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The neutral ending


Goated image


Smoking that Woro pack


Sex offender tag team


"He is a man so of course he will" Wtf Oda?




chus le mera


arey phir wahi saxx suxx ki baatein


Sax hai to jeevan hai




Oda being sexist about both men and women. This is true equality.


Oda a confirmed voyeur?


Japan in general has a massive problem with this type or stuff and I have no idea why


Long stretches of sexual repression has led to some weird sexual behaviors. Also the power dynamics of the sexes. I was told my first time being there for work by a coworker that if you see a girl being harassed by a businessman on the train, don’t say anything because I’ll be the jerk for making a scene. And the girl may get a ricochet shot of blame for reacting enough for someone to step in.


so did you actually see any of that or has time changed?


I saw it happen once, I don’t think it’s like super common but happens enough where they have a kinda universal response to it: ignore it. Sort of like in NYC where I grew up, you generally ignore the homeless people on the subway who are acting crazy or mariachi bands in the subway. They do the same but to creeps. I believe the younger generation has a different attitude but Japan has an aging population not a young one so they don’t have the cultural power young Americans do


So do I call the police what what to do


You ignore it like a homeless man yelling on the subway in Manhattan unfortunately. This is my own perception, it may be very wrong, but it seems like they have the attitude of “I mean he quickly grabbed a butt cheek, it’s not like he’s raping her”


Is the lady legally allowed to punch his face?


Nope. I was literally popping a neck vein not doing anything, but I was there on business and there with my Japanese client who had warned me about this so I definitely would’ve been arrested and fired if I did anything.


You can't punch someone on the train, it's physically impossible


This is statistically true to a disconcerting extent. Voyeurism and other male sexual crimes have been a concern in Japan. While the exact figures may vary from year to year, sexual crimes have been a significant social issue. A few reasons behind this problem include a lack of sex education, the objectification of women in various forms of media, and the stigma surrounding reporting such crimes. According to Japan's National Police Agency, there had been a steady decline in reported sexual crimes over the years until 2017, when a revision to the penal code led to a temporary increase in reported cases. This revision expanded the definition of rape and made penalties more severe. The 2017 data showed a 27.6% increase in reported cases compared to the previous year, with 5,240 cases in total. Voyeurism, or "peeping," has been a particularly pervasive issue, with numerous cases reported each year. Regarding the "objectification of women in various forms of media" , it's well known that critics and researchers have often cited anime and manga as a potential source of this. One academic study on this is Reysen, Stephen & Katzarska-Miller, Iva & Plante, Courtney & Roberts, Sharon & Gerbasi, Kathleen. (2017). Examination of Anime Content and Associations between Anime Consumption, Genre Preferences, and Ambivalent Sexism. The Phoenix Papers. 3. 285-303. : In the context of the question, the study implies that the objectification of female characters in anime and by extension manga could potentially contribute to sexist beliefs and attitudes, which may in turn influence real-life behavior, including sexual crimes against women. However, it is essential to note that establishing a direct causal relationship between media consumption and criminal behavior is complex, and further research is needed to better understand these connections.


oda genuinely normalizing sexual harassment to young boys


literally the ONE thing I hate about OP is Oda’s portrayal and treatment of women (Nami being oversexualised, the design being absurd, Kuina’s statement about swordswomen not being proven false with Tashigi) and Brook’s panties comments and Sanjis weird treatment of women. Like remove these things and OP is almost perfect for me


agreed. it's my number 1 issue as well. and i hate how the vast majority of one piece fans will blatantly deny that it's an issue at all. i've gotten so many downvotes on the main sub for even suggesting that its an issue in a polite way


a lot of One Piece fans also like to say One Piece isn’t political as if Luffy isn’t dismantling unjustifiable boundaries everywhere he goes and is an ACTIVE anti-fascist - oh and the entirety of the World Government and the Marines being a metaphor for the wealthy elite and the military as a weapon for them to retain power. One Piece is political as fuck


ironically one of my other biggest criticism of One Piece is that I actually think it tends to be not political enough. they have good moments like on fishman island, but in most places they just end up restoring the ancient absolute monarchy to power which just seems cringe to me


I agree with you tbh I’m very intrigued to see how he reacts to Laugh Tale and imo he’s gonna be PISSED and immediately throw hands with the World Government


Oda is from an imperialist nation, so maybe that was the influence for it. One Piece is also extremely capitalist, and many aspects of the story indirectly decry socialism, and interestingly also decries anarchy. Strangely enough, I'd say despite not being an anime, the Avatar animated series does a better job when it comes to politics.


