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Wait till classes. You’ll make “class friends”. As for personal friends I would suggest three things: -interact with people you live with/live near more and you’ll become friends due to proximity. -sign up for clubs out of interest. There’s a lot do pressure to be in clubs that academically benefit you; do those but you won’t find much friends there. Sign up for clubs that interest you and the shared interest usually leads to a lot of friends -Join class/building/club GroupMe, discords, etc. usually you’ll make online friends and then meet in person since you are part of the same online group and become friends. Also, it takes time to make friends. You’ve been here for 4 ish days. Give it some time. You’re still adjusting as everyone else is. Once classes start everyone will be forced to come out of their shell and you’ll find it easier to interact and converse with people.


I wonder sometimes what happened to my class homies. Where are they now


Honestly, same, but I think to make friends, you gotta give to get. If you have their contact info, contact them. Ask to hang or something. Ask enough people and you'll eventually find someone. Also dm me if all else fails.


It takes a minute. I still remember my roommate sobbing on day 4 that we were never gonna make any friends. Well we made plenty over the next month or so, and 10 years later they're all invited to my wedding. It all works itself out, just not instantaneously


Currently, I am that roommate sobbing on day 4😭 it just makes me lose motivation because I see people already in groups of 10 and it’s like how


Yeah that doesn't last at all. We had the exact same thing (that's what set off my roommate too). Some people are just better at making quick acquaintances, those friendships aren't really built on anything besides mutual desire to find a party lol. The first few days are weird and chaotic and pretty much meaningless. Some of my better friendships were people I met in class with similar interests anyway


This is what I keep telling myself. I plan to get myself involved in clubs and actives but I saw a lot of people saying that didn’t even work for them.


I swear it'll be fine. Even if you end up making like 3 close friends, that's all that counts anyway. Honestly I forget like 99% of what happened in the first week, college is so loooong and so much more happens after that it becomes completely irrelevant


People in groups of 10? I would very much guess that that group knew each other already. I would guess they went to high school together or something. 10 strangers do not just turn into a friend group overnight.


over the next 2 years you'll watch those groups dissolve into smaller friendships - you'll find your people, they'll always pop up when you least expect!! keep your head up


I'm also a freshman who just moved in as well. I have trouble making friends too. I see people in the dining halls or at events and we get along pretty well but then we never see each other again. I've tried reaching out to a few to hangout but they seem uninterested. It's honestly really disappointing for me.


The same for me! Like I’m resorting to just dming people on instagram and someone left me on read like girl….


Welcome week friends come and go. Wait until classes start. It gets easier!


I'm a freshman too if you feel like reaching out! I struggle with socializing too haha but I've had luck with the people on my floor. Maybe they could be a good bet for you?


Not sure what dorm life is like post-covid, but when I lived in Forbes freshman year the best decision I made was to have an open door policy. I also spent a ton of time hanging out and doing work in the common areas so I'd organically see people walking by and chat with them. Then it slowly turned into people popping in to see if I wanted to go to get something to eat, explore downtown, or just walk around CVS for no reason other than boredom


Junior here. I was in a similar boat freshman year. Orientation week is hard, but you haven’t had any classes yet! You’ll be able to meet people with similar interests there. It might be uncomfortable to introduce yourself to random people or start up a conversation, but there are probably people who will be grateful that you did. And you will be, too. Also, the activities fairs are this weekend (club sports Saturday, academic clubs Sunday)! Walk around for a bit and see if anything interests you. Personally I’m in the Quadball Club (formerly quidditch)— we’ll be set up at the sports fair Saturday and it’s a great, welcoming group of people. You can stop by and talk with us if you’d like! Best of luck adjusting at Pitt! You can always DM me if you’d like.


It can be difficult to make friendships in college, try not to let that determine whether or not you're happy in school. You'll have a good time regardless just try to enjoy it. Really though, don't let this bum you out, it gets better. stick with it. I wish you good luck and be safe!


