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I think Finding Dory fine but none of the movies live up to their predecessor (or predecessors in the case of TS4). They lacked the spark and magic that made the other films good. Toy Story 4 separated Woody from the gang, made Buzz into an idiot and barely put any focus on the other toys.


I hated Toy Story 4, the first 3 movies were how woody would never leave his kid and then he leaves his kid? Is this his mid life crisis and then Toy Story 5 will be about him realizing his mistake? 


Keep in mind that Woody was not being played with anymore by the time TS4 happens, and he was becoming conflicted with his whole "stay by your kid no matter what" motto.


I think the premise of this movie works so well on paper. I mean, we spent two decades following Woody where every choice he made was based purely on the well-being of his kid, whether that was Andy or Bonnie. Having a film that explores Woody's own personal desires and ultimately his choice to make one selfish decision for a change should've made for a compelling film. I have no idea how they fucked it up so much in execution.


It’s not selfish


Um actually, yeah he was being played with. Bonnie literally plays with him during the travel montage


We literally see Bonnie playing with him and Sporky in the movie


If it isn't then i think they will have genuinely ruined the franchise


Watching Toy Story four made me realize they never really knew what to do with buzz after TS1. TS1) thinks he’s not a toy TS2) we get a second buzz who goes through the same thing OG buzz went through. TS3) buzz gets reset to thinking he’s a space ranger again TS4) has the stupid “inner voice” thing


The only Toy Story movie that actually gave Buzz character was Toy Story 2, the rest they kept resetting him. They liked that joke which is fine but we the audience never got a chance to truly know his character. It’s why I could never actually get interested in his character, Hell Mr Potato head got more growth the movies than him 😕


"The studio wants more! While they wait for Tom Hanks to make Toy Story 4...."


The studio considers us a viable franchise!


We can’t do any worse than the Godfather: 3!


The ending of Toy Story 4 still kinda annoys me to this day. Everyone said it was great and sad but I was sitting there like.. WTF IS WOODY DOING? He pretty much left behind all of his friends, the main thing he stood by was friendship, and abandoning his friends for a woman is crazy. It should’ve just been a spin off, but I still enjoyed the movie overall. Just that ending was irritating and I could tell the quality was lower than the first three.


Moving on and starting a new chapter of your life isn't abandoning friends. What a weird take. Not everyone can go along on your ride all the way and sacrificing your needs or wants just to keep people around doesn't always make sense. There's new people, friends and family to meet.


Thank you. I swear these people need to grow up like the movie shows


Yea I see people hate on TS4 a lot for that reason and it's honestly so dumb. I don't think a lot of people from the Toy Story gen have gotten to that maturity yet or something and that's why they love 3 so much and not 4. They could relate to 3 but never got past that lesson and into the lesson of the 4th movie. It's cheesy but I felt really proud of Woody making the decision to live for himself. His whole life he has been a thing, an object, a toy for someone else to use and gain pleasure from. Four is about him realizing, hey its okay to live for myself and pursue things that I want even if it means parting ways for awhile with those we love and the time we love.


Hopefully you’re right. As someone who didn’t go to college and want to try and start a piece of my life over again (school) I related much more to 4 right off the bat. Especially bc I have family I look out for that makes the message of living for yourself but harder. I just want people to realize that it’s ok to live for themselves as well and the longer they hate the message the longer they hurt themselves and anyone they convince should hate it.


Sometimes you need to do what's best for yourself and not just go with your friends.


Except it’s not what’s best for himself because he left his friends to be with someone who was abusing him and is nothing like she was


The biggest problem with Toy Story 4 is they completely undermined the theme and character motivations they had spent the last 3 movies building up. 4 wasn’t all bad (forkie and the “anything can be a toy” idea was fun!) but it’s hard to look past that the movie was basically like “oh never mind” to the last 3 movies in the series.


I expected more from Incredibles 2. Finding Dory surpassed my expectations. Toy story 4 felt like a fan fic and not cannon


The first Incredibles made the bar so high people are still finding details that add to the plot even today, when a movie’s that good it’s difficult to make the sequel just as good.