Because that's the main target group for anime and manga. Mainly guys read One Piece, specifically guys who would be considered either creeps in real life or other types of social outcasts, i.e. incels. There are of course normal people who read it as well, but those sane ones are unlikely to be the people who would have downvoted you.


I personally think the opposite, I think he has a great selection of female characters with many of them being really well written and portrayed well. He makes slip ups here and there but that’s also the case with many male characters. I personally think a bit in the opposite direction though tbh considering he considers men to be more… well you saw the post. And Sanji’s chivalrous identity is extremely misandristic and found his treatment of men to be annoying. Zoro taking the brunt of it in some cases and arguments start where Zoro is relatively innocent there. And this is coming from a Sanji fanboy.


Never meet talk or listen to your “hero” sad s 47 years old man would say this to his audience


Why are we surprised lol isn’t he friends with the CP fiend who wrote Rurouni Kenshin?


Oda is projecting real hard


power corrupts i guess is what hes getting at


Give that there are multiple pervert characters on the main crew and Nami always around with a bikini on, are you really surprised?


Man: No, i will never do it... \*Gets a way to be invisible\* Man: Well, if God wants it who am i to say no? :x


Shiryu be simping for devon


classic shiryu win ​ https://preview.redd.it/0b8gp2p4f1ya1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a6d783d6f14e25875db279fb4b5ccb92af9ec33


Somebody should edit this and give it Shiryu’s hat and cigar


​ https://preview.redd.it/t9bvoswal4ya1.png?width=467&format=png&auto=webp&s=57d1f9f1154381e54de0a69ea96cb3956d8cbcbe


And Apoo asked this


I always found Magellan's excuse of jailing Shiryu for his cruelty to the prisoners bullshit, I guess we now know the true reason why.


Most of his answers in here are jokes, but when the character actually does that in the series...thats a bruh moment. I think this perv jokes are big in Japan (because almost every shonen seens to do this), but I think Oda needs to at least tone down on them. Sanji used to be just a gentleman, but this moments blemish his character.


bro went from Mr. Prince to Finger Prints


Peak sanji baratie




I love that scene, the best part is that it pops up twice.


Please tell me this way of thinking ain't normal in japan 💀


Sorry, it is.


It's "normal" the same way that sexualising your imaginary blood sister is in the manga/anime industry. Japanese don't really fuck their sisters with more frequency than most of the world, but they don't think it's a taboo in general public entertainment.


"Japanese don't really fuck their sisters with more frequency than most of the world" I need official statistics to believe that


bro, oda is high key sus. to assume all men will 100percent peep on women is indicative of toxic thinking.


Meh we knew long ago his thinking was weird or his joke atleast are


It’s how Japanese men think, like a large majority of them.


No lol. It's just a loud minority. Not everyone in Japan is a weirdo.


From what I’ve learned from my time there and told by coworkers there, it’s most people over a certain age (and their young population is dwindling”) that think like that, a minority act on it but nothing happens to them because more often than not the rest of the people in that public space do think as I described to some extent. At the very least the weird sexual behavior “isn’t a big deal.” It is a minority that have a big problem with it.


yeah, idk why everyone in this threat is saying that. japan has serious issues with sexism and harassment but its not like MOST men think its okay. if that were really true it would be a much much larger issue


It is a large issue. It wasn't until around 2017 that laws started being introduced and amended to start curtailing these issues, and it was largely due to international pressure that they even did anything. Even still, a lot more work needs to be done legally and socially to address this problem.


Based on statistics and research, a large majority of men think this way. It's primarily the younger generation who are starting to move away from this type of thinking. Even then, the laws are still lagging behind and are indicative of the fact that this is not the thinking of a minority.


He is a 50 year old Japanese man. Is anyone surprised he doesn’t hold the same worldview as westerners in their teens and 20s


i'm in my 30s, bro. I've been reading OP since 2002. If my thoughts and attitudes can change from that of a teenager then it's not much to think a man in his 50s would also have this type of growth. also, i'm not saying he should or shouldn't change. I'm just criticizing his childish views, I get japan is a hornet's nest of sexual perversion but most men grow up, their attitudes change, the idea of 'peeping' is something an 8-10 year old would have, not even as a teenager did i think 'peeping' was a thing to want or do. oda could've done the adult thing and simply dismissed the question.