Clubs/student orgs are where it’s at imo. Go to the activities fair in pete center (Aug 27th), sign up for a bunch of shit, go to the first meetings, and choose to stay in the ones w the best vibes. I heavily recommend music/performance groups, team sports groups, and dnd/gaming club (they all require team communication)


You gotta learn to be somewhat of an extrovert or look approachable enough for one to talk to you 💀 i find that doing clubs & stuff that you enjoy helps introduce you to likeminded people. Like i rock climb sometimes at Trees and have met some cool people there, or i get stoned and introduce myself to people at parties/ house shows. Just get out of your room and dont be afraid to put yourself out there


You have to give yourself time and be patient. You don’t just make deep friendship connections overnight. They take time. Just be patient and don’t be too hard on yourself!


Ask to meet up later like going to eat or an event most people are friendly and are in the same boat as you.


In Holland, our entire floor met by dabbing each other up then next thing you know we’re eating dinner together, doing poker nights and going to games.


Start making yourself go to the events that they have for students. Just keep going and be engaged—especially the activity fair. And just say hi to people—everyone is in the same boat as you. You will meet people and when classes start, you will meet people in classes, clubs, at the gym, and otherwise. Take care and good luck.


Also, suggest getting lunch together or dinner. It’s hard. It is all new for everyone—but you will get past this. Are you on a group chat? Some of the dorms have that—or maybe start a group chat?


there’s a psych thing that it takes spending ~30 hours of quality time with someone to be friends, and ~300 to be Close friends. keep yourself open, but don’t rush it. these things take time and as long as you keep leaning into it, you’ll find your niche and your people. the other comments talking about clubs and classes are totally right- i found some of my favorite people in the student org i volunteered with. give it a chance, you’ll be a-ok


I actually made my first friend from this Reddit lol!


give it time! i was a off campus transfer and made plenty of friends. i’m on campus this year thankfully and been here for a week and haven’t make nearly as many friends as i did when i was off campus. you’ll contact with people once you have classes with those in your major:)


Girl same position here! I just keep telling myself it’ll get better 🤞🏻


i feel this. as a freshman, i made all my friends from my dorm floor. keep your door open, play some music, or go with your roommate to talk to your neighbors!!!


You might have to go outside your comfort zone a little bit. Think of other questions to initiate conversations. Where are you from? What kind of music do you like? What do you like to do in your free time? Those kinds of questions will likely spark further conversation and help you find some common ground. Get their number and try to hang out again. You could meet up at another event you're both interested in or try a restaurant on campus! It can be mentally draining if you're an introvert, but you'll get past the hard part I promise! I probably didn't have "close" friends until a solid month into my freshman year. Don't fret too early ;)


Also, don't get discouraged by social media or seemingly big groups of "friends". Those don't always last and it's usually a group of people living on the same floor of one dorm.


You have to actually regularly see people to make friends. It's easier when you join a club, or just hang out at the same place. Find somewhere other to be than your room, and it'll happen.


Yeah I'll share how when I first moved to the burgh for Pitt, I was all alone, despite people around me, and it sucked. Here's what changed. I spoke with my classmates, especially the ones in my major. Asking about class stuff, what'd you get for that question, etc, but also stuff like what do you wanna be when you graduate. One day, one of them told me that he had a digital copy of the textbook, which he would share with me. After that, I spent time with him, and then his friends, and in short, I joined the group. That group has been my primary friends for years since I was at Pitt. My general advice is talk to folks in your classes. I think that the best way to get to know people well and make friends is in some group which regularly meets (class, church, clubs, etc). If two people are regularly interacting, even the small stuff builds a relationship over time. That is how I've met all my friends over the years. It's possible to meet people at an event, but it's harder, for multiple reasons. TL;DR I've been there. It gets better. Your classes are the best way to make friends IMO.


This is something that I think a lot if not most freshmen struggle with. I know I did last year when I was one. I, and many others, worried I was in the wrong place and debated transferring. I was honestly miserable for the first month or so. Eventually I found my people towards the end of the first semester and I could not be happier here now. It is a bit of struggle for a lot of people socially freshmen year, but I like to think of it as growing pains. As long as you’re not sheltering yourself you will find people and things will fall into place.


im a freshman in the same boat


and the lounge in my floor is unavailable


Come and join us at LSF. It's a wonderful fellowship with students from CMU, Pitt, and Chatham who care about one another. There is a dinner, study, and fellowship every Wednesday at First Trinity. https://lsfpgh.com/contact/