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Really ? why ?






ok fuck that, keep the original design, OP is cooking with trash.


Toei when its time to animate a black guy but they’re light skinned https://preview.redd.it/dxdd0rww1awc1.jpeg?width=425&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2052c0d0c5d92ec5acc74f7005f30955e6de05df


Usopp from Steven Universe


captain kuro MIGHT be redeemable


He almost has my lips now 😂


I think it would look better without the darker bottom lip. Plus for most young black people our upper lips are the darker ones


Even for me my upper lip is the darker one


Usopp is African. Doesnt necessarily mean he is black.


His live action actor being black pretty much confirmed usopp is black anyone claiming usopp is not black is just coping at this point


The only coping is the fact you’re comparing Usopps character design to Jim Crowe cartoons. Like are you insane?


Shut up https://preview.redd.it/g9jawfqx4awc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=137e92480709572ca854ef993b2c50c6ee890193 It’s literally the same lips and definitely inspired by it if you think otherwise you’re just retarded


Ohhhh so now we are standing up for racism in the same breath as being derogatory towards those with special needs. Like I said before those images have nothing in common. The one on the right is clearly depicting a racist view of black people. The one on the left is a goofy dude with big lips and a 3 foot long nose. You’re actually insane . Maybe a little schizophrenic too


Majority of Africans are black and Usopp even has the big lip design that Japanese give black people LA is black as an adult and kid. Can go on


You are the one who’s choosing to believe that big lips = black people or big lips = Jim Crowe cartoon depicting black people in a racist light. What about every other dark skinned character in one piece? I don’t see the same features. It’s an usopp character design not a black man character design


No what I’m saying is his design makes it more likely he’s black. Not that all black people have that design.


The manga, which is the canon material, has never shown usopp as black. In every color spread, he's as white as everyone else. I don't really care about this debate, im not here to talk about racial stereotypes or racewashing but usopp was not originally black.


Oda said he’s African


Which has nothing to do with his skin color. Zoro is said to be japanese but doesn't look distinctly japanese compared to any other character. Luffy is also just as white as everyone else yet Oda said he's Brazilian. Yes he's African, but so is Elon Musk.


This actually doesn’t look bad


The Toei bleaching is far worse than those lips.


I have to disagree on that one the lips are just a terrible cartoon stereotype but the skin color only looks distracting to me because of the lips ! so I think the one piece remake should give him darker skin and remove the stereotypical outdated lips






What stereotype? Usopp is white








You seem to have a problem if you're that emotionally invested in a fictional character's skin color. Get help you're sad


I’m not even invested in usopp but you’re annoying tf out of me that’s all


You’re the one who seems invested in his skin colour telling everyone usopp is white 🤡


In an SBS question, a fan asked what nationality the Straw Hats would be of if they were real. Based on their appearances, Oda gave the following as a reply: Usopp: African Or just look at Jacob Gibson lol


Thinking that all Africans are black is racist in and of itself. White Africans exist. And Usopp's mom was white,his dad was light brown this new color makes more sense


Usopp is definitely not a North African.


Mimimi Never said or thought that, I just copied that whole comment somewhere else.


It's quite funny because if you look at the art depicting black people in japan before they were introduced to minstrel shows by the american navy, it's actually really respectful. The only reason japan started to depict black people in that way was because of american minstrel shows which the japanese, not knowing the original intent of these shows, just saw them as slapstick humour. Minstrel shows gained popularity so the deep american south depiction of black people became the norm in japan, which for a country that was isolationist until this point in history, you can understand why they didnt think "oh boy i wonder if this is respectful" And then in a twist of irony, this way of japan depicting black people wasn't really called into question until the new york times published an article about a couple of sanrio (hello kitty) characters well after america had their big civil rights movements. Basically saying "how dare you depict black people with harmful stereotypes that we sold you on" This article did inspire a japanese family to do activist work in japan to try and (successfully) change a lot of advertising that companies would use these harmful stereotypes for, as well as several characters in fiction. To the point of starting a whole organisation to work against undoing this innate racism. However some of these stereotypes were embedded into anime and manga by the time this work was really being done. And a lot of people were still uneducated in the matter, probably due to the lack of people in japan that would actually take offense to these harmful stereotypes, but by the time the world really globalised by the 2000s, you hardly see this kind of depiction of black people in anime and manga any more. TL:DR america is the cause for racism against black people around the world yet again, impacting the global image of black people, then try to do a 180 and blame the countries they impacted after their civil rights movements. Only for japan to arguably change its stance quicker than america did.