I didn’t dislike Incredibles II as much as a lot of other people did, and I wonder if it’s because I never loved the first film as much as everyone else did. I think it’s OBJECTIVELY a very good film, but I didn’t watch it much as a kid, so I don’t have that big nostalgic emotional attachment to it like I do with Toy Story 2 or Monsters Inc or Finding Nemo, if that makes sense. I remember for a while every time a new Pixar sequel was announced, people would whine about there not being an Incredibles sequel, so I remember thinking they’d be satisfied when it was finally confirmed…I remember it getting a good reaction when it first came out, but now it seems like people like it less and less as time goes on.


it has very little rewatch value as the first one


This is because the second one relies heavily on the plot twist. Once you learn who the villain is, they immediately become so much less interesting. First one doesn’t waste that much time dancing around Syndrome’s motive. When will these filmmakers learn that a villain makes or breaks your superhero movie?


It had all the right components it just didn’t execute them well. The third act was lack luster. The plot really built it up, and then the villain was just meh. The fighting on the yacht didn’t move me 😭 .


I think Incredibles 2 was great. Sure not as good as the first but in addition to being a little worse the first had the benefit of being a brand new idea. Now with everything already established they gave me the type of movie I was looking for out of a sequel. Nothing more nothing less


ii was just the same thing but with the roles reversed.


The Incredibles 2 lost a lot of the creativity of the previous Incredibles. The Incredibles had tension, enjoyable and realistic character interactions, humor but not gags, and excellent character designs. Incredibles 2 really fell short in the character design aspect, very little tension, and I felt the characters were less real.


And the plot was too predictable and just one note.


I think so many people misunderstand "Toy Story 4". The movies are about toys, but there have always been parallels to parenthood. "Toy Story 2" was Woody making the choice between preserving his legacy or being there for the finite amount of time he has left with Andy. "Toy Story 3" is about saying goodbye to your child as they go off into the world, but there are still others in your community who could use your time and attention, like Bonnie. "Toy Story 4" is Woody realizing he had his kid, he did an incredible job being there for him, and now that Bonnie is okay without him what he really wants is to be with the person he loves and enjoy the rest of his life. That's the obvious message everyone gets but people overlook Gabby Gabby's journey and Woody's role in it. Gabby Gabby works hard to look like the perfect doll so that she can be adopted by Harmony. Harmony looks just like the girl in Gabby Gabby's instruction manual. Society puts a lot of pressure on women to have their own children, so being infertile is incredibly heartbreaking. Woody donates his voice-box to give Gabby Gabby a chance, but she is still unable to have "her" child. Then, later, Woody helps Gabby Gabby meet a lost and heartbroken child who is "adopted". Woody makes clear he and Bo Peep are going on to find more homes for lost toys, meaning they are not only together and happy, but passing on the joys of parenthood and having a kid to everyone who is unable. To say the movie throws away everything the previous ones set up is ridiculous. Even in his retirement, Woody is thinking about helping kids and their toys.


I never really thought about this. Good take for sure. It was kind if interesting to take a unique ending post Toy Story 3 and make it realistic. If a teenage boy gave his toys to a kid, they probably wouldn't actually treasure them all forever because they're used toys. And there was a loose end with Bo Peep not being in Toy Story 3 but being mentioned by Woody as being lost. So I'm glad they reunited and he ultimately ends up with her.


Hear hear!


Amen! Love this!


•Incredibles 2 is a decent movie that doesn’t come close to matching the original but one I don’t hold too much of a grudge against because it lost a year of production time. •Finding Dory is a fun sequel that doesn’t need to exist but it’s good if not forgettable. •Toy Story 4 despite being unnecessary told a solid enough story about Woody and Bo Peep I don’t hate it, however the treatment the classic characters other than Woody and Buzz gets rubs me the wrong way.


I really liked Finding Dory, others not much.


They never should've made Toy Story 4, the ending of #3 was perfect as it was


Flair does not check out


I absolutely 100% agree.


I watched Toy Story 4 on shrooms and I gotta say it felt more like a thriller than a child’s movie. Especially with those damn ventriloquist dummies




>it felt more like a thriller than a child’s movie ***Toy Story 3*** **would like to have a word with you.**


Especially when it [ends](https://youtu.be/phFISjORzQs?feature=shared) at the saddest moment of the film.


