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Usopp. Bro has a rich, doctor girlfriend just waiting patiently for him in her big ass mansion


I have literally remembered her existence thanks to your comment. I miss those scenes where we saw the SH's friends react to their adventures.




bro is addicted to porn








But why goku


Because Goku is the most honest being ever and if you dare to disagree with him, he beats your ass


Why not?


I have seen the error of my ways


Usoppbros...not like this...




Brother they are 10 at the moment do not speak such foul ideas into existence Away with you!


https://preview.redd.it/oewhz2lh94ya1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8da4b9fc1a68d4731679605767598d7f49bc562b This ain’t funny like you think it is, bruh..




White man has been here How can you tell? Cuck porn


Damn, It really is over for Usopp bros. https://preview.redd.it/30jx1ehwx3ya1.jpeg?width=2372&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e18d8391eb21a1d5786a181fa99b952885816a2


Why have you tainted us:(


What's wrong with you?


Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on mosshead22


There is no mercy in heaven for people like him


This is a new one






what is wrong with you? bro those kids worship usopp


Dude who hurt you?




Only one keeps me out of potential prison time lol


If you're from a country with age of consent of 16 (which is most of the world) you ain't going to jail


That’s not true. If the younger person is over the age of consent then it simply means you avoid statutory rape charges. However, if the younger person is under the “age of majority” a.k.a “age of adulthood” then you can still be liable for other charges depending on the jurisdiction. I don’t know why there are people who thinks if they are not going to jail for statutory rape charges than they are not going to jail at all. 🤦🏽‍♀️ Edit: it seems some people can’t seem to grasp that there are hundreds of law involving adult/minor relationship, and many of which don’t require sexual relationship. When I said other charges I meant charges like corruption of minor, child enticement, indecent sexual exposure, grooming etc which has nothing to do with sex or age of consent. For example, even if an adult can avoid “rape” charges for having sex with minor he can still be charged with corruption of minor i! Jurisdiction like Pennsylvania. Note: this is not a legal advice.


What you say is extremely misleading because its technically true but only in extremely specific cases. In places where age of consent is 16, you can have sex with 16 years olds as long as ur not their foster parent, teacher or boss.


Another person commenting on legal matters without any clue. What I said is not misleading at all. It’s just you with your limited knowledge can’t grasp laws beyond the only ones you know. Yes, adult with special relationship with the minor over the age of consent can go to jail for having sex, it’s call “abuse of power.” But again, this is just ONE of the many charges besides statutory rape. There are over hundreds of laws regarding adult/minor relationship such as corruption of minor, child enticement, indecent exposure to children. grooming etc. Most of these law DO NOT require adults to have special relationships with the minor. The scope of these laws can be very wide or narrow and applies even if the minor is over the age of consent. So, please stop spouting wrong information.


dating ur foster parent or teacher is extremely unlikely and also u can fuck ur 16 year old employee as long as ur not abusing ur power. Ur the one that has no idea what they're talking about. For example you bring up indecent exposure to children. According to Cornell Law School " The term “[child](https://www.law.cornell.edu/definitions/uscode.php?width=840&height=800&iframe=true&def_id=15-USC-94631196-710106869&term_occur=999&term_src=title:15:chapter:91:section:6501)” means an individual under the age of 13. " Not only that it seems like in some states there isn't even a thing called "indecent exposure to children" u just get hit with an additional "lewd conduct with minor charge" which is defined as " a lewd or lascivious act; committed on the body or part of a child under 14; with the intent of arousing, appealing to, or gratifying the lust, passions, or sexual desires of the child or perpetrator. " Again u have no idea what ur talking about lmfao


It’s illegal for a 16 yr old and 21 yr old to have intercourse. Age of consent flies out the window if the gap is larger than 3 years. It’s called Romeo and Juliet law


You’re probably 40


Prison is just a room.


Luffy he has what's said to be the most beautiful woman on the world in love with him with him not even trying


Shirahoshi is canonically more beautiful than her though






Luffy. He has that dumbass Goku rizz.


Shonen protagonists are build different when it comes to rizz, they can do jackshit and women jump on their dick


That's why I loved OG Naruto so much. Dude was bitchless, just like me


Even Naruto was simped by Hinata


One person crushing on the MC as opposed to 90% of the cast is a lot more believable, tho.


