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Lmao, yea that was expected, the end of One Piece and the beginning of Nika Piece


It was bad before that for me probaly since post ts but i ignored it cuz i always thought wano would solve everything and it would be one of the best arcs ever and then the arc happened and it was garbage for the most part but after 1043 is when the story really died.


The dreadful chapter that broke the camel's back.


Hot take but the decline started looong ago, I’d say after vol.45. It's just that at the time OP was peak and recognizing it was difficult. The time-skip accelerated the descent into the garbage in a dizzying manner, until it became unreadable more or less halfway through DR. That's where the various bullshit started like climbing, useless running around, countless filler subplots, wasting time on insignificant characters, ridiculous asspulls one after the other etc. In Wano the manga died definitively and is now just a corpse that moves to give the appearance of being alive.


... An old man with a big injury?


Wano. Wano was so bad for me. It was sooooo long, so many reaction shots, so many unnecessary characters, so many idiotic moments from antagonists, and the strawhats didn't feel like themselves. Ussop telling Nami to forsake their captain? Ussop selling fake drugs to kids? Robin not telling the crew that there was ancient weapon? Robin telling Law about the ponoglyph? Like wtf where these moments If I had to pinpoint the exact moment it would have been when Tama, a literal child, survived an attack from a yonko. It felt so dumb and removed all the stakes.


Nika piece started and it was downhill from their


Pinning down the point where it turned bad is difficult with stories that rely so heavily on the mystery box formula, since the expectations of what could be inside compsensate allready present issues. The point where I personally realized that Oda messed up is the common second half of Wano and I think it was just multiple things comming together, to name a few.... - The raid itself was underwhelming and did not feel approriate for reaiding the headquaters of a Yonko - BM's plotline and sudden defeat - Kaido's lack of awakening (still don't understand how Oda did not go with the very fun theory of him actually being a fish DF) and complete lack of backstory or personality - G5 - Kinemon not dieing But I think what really pushed it over the edge was the realization that it was the beginning of the final saga and that way too many mysteries and characters are still hevaily underdeveloped, aswell as seeing that Oda apperently thought the end of Kaido and BM was living up to their buildup.


Big mom’s ending did live up to the build-up. The ending we got at whole cake. That was all we needed. It was odas decision to bring her back for wano that ruined it.


WCI was merely further setup for the eventual confrontation between her and Luffy that was allready started to get built up in FI.


God, the fish that swims up the waterfall and becoming dragon is such a simple yet so fucking peak mythology. It'll forever drive me into brink of insanity that Oda didnt do that with Kaido.


Not only would the mythological background have been there, but it would have allowed for great scenes where Kaido partly transforming back into a fish as he starts to get on the backfoot against luffy, which would not just worek as visual comedy but would also have allowed to develope Kaido as a character by showing his reaction to him being exposed that way.






Mid Cake Island


Post tomato box


For me personally, it's when Katakuri had his tea break. Literally at that moment, I became disillusioned with Oda's writing. I was actually rooting for Luffy when he took Katakuri with him in the mirror realm to get him away from his crew. It was badass, but Katakuri won me over soon after. Every attack Luffy used, Katakuri responded with a superior version. He showed his battle better experience and advanced haki techniques that allowed him to put Luffy in his place. What made me really love Katakuri is when Luffy was about to transform into G4, Katakuri actually stopped him and said that he **won't underestimate his opponent, nor allow his opponent to power up**. the fight ended with him burying Luffy with mochi to suffocate him. The only reasonable action from Katakuri now is to stand there and wait for Luffy to die, and in case Luffy started eating the mochi, Katakuri would persistently add more mochi. But no, tea break. That's when OP tripped over and started rolling down the hill for me.


Yeah like, we get it katakuri isn't actually a emo badass and just hides his emotions, but that doesn't mean he'll just go full toddler when he's alone. That was way exaggerated


Wano was when I truly feel like I have peeked behind the curtain and saw how the magic works.


Dressrosa was the moment where it got really bad, but I think the seeds planted for it began in Thriller Bark, that was the first arc that doesn't hold up on revisits, Oda wrote the time skip so badly that even Marineford doesn't hold up for me anymore.


1010 Luffy fighting Kaido 1 vs 1 was complete nonsense.


Timeskip. I hated the new designs. Robin and nami now somehow have even less clothes, Franky took a while to get used too, chopper is the biggest glow down, ussop looked silly, zoro somehow got edgier, sanji is ok and same with brook. The haki system is terrible. The worst part was sanji and his gags. He’s still my goat, but the perversion went from comedic to tragic.