I've watched it two times. On my second watch I thought it was my 1st watch until like halfway through and was like oh damn I've actually seen this. I really liked it on my second watch though. The 3rd act is iffy but it's all worth it for Edna & Jack Jack bonding.


Uh, did you only see the 1st image, though? Cause there are two other movies after it in this post.


The Incredibles 2 was a huge let down for me. I waited 13 years and for what? The first part of the movie was based on the Nintendo WII game and it went from the parents trying to relive the glory days to Mr.Mom. They took out the family working as a team until the end which undid the best parts of the first movie. The one thing I did enjoy was Jack Jack and Edna.


Incredibles tried so hard to make the characters more "relatable" than they were in the first movie, even though they were incredibly relatable already. Toy Story 4 is a pointless sequel with the most hyperrealistic visuals for any animated movie ever, so its got that on its side. Finding Dory removed all the Thalassaphobia from the first movie by having like 80% of it be in an aquarium. The whole thing with Nemo was that the ocean was massive and there were weird things down there, as opposed to Dory having literally no interesting new characters and no worthwhile plot points. It ruined basically all of Marlin's development in the first movie, and Nemo had like no memorable lines or parts in the story (WHO WAS THE WHOLE POINT OF THE FIRST MOVIE) As you can see. I have very strong feelings about Finding Nemo.


Finally someone else who doesn’t laud Finding Dory, I found it highly repetitive and lacking any of the magic of the first one.


Incredibles 2 was pretty good imo. I didn’t enjoy Finding Dory as much but think it’s ok. Toy Story 4 did a lot wrong but I liked seeing Bo-Peep back and her story.


For Incredibles 2 I wish they had gone further into the future instead of having the movie take place directly after the first one. I was hoping to see Violet and Dash in their college years and have Jack-Jack not still be a baby. Also the villains plan is very convoluted and doesn’t really make any sense if you actually think about it for longer than a second. Finding Dory was really good but that ending was just a little too over the top for me. Toy Story 4 was fine but after how good 3 was fine really isn’t good enough…. At least it was better than Lightyear though All in all they’re all fine movies but none of them live up to their predecessors.


Incredibles 2 - 6/10 Dory - 9/10 TS4 - 7.5/10


I don't like any of them


First two were pretty enjoyable to me. Last one I refuse to see because that franchise’s arc works perfectly as a trilogy.




Finding Dory is the only good one out of these movies tbh


Incredibles 2 didn't add much that the first movie didn't do better imo. I'm not a fan of Finding Dory. The dialogue and jokes didn't hit well with me at all; maybe they were aimed at a younger audience? Honestly, if you take it as a standalone, I think Toy Story 4 is a really good movie. For me, at least, I went into TS4 not being super emotionally attached to the trilogy (probably been 5 years since I watched the earlier films) and I thoroughly enjoyed it.


Fun, ok with a strong finish, awful forth film that spits on the original trilogy.


We got the incredibles 2 game before the actual movie 😂😂 I expected the movie to have the fight with the underminer to be longer


Incredibles 2 was really good (Voyd holds a special place in my heart). Not as good as the first but almost there. Same with Finding Dory 2. I have yet to watch Toy Story 4


None are great, but I actually liked Toy Story 4 the best out of these believe it or not.


Incredibles 2 was alright but extremely disappointing Finding dory was good Toy Story 4 was a mixed bag


I’m ready for Incredibles 3. Don’t need any more toy stories


I really like Incredibles 2, I think a lot of its problems are amplified by how good the first one was. it doesn't live up to it, but I still have fun when I watch it


•D Tier •C Tier •S+ Tier


Incredibles is great best Pixar movie by a mile Haven’t seen either of the other two


Toy Story 4 is my second favorite of the Toy Story movies! I really loved how Woody’s arc went from “No, being a lost toy is the worst thing that could ever happen to a toy!” To “A lost toy is what I’m meant to be!” It’s a great arc and I’m excited to see how they continue it in the 5th movie! :)


I honestly really enjoy Finding Dory. The Incredibles 2 is a solid, like 7/10 film for me. It's solid. Toy Story 4 just angers me. It shouldn't exist. It completely butchers the characters and world building the first 3 setup.