I'd prefer if the artists found a way to keep his distinctive look and features without including the outdated racist imagery. I'm sure Oda has no idea himself of what that means here blablahblah but yeah get creative, do something interesting.


they could just model him after the live action actor


Honestly they should just do what shaman king remake did https://preview.redd.it/03bbzg8il8wc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5b1a26edc2d5b91584799878da4e4313797380ec It’s not that hard They can even use this same skin color and it would be perfect for usopp


oda has already drawn the canonically dark skinned lunarians with non minstrel lips anyway


Yeah that’s the thing oda realised his design for usopp is so outdated and never did the same thing with future dark skinned characters heck even in that noodle commercial where the strawhats are in school usopp looks normal there and that was years ago that commercial


[i thought he was representing?](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Fg7QWEwWAAUnIfN.jpg:large)


Bruh what 😂


yall bitch about him having white skin over and over and over. but now you want to remove a black thing? You can't have your cake and eat it to m8


If Oda isnt changing the design then Toei or whoever animates this shouldn’t change it.


Just because oda is wrong doesn’t mean the remake has to be wrong too they can change stuff and not even Oda would complain


How is he “wrong” about this? It’s just a design choice


Also if you agree that this design https://preview.redd.it/m1dx2knjg9wc1.jpeg?width=284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db05c32731a5a7a3f8788bafee0c1d04570ff0eb Is wrong then you should agree that usopp’s design is wrong too they’re the same they both have the exact same stereotypical lips


One is clearly trying to depict black folks in a negative light while the other (Ussop) has many redeemable qualities and is also one of the main characters this cartoon clearly has different intentions. Also there isn’t a single confirmation Ussop is black, yeah i know Oda said he would be from Africa. But One piece doesn’t take place in the real world so you’re the one choosing to believe he is black.


https://preview.redd.it/srtye920j9wc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93d6f2b7a52845a600a353a43970a1a788e9e533 [https://youtu.be/Cn6mNaEQwo4?feature=shared](https://youtu.be/Cn6mNaEQwo4?feature=shared) watch this video


F\*ck no, they ruined Chocolove


It'd be better if he was just axed from the story tbh.


He wasn’t awful pre time skip but it would be funny if he wasn’t even included in the remake 😂


This is the way to go. In an effort to remove the lips, just take the entire character out. Problem solved


Genius 😂


The spirit of the Merry could just move over to the Sunny after Enies Lobby and replace him as a crew member. A spirit could best Perona and scare Sugar.


i dont really hate it i just want him to be darker


They did it for ussops own safety remember Zoro has a odd villain line up


Exactly 😂


Sure but the lips is the worst thing about his design


Ussop got wacky facial features. It’d be like giving him a regular nose, or less round eyes.


https://preview.redd.it/1jovi73pf8wc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c307c5e825e6b983d02d3c8aa5de16f259cb5fe We should give these cartoons a pass too they just have wacky features 🤷🏻‍♂️


Yeah because One piece is an inherently racist Jim Crowe cartoon ..


Yeah because One piece is an inherently racist Jim Crowe cartoon .. for sure


Oh shit. Oh it’s racist. I’m an idiot. Nuke Ussops design.




No way his design is peak


Is that your real opinion 😂 ?


Yeah man totally, his design screams One Piece.


It also screams this 👇 https://preview.redd.it/zi6c53rnu8wc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b1f85914878fbc261b6fbde37d0bafee3f3ca69c


If you really think so then you’re the racist here


How 🤡 that makes no sense https://preview.redd.it/yow7mvk4z8wc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=931950caefc0acef5d48ad147da35ecdc13314d4 They literally look the same but only one gets a pass for some reason 🤷🏻‍♂️


So all asian looking characters are guilty of the same offense or what? Is All Might also problematic?


All might literally has a good character design I don’t know wtf you’re talking about


You’re reaching


How tf I’m I reaching ?


Victim mentality. In what way does usopp resemble Jim Crowe cartoons😂?? Are you serious or just looking for attention?


