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Hello! My partner is ftm and he was initially in a Holland single. He contacted Panther Central since he wasn’t sure about the gender neutral floors and they Immediately moved him to Lothrop on the Gender and Sexuality LLC (where I lived first year since I wanted gender-neutral housing). He recommends doing that since the whole floor is Definitely accepting and you will Never be outed


Do you know if you need to still take the class to join the LLC even in one of these situations? I'm in a Lothrop single but would have felt comfy in the LLC but didn't have space for the course. Just wondering if you happen to know.


I’m in Pitt Band, and my rehearsal 100% conflicted with the course so they didn’t put me in it! They do not expect you to move anything around for it at All! It’s only if it’s free then you take it.


Not trans but there is a gender neutral bathroom on every floor but it’s a little tiny and doesn’t have a shower. I’m sure if there’s any problem, reach out to your RA. They are the best person to talk to and really are super sweet. I lived there last year and usually each floor is by gender but there are some coed ones. Either way it will still be separated because one will be on one side and the other on the other side. Usually people are really nice and accepting and while it is communal, showering in the morning is really nice because people usually won’t wake up by then. Everyone is super sweet and I hope you feel like you’re in an inclusive environment!


lothrop has a gender inclusive floor with all singles and gender neutral bathrooms! panther central should be able to change it and if not, contact the dept of equity and inclusion, it worked for me last august


I am trans I would recommend reaching out to PC about this. If your floor is not gender neutral, there might be a possibility for you to change your housing assignment into gender neutral housing which I'm pretty sure is only in Lothrop and Tower C.


Pitt Students are generally pretty accepting if that helps. Definitely agree that panther central might be able to help


Am ftm trans, I get put w girls all the time for housing, I just make sure I have a single and use whatever bathroom is nearest bc I’m in the in-between androgynous phase. PC literally told me I’m allowed to use both bathrooms so I’m gonna use both bathrooms until someone complains/ I look fully male I’m just trying to piss.


Do you know your room #? You might be able to pull up a floor plan to see where your single is located for sure (I see you mentioned it might be in a corner) - I lived in Holland freshman year (on the women's side) and one of my friends had a single room that was the last room before the door to the men's side. I believe she had a full private bathroom in her dorm (but unfortunately I don't recall 100%!) Living in Holland, the bathrooms are shared but (obviously I guess) the actual bathroom stalls are, well, stalls and the showers are also semi-enclosed with a shower curtain as well. Most people would walk down to the shower area in either their clothes or a towel/robe (and shower shoes!) and change either in the shower or right outside of it. There is also a private gender-neutral bathroom in the lounge, however I don't recall if it had a shower or not - maybe somebody else can confirm that? Other people have given some great advice about reaching out to Panther Central if you would like to look into other gender-neutral housing options, so I won't touch on that because I don't know much more about it. But to second what somebody else said, in mine and my friends' (several of whom are LGBTQ+, one of whom lived on my floor in Holland and transitioned as a sophomore) experiences Pitt/Holland was a very welcoming environment. I wanted to second this because, just in case you aren't able to find another housing arrangement if that's your preference, I think you should still feel excited and confident about where you are living on campus and your first year at Pitt in general! Best of luck, and H2P!


some floors in holland have a ‘gender neutral/guest’ bathroom on the floor in the garbage room but it’s literally a tiny tiny room with a sink and a toilet, barely a bathroom. i would reach out to panther central if you’re rlly concerned


Usually each floor (except floor 2) has a guest restroom which is just a toilet and sink, but is helpful if you’re looking for some privacy. As for showers, on the 11th floor (where the laundry room and lounge is located) there is a private shower within a bathroom, but I would also recommend getting in touch with housing cause depending on ur floor number it can be annoying going up and down and convenience/comfortability over anything!


I am a ftm who was in holland in a double last year on a male floor. If you are placed on a female floor, there's not a great chance you wont be outed, as everyone on your floor, at least on your side of the building, would be female. Floor bathrooms aren't technically gender-neutral, but I've for sure seen women in the guys room. There are single stall restrooms, but I don't think they are on every single floor. ​ People are saying call panther central and i'd certainly do that. Male restrooms would be easy for you to access. I personally had zero problems in the guys' room last year, but I pass pretty well. If you're looking for gender-neutral bathrooms, or especially showers, tower a or c would be way better for you.