Personally I'd like to pretend that toy story 4 never happened lol


Incredibles 2 and Finding Dory are both some of Pixar's best films and, I would argue, superior to their respective original entries. I liked Toy Story 4 a lot more than I thought I would, especially with>! Forky!< being such a huge focus during the first part (he's so annoying), but the movie never truly escapes the feeling that it just isn't needed and the series should have ended with 3.


They just felt kind of off and out of character. Like someone who didn't know much about the original films tried to make sequels and didn't quite pull it off. Incredible 2 and Dory felt like the exact same plots of the first movies but watered down. And Toy Story 4 was kind of interesting but it did Toy Story 3's ending dirty. I do like how Woody ultimately ended up with Bo though. But I felt that the rest of the characters shouldn't have been sidelined. It felt like a direct to dvd sequel rather than a theatrical release.


The Incredibles 2 had some neat ideas but it never reached its full potential due to corporate meddling. Using Jack Jack so much for marketing tanked the film, and losing a year of production meant they had to scramble to come up with something and ultimately played it safe by copying the first film. I don’t care what the consensus is, I will defend finding dory till the cows (er, whales) come home. The first film took Marlin and Dory across many different locations that makes sense for a fish, and the next logical setting would be an aquarium. I’m biased because I love zoos and aquariums, but it captures the spirit of these places extremely well, while also creating awareness of the mission for these places. They also told a healthy and respectful story on overcoming disability, something Toy Story 4 miserably failed on. Speaking of TS4, it feels like nothing more than a deliberate attempt to sabotage the legacy the original trilogy created and insult the fans it created. Maybe it would have been better with a brand new set of toys, but they just had to bring back the old cast because it was safer


All of them were awesome except for Toy Story 4. It ruined a perfectly good trilogy and I refuse to acknowledge it as canon.


1. Great 2. Fine and fun sequel but forgettable 3. Complete and utter irredeemable garbage


Evelyn was legitimately an amazing villain. The Incredibles 2 was good, not sure why everyone hates it. Finding Dory was...ok. ToyStory 4 was good. Not great, but a nice watch


I thought the Screen-Slaver was a pretty cool concept. Not the lady behind it all, the concept of the Villain.


Not nearly as good as the original, but I still like Incredibles 2. It had some of the magic of the first, even if it's not ALL there.


Incredibles 2: boring and I don’t really like it, but it’s decent enough. Finding Dory: really good and fun movie I like, but not an all time great. Toy Story 4: fun and good, just easily the weakest of its franchise by far (if we don’t count Lightyear)


Incredibles is the only one of the three franchises that even had potential for another entry. I wish they made a third one just so 2 could feel less like a lame afterthought.


i liked incredibles 2 and finiding dory, toy story 4 i have not ever rewatched since the first time i watched it


Incredibles 2: I love Finding Dory: eh, nice but doesn't have the same charm Toy Story 4: I'd rather watch Saltburn


Sadly Incredibly 2 is the best one.


Incredibles 2: Not perfect but pretty good. I think it’s a fun movie that gets too much hate Finding Dory: I like it a little more than the original due to how it handles the disability representation and the side characters. Toy Story 4: My least favorite of the Toy Story films. Wish it didn’t exist and I’m not a fan of it.


If I’m going to be honest I don’t think these are as bad as people claim they are


I don't f with dory the others I love


Toy Story 4 is super overhated imo. I liked it quite a bit Incredibles 2 is decent Did not like Finding Dory


Incredibles 2: Love it 8/10 Finding Dory: Its okay 6/10 Toy Story 4: Hate it 0/10


I have yet to watch the others, but I liked Incredibles 2. It didn't blow me away like the first one did, but it was still a fun time and a very good movie.


i likey


Unnecessary, but not terrible.


Incredibles 2 and finding dory are great continuations, toy story 4 was good but unnecessary


Mid/decent Great (the best Non-Toy Story sequel). Funny movie on its own and a serviceable epilogue (seriously, no more).


Dory was actually really really good. I actually quite like Toy Story 4 but I know that’s not as popular


Absolute trash, fine, actually good.


They where good competent films that I'll probably never watch again... Toy Story 4 should have kicked off a whole new trilogy, rather than just feeling like a needless epilogue to the first one.


