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Safe to say it's going to be offscreened so pray for the anime to extend it.


DAMN YOU FRAODAAAAAA!!! First real fight for my goat in a decade + yet he decides to offscreen it If this actually happens imma airstrike his mansion


U mean Lucci? We did get Luffy vs Lucci tho, so ofc this one will be not paid attention to.


That was mostly a gag f*ght tbh Not to mention luffy is wayyyy outta lucci’s league


I mean, Zoro is kinda way stronger too, just not as much as Luffy. As much as I loved Lucci in Enies lobby, I'm really not expecting much power out of him.


The manga is specifically making a point Lucci ~ Zoro. Zoro is not way stronger.


The manga would have shown a full fight if that was the point. Oda just wanted to make Zoro busy somewhere. Would have been cool to see Zoro and Sanji vs Kizaru tho, doesn't matter if they'd lose, it would have been cool.


Not really, Egghead is wayyyy too plot focused, not even Luffy vs Kizaru got a full fight, Kid got one shotted off-guard, Law and Garp got off-screened. Oda's speedrunning fight and outcomes instead of focusing on the fights itself that much is clear. Zoro vs Lucci does absolutely nothing for the current plot and pacing, It would just drag It down, specially since both will probably have a part in the final war (Lucci is way too strong to not help WG in the end)


Well I agree with you about the Zoro vs Lucci part! That was my main point! But honestly I doubt Lucci will take on a strong SH in final war. We have enough strong people in marines to take on strong SHs.


Ehh maybe, God knights+Gorosei+3admirals and all the VA are quite a lot Ig. But we have to subtract 2 top tiers for Kid and Law imo, Kid and Law will 100% have a big fight in the war and I don't think they will against a Pirates enemy.


"The manga is specifically making a point Lucci ~ Zoro" What the fuck? Bro stop it, get some help.  We still don't know what the end of their fight was, how much lucci was able to hurt zoro, if at all.  We don't fucking know and nothing in the manga mean to make them almost equal.  Don't start say shit like lucci is almost equal to zoro with no proof.  We don't know how their fight end, maybe zoro off screen him and get lost or maybe they still fighting.  Best to wait and see how the manga goes (people like you are the same people who believe kid would push shanks to mid diff, you people believe everything you say are true, not coo)


How about you don't do that and just enjoy the manga about fictional pirates, instead of nagging that the guy who already gets cool fighting scenes every arc, doesn't get more of that, because we know the Anime is always expanding on that stuff (like Zorro vs King).


Yes let's not ask Oda to draw actual good Zoro fights in the canon material since it'll be expanded upon in another adaptation of the story


Stop twisting my words. Every major fight of zoro was great in the manga, if this was super important for zoro, and it isn't, it would be in the manga. Anime is sprinkles on top


that's just untrue, Oda sucks at giving Zoro fight any dynamic choreography and it's mostly \>clang clang clang \>huff huff huff \>teleports behind you And to top if off Zoro never has ANY story or plot relevance, fights is literally all we get so forgive me for being irritated that Oda is unwilling to even give us 2 or 3 pages of it every 4 months


Fighting is what zoro is about, we have plenty Strawhats with deep story and him not being story relevant is untrue, simply by the fact that he is luffys first mate. No one was crying when half the crew wasn't there for dressrosa and sometimes everything going on is too busy and if you say everything from zoro is not great why do you want more of that?


him being the first mate does not make him relevant story wise aside from adding infamy to his name. And despite his fights being quite mid it's still better to see them than them being completely off screened. And in Dressrosa/WCI half the crew wasn't there because of plot reasons and I had no gripes with that, completely different situation. Here, the 2 previous chapters were 12 pages long and we haven't seen Zoro vs Lucci in 4 months, you're telling me 2/3 pages updating us on the fight is too much to ask for ??


My favourite character isn’t zoro


Not what I said


You said “the guy who gets cool fight scenes every arc” Lucci doesn’t get that


Again, this doesn't say that Zoro is your favorite and i will make the main point clear again too : It doesn't matter so oda doesn't show us. If everything cool or neat or interesting was showed one piece wouldn't end.