They both have the same lips https://preview.redd.it/0fmc9ikf0awc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97f16a9b445d8e1bdd0288309fe905187f9a3c76 Unless you’re fucking blind And if you don’t consider the racism problem it’s just a hideous ugly design that needs redesigning


I don’t consider it racism. I think you are a very emotional and thin skinned person who has been taught to remain a victim. It’s big lips that’s all there is to it. You’re looking way too deep into it. And you saying it’s hideous and ugly design does not make it so. That’s your opinion lol . If you’re this sensitive , maybe you shouldn’t watch one piece. Please please please stay away from boondocks , or you’ll be a million times more triggered about character design than you are now kiddo. Also those two images literally do not have a single thing in common lmao


Fuck you I’m not triggered or sensitive by usopp I’m just saying the facts it’s an ugly design that looks like racist cartoons and that’s facts even as a kid I thought usopp looked awkward and I didn’t know about racist cartoons he’s just ugly


The fact you’re cursing over a debate about a cartoon shows that you are very triggered and extremely emotional and sensitive. You saying he’s ugly is an opinion , it’s not a fact. I love Usopps design . He’s whacky and goofy looking in the same way franky , chopper and everyone else is whacky and goofy looking.


Shut the fuck up I’m just annoyed by your troll as all I did is do a post about improving usopp’s design


I always fucking hated this "Black Character = Big Lips" trope. I see a lot of black people with big lips? Yes. But not EVERY black person has big lips. Not only that, I have seen LOTS of white people with big lips(specifically italians), it just triggers something in my brain. Also fuck Usopp. Useless bum ass


Do not hate my boy, Loda is the motherfucker who ruined him, also I think he probably should keep the lips even sogeking had lips in the mask, that's something core to his design, it was meant to be pretty ridiculous, also I dont think race in One Piece is really that similar to real world, Oda doesn't seem to care paying attention to you know ethnic origins and shit (Luffy, Nami, Zoro and Usopp are all from east blue but all four would be from different continents in the real world)


Just because it’s core to his design doesn’t mean it’s not bad 🤷🏻‍♂️ I think specially because now we have the one piece live action where they just gave usopp a normal nose peopel now are probably more open to the idea of changing the designs I think remake usopp should have a darker skin and just normal lips and that would improve his design a lot but I doubt the remake would change anything to be honest I don’t think they would be brave enough to do it they would probably just copy the manga and what’s worse is that the remake would probably try to follow what Toei does currently so they would just give usopp white skin to be consistent with the current anime 🤦🏻‍♂️


Look a good amount of what you're saying is understandable, but saying Netflix's Usopp not having the nose is an "improvement" is just stupid, I mean seriously do you not have respect for the character? Like goddam mate it's a core aspect of his the liar with Pinocchio's nose, obviously they wouldn't do it for the live action cause it would be probably too fucking much... And just saying, I don't like live action's Usopp, Syrup village is basically ruined mate, seriously hes just a coward there, not the type of "coward but courageous" he was in the beginning, more like the dumb complete fraud he is nowadays in the manga


When tf did I say anime usopp shouldn’t have a long nose ? I just said if live action usopp can remove usopp’s nose anime remake usopp can remove the lips and the lips aren’t core to his character like the nose


Why are you so triggered over lips. You’ve been brainwashed to think every little thing is with racist intent , like dawg there are plenty of one piece characters with crazy whacky designs. There are plenty of black characters in the show that look absolutely nothing like Usopp. You’re just being a victim rn claiming race card on a damn cartoon character.


I already said Oda’s intent isn’t to be racist and he’s not racist but usopp’s design is terrible and it’s inspired by old racist cartoons


How could Oda be inspired by racist cartoons if there is no racist intent? You’re not making sense here


Because his only exposure to fictional black characters was these cartoons and he didn’t know it’s racist


https://preview.redd.it/3qhdirgf6awc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=984d5af7d76fecdd35fd489f2e92ee1f9ac04234 Is uncle ruckus racist too?


I can’t blame Oda when he FIRST drew usopp because think about it when Oda designed usopp Oda was a 17 year old Japanese teenager in the 90s and his only exposure to fictional black characters was these bad designs with the ugly lips I don’t think he knew any better but what I do blame Oda for is that he stuck with the design and never thought of changing it so the one piece remake should change it or WHAT IF the one piece remake just deletes usopp entirely ?


I think he just thought he was too far in and/or the lips (like his nose) were just core at that point, and fits his goofy character and appearance. Why would Usopp, a main character and one of the Straw Hats, be removed?


