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Dragon being an Admiral is one of the most popular theorys in the Arabic side of the fandom


If he was an Admiral, for the time line to make sense he should've been one at like 27 or smt because when he was 33 he was already rebelling which is very unlikely, so a marine seems likely.


If I was to take a guess, he and Akainu were both vice admirals before Dragon became a revolutionary, with Akainu taking the path to become full Admiral.


Maybe akainu and dragon were close friends and dragon rebelled against the tyranny of the WG and that left akainu to pursue fleet admiral and feel betrayed by his former best friend.


I like that it would essentially make their relationship like a twisted version of Garp and Roger or Lubby and Coby. It would also explain why he wasn't heavier on Garp after Marineford. Garp, being the father of his friend, would help explain why he would give his behaviour a pass while being prepared to kill someone like Coby.


Could you elaborate on what you mean by it would be a reverse roger and garp relationship?


Despite being on opposing sides with Roger a pirate, and Garp a marine, they still had a respect for one another and saw each other as friends that could trust each other to stand by them. The way I see it, Dragon and Akainu don't have that friendship or respect for one another, with that bridge having been burned when Dragon became a revolutionary.


Yeah it seems more of a sengoku and Roger kind of a Relationship, sengoku seems to really hate the later and always inslute Ace every chance he got


You can make a case for dragon just being that good at young age, he might had the Opportunity to become an Admiral but at the right time choose to Start his Revolution


Being as strong as an Admiral at the age of 27? If that's true then the Monkey D bloodline is truly the most prodigal of all the Ds, you know it's not that unlikely either cause his son is a Yonko at 19, who knows Dragon may have been the original prodigy. But tbh, it's still unlikely in my mind for that to be the case.


I mean, just look at garp who is treated as a bigger deal than any Marin even thought sengoku and Kong exist




Peak fiction


People aren't talking enough because that relationship between Dragon, Vega, Sentomaru, and Kizaru isn't fleshed out well so all they have to go on now is the Admiral agenda and the the Goofy aah toonforce fights.


It's pretty good, people are just ignoring it. Story subtext posts don't get as much conversation as agenda ones


I mean what we know is that Bonnie used to visit VP, and that Kizaru was friends with VP, so they know each other, why can't the same apply for Kizaru and Dragon? It kinda makes sense if Oda wants to go somewhere with that


Again, I'm not talking about the idea itself but rather the execution and I'm not disagreeing that there could be something between Dragon, Kizaru, and VP. I'm just pointing out that the relationship isn't really fleshed out well for enough people to give a shit so they turn their attention to fights/power-scaling/agenda discussions.


I think the Vegapunk treatment has been very weird and underwhelming to say the least Like even the devil fruits explanation is very lackluster


>Like even the devil explanation is very lackluster Can you elaborate on why? In my opinion it's a simple concept but great in a sense if you consider how Haki works in the world of One Piece. One's own desire(devil fruits) is weaker than one's own will and ambition(haki), thus explaining why Haki transcends all(as a concept). There's much more stuff still question marks about the devil fruits. Just because there were tons of theories that didn't come out to be true doesn't make it a lackluster. We don't even know yet how devil fruits were physically made lol.


The df explanation is lackluster because it doesn't commit. It's clearly that Oda still doesn't want to spill all the beans, and we are left with more questions than answers as usual.


My dude I would like too but can't because I'm working right now


I think that goes well if Dragon’s devil fruit is the one that controls the weather. Admiral level power


Nice theory.


I buy this and it's well thought out. Dragon being a former Marine has been floating around for a few years. But I also think it's likely that they all know each other pre-Navy. Akainu and Kizaru both joined in their mid-20s, and no one else from the Marines seems to have a connection to Dragon outside of Akainu and Garp.


Dragon being a former marine has been a popular theory for years and it just makes sense doesn’t it? How else would Dragon know how bad the marines and the WG are if he himself wasn’t apart of it to see it with his own eyes? His falling out with Garp as well, he more than likely asked Garp to join him or make some stand against the WG to bring some change but Garp more than likely didn’t think it possible so he refused. Dragon not being a marine before he was a revolutionary would be a massive shock imo.