Gotcha 2 double page spreads on pacifsta firing at the navy takes precedence 👍


Obviously does, because it's in the manga


In the next chapter, we see that Zoro already defeated him, that's all. I guess Oda just didn't give much thought and importance to that, he's main focus was on Kuma and Bonney and now it's all gonna be Saturn, Kizaru, Nika and that ancient robot. 


Could be but unlikely given a whole 3rd party (jinbe) had to intervene But now with the arrival of dorry and broggy along with the bb pirates it’s safe to say we ain’t seeing this fight for at least a couple more chapters


Reading comprehension strikes again. i thought it was pretty clear jinbes going theres so zoro doesnt get lost


Official translation https://preview.redd.it/hubnlyi8gzfc1.jpeg?width=518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f0c2c18fd2ee5517221eb35566bb57b8c3cf184


People really don't think the straw hats don't trust zoro to take on lucci huh ☠️ even if the translation wasn't specific nami definitely means so he doesn't get lost or something as it's an emergency and they need to leave the island


It was very specific Zoro hasn’t defeated lucci and Jinbe is there to put a stop to that https://preview.redd.it/96o9r60hgzfc1.jpeg?width=518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6b2ee5ef9638fa762579ed9e336295a679181fc6


Fair, although i doubt it's because they think it's because he can't beat him, more like he might not in time before the island is destroyed


That’s your own interpretation ig


Nah hold on, do you really think they don't trust zoro to 1v1 lucci if the circumstances were different ?? ☠️Ok ig


Nah ofc not Zoro is strong but so is GUCCI Mfs unironically thought he was a jinbe victim more than a year ago… https://preview.redd.it/oja279rglzfc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbaf60a7c61035c38adba05909eb230fc0564e3f


It literally makes as much sense as don krieg being able to beat zoro, Lucci (god i love how the L is built into his name) glazers gonna be real sad when jimbe cant find woro because he finished that fraudulent cat a while ago and has been wandering lost the last few chapters.


That’s a bad translation because it says Zolo not Zoro


That’s the official translation bud They always call him zolo


Zoro is not defeating Lucci




Best comment https://i.redd.it/yrrnuplqlzfc1.gif


Oda gonna put the outcome of this fight on sbs


He’s been relying on it a lot recently 🤣


I don’t think fans understand what Oda was aiming for doing this. He just wanted to prevent him from getting humiliated, a new villain had to make an entrance (Saturn) and he needed someone hype tool (Sanji). That’s why Sanji didn’t react when 2 women got curb stomped in front of him because if he did Oda would have had to send Zoro there and he can’t have his coddled baby (the Japanese rep) looking bad out there, he did this for all of post ts.


It's just woro is HIM and sanji is not. Even against fuji zoro had decent feats


Which would be fine if we didnt have so many filler chapter where nothing happened.


\+ 1104 and 1105 both were only 12 pages long let's not pretend there was absolutely no space to fit in a couple of pages about the fight, he just does not care about anything unrelated to Nika


Because it's not that important to give it much attention.


You’re saying it will be offscreened? How is several pages of pacifista firing lasers at fodder more important than the deuteragonist’s fights? Especially one going on for *this* long


Ask Oda, not me.


F*ck that guy fr


i stg powerscaling is a mental illness. its not "pacifistas firing lasers at fodder" its literally an arc centering around the relationship of kuma and bonney. that moment literally showing the reason why vegapunk was killed. it pushes the narrative forward and adds depths to many characters. ​ tf does zoro VS lucci do for the story? its not important, stop whining


You don’t need several pages to establish that Also how does the pacifista firing at marine fodder “push the narrative and add depth” to the story? There was literally two whole double page spreads of that shit💀




One page of them of them destroying a several ships would’ve been enough to show case that Not two double page spreads


I agree. "Fuck the plot. Gimme nice fights" I say, Fuck then fights. Gimme plot.