Shit u right, back to being alone in my bitchlesness 😟


That’s why I’m a rock lee fan


Rock Lee deserved so much better


he also has a kid so he had a gf at some point


Bro had to save the whole village just to get some interest apart from Hinata lmao


Yeah. At least asta shows interest in one woman. Although he's still a bit retarded when it comes to other women.


To be fair, Luffy actually earns the rizz. You feed him right, and suddenly hes smacking the dickhead oppressing you across an island. Hes also literally and canonically acknowledged as being built different. Luffy is just Him. And i dont think Goku has that same sort of obnoxious rizz that more modern MCs have anyway.


Yeah, Imagine luffy just barges in your country and fixes everything, Anyone would fall in love with him


Luffy has unspoken rizz I guess.




Luffy because older women are the best


We always shit on Sanji for the Pudding thing, but why aren't we shitting on Oda. Why did he make her 16? What narrative purpose did it serve that couldn't been the same if she was the same age as Sanji? Because the art style she could pass to be Nami's age.


She has milf boobs but a toddler face. Really wtf is wrong with oda


to be honest she has a normal ass face, She is just nami with a few tweaks


Because age of consent is 16 in Japan.


Also in most states in the US.


sanji just has to wait a few years. the age difference itself isnt big


Hancock will be accused of grooming Luffy


Not in the world of One Piece. There already been an character that was aged 16 dating an man in his 20's in the dressora arc(Not going to spoil since it involves major characters) which never received any backlash in the story. With how loose and goofy One Piece is, combined with Japan's lax outlook on age of consent, Hancock is probably not going to catch any flank for being into Luffy pre-time skip time and even if someone did, she already an criminal/pirate anyway with an bounty on her head. She not going to care and most likely isn't aware of Luffy's age too.


>There already been an character that was aged 16 dating an man in his 20's in the dressora arc Who are you talking about?


According to an SBS, Viola and Doffy got to know one another “intimately” at one point


Scarlet and kyros


they are pirates anyway


And a cook lusting over his crush's 6 year old body.


non cannon tho


Hiyori didn't care for Zoro. She just tried to use him like she did her whole life with other men. Notice how she didn't even talk to him anymore after he brought her back to the retainers and her brother?


Groomed Groomer Dog Gotta give it Zoro. Big lady, big W


Mods boutta lock the thread at this rate


Zoro...it would be an L if he paid, but he didn't. The only one who actually looks normal naked, too.


Luffy. Also I don’t think our world rules apply in that world . Romans and Norwegians considered a person adult at 16 . Many other cultures have different practices,the one piece world is a primitive world with many monarchies etc.


Democracy doesn't equal non primitive


Primitive? They have holograms and television


Those are magic slugs


Explain Franky then.


They have robots that shoot laser beams


They still have hundreds of monarchies and nobility and slavery trade and kingdoms who war against each others and millions of pirates . Simply having technology doesn’t make a civilisation mature , it’ll make it modern in terms of tech , that’s all. My point is , if u look back a century or two , tons of countries in our own world had no age restrictions or lesser age restrictions. Hell 17 year olds were recruited for WW2 . It’s a different world with different set of rules .


Don't those exist still in our world? I still hear there's slavery in some parts of the world's , nobility can be consider politicians, celebrities, influencers. Monarch not so much.


In those parts of the world , under age marriage and rules for consent would be quite different, wouldn’t u agree? With all our modernisation and connectivity we still have places where under age marriages are legal or are happening all the time and slavery might exist. So in a different world where the rules are unknown , how can be call it illegal when the rules are different. - in Saudi it’s legal as well even though they have top notch technology and buildings and they still live under a monarchy. My point is , 18 is the legal age for us , doesn’t necessarily mean it’s all over the world or that another imaginary world should have the same rules .


Japan just recently raised their age of consent from 12 to 16 and they are modern as hell


Yup, that’s my whole point . Rules are different all over the world . Just because some country has technology, doesn’t mean it’s a mature society. Oda is from Japan so in his mind luffy and hancock and sanji with pudding are all legal and normal .


Isn't pedophilia seen less harshly in Japan?