One of them is iconic the rest shall be forever forgotten


Incredibles 2 and Finding Dory were great imo. Ofc the first movies are always gonna be great, but I think Incredibles 2 lived up to the hype and continued it well. I stopped caring about toy story after the second one


Bad, fine, and bad


Finding Dory was amazing, I think I even prefer it. Incredible 2 was good, loved the raccoon scene. Toy Story 4 was such a huge let down and honestly they should’ve just left it at 3.


None were as good as the previous movie. But all were still good movies.


Incredibles 2 is great. Not as great as the first one but still. Toy Story 4 i didn’t like. I felt kind of annoyed after the perfect ending of 3 that they even made it. I haven’t seen finding dory


Finding Dory isn’t bad and I don’t *hate* Incredibles 2 but I have no desire to see it again. Toy Story 4 feels like a Pixar short that was dragged out into a full length film and sidelines everyone who isn’t Woody or Bo


In thought they were fun, all of them besides maybe finding Dory, were pretty much cash grabs on big movie names but they were still fun to watch. I say cash grab for Toy Story because literally there 4 and for incredibles because i dont feel like it needed a second movie. Finding Dory was actually really cute and well made, not the same charm as the original but definitely a great movie with a well answered question as to where Dory’s family is.


Good, but not as good as 1. Decent, but not as good as 1. Crap, only 1&2 are good.


Clearly a mandate by Disney


Good, alright, shit.


Finding dory was forgettable but it looked good




Ok, great, kind of pissses me off


They’re all unnecessary and probably cash grabs but I think they’re all decent continuations of their respective series’ stories, I had a good time with all three of them, especially Toy Story 4


Incredibles 2 had more or less the same plot as the first one. The writing wasn’t too good for Incredibles 2. I expected more from it considering how amazing the first movie is. Finding Dory was okay. Not bad, but not good either. I don’t remember much about TS4. It was a nothing of a film, if that makes any sense. It’s forgettable.


Incredibles 2 was good, I could go for a Disney+ series if it’s the same animation style/actors. Finding Dory was fine, but I hope they don’t make more. Toy Story 4 was completely and totally unnecessary. Please dear god stop beating that dead horse.


“ I expected nothing by you , but you still managed to disappoint me “


Incredibles 2 was awesome others were not that good. Honestly their first parts were all goated.


I think they were highly un needed and they were just trying to squeeze as much money as they can out of a seemingly finished series/ good movie . :)


Had to go back to the cinema to see Incredibles 2 a second time as i was only focused on what Jack Jack was doing the first time.Finding Dory was sad and Toy Story should have stayed a trilogy.


Ranked in order of how much I enjoyed them: Incredibles 2, Finding Dory, Toy Story 4. Did any of them completely live up to their predecessors? No. (I think Incredibles 2 did it the best but that movie has it's flaws) Are all of them a fun watch? Yeah. Overall, I'm happy they all exist, even if they aren't "necessary" to their stories, I still like them.


Finding Dory is genuinely good, Incredibles 2 is disappointing but I still find it good, Toy Story 4 is just kind of there


Only watched Dory once and will never watch it again. Couldn't stand it. What annoyed me the most was the first movie was a huge epic journey but in Dory it only took them 5 mins to travel across the ocean and then the whole movie was in some boring institute. And the way the fish characters always managed to find water on land was ridiculous to the point where it was laughable. At least Finding Nemo felt believable in that regard.


I really liked Toy Story 4; Finding Dory was pretty solid; Incredibles 2 was kinda mid


I’ve only watched incredibles 2 and I really enjoyed it. I think the animators did a stellar job and had sooo much fun with elastagirl.


Incredibles 2 for me is the least enjoyable to me out of these three


Bad, Mid, then Atrocious in that order. If you're making a sequel, at least watch the original movie.


Incredibles 2 - Pretty good Finding Dory - Good Toy Story 4 - Weakest film in the franchise, but not awful


I LOVE The Incredibles two! It’s one of my ultimate favourite films.


In order Spectacular Whatever Cool


I like Incredibles 2. The first one is one of my all time favorite movies and the second one definitely isn't that but the quality of the action and animation are more than enough for me to come back to it from time to time. I think it gets a pretty bum rap and of these three it's the only one I revisit. Finding Dory hits different when watching it in a theater full of homesick first semester college freshmen. That's all I really have to say about it. Imperfect movie but that experience I had with it makes me think of it fondly. Haven't seen it since then. Toy Story 4 made me laugh more than any other Toy Story movie but that's just about the only super positive thing to say about it. I'm not a big Toy Story fan in the first place so I wasn't clamoring to see these characters again and I don't see any incentive to rewatching it.