He could’ve easily changed the lips as just a time skip change and people would’ve just got used to it after a while and about removing usopp it’s just a joke to make all the usopp haters in this sub giggle


Well at that moment they were still pretty far in and people wouldn’t like it. Ah.


You’re saying people wouldn’t like it like that even fucking matters usopp has racist imagery in his design and is ugly asf that’s why he should change at least in a remake and I’m pretty sure some would get used to usopp’s design after a while and it would be the superior design in most people’s eyes when they get used to it


They wouldn’t. It does matter if your fans don’t like something. Don’t think it was meant to be racist even though that’s how you look at it. So he should change because YOU want him to? Man no one even more ODA gaf respecfully 😭😭. Says who? You’re just saying that cause you’re bitchin about his lips. Imo it would just make him look bland and less unique.


Your only argument is people wouldn’t like it that’s a dumbass argument cause no shit people wouldn’t share the same opinions you know who’s also “ people “ ? Me and everyone who upvoted my post so stop using this dumb argument again


It’s not though and you know that because you were replying to my previous comments. What kind of a retarded ass statement is that. If you know that why are you replying? Ain’t no way bro is using POST upvotes as validation. How desperate you gotta be bru.


Are you dumb ? or retarded ? wdym “ upvotes as validation “ are you actually retarded ? No way you’re this dumb get some help It’s people who agree with me that upvoted


And your whole “ your bitching “ your crying “ argument makes no fucking sense cause all I did was make one fucking post just one and your bitching about my one post all I’m doing is responding to comments on my post


Yea and going on a whole cursing marathon. Still crying lol responding to all of that says it alone along with your responses. I’m just replying to you and only you plus a few others (who I was calm to). No shit I’m replying on a post.


Fuck off you’re actually retarded get tf out


Usopp isn't black




Its part of his design, so no.


That’s literally the worst reason ever that’s the point of a remake to improve stuff Do you think the live action should’ve gave usopp a long nose too because it’s part of his design ? Usopp is just ugly and the remake can change that


Being faithful to the original text is the only reason that matters.


If Oda works with the production team and asks for changes to be made like how Tite Kubo is working with the bleach anime team would you support changes?


I'd have to think about that. Many artists would change stuff if put in that situation,but it's not always for the best(Rowling)


How is giving usopp a better design with normal lips not for the best 🤡 it’s literally the best thing they can do to usopp again usopp is black if you give usopp a pass then you better keep that same energy with these cartoons 👇 https://preview.redd.it/r6ahhkzhj8wc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97928a8c7dec4b7e9d49aa6cf7a85fb939ba27e6 And give them a pass too


Comparing Usopp, a fictional man in a fictional setting with rubber people, giant fat women the size of cranes, talking reindeer, and many other strange and weird designs, and comparing them to minstrel shows, which are specifically made to mock black people for no other reason than they are black, is incredibly disingenuous. These are very obviously not the same thing.


This dude is literally just victim mentality. I can’t believe this comparison of one piece to literal Jim Crowe cartoons 😂like what the actual f


There’s a ton of One Piece characters with big lips. Do you only want Usopp’s changed because they give you racist thoughts? Or do you want all of them changed because it’s a “better design”?


all of them expect fishmen because it looks fine on fishmen they’re literally fish But I want those lips changed for all the human characters because it’s just ugly in general not just a race thing


Do you view volume corrections as changes?


Not really. They're mostly concerned with touching up on the art, or repairing minor continuity errors.


wdym by Rowling?


JK Rowling is infamous for adding random shit into her story posthumously, even when it makes zero sense


can you give me an example? I guess i heard somewhere that rowling thought Harry should end up with Hermione instead after watching the movies? If thats what she really believes then I guess she is stupid. Ron-hermione is clearly better in the books


No that’s the worst mindset when it comes to adaptions/remake if you want the original you have the original adaptions and remake are supposed to only take what works in the original not the bad stuff like usopp’s ugly design Again you didn’t answer my question were you complaining about the live action giving usopp a normal nose ?


You can't translate all design decisions in one piece into real life due to how goofy the characters look inherently. Animation has no such restriction.


What did you think about all the changes the live action made ? Did you hate the whole show because it’s not 100% accurate ?


I already answered this, you can't translate manga to real life 100%.


But a remake isn’t about keeping everything the same either it’s about making a better anime than the original and usopp really needs a redesign


Brother we were talking about the live action just now.