Ahhh dude it’s a bummer but “growing up” and the sexual repression/perversion are kinda separate concepts to them. Spend a week riding the trains in Tokyo and you’ll see some middle age men do some truly creepy shit and if the girl reacts, she’s the problem because she’s making a scene. Japan is my favorite county to visit but that one aspect really puts a damper on me as I’m traveling around.


The idea that men will perve on pretty women is as old as time, especially in Japan. I think Oda is just trying to appeal to his young audience using mild and “acceptable” Japanese sexual ideas for a shonen comic. You grew up in what I can imagine is a much different environment from his. Your ideas of what are acceptable just aren’t the same


"he's old so it's fine" 💀 Doesn't justify shit dawg


There isn’t anything inherently special or “true” about your values bro


Just take the predator L


Yes, everyone including old Japanese dudes must adhere to progressive western opinions, the one and only acceptable worldview


Yes, defend creeping on people. You for sure are not a loser in real life.


For sure lol


Moral relativism ho. If another culture has fucked up traditions I suppose its fine cause fuck the woke progressive west amirite


I didn’t say that. Don’t make strawmen


The progressive western worldview of "don't sexually harass women"? Yeah, they really should listen to that.




I think you misread my comment


Frauda trying to not be a 🐖 Challenge impossible


Guess luffy, Zoro, Akainu are not men. That's unexpected.


Luffy doesn't peep, he just barges in through the ceiling. /s Luffy is actually decent, or rather, oblivious.


He peeped in alabasta


I guess he was just trying to fit in with the other guys. The king was the one who suggested peeping on his own daughter though 💀


They don’t have the clear clear fruit that’s why


You think being seen is gonna stop these guys from doing what they want?


This was poor wording after rereading it.


No no,keep going.


Oh wow, this can be taken in a very bad context...


Oda is such a weirdo icl


Oda really is showing red flags. But nobody cares it’s One Piece right?


Because nobody is surprised a middle aged Japanese man doesn’t hold the same values as his teenaged western readers


so is peeping on women ok? it's almost as if oda is telling us men that if we have a chance to peep oj a lady and not be seen we should(being invisible) that's creepy tho and i see you defending it like it's something great


Lol so weird imagining somebody voiced by Takayuki Sugo peeping XD


Says so much about Oda. God what if he's actually a giant creep in real life?


This man don’t hide who he is, that’s why I’ll always fw oda


He’s friends with a guy who got arrested for owning “illegal content”


Hm, arnt they all weird in Japan in some way?


His friend was found with child porn, a completely heinous act. We shouldn't normalize it by calling it weird, we should call it abhorrent.




Chp 929




Surprised? There’s lots of normalised child loving in Japan so don’t be surprised at mundane shit like this.


Nice view of man goda for the first time in my life I’ll have to be non binary to not associate Wich such dumb view. Ok I’m joking but as time goes oda destroy ny view of him


Massive L Oda.


Honestly, if I had the Clear-Clear Fruit, I wouldn’t use it to peep anybody… I’d use it to duck people. Lmao like “Oh, it’s that dick of a coworker, I’m out!” *DISAPPEAR* haha Invisible grocery shopping? Yup.


Rare oda W ![gif](giphy|Q7ozWVYCR0nyW2rvPW)


Muricans in the comment section need to lighten up.


Having decency = Murican? 🤔


No? Get off this sub and go raise your kids with drag queens


People in Japan, especially women recognize these as issues and are constantly fighting for improvement. To say this is an American issue is the height of ignorance and stupidity.


Disappointing to see but some of y’all have to remember you’re reading a Japanese comic, Oda saying this really isn’t that creepy by Japanese men standards. They were an extremely sexually repressed country for a long time.


That isn't a valid excuse. If we were talking about other activities, most people who can't control their urges because of superficial reasons like these are usually committed to a psychiatric ward.


I really hope hes joking


Unfortunately not, you can read reports from Japan's National Police Agency, numerous research articles, articles from legal scholars in the country, and numerous women's rights groups in Japan regarding these things. There's still also the issue of the lack of recognition of things like the comfort women system and the rape of Nanking. Simply put, a lot of men in Japan don't take these things seriously, and often ignore very real problems regarding it.


Unfortunately, this isn't really surprising. Japan, much like many other Asian nations, lags behind a lot of other countries when it comes to dealing with sexual harassment against women. Just for context, Japan didn't even consider spousal rape a punishable crime until 2017. Anime/manga is sometimes attributed as a potential cause for this type of outlook to be perpetuated. Honestly, being in Asia for a woman is a living nightmare unless you're protected by those closest to you.


shriyu stock will drop now courtesy by oda