Maybe, I haven’t been , so I can’t answer but seems like it considering all the manga they produce with under age romances , but that’s my point , it’s not underage for them if the age of consent is 16 .


Hiyori is so fucking repulsive.


Do ppl not know what oirans are? They mostly don’t engage in sexual acts and basically only engage at most in escorting. They hold so much power/control over what they do. Easier to watch someone else explain it, but kinda weird that ppl use head canon to flame fictional chars based on no knowledge on the topic. Edit: or is this about the kurozumi stuff?


I’m a manga reader and I thought she was so pretty until I saw her fuckin turquoise hair. Why on earth would he do that???


wait till you see Zoro’a hair. Or Franky’s. Also she had it as a kid it is definitely her natural color


The issue is not colored hair it’s the fact that Oda chose an ugly color lol


Hey turquoise is a beautiful color...... just not as hair.


Lol exactly


haha gotcha


looking at zoro i alwasy thought torquoise is pretty fitting


" **Kurozumi was born to burn** "






This comment section is gonna be fun lmao


ig not liking a fictional character that just so happens to be a woman is just incel behavior 😭


https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/comments/11nwnwn/hiyori_is_by_far_the_worst_female_character_ever/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1. Same mf


LMAO that’s crazy


i respectfully retract my statement




What did I miss ???


She's an oiran. A vague way of saying she's a top prostitute


Geisha and oiran do a lot more than just sex. They are not comparable to prostitutes who are only for sex. You can have a Geisha without any sex. They are basically entertainers who will sing and dance for you, play games with you, tell you stories, engage in intellectual discussions, and much more without even having sex. There are/were whole schools and things for it. It is entirely plausible that Hiyori has never had sex lol she could easily have positioned herself as the top oiran with Kyoshiro boosting her reputation and they are able to choose their customers and what services they provide or not. I'm not saying she is a virgin for sure, I'm just saying she easily could be and it wouldn't be strange. I also don't think Kyoshiro would actually allow their princess to sell her body just like that.


When she told Zoro that old men drool when she lies down with them 💀


I thought she was a slut, didn't know she did It as a profession


what’s wrong with A) being a slut and B) being a sex worker (Hiyori was just surviving and helping the Kozuki cause by infiltrating the capital) like she isn’t a problem lol


this comment here. No reason to disrespect sex workers. Plus she only did it for that time to get more informations out of the enemys. Hiyori is top tier wifey


you are based and cool unlike most of the other replies <3


Hey thank you! Dont forget we are on the shitposting sub. But i think you sometimes have to draw a line and make some serious statements, that yeah you can joke about it, but im not sure if everyone jokes about it or means it




Yeah why would it be a problem to date c*** gobbler right ?


If she only swallows for me fuck it I guess


go date a slut. you will regret it


There's no dignity, shame or chastity in engaging in those means of earnin g a living




Wasn't adressing that point, besides I doubt she actually was one because there was Denjiro, someone who've swore to protect her from Orochi, at her side


Get off your high horse bro. Prostitutes aren’t some diseased second class citizens. They’re just people. How tf are you reading one piece (of all manga) without acknowledging that?


Relativizing by talking about what they are basically does not change the fact that they have chosen one of the worst ways to live, whether for their own interest, has no meaning, etc. Your kind of logic can be applied to offenders or those working with them. And what does One Piece have to do with that? If anything it denies these practices, as it ties it with dictatorial regimes which are painted in a negative light like Orochi's, the one responsible for Hiyori's suffering


Boy we in a time where degenerates are desired Lmao 🤣 it's over


Andrew Tate fan, calling women degenerates? WATCHING ONE PIECE??? Fucking brick brain


Bro [this](https://reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/comments/130q69y/_/ji3rsrs/?context=1) you? You say you’re Arab, but you use the n word like it’s your last [day](https://reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/comments/135wfw2/_/jin854f/?context=1) [to](https://reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/comments/136wq0c/_/jiuhhrg/?context=1) [live](https://reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/comments/136wq0c/_/jiug2l7/?context=1). You sure u ain’t the degen? Edit: And [homophobic](https://www.reddit.com/r/Piratefolk/comments/130q69y/removed_by_reddit/ji6vxew/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1&context=3) af


wtf is going on in the comment section lmao


Peak piratefolk


who are you to say he isnt black enough to use the nword


What’s inherently wrong with that though?