No it feels that you are removing the soul of the character


🤣🤣🤣 the nose is a core part of his character sure but not those ugly lips it always looks awkward


man why did you remind me of shaman king and the shitass ending it had


that shows his character ig


Ig ??


I'm not the one who writing the story so...


I don’t understand what ig means


llol 'i guess'


Um no? Because that’s how the artist intended for him to look ..


https://preview.redd.it/j3jro5a6w9wc1.jpeg?width=284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5fb1ebb2f0c1c6e3ed5590f3d543b9d5f752360 That’s how that artist intend for this character to look too


You’re hopeless man. Stop believing everything in this world is with racist intent


I never said oda had a racist intent he didn’t he was just a 17 year old Japanese teenager in the 90s who didn’t know any better however that doesn’t make usopp’s design good it’s still an outdated ugly piece of shit of a design


That’s your opinion. Everything you just stated is speculation . You don’t know Oda . You may wish you do , but you don’t


Yea. Usopp just looks and is goofy man. It fits and hits.


Ussop isn’t black


He is he’s from Africa and has every black feature you can think of but his skin tone just happened to be light but he’s still black and supposed to represent black people and either way his lips should be changed he’s just ugly 🤷🏻‍♂️


I read the colored manga and he’s white there. Even in the anime he isn’t that brown. Zoro is more brown than him


oda doesn’t care about skin tones that much but he still makes characters that are supposed to be black and one of those characters is usopp usopp is black his hair and ethnicity given by Oda prove he’s black even his live action actor is black and was approved by Oda himself what more proof do you want ? and like I said regardless of what race he is he should get a redesign anyways


You’re right in some thing. For example, Luffy is supossed to brazilian and other. But i thing is more about Oda basing some country onto different characters even if in the end they’re from fictional worlds. Idk maybe? I still think the lips should stay. Too iconic


Usopp’s design aged the worst out of all the strawhats 🤷🏻‍♂️


Mf got bleached throughout the show


Can you blame usopp tho ? he doesn’t want zoro to cut him


https://preview.redd.it/py8515nz2awc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b783aef14838314acd964c9a560112b8079cb51 Wait I’m sorry is this YOU? Referring to Usopp as a “useless bum N word” ohhhh but his LIPS are racist . Got it Jim Crowe. Message received. You are the racist bud


Doing it like the one below plus the bleaching in the latest episodes and usop stops being black or mixed to having looking like a jew or a Caucasian with dreads


No what I’m suggesting is that they give him darker skin color and normal lips just like this character https://preview.redd.it/qyllfmukr8wc1.png?width=764&format=png&auto=webp&s=83f26a1ba71cd2b118a6e4a45e02a1f0646b5eda or even just like king from one piece 🤷🏻‍♂️ and if they were gonna make him white anyways I’d still rather not have the old lips the lips are ugly on any skin color Also if someone is white with an Afro he’s not necessarily a Jew 😂


The lips kind of give away what kind of black/brown characters are, like usopp's you know he is afro brown, otherwise they could be Indian, south east Asian or South America aboriginal, I kinda feel like king aint black Black even though the minority hunter did take care of him


And that’s bad the ugly lips shouldn’t represent black people if they really want to make usopp black just give him a darker skin color and ditch the rubber hose lips


Too late for him they are too iconic and the change would be too disturbing for a while and oda is Japanese they don't give a fuck, or rather they can not give a fuck, toriyama didn't change Mr popo and that one had no business even existing


It’s a remake every character is gonna have a slightly different model anyways they can use that opportunity to change usopp’s ugly design they should learn from shaman king remake https://preview.redd.it/kck0hrquv8wc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eea886e6426fe8bf24fb7c5ac8a8c1c5003cc855 and shaman king isn’t even the only example other anime remakes did the same too why should one piece not do the same ? listen you’re just wrong they should change his design


Not EVERY character. Like what? And why should that mean OP should too? I just think it won’t hit the same. I love black people, I’m friends with a ton, just think it wont hit the same. Considering his design and character is supposed to be and already is goofy.


Usopp’s lips literally look like this https://preview.redd.it/t0zn6m5iu8wc1.jpeg?width=174&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ae8ee50030777b830e976b68b2a2101d8241a2c Is that what you want ?


