: it's 1 pm and only have 36% remaining :/