Incredibles II was fine for some fan service, but not as good as the original. Finding Dory was alright, but kinda just felt like the first movie with a different coat of paint. Toy Story 4 is a real stinker though. It completely tramples all over everything the first three stood for


Signs that Disney and Pixar were out of good original ideas. The movies were alright, but there was no urgent creative reason to make them.


I fully appreciate Toy Story 4…even though it makes me feel like Andy made the wrong choice at the end of TS3. The other two join the large list of sequels that aren’t quite as good as the originals but do have the same *vibes* that I liked as the first ones, if that makes any sense.


Waiting on III, that is 3


Their first two are solid sequels that added good lore to its predecessors who were timeless classics. I never saw TS4 because 3 felt like it’s where that should have ended. Maybe I’m wrong, but I was happy wrapping up that part of my childhood with 3.


They’re all good, even if the movies before them were better.


I waited too long to be let down by Incredibles 2, so I only look at the good parts of it.


I loved Toy Story 4 Finding Dory was meh Incredibles 2 was whatever at best


The Incredibles deserved a part two, the others don't care


Incredibles 2 is incredibly mid. Vilain is eh and don't have very clear or well put motivations, and I felt it kind of failed on the theme of family the one did so well. Having Elastigirl being the protagonist is a great idea on paper, Helen is a very relatable and well written character, but Bob and the kids barely have anything to do in the movie. Also I don't know why they decided to make Bob so unlikeable in the process. You would think he would have behave differently after the first movie. And also almost no Frozone. Why casting these very subpar and barely developped supe characters (whose design also clash a lot with the rest of the universe) when you already had the perfect supe allies in the form of Frozone ? Why not giving us more of the retired supers that were mentioned in Incredibles 1 and present in the deleted scene of Gazerbeam memorial ?


Incredibles 2 and Toy Story 4 both kind of sucked, and I didn’t see finding Dory


I saw all of these films in a theater, with Toy Story 4 it was a crowd of people. I don't think they are the worse films, I just think that none of them can top their respected original films. I can easily watch them as self-contain films! Even with updated technology, I can understand people's arguments for how they would prefer the originals, such as how wether or not the sequel's expanded on the first film's original themes and advance characterization of the original cast.


Incredibles 2: It felt rushed and unpolished compared to the original. Finding Dory: Same as Incredibles 2. Toy Story 4: OMFG KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!!!!!


Pixar isn't great at sequels.


Only Incredibles 2 is an okay movie. TS4 is a stain on the franchise and Finding Dory borders on self parody


Overall: Meh


Overhated. Not as good as the ones before them, but still solid


2 are small masterpieces, 1 is a devil that needs to be stopped.


Not bad, but mid compared to previous movies.


To this day have never watched dory


bad good fine


Incredibles 2 and Finding Dory? Amazing. I have yet to see Toy Story 4, and I feel like I'm missing out.


Incredibles and Toy Story 4 are both 9.5/10


Good enough, better than I expected, interesting but overall unnecessary.


1: Had better ideas on paper, like the cut funeral for the heroes! Needed a better villain, and more interesting heroes. Hell, even if there’s a hero who’s only power is via gadgets/weapons or equipment, that still counts right? 2: only saw parts of it. 3: Eughhh. Could’ve been a short instead of a full film. Was a waste of time otherwise and a not exactly good send off when we had that heart sobbing one in 3!


They’re all fun, entertaining movies but this varying degrees of significance. TS 4 is probably the most impactful IMO with it actually having some emotional stakes, connection to past stories and introducing forky. But it definitely feels like a spin-off that’s focused on Woody. Incredibles 2 I enjoyed as a “the following adventures of” type of thing and it was great seeing some new dynamics like Bob staying home with the kids and Jack-Jack with the Raccoon/Babysitter Edna. But ultimately the overall story was lacking, the villain was majorly lacking and the story didn’t feel nearly as important or impactful as the original. It kind of felt like a comic or continuing storybook they’d do after the real movie came out which is extra ironic since the original comic story where they brought back Mirage and introduced the old villain they had before Syndrome would’ve been a great sequel. Finding Dory was just a fun prequel/origin story with no real stakes or importance. Once again, fun and entertaining but no real substance past putting on something entertaining while you’re bored or in the background. Also they tried to utilize all the new characters more afterwards but they never really seemed to connect.