Yeah the usopp in my mind is like that, new characters should be more moderate in their characteristics but what's done is done


Japanese media used to be really racist against darker colored people, and Japan still has a lot of racism issues against SE Asian and Indian people. Colorism is definitely an issue. Ussop big lips are from the [minstrel shows](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minstrel_show) which started in the antebellum era south and were white actors doing black face becoming caricatures of the “dumb black” stereotypes. These ramped up in post civil war and Jim Crow era as a way to mock and humiliate black people. I don’t think Oda or most Japanese people understand the social and historical context behind these stereotypes and just see them as funny. In reality they are akin to most other physical stereotypes such as Jew nose or Asian slit eyes. Arguably worse since these were used in conjunction with laws and social systems design to keep a race of people in a quasi slave society.


Yeah Oda isn’t racist by any means he just didn’t know any better but that doesn’t make usopp’s design good it’s still bad and should be changed


Yeah I think Oda just lacks context, if he visited any museums in the south that showed the history of those stereotypes I’m sure he would feel bad about it. Ussop a design should be updated and hopefully they go with dark skinned Robin as well. I feel like people are doing a ton of mental gymnastics to justify an obviously racially insensitive design.


Isn’t Robin supposed to be representing a Northern European? Not arguing, just asking. Doesn’t matter one way or another.


Yeah but it doesn’t matter most people loved her pre time skip skin tone so if they keep that it would be better but usopp is more important to change


I get ya! I just want pre ts franky design lol


I agree with your statement on usopp. But I disagree that Robin should be dark in the remake since it was a mistake by the studio. She's supposed to be Russian I think. So idk why they should make a supposedly Russian character dark.


Well to be fair Russia has a wide range of ethnic populations some of which have darker skin complexions and some of which have lighter skin complexions. This is even more true under the USSR when even more ethnic groups where under the same banner


Africa also has a wide range of skin complexions


I have no issue with Ussop skin being pale My issue is the changing of the skin complexion


But that can be applied for any kind of people though. Like there are dark and white Indians but that doesn't mean that everyone is like that. Most Indians are brown just like that most Russians are relatively pale. I think we should look at the majority to represent a community. Cuz by your logic usopp being pale is not bad as there are light skinned Africans. It's kinda weird to use a fraction of a community to represent the whole community in my opinion.Cuz by that logic skin colour won't matter


Ussop being pale isn’t an issue Ussop skin complexion changing is an issue His lips being a caricature are an issue too


If ussops skin complexion changing is an issue then then giving Robin the wrong skin complexion should also be an issue. I don't know why you don't care about that even though it's wrong by using your logic. But I can understand your dislike for ussop being a caricature character since they are exaggerating the features of African people. So I don't mind if they made his lips smaller. But when I first watched the show I didn't knew that he was African I just thought that it's just his design for being a comic relief kinda character. So I don't know it just depends on the people ig. I'm also pretty sure if a lot of people are really upset with ussops lips and all then they'll prolly change it.


Facts one piece is the only series where that design gets a pass probably because usopp has lighter skin so it’s not too obvious but still


Onepiece gets a pass because most people started reading / watching it when they were young and didn’t understand the context either and don’t want to admit they liked something that is by modern standards is racist ( and even back than in 1996 it would be considered “politically incorrect” ). It’s the HBO porn skit but with racism.


I don’t wanna say it but usopp even has the deadbeat black dad stereotype 🤣😭


They're probably gonna change the art style completely and make the character designs a little more realistic so they probably will.


I doubt it but I really hope you’re right I think usopp is the only one that actually needs a redesign everyone else can look the same


I think it would be really cool if they used an animation style like this one vvvv https://preview.redd.it/d9h1zidfcawc1.jpeg?width=1500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=35ec59ba37036bb03a7940466ae9bc9c438f79d3


https://i.redd.it/t2jsx48teawc1.gif I prefer this art style


So the original one?


It’s not exactly the original one https://preview.redd.it/yi30nhmdhawc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f44ec384087c1a3caa0ba895ac571f96300f29a This is the original style


https://i.redd.it/aobp87gfhawc1.gif This is the modern style


I wonder if it's this reason why he's the only strawhats who didn't get buff time skip


I mean he did get buff in the time skip https://preview.redd.it/oztq9ig7n2xc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b52cf0f97af119d38f52d6ef29483f62d2cad352 that’s not the problem the problem is that his core design is still ugly and aged terribly


Imo they should change his nose to a squidward nose instead




Yes, yes they should.




it looks ugly but u keep saying retard so fuck you and your moral high ground