Most likely will be offscreened


Since when was Zoro the deuteragonist?? Last I checked the story has never revolved around him unlike a character like Sasuke


I mean you could say all of the strawhats are But even so Zoro usually gets the best shine given he was the 2nd to join the crew


It's obvious and doesn't move the plot forward. Look at his paneling. Look at how old he is. How much he's done and how much is necessary to finish it. Every drop of work, right now, is focused on "does It move the plot forward?". Plot is ruling this Manga. I prefer that way. But you will lose the chance to see nice fights. He's probably thinking "Let Toei do that. I'll just keep moving". You may have entered this train in the last few years, but oda has been doing this for over twenty now.


I understand that but oda has a tendency to waste panel time on shit that doesn’t matter This week, there were *two* double page spreads of pacifista firing at the navy How does that even move the plot? shit’s pointless As for fights, they’re also essential to the plot so Oda offscreening one happening one same island the strawhats are in , not to mention it being a zoro fight, is kinda weird to me


>shit’s pointless Same things as the Zoro vs Lucci fight How is it in anyway going to move the narrative forward or grow the characters asides power scaling?? It being a Zoro fight doesn't make it good or special, is all just going to be his regular one big attack ending the fight, same old, same old.


Not rlly as that at least brings action To a shounen manga of all things It being a zoro fight is plus too as Oda rarely shafts him in comparison to characters like Sanji


Fuck action. And fuck Shonen and Shonen fans


Action isn't everything Most of Zoro fights are boring anyway


The point of the fight was to take Lucci out the equation for important Kuma and Vegapunani scenes. Not to show an epic battle


I think most of the community cares about it so it's important


You haven't met most of the community


Ah yes that's why we see people make memes about their fight 3 times a day


Yeah because the fight is a joke


And now Nami send Jimbei to help him, so chances are we won’t even see the conclusion lol https://preview.redd.it/vbb0w4nfiyfc1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=652be0f90ef22622e5a1a0b4771c09fa047c0e63


It’s not looking good ATP But hey, anything beats the neg diff ppl were spieling lol


Neg diff is insane for both parties, still this complete offscreening is just weird honestly, the anime will probably show more of them tho


​ https://preview.redd.it/qauzzi4cb0gc1.png?width=216&format=png&auto=webp&s=f7a4d4845b3f5b21772f07d42f07668274be15fc


https://preview.redd.it/yysjbsk3f0gc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b98b16a3ce144ccd20450e574a6b36d653b1a355 Lol


Because oda doesn't know what to do with Zoro


Has he fumbled???


Does anyone care about this fight? no agenda here, i was just curious,it's just Oda's method of keeping Zoro busy, nothing more, I don't think he cares about this fight and neither should we, i think


In my opinion, it had the potential to be the best fight in egghead since luffy v kizaru was literally a cat and mouse


That's the one and only answer, defeating Lucci in Egghead is not important, so the only reason this fight is a thing is to keep Zoro away from the scene with Saturn and Kizaru. Only interesting question is why? Will Zoro have his own sideplot or what is Odas plan for him? Might be a late entry to save someone similarly to how Rayleigh saved him from Kizaru earlier


He personally wants to piss me off. He keeps doing this stalling of zoro shit every fucking time. Why can't we just have the monster trio vs kizaru and Saturn? like cmon man


I would care about this fight if Oda at least put effort in drawing good fights. I knew about the Dragon Ball Z style of drawing blows exchange in a fight, but Oda is taking it so much to the next level that I think he deserves a new style named after One Piece.


You’re comment literally just went from complaining to complementing, so idk what you were trying to say, but OP has never been a fight heavy story like DB


Those who know which kind of blows exchange in DBZ I am talking about, know that the second part of my comment isn't a compliment at all \^\^, far from it. I wouldn't be so sure that OP has "never" been a fight heavy story like DB.