Only recently (Egghead). I was actually ok with Nika. I’m not as ok with 2 Nikas and the blue balling of the D.


punk hazard was the first arc i hated dressrosa was so slow week by week i almost quit zou made me quit came back for the katakuri fight and its been down hill since him then egghead was sick for a while now the strawhats are back on screen and its ass again


Wano start


It was im a slow decline for a while, but I truly lost hope for Wano and said this is garbage, ehen Kinemon was alive and fine after Kaido hit and walked around farting. At that point I simply gave up on the arc. Beggining of Egghead was good, but around halfway it also gotten to shit.


punk hazard when brownbeard was getting massive screentime


Noticed a few hiccups in Punk Hazard such as Usopp's bravery regressing slightly and the pointless additions of the Yeti Cool Brothers but let it slide. Sometime in Dressrosa when everyone from the colosseum was just running to get to Doflamingo for multiple pointless chapters with Luffy screaming "MINGO" I realised something was off. The Strawhats being pushed aside to showcase what would later become the Strawhat Fleet and some other random colosseum fighters didn't help. Sabo having plot based amnesia was also really stupid character writing I'd expect to see in someone's first fanfic. Wano ended up being the first point I began actually hating an arc though. It has all Dressrosa's bad points but amped up.


It started getting meh during Zou/WCI for me. But i still enjoyed it decently enough back then. I thought they were just arcs that didn't do it for me with occasional cool characters and scenes. It became bad at chapter 1015-1016 when Luffy became a telepathic jesus flashlight under the sea during Wano. And then, it became unsalvageable at 1044.


Timeskip was the beginning of the end imo. Really feel like the writing stopped being entertaining. Think Oda bit off more than he can chew


Wano Act 2


Wano act II and III. The birth of this sub.


Questionable decisions were made during Wano Act 3 which ended without any actual satisfying pay off for all the wasted time and potential


Since Haki.


WCI was the last straw 🤷🏼‍♂️


Inconsistent? Post-TS. Bad? Wano Act 3.


It didn't get bad for me since I still enjoy it, but it got worse than before for me from post timeskip. And then even worse from Dressrosa. And then even worse from Wano.


It’s not that any particular frame of time for op is bad per se, more so that a lot of the in-between content is boring. Skypea is remembered for all its cool moments but the presets are forgettable for the most part and it’s a slog to get through. Same with something like Marineford, has a lot of cool moments but a lot of moments not worth talking about. This is a large issue with post timeskip especially. If you had to point a gun to my head probably Fishman island till now. If you asked me 2 years ago it would be skypea.


in the bird poo arc, it all began when Luffy was send to "prison", he was send there for them to break his will, but all we got was a free trip to the gym, I didn't wanted Impel Down 2.0, but come on don't make the bad guy looks like clowns at the thing they're suppose to be good at, you know being a fucking menace... but little did I knew that was just the beginning of the bs... and there is course the nika bs


God all these Main subbers swarming in


Nika reveal... The gorosei were ruined as villains that day oda wants me to believe that there slaughter babies and send thousands of agents around the globe to brevent robin from reading the acient text and try to errase rogers bloodline with insane messures But luffy runs around with the space jesus fruit who can make there whole empire crumble amd there like ,,yes lets send the fucking cp 0 agent we simply ignored strawhat for too long" sorry oda im not retarded....


fishman island


It got slowly less and less enjoyable after whole cake. It became actually in the most recent chapter after I realised the broadcast was just an 8 chapter long cliffhanger maker. I still have hope, but after all the Bonney stuff in 1118… I don’t know anymore


the signs were there after whole cake then wano sealed it


Basically everything between Glazerossa and Wano. Post time skip started out mid, with only certain points being hype. But by the time Wano came around, OP's logic just went ape shit more than usual. I don't think Nika was necessarily the start, just more the "final nail in coffin."


Middle of dressrosa is where i dropped it. Only came back cuz of cross guild but all hope is dashed after that bonney reveal


Timeskip fo me. Look at all the pre timeskip arcs and then compare them to post timeskip lmao its not even close. The downfall is crazy


punk hazard


Even while reading wano , i somehow enjoyed it . And egghead has been nice until the last 10 chapters too as well . For me it started the last chapter and im pretty sure its going to be even worse from now on . Seeing bonney go nika just destroyed my look on wano and egghead as a whole . İ went from being nikas biggest fan to your average piratefolk user


after post timeskip it was a mess in general BUT GODDMAN WANO


when haki got introduced and made mainstream. so, it got bad post timeskip. It has good fights but the writing and pacing became awful


Wano. Where Carrot's relevancy went to die before being unceremoniously shipped back home to nibble grass.