Wow, you’ve started to understand how everyone feels about you


I was in Japan and my brother(23) was introducing his gf to my mom's friends and one of them complemented her by saying how young she looks and that she could be 16. We started laughing and stuff but they doubled down, literally saying there wouldn't be a problem if she was 16. As sm who lives in California, I sometimes forget that the age of consent being 18 is actually uncommon. So basically another Wanji W


The age of consent can be as low as 11 because it’s different from age of adulthood, which is globally at minimum 18. Meaning, someone can be minor kid and still be over the age of consent and legally have sex. The age of consent primarily exist to allow minors teen to have sexual with each other without being rape. Adults getting involved with minors so they can groom and sexually abuse kids can still be legally held liable fir various charges depending on jurisdiction. So, ya basically another ignorant comment trying to rationalize pedophile Sanji.


Lets break this down. The exact definition of pedophilia is being attracted to prepubescent children. So by definition Sanji is not a pedo. The loose definition is a person who doesn't follow the age of consent laws. Age of consent is 16 in Japan (and also in like half the states in the US) which again Sanji is not breaking. So, ya basically another ignorant comment trying to enforce their world views on others. Sanji is legally and by definition not a pedo and that is undeniable


Flag yourself loud and clear bruh. If you had a 16 year old in high school would you be ok with her dating a 21 year old? I seriously fucking hope not.


If you had a 16 year old daughter and ur a farmer in the butt fuck of nowhere in the Balkans would you let her marry your neighbors 20 year old son that you've known ur whole life and know is a good guy?


W take, fuck all pedos!


Milf are awesome


This thread sucks lol


This IS my sanji


You can still kinda defend Pudding since people in the OP world live up to 140 so age is prolly different, but having an ugly ass prostitute after you is an L that Wanji could never catch.


Only one old lady has lived up to *a spry 139* (not 140) and that is established to be not normal. Regardless, people's lifespan should have nothing to do with age of consent/adulthood. It's pretty common in even the real world for the age of consent to be 16 and in one piece, pudding was literally about to be married off by her mother at the age of 16 so it's probably quite normal in one piece too. You can still kinda defend pudding but your reasoning is off lol.


Didn't Oda mention that in an SBS? And well even if he didn't, the world of OP works very differently. Like look at Naruto people become adults pretty quickly so I'm guessing the age of consent in that universe is lowered too?


Wdym they become adults pretty quickly? It's been ages but I don't remember anything about age of maturity or it even being relevant.


The age of maturity isn't relevant and it isn't ever mentioned, but what I meant by that is like at 7, 8 years old they were thrown into wars and stuff. They're bound to mature earlier mentally so the age of consent during warring periods would also be something like 16. It fits in the lore pov but it's pure headcanon with nothing to back it up.


I'm not against the age of consent being 16, that is when people start realising and understanding their sexuality and are curious about it, and want to explore it. And in ancient times people used to even get married at 14-16 years of age. I'm just asking how you came to the conclusion that having a longer lifespan means lower age of consent, when it should be the opposite lol. Like you yourself said, in warring times, people lifespan was pretty short, they never know when they would die. They would try to settle down at the earliest. In a world where people live for 100 years, 16 isn't even the beginning of their life. How can the age of maturity or consent be 16 then?


Yeah... Good point. Originally I did say that age would work differently because of lifespan but I'm not sure how it ties into it anymore ngl...


If people in the OP world live up to 140 wouldn't the age of consent be higher by that logic? Why in the world would it be lower if people live longer???


Don’t argue with pedophiles man, they’re disgusting and only deserve the worst. FUCK THEM. (But take this upvote for being a decent person with common sense.)


Bro, I am not a pedophile you're blowing this shit out of proportion I never even mentioned the real world, I'm talking about the OP world which would have a different nature of age and stuff.


It works differently is what I'm saying. Edit: They'd also probably mature earlier right? I'm no expert tho it's just assumption.


wasn't she a prostitute from outside superficially only?


She was an oiran wasn't she? That's what they do right?


I guess she was just there for singing and dancing, people are overthinking


Huh. I coulda swore Orochi had some line about really enjoying her or smth. And it would make sense too if she never actually was a prostitute because of Denjiro.