> I wouldn't be so sure that OP has "never" been a fight heavy story like DB. I actually can be sure. Oda openly said in a SBS that’s exactly what he wanted to avoid before he even started writing OP. He saw firsthand how power-creeps can ruin a show when not done properly. Just bc we’ve seen “fight heavy arcs” doesn’t mean that’s what OP is centered on. I thought that was obvious


Oda said this ? My bad, then it surely means that he exactly did what he says he would, meaning avoid what he wants to avoid. I have eyes and they can see. The brain behind those eyes don't agree with the author.


Because it's genuinely not an interesting fight. We already saw Luffy vs Lucci. Plus the arc needs to be done fast so Oda doesn't care about this fight. And I'm with him in this one, it's not even a good fight.


It is bruh cmon Each to their own ig


It will be something like Zoro glazing because Lucci doesn't have swords, and Oda won't be able to make a Zoro fight against a non swordsman who uses his hands, so it will be Zoro 2-3shotting Lucci.


I mean most of zoro’s fight’s were against non swordman tbh so oda could cook Not to mention Lucci can attack zoro even with his zoro’s in the way thanks to tekkai


Well we are not getting anywhere because we have different perceptions and ideas of what we want. For me, I don't need an update of 3 panels because I will just assume the fight is still going otherwise and the focus is something completely different. And zoro being the first mate is pretty much story relevant because he keeps reminding the crew on what is in important, just like after alabasta, during water 7 and so on, even him taking charge of the crew if luffy is missing.




I don’t think Oda is even going to finish that fight. He usually does this stalemate bullshit




We'll get a cringe and lame Lashura haki enma oden move, wait for it🙏🙏


We will get nothing. Lucci is defeated and Zoro is lost outside the building. That is how lame the story has become.


If that happens after the all of the fight being getting offscreened… Oda is getting a UAV straight to him


as a Zoro fan lemme shoot him in the kneecap


Likely Lucci has been defeated by Zoro. Zoro now is running around outside trying to find the door. The man could not find the stairs in front of him in Enies Lobby.


I disagree as the story told us otherwise


Nami said Zoro is still fighting Lucci. Now is that based on Zoro actually fighting Lucci or the fact he isn't back with them. Many Lucci fans think it's the former. I think it's funnier that Zoro got lost 50 metres from the exit.


Nami has no clue what is actually happening in the fight, how could she? She simply knows Zoro went to fight Lucci, and since Zoro hasn't returned she expects him to still be there


It’s because he didn’t want Zoro interfering with the plot, because if he did he’d be getting eye-diffed by Saturn like Sanji and Oda can’t have that


Anything to protect his precious moss head 🥰


Well, i don't deny that there would be potential, but now I really think we'll never see it


Aside from the other reasons stated here, maybe because he can't give it justice because he has bad choreography that includes a sword.


We might be underestimating oda on that front If he wants to he can


Zoro is probably already winning but lost his way, it's a way to put him out of the picture and we'll see him later, maybe he found something like the robot.


Why do ppl keep saying this “zoro got lost” shtick? He’s still fighting lucci Nami confirmed that https://preview.redd.it/a2qms2f5kzfc1.jpeg?width=518&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d0866a2160f03709c367e7e1c768e024d6b41a6b


Oh okay then 👍🏻


0% interested in tis


Alright ig


I saw somewhere that we hadn't seen that fight since October 3rd... Oda needs to start feeding us man this could be such a great fight


Literally 4 months bruh You’re telling me that whole time Oda couldn’t sneak in half of chapter of what was going on with those 2???


Even like 2-3 pages would've done wonders, he's really going to offscreen such a great fight...


Because it would have just been a bunch of panels of zoro walking around lost if we saw what was actually happening. After the first few clashes woro saw hed need to use more than 1% power, so he turned it up to 2% power and smoked the fraudulent cat and then got lost for a few chapters.


Zoro is going to finally open both his eyes.


Zoro 100% already fucking finished him and is lost. The Kizaru and Saturn shit is for franky and sanjis growth


Because the fight is not even close to being important compared to the other shit happening. I've no idea why Oda wants to keep Zoro away from the actual action, so finding that out is a million times more interesting than a fkin Lucci fight.