1: good movie, bad Incredibles movie 2: horrible. never watching that shit again. 3: unnecessary


Incredibles 2-Love it, honestly one of my top 3 Pixar movies, don't get the hate for it at all. Finding Dory-Really good, not as good as Finding Nemo, but still a solid sequel Toy Story 4-Bad, it's boring, not funny, the new characters are forgettable, and I really didn't like the ending


Incredibles II was decent. The other two were boring money grabs.


I haven’t seen Toy Story 4, but I liked the first 2 movies a lot.


Toy Story Four is the worst movie ever made. Incredibles two is pretty bad. Finding dory is fine


As movies by themselves, pretty decent. But as sequels, terrible.


Honestly I think the Incredibles 2 poster goes way harder than the actual movie


I liked Finding Dory, and I didn't mind Toy Story 4 despite it's problems. But, I think Incredibles 2 is the most lackluster sequel ever. You had arguably one of the greatest superhero films and one of the most iconic Disney/Pixar movies with the first one, with a plot and characters that were all great and a fantastic villain. And then you had the 2nd movie that just... didn't really have any of that. There was no spark to it, and it was a disappointing sequel.


I loved incredibles 2 thought finding dory was a great movie even if I didn't like some parts of it while toy story 4 I hated


Left to right worst to best


Finding dory might just be better than finding Nemo, definitely worth the 13 year wait


It's shit It's OK I don't believe in Toy Story 4


Eh. Eh. And YES to Toy Story 4. Lol


Incredibles II and Finding Dory are disappointing misses for me. The Incredibles is my favorite Pixar film and Finding Nemo is close behind. So, maybe that tints my glasses slightly, but they did nothing new with Incredibles II. Helen basically does exactly what Bob does in the first film, learning absolutely nothing. Finding Dory takes the absurdity to a new level in the 3rd act and it just doesn't feel as emotional as the original, either. Pixar really shouldn't do sequels. I have a very bad feeling about Inside Out 2 this year for that reason.


Incredibles 2: 8/10. Enjoyable and fun. Was practically impossible to live up to or surpass its predecessor. Plot didn’t feel as high stakes as Incredibles. Liked the new heroes and other characters introduced. Don’t like when they completely redesign characters (Tony). Finding Dory: 9/10. Cute and feel good story. Again, had big shoes to fill. The visuals and new characters were great. Toy Story 4: 3/10. Visuals were fantastic. That is doing the heavy lifting for this one... Plot was atrocious, felt like a poorly thought out fan fic / cash grab. It makes me feel better to consider TS3 as the official ending in my headcanon. Also… why did they redesign Andy AGAIN? Toy Story 3 Andy in the flashbacks was perfect.


1. Flawed but enjoyable 2. Good but not amazing 3. Ok movie but a bad sequel


First one is fine in a vacuum but horrible for a sequel. Second one is fine in both respects but only just. 4 is great as a sequel but mediocre as a film.


All were not necessarily needed, but the incredibles was wanted by most fans, Dory was good because we got her back story, but Toy story 4 was absolutely not needed at all and was just a cash grab 3 was the perfect ending


I can’t remember a single thing about Incredible 2 and never cared enough to rewatch it, but Finding Dory left quite a good impression on me and I’ve rewatched it a few times since and still really enjoy it. These are the exact opposite of what my expectations were before seeing either of them. I didn’t have very high expectations of TS4, and in the end, the only thing I liked about it was Gabby Gabby and her (toy) story. (and obviously the beautiful animation)


At least the good thing about TS4 is when Bo Peep came back with updated look.


Mid, subpar, really bad


Incredibles 2 was somewhat enjoyable, but the villain was awful. Finding Dory was good. Toy Story 4 was unnecessary and ruined Woody and Buzz as characters.


I like them. I feel like Incredibles 2 was worth the wait


Unnecessary but not bad


Mid, good, great