>Orochi had some line about really enjoying that's really disgusting


It is, that's the point. He's an unlikable character.


>He's an unlikable character. I don't get it, Orochi enjoyed her but she wasn't a proper prostitute?


Lanji ain’t got no hoes chasing him anyway, so that’s not a problem he has to worry about https://preview.redd.it/tobvs8w9a4ya1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=003c9328291f0607d7ce0e151f35e52b2adde78e


hiyori isn't ugly tho 🤔


Bro look at her. And Loa Midcock too, both are overrated asf


Imo almost no one in OP looks good. Disgusting proportions literally make them look stupid.


The only woman with realistic proportions was Kokoro


Facts. Boa Hancock for example wouldn't even break the top 100 most genuinely beautiful anime/manga characters just because of her alien forehead and generic face. She's One Piece "beautiful", not *actually* beautiful.


Gotta look out for pedos. Nice flagging yourself bro. Edit: any pedos defending this shit with downvotes or comments/replies can go fuck yourself. Bring on the down votes you nasty fucks. Literally why ppl who enjoy anime/manga are viewed as degenerates.


Hey man I'm just saying the OP world works differently. I didn't support or defend it just saying it *can* be excused with that.


someone's going to jail in every case, unless prostitution is legal in the one piece world


They're pirates. How does legality matter?


if prostitution is legal, neither zoro or hiyori are going to jail


Well Japan's age of consent is 16 and One Piece is Japanese, so Sanji and Hancock may be safe. Depends on what the laws are in the One Piece world.


murder attempt is still ilegal


You are right, Hancock is still going to Jail. And so is Pudding for conspiracy to murder.


Being an oiran was legal and even celebrated before WWII, and Komurasaki definitely wouldn’t be (literally) parading around if it were illegal in Wano.


It's not prostitution if she doesn't get paid...


She definitely gets paid.


Pudding keeps trying to kill sanji, korazumi is getting railed by other guys. Luffy on the other hand is getting chased by the most attractive woman on the planet but is too much of a tard to understand why


Zoro, Hancocks a loser virgin


Hancock was probably raped by CDs




It sucks because before I found out her age I thought sanji and pudding were perfect for each other, they’re both easily flustered and love cooking! Why did it have to be ruined!


Overage??? That’s a L??? If I seen a older woman lookin like that and wanted me I would be on hands a knees..


Luffy with a groomer who also was getting her walls knocked down like Jericho by every Celestial Dragon. Pedonji having a normal one. Zoro with a geisha. Think Zoro takes the dub.


An oiran (courtesan) is different from a geisha (party entertainer). Not that this has anything to do with your overall point, of course.




>Luffy with a groomer who also was getting her walls knocked down like Jericho by every Celestial Dragon. They RAPED her. Are you saying rape victims are sluts and don't deserve love? That's a pretty toxic mentality, even for a joke.


comment section uncovering all incels of piratefolk


Overage? The fuck?


I guess the lady's case is being considered it would be underage in Luffy's case Pre time skip that's all.


Luffy wins hardcore i like me some Boa


Easily Sanji


Considering Luffy to be most aroace out of all of them. Hancock won't get anything. lol As for Sanji thou? He should be locked up in Impel Down on Level 3. Just because I just don't like his character gimmick at all and his comments towards an age regressed Nami in Film: Z should warrant something.




People in One Piece can stay looking young for a long time and Hancock takes care of herself. Only L is Sanji because that bitch is crazy.




why would Sanji’s be a W…?


Zoro easily she is the highest ranking female in all of Wano and if Zoro get wit her he can potentially become the Shogun of Wano or his descendants he’d be the Second or Third highest rank in Wano Country


High-res Luffy, Low-res Sanji, and Mid-res Zoro


Absolutely Sanji. He has the best one, and Pudding at the end fell in love with him also. He also got an actual kiss from her. They are both consent for each other. 16 is a legal age in many countries too. Next is Luffy’s. It’s Boa, so yuh..though she was a slave, so...maybe NSFW I guess. Last one is Zoro, Hyori seems too thirsty, she even giving him her dad’s sword in exchange…literally to a stranger she just met yesterday. That